Infinite campus ccsd. Go to Infinite Campus system.
Infinite campus ccsd Your student’s safety and privacy are a primary concern. Please select this video link for a brief overview of the new functionality. For example, Jane Doe might use: jane. Settings To access Settings, click on the User Menu (Silhouette Icon) in the upper right corner, Clever; Canvas; Infinite Campus; GSuite for Education (Google) Microsoft Office 365; Active Directory (on-campus school computer login) Note: If you get login errors only when logging into some, but not all systems, follow the reset Home / FAQ / Infinite Campus Gradebook Help. ) sems. Is Campus Parent/Student secure? A. Parents/Guardians of currently enrolled students may complete online registration using their Infinite Campus account. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours TECHNOLOGY & INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES DIVISION August 2020 STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES Page 2 of 3 CAMPUS PARENT - HOW TO ACCESS 5. Infinite Campus. Search Infinite Campus. Si está iniciando sesión en Infinite Campus (IC) por primera vez en su iPad RMMS, haga clic en el icono IC. It’s a powerful tool that’s available district wide. The easy-to-use design displays what is currently happening in the classroom so you can understand, monitor, and participate in the educational process. com Employee Self Service Infinite Campus. Coxsackie-Athens Central School District; Coxsackie Elementary School; Edward J. Pathway: sems. Para obtener información sobre cómo iniciar la sesión en el Portal del Campus, favor de ira a ccsd. If you need login assistance, please contact the Infinite Campus Parent Portal Help Desk at (702) 799-7678. Clark County Infinite Campus is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. Campus Parent - Getting Started. 702-799-3300; uss. To help you more effectively monitor the progress of your child, 0068-SDM-portalsupport@nv. Infinite Campus Portal Information Website - Parents. CCSD has implemented a content filtering application called GoGuardian, which will block students from accessing dangerous or inappropriate [] READ MORE. Be sure you are in the correct school year under the "Enrollment" drop-down!Students can "Claim Your Account" for Google and Infinite Campus through myaccount. Username Information: Infinite Campus: Old - username (123456)(Student ID), New - User (Bob. Please check back after the above date to access the Parent/Student Portal. Bonanza High School Bonanza High Las Vegas, NV 89146 Phone (702) 799-4000. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours Infinite Campus Start up PDF. User Account. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD If you do not have an Infinite Campus account, please contact student services at your student’s school at the numbers below. CCSD Magnet Schools Information. Declaración de Objetivos: La misión de los Servicios y Sistemas de Tecnología e Información es proporcionar liderazgo y apoyo relacionado con la tecnología para mejorar la aptitud del Distrito de cumplir sus metas. Oneplace. net). Focus: 2024. Changing your Google password also changes your Canvas and Infinite Campus passwords. If it is not accurate, you can update your contact information there. Families with currently enrolled students can complete DIVISIÓN DE SERVICIOS DE SISTEMAS TECNOLÓGICOS Y DE INFORMACIÓN Mayo 2019 SERVICIOS DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN ESTUDIANTIL Pág. Posted April 2, 2018. Your CCSD Enter your login ID and password to access ParentLink. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility standards, however, please note that third party content is not tested for accessibility. Let’s find your district. ccsd. Infinite Campus helps schools and their stakeholders by Transforming K12 Education®. Infinite Campus System CCSD Staff. net and get all technology help at StuTech. 256079)(beginning of student email) ¿ Có mo p u e d e n l o s p a d re s / t u to re s c re a r s u c u e nta d e Ca mp u s p a ra Pa d re s ? Las cuentas Campus para Padres son creadas por el Enlace del Campus escolar de su hijo. ¿Qué es Infinite Campus? R. IMPORTANT: The form is only accessible when you are logged into a Google account. Learn more about CCSD's five-year strategic plan and get updates on our progress. We use Infinite Campus as our student information system, serving as the central hub for grades, assessment scores, attendance, behavior records, and much more. Click on Community. Our add-on products seamlessly integrate with the SIS for a streamlined, powerful platform that’s free from third-party systems. Infinite Campus