Simplelogin self host Users can both receive and send emails with aliases created using SimpleLogin. Generous free plan with uncapped bandwidth and infinite sends/replies, self-hostable, lot of powerful features, open roadmap, you can count on SimpleLogin to guard your email inbox' and is a popular Anti-Spam tool in the security & privacy category. However some email providers mistakenly put SimpleLogin emails into Spam or Junk folder ☹️. com by your actual subdomain. The self-hosting is based on Docker and could be run on almost any I can only speak for myself, but my honest answer would be that indeed, self-hosting probably won't be easy to do any time soon. Recently, I came across a new service that is self-hostable and seems quite useful: Mar 4, 2025 · SimpleLogin is open source, can be self-hosted and is 100% funded by the community. Jan 30, 2025 · What are the best practices to move from simplelogin. Open-source and easy to self-host. Feb 11, 2025 · SimpleLogin wurde von Grund auf mit dem Ziel entwickelt, die besten Benutzererfahrungen für Entwickler zu bieten. Feb 19, 2025 · Opgebouwd vanaf de grond, SimpleLogin gaat voor de beste ervaring voor ontwikkelaars. If you go to your domain detail page and click on "Info", SimpleLogin actúa como un firewall para proteger su bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico personal. com when you are ordering a McDonald burger without opening SimpleLogin app. For example, if you own the subdomain my-sub. Mar 4, 2025 · SimpleLogin is the most advanced email alias solution. Protect your email address with email ALIAS. 0 PHP; Communication - Mar 5, 2025 · SimpleLogin NEVER sends spam. Built from the ground up, SimpleLogin strikes to have the best experiences for developers. All emails sent to an alias are forwarded to your personal email address. by Jeremy February 21, 2025 • 7 min read; Comments. Share on X; Share on Facebook; Share SimpleLogin - Open source email alias solution to protect your email address. ## What distinguishes SimpleLogin: - Open-source and easy to self-host. Once everything is running, you'll get additional goodies—a sleek file sharing interface with password-protected, multi-user storage, a built-in image and video Jan 28, 2025 · SimpleLogin は、プライバシーとセキュリティを確保するための私のお気に入りの製品の 1 つです。 プレミアム プランでは、カスタム ドメインに即座にアクセスできるため、たとえばキャッチオール ルールを使用してすべてのカスタム ドメインを管理し、その場で使用で Mar 5, 2025 · Entrambe queste 2 funzionalità ti consentono di creare alias al volo, ciò significa che non è necessario aprire SimpleLogin per creare un nuovo alias. 贡献使开源社区成为一个学习、激励和创造的绝佳场所。你所作的任何贡献都是非常感谢的。 Fork 这个项目 创建你的特性分支 (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)提交你的代码 (git commit -m 'Add some Mar 5, 2025 · Fill on the values as recommended on SimpleLogin domain page: @ for "Host", mx1. Instead, if you start receiving spam sent to your alias, you can either: disable the alias or; block the sender Dec 3, 2024 · Self Host SimpleLogin on your own server and deply it in 2 clicks. SimpleLogin bergantung pada dukungan Anda untuk SimpleLogin is an *open-source* email alias solution that allows you to quickly create an email alias. Pros. Proton is supported by FONGIT (a non-profit foundation financed by the Swiss Federal Commission for Technology and Innovation for the public good), and Feb 21, 2025 · How to Self Host and Install WG-Easy VPN using a VPS. 6 days ago · SimpleLogin is an open source solution to protect your email inbox. Blog. Create a different email alias for each website. We'll set up a simple, lightweight file server on Linux using the Caddy web server paired with the appropriately named File Browser file sharing software. However, one of the few things that didn’t change was SimpleLogin’s legal domicile, which today remains in France, as SimpleLogin SAS is based in Paris. Jan 30, 2025 · SimpleLogin は SimpleLogin SAS の製品であり、フランスでは SIREN 番号 884302134 で登録されています。SimpleLogin SAS は Proton AG の一部です。 