is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. proporciona indicaciones sobre como iniciar la sesión en el Portal del Campus. New to CCSD? » Infinite Campus » Paper Tutoring » Parent/Student Handbook + Parent Resources » 2024-25 Absence Note » School Schedule » School Organizational Team » Infinite Campus + Faculty » Faculty & Staff » Teacher Wishlists + Contact » Contact Us » Directions Infinite Campus is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. The Campus Portal can be used to view your grades, schedule, attendance, etc. ccsd. PREGUNTAS MÁS FRECUENTES SOBRE El PORTAL DEL CAMPUS GENERAL P. If you are a CCSD employee signing into Infinite Campus to complete work related tasks. Distance Learning Resources – Clever. Infinite Campus' Campus Parent is designed to provide real-time access to student information. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD The Infinite Campus portal provides students and parents with real-time access to assignments, grades, schedule, announcements, attendance, and more. This internal Infinite Campus. Clark County Infinite Campus Information Portal (Parents/Students) Parent/Student Portal will be unavailable until Monday, July 29, 2019, at 8:00 AM (PDT). Open and log-in to Infinite Campus. Posted August 21, 2020. Click here for help accessing your account! Finding the Online Registration in Infinite Campus. Have A Question? Contact Us or 702-799-CCSD. How can I find the Site Infinite Campus Power Users at my school? I need help CAMPUS PARENT/STUDENT - FAQS TECHNOLOGY & INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES DIVISION May 2021 STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES Page 4 of 4 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Q. In. CCSD K-12 Student Code of Conduct. Click on the icon below to log in to Campus Parent: Parents who have children new to Students can find their schedules on Infinite Campus by clicking on the Menu lines, and then "Schedule. Infinite Campus is the District’s student information system. Pulse en Infinite Campus. Who do I contact for assistance with 504 plans in Infinite Campus? Please call the SEMS Helpdesk on the WAN 0655-0295 or (702) 799-0295, or feel free to email SEMS Helpdesk via Gmail at 0068-SDM-semshd@nv. School records may be accessed only by authorized school officials and Contact Information. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours of 6:00 AM-5:00 PM PST. Elementos de Seguridad (Security Features) El Portal del Campus incorpora el más alto nivel de seguridad. Go to Infinite Campus system. Fax (702) 799-0202 Infinite Campus. Come join the CCSD team. Todos los distritos escolares de kindergarten al 12e grado utilizan un sistema de Canvas LMS is your online classroom for CCSD. Registration: Families new to CCSD may begin their registration process online via register. Call 702-799-2580 ext 4065 or email Erin Berg at morrier@nv. net/parents/infinite-campus. net for technical support. carthagecsd. The Cowboy Way. You may also email 0068-SDM-portalsupport@nv. Central Support at campus. By default, school administrators and those granted the Building Communicator role in Infinite Campus are able to send messages. Contact Us. Find links to sign in, view grades, attendance, etc. In the upper right side of the window, select the App Switcher tab. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours The first day of the 2022-23 school year is Monday, August 8, 2022. CAMPUS PARENT/STUDENT AND MOBILE APP USER GUIDE Page 2 of 20 August 2020 TECHNOLOGY & INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES DIVISION portalsupport@nv. 2. Search Infinite Campus System CCSD Staff. Click on 'Infinite Campus Portal' under the Quick L inks menu: Select CAMPUS PARENT or CAMPUS STUDENT. Parent o Campus Student, y/o a la Aplicación Móvil. ACCESO A LA INSCRIPCIÓN EN LÍNEA 1. jdoe jdoe@myemail. CCSD Food Services. Campus Portal Login. If you are a Parent/Guardian or a Student signing into Infinite Campus to view grades, attendance, etc. net) Email Address (required) Contact Phone (required) Subject Your Message (required) Please be specific when describing the issue or requesting help. is CCSD’s professional development tracking and learning management system (use AD credentials to access). We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility Learn how to access Infinite Campus, the online platform for CCSD staff, parents and students. Report cards. Enter a Username. Aplicación Móvil Las aplcaciones móviles nuevas, Campus Student (para estudiantes) y Campus Parent (para padres) se pueden descargar de Google Play o del App Store. Infinite Campus . The department offers instructor-led and elearning sessions for enterprise-wide systems (Infinite Campus, SAP, ELMS, Human Capital Management) and business productivity software (Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, G Suite). In the search field, enter either Campus Parent or Campus Student to find the application. Additionally, we provide Tier II and Tier III technical support for desktops and peripherals. The Nevada IEP, Data Plan, Service Plan, and Evaluation documents have been completely rewritten with the New Look of Infinite Campus. To login, use your AD credentials. Los padres que ya tienen a sus hijos en una escuela del CCSD accederán al Portal para padres de Infinite Campus (Infinite Campus Parent Portal) para inscribirlos. parentlink. CCSD is committed to providing a learning and work environment free from discrimination on the basis of race, creed/religion, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, gender Infinite Campus. New families to CCSD may register online at register. Clark County Infinite Campus; CCSD Archive Committee; Pollen and Mold Alert; Gold Card for Seniors; Mental Health Resources; CCSD Foster Care Department; CCSD Medicaid School Health Services; Say No To Bullying; Public Records Request; Public Concern; Achieving Equity and Access; Superintendent's Student Equity and Access Advisory Commission Letter (PDF) Infinite Campus. Submit a separate This is the form for requesting additional rights for Infinite Campus for users who are based out of schools (Teachers, Counselors, SBTs, etc). Report CCSD Interim Superintendent Dr. Campus Parent/Student Parent/Guardian or Student. net in the browser address bar, select Infinite Campus Production, OR Open Mozilla Firefox, type campus. CCSD uses Active Directory (AD) to manage the account you use to login to school district computers and applications. Chaparral High School 3850 Annie Oakley Drive Las Vegas, NV 89121 P: (702) 799-7580 F: (702) 799 T here are several ways to get to CAMPUS PARENT or CAMPUS STUDENT: On our website: 1. Newsroom. Most district applications can only be accessed from a computer on the CCSD network, however, The new mobile applications, Campus Student (for students) and Campus Parent (for parents) can be downloaded from Google Play or the App Store. Districts use our flagship student information system to streamline educational processes, promote stakeholder collaboration and personalize learning. The Technology and Information Systems Services Division (TISS) provides technology related leadership, coordination, resources, and support needed to achieve the District mission. Office (702) 799-5385. CCSD Campus Parent/Student Information. En el campo de búsqueda, ingrese ya sea Campus Parent o Campus Student para encontrar la aplicación. How to Navigate Infinite Campus; Links; Campus Portal Parent Information: Canyon Springs High School Canyon Springs High School . By James Slater. Visit Campus Parent/Student. 0. CAMPUS PARA PADRES/ESTUDIANTES Y APLICACIÓN MÓVIL GUÍA DE USUARIO Page 5 of 21 May 2020 TECHNOLOGY & INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES DIVISION STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES Configuraciones > Configuraciones de la Cuenta Las Configuraciones de la Cuenta le permiten a los usuarios actualizar su correo electrónico de Skip to main content. Arthur Elementary School; Parents who have children currently registered in a CCSD school use their Campus Parent account to re-register their children or add a student. Teachers take advantage of digital learning tools to deliver Visit Campus Parent/Student. 1 of 4 CAMPUS PARA PADRES/ESTUDIANTES - PREGUNTAS MÁS FRECUENTES GENERAL P. 350 E Alexander Road North Las Vegas, NV 89032 P: (702) 799-1870 F: (702) 799-1876 CCSD. Find technical assistance, download the mobile app, and access Infinite Campus es un sistema de información del estudiante a nivel de distrito diseñado para controlar la asistencia, calificaciones, horarios, evaluaciones y otra información relacionada Para obtener más información sobre el Portal Infinite Campus, haga clic en este enlace: http://ccsd. Password Sherron Dickenson, Director II. Si no le han Infinite Campus (Student information system used by central and school office personnel, teachers, etc. ". Clark County Infinite Campus - Student Login. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD PATH: Campus Parent/Student Portal or Mobile App > Login Page From the Campus Parent/Student portal or mobile app login page, select the Fo rgo t Pa s swo rd orFo rgo t U s e r n a me recovery linksto retrieve a username (parents/guardians and students) or to reset a password (parents only). Keller Middle School Library. Here Nevada Special Ed Documents New Look in Infinite Campus . Infinite Campus is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. Assessment reports and scores (NWEA reports, NYSED scores, etc. If you’re looking for the Canvas LMS trainings, webinars or PDEs that are available, search Pathlore for “Canvas”. SafeVoice. » Infinite Campus Help » Volunteer » CCSD Resources Everyone MUST re-register in Infinite Campus for the 2021-2022 school year. net (officially named Blackboard Mass Communications), Open and log-in to Infinite Campus. ) Infinite Campus System CCSD Staff. Keller MS Bell Schedule. Infinite Campus es un sistema de información del estudiante The form below can be used to request access for up to three Canvas Controllers for each CCSD location. Clark County Infinite Campus Inscripción en Línea Estudiantes Nuevos en CCSD Revisado: Marzo del 2015 . Clark County Infinite Campus. DIVISIÓN DE SERVICIOS DE TECNOLOGÍA E INFORMACIÓN May 2021 SERVICIOS DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMACIÓN ESTUDIANTIL Pág. It can also be used to communicate with your teachers. net in the browser address bar, OR Double click the IC shortcut on desktop Enter AD credentials in the Log In window and hit enter. Todos los distritos escolares de kindergarten al 12 grado utilizan un sistema de base de datos para gestionar la información y mantener los historiales del estudiante. Administrators efficiently run their schools and spend more time with kids. The CCSD Standard account is what students will use to log into all computers on campus or school Chromebooks, Infinite Campus, Canvas, Clever, and Office 365. Clark County School District 5100 W Sahara Ave. Infinite Campus connects districts to the most modern, innovative, and comprehensive SIS (featuring 1500+ core tools). Este es el primer paso para reinscribir a su hijo en la escuela. Find answers to common Find guides, tips and resources for using Infinite Campus, CCSD's student information system. CCSD Foster Care Department; CCSD Medicaid School Health Services; Achieving Equity and Access; Plan for the Safe Return to In-Person Instrucon (PDF) Plan de regreso seguro a las escuelas (PDF) Superintendent's Student Equity and Access Advisory Commission Letter (PDF) 2023 Scorecard - Achieving Equity and Access (PDF) Infinite Campus System CCSD Staff. Staff Portal. Clark County Skip to main content. The app is available to students and parents at no cost and can be downloaded directly from the iTunes App Store, Google play store, Infinite Campus. Clark County School District. The Clark County School is now using Infinite Campus as our portal for attendance and grades - find out more below. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Already a CCSD student/family? Families with currently enrolled students can complete registration using Campus Parent via Infinite Campus (campusportal. Please allow up to 24 hours for a response. Search Infinite Campus Cowan Academic Center 5300 E Russell Rd, Las Vegas, Nv. net or visit their zoned school. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone, and applying the relevant accessibility Learn how to access and use the Campus Portal, a web-based system that provides real-time information about your child's school performance and activities. Select the first option: Reset your password. Infinite Campus Gradebook Help. Home. Infinite Campus is our student information system used for tracking attendance, grades, behavior, etc. Schools. Announcements; Assignments; August 29, 2018 Infinite Campus Special EducationUser Guide Page 6 of 117 Introduction The IEP in Infinite Campus (IC) The Special Education module in Infinite Campus allows users the ability to create and amend a student’s IEP plans, allows EnlacesRápidos–EnlacesComunesparalospadresy estudiantes. How to find account information. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD Registration is done through the CCSD online registration system. Learn how to access and use Campus Parent/Student, a secure website that provides real-time student information for parents/guardians and students in CCSD. After completing the online registration application, bring all required documents to your child’s zoned school. Clark County Infinite Campus System CCSD Staff. User Account Maintenance https://campus. For questions about your student account, please Si ya ha iniciado sesión en Infinite Campus (IC) en el iPad, haga clic en el icono de IC y luego vaya al Paso 6. Click on [] READ MORE. Log In to the Mobile App When logging in to the mobile app, type “Clark” into the District Name field, and Infinite Campus Information Portal (Parents/Students) Parent/Student Portal will be unavailable until Monday, July 29, 2019, at 8:00 AM (PDT). Home / Infinite Campus. To submit a request to send a [] READ MORE. Video Training for Portal. Infinite Campus; CCSD Archive Committee; Pollen and Mold Alert; Gold Card for Seniors; Mental Health Resources; CCSD Foster Care Department; CCSD Medicaid School Health Services; Say No To Bullying; Public Records Request; Public Concern; Achieving Equity and Access; Superintendent's Student Equity and Access Advisory Commission Letter (PDF) Visit Campus Parent/Student. Visit/bookmark the Infinite Campus Portal link directly. net. php Download the app today! Login Helper for Clark County School District. Infinite Campus is linked to the District’s Finalsite mass notification system. To ensure your privacy, Infinite Campus does not have your username or password information. Learn how to access, manage and report grades, attendance, behavior Infinite Campus is a Web-based system that helps parents and guardians effectively monitor the progress of their students. dickesy@nv. READ MORE. Please ensure your contact information listed in Infinite Campus' Campus Parent portal is accurate. What is Infinite Campus? To help you more effectively monitor the progress of your child, the Clark County School District provides a web-based system. Skip to main content. net; Links. A person can be a controller at multiple locations. Click here for more information. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours Technology and Information Systems. New students can CLICK HERE for their AD/Google username. There, you can update your email addresses by clicking the Account icon in the top right corner and then clicking Settings: Then click Contact Preferences and you will see the following form: You can also see the other Onboard accounts which have added this student and are linked to the student via Infinite Campus. Campus Parent/Student Information. Posted March 26, 2018. Download Campus Parent or Campus Student for your mobile device. The system provides detailed, real-time information, Infinite Campus. Parents/guardians can access the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to view important information like: Parent/guardian and emergency contact information. Contact Information. For assistance with the Shared Housing Application, please contact the Shared Housing Department at (702) 799-8630 or 151-sharedhousing@nv. Infinite Campus accounts for students are automatically created when a student is enrolled. The Campus Mobile Portal app provides a fast convenient way for both students and parents to check grades, assignments schedule, attendance, and daily planner information on their iOS or Android device. Sign in with your CCSD AD account. Parents who have children new to CCSD or are returning after having left CCSD can use the link below to register. Sa f eVoice is the new statewide reporting system for threats to school and reports of bullying. Bienvenido a la inscripción en línea del CCSD. Downloading the Parent Campus App & Signing in For the First Time. com CCSD Foster Care Department; CCSD Medicaid School Health Services; Achieving Equity and Access; Plan for the Safe Return to In-Person Instrucon (PDF) Plan de regreso seguro a las escuelas (PDF) Superintendent's Student Equity and Access Advisory Commission Letter (PDF) 2023 Scorecard - Achieving Equity and Access (PDF) Infinite Campus is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. KMS Student Handbook. PHS Student Services: 847-755-1633 FHS Student Services: 847 Contact Information. For technical assistance, contact the Campus Liaison at your child's school during school hours. net > Resources > SEMS Infinite Campus Resources > SEMS Infinite Campus Quick References. Clark County All active CCSD students have access to a CCSD-Based Google Apps account. Si usted no tiene una cuenta de Infinite Campus, por favor contacte a servicios estudiantiles en la escuela de su estudiante en los numeros a continuacion. doe janedoe ms. The Clark County School District does not knowingly discriminate against any person on the basis Employee Business Training, part of User Support Services, provides training services and support to all District employees. This system allows users to search and register for training, view required videos, and request training Campus Parent Web Portal. SEMS Helpdesk (702) 799-0295. Parents/guardians must ParentLink, ccsd. A fast and easy way for parents and students to check their grades (CCSD) serves 300,000 students - each with unique skills, talents, passions, and stories to tell, each of whom deserves the best education possible to allow them to realize their hopes and dreams for the future. net OR 702-799-PORT (7678). Page updated. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD Infinite Campus Parents. A fast and easy way for parents and students to check their grades, assignments and class schedules. Clark County Click on the button below to log in to Campus Parent: Online Registration - Existing Student New To District. ConsentimientoparalaRevelacióndeInformaciónde Medicaid-EstomostraráelformulariodelConsentimiento Best Practice in Grading - Infinite Campus FAQ 1. To retrieve a Campus Parent/Student username: The User Support Services Help Desk (USSHD) is responsible for assisting users with access login problems, password resets and providing application assistance for the following programs: Mainframe (Passport), Infinite Campus (IC), Gmail and SAP. This is the student CCSD Standard Account. i cm I ?forceSetP User Settings Set User Account Recovery Emai I Dislikes A ctivties AND To obtain your Infinite Campus Parent Portal login information, please complete the form by clicking the link below. Get the latest news, information and Infinite Campus. If you are new or don’t know your password, go to https://myaccount. Your Username will need to be unique and something easy to remember. 89122 (702) 799-6380 Infinite Campus. ) G Suite/Google (CCSD’s Email & Collaboration system) ELMS (CCSD’s professional development tracking, registration, & learning management system) Canvas LMS (Learning management system used by both students & teachers. Student schedules and attendance. Larsen-Mitchell Delivers 2025 State of the Schools Address . Click here to read a full walk through. 1 de 3 CAMPUS PARA PADRES - COMO ACCEDER CUENTAS DE CAMPUS PARA PADRES A cada padre y/o tutor se le proporciona una clave de activación única para acceder al Campus para Padres. TECHNOLOGY & INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES DIVISION August 2020 STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES Page 1 of 2 CAMPUS STUDENT – HOW TO ACCESS CAMPUS STUDENT ACCOUNTS Every student will be provided with their Username and Password to access Campus Student. Parents who need to activate their Infinite Campus Portal account can contact their [] Infinite Campus is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for people with disabilities. Parents of currently enrolled students can register using the link on the left-hand side once logged into their Infinite Campus Portal account. A variety of support documentation IC knowledge base – Central Support at campus. net, or call the Portal Help Desk at 702-799-PORT (702-799-7678), Monday-Friday between the hours Next, sign in to Infinite Campus. Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA 702-799-CCSD CAMPUS PARENT/STUDENT - MOBILE APP USER GUIDE Page 4 of 20 May 2021 TECHNOLOGY & INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES DIVISION STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SERVICES Login screen for Campus Parent/Campus Student Whether you are logging in to the mobile app or on the web, you will need to enter your Username/Password All student's usernames were changed from a Student ID Number to the first part of the student's CCSD email. You can find more information about using the Portal by clicking Viewing/Navigating the Parent Portal (training) link on C Resetting Passwords: Active Directory (AD), G Suite, Infinite Campus, and more To reset and/or change your password, go to myaccount. Find Us. All new and returning families will register online via Infinite Campus for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. In Your Google (nv. QUESTION: Should guidelines be developed for assigning the categories (weight) of QUESTION: Since the Clark County School District (CCSD) Report Card reflects a student’s mastery of grade-level standards, how should grades be recorded for assessments measuring Infinite CaràÞ Username Password S Sign In Transforming Kl 2 Education@ Campus Portal Clark Infinite Camp s PORTAL . Coxsackie-Athens Central School District 24 Sunset Blvd Coxsackie, NY 12051 518-731-1700 518-731-1729. This search provides links to your district’s Infinite Campus login pages. Families with multiple children will also see an option in certain areas to copy the responses from one child to the next, speeding up the process. How to Log Out Select LOGOUT from the Toolbar Infinite Campus System CCSD Staff. Parents can also conveniently use this platform to register their students for school, update contact information, and access their student's schedule. Visit www. org 2. net{ campus/ user/ accountMaintenanw'accountMaintenance. fytqr mwlbrdap iwfb lcnl epzsurer eipt nmgxvo tjtzjlcv hcsbma esmei tseueh elbfeo upmjhd onvfea dtwrvld