Developer Sign in with SimpleLogin GitHub API Docs Status Company 価格 Blog 私たちについて Mar 5, 2025 · SimpleLogin is de enige oplossing voor e-maildoorsturen die zelf gehost kan worden, wat betekent dat u SimpleLogin op uw eigen server kunt draaien. See All Tools. Construida desde cero, SimpleLogin intenta tener la mejor experiencia para desarrolladores. io. Self Host SimpleLogin on your own server and deply it in SimpleLogin 是一个开源项目(你可以在 GitHub) 免费提供(带有高级升级选项),旨在保护您的电子邮件的私密性。 与临时电子邮件服务不同,它会为您的电子邮件地址生成一个永久随机 You may want to use builtin facility within SimpleLogin to achieve the same results. As I have some personal domains, I wanted to check it out, but of course the self SimpleLogin - protect your online privacy. Use an email alias when: - subscribing to a newsletter - signing up for a new account - giving your email to someone you don't trust. Let's fix that, by providing to the community something very lightweight, secure* (with Let's Encrypt support) and simple to use 💖. . Based in Switzerland, SimpleLogin has helped 50,000+ people protect their mailboxes against spams, phishing Mar 12, 2021 · SimpleLogin doesn’t rely on any external service. You may want to use builtin facility within SimpleLogin to achieve the same results. By following this tutorial, you can easily install SimpleLogin on your Windows 11 computer and start using it to create custom email aliases. The self-hosting is based on Docker and could be run on almost any Linux server. What distinguishes SimpleLogin: - Open-source and easy to self-host. For the standalone SimpleLogin subdomains, I was able to create one after trying a few that were already being used by other users. Happy browsing! If you want to self-host in an easy, hands free way, need an external IP address, or simply want your data in your own hands, give IPv6. More information on https://simplelogin. Mar 4, 2025 · Harga SimpleLogin bersifat open source, dapat di-host secara mandiri, dan 100% didanai oleh komunitas. io or simplelogin. Jun 30, 2024 · Why SimpleLogin? When you give away your personal email online, there is a good chance that your email address would end up with a spammer or a hacker. (Source Code) Zusam - Free and open-source way to self-host private forums for groups of friends or family. Open Source Tools. orgやなどのサービスで作成される一時的な電子メール アドレスとは異なり、永続的です。 また、SimpleLogin は電子メールを保存せず、メールボックスに保存します。 SimpleLogin は、単に異なるニーズに応じた異なる製品です。 SimpleLogin is an *open-source* email alias solution that allows you to quickly create an email alias. L'unico limite è che deve avere meno di 128 caratteri. Wrapping Up. Met onze gedetailleerde zelfhosting-instructies en de meeste componenten die als Docker-container worden uitgevoerd, kunt u, als u bekend bent met SSH, SimpleLogin op uw server Jan 16, 2025 · SimpleLogin is an open source email aliasing service. Set up your own server instance manually. To mark SimpleLogin as safe senders, please follow these short tutorials. Communication - Email - Complete Solutions. Ports Required. Lo que distingue a SimpleLogin: - De código abierto y fácil de auto-host. This is link to commit And this is link to negative official discussion about this Jun 1, 2016 · webpack 开箱即用,可以无需使用任何配置文件。然而,webpack 会假定项目的入口起点为 src/index,然后会在 dist/main. SimpleLogin. SimpleLogin is an open source solution to protect your email inbox. Mar 5, 2025 · Having a subdomain allows you to quickly create aliases on the fly, i. Once your domain DNS records are set up, you can then create aliases with it. Here are some differences between SimpleLogin and other email forwarding/alias services: Fully open-source: both SimpleLogin server and client code (browser extension, JS library, mobile apps) are open-source so anyone can freely inspect and improve the code. Guard your inbox against spams, phishing. Users can still sign up to SimpleLogin separately (without having to self-host), which allows use with multiple email providers; Proton users have the option to link their Proton account to SimpleLogin. rs a try! Feb 11, 2025 · SimpleLogin のエイリアスは、temp-mail. We're trying to get a less technical audience to benefit from privacy protections too, and I don't think there's a good approach to get them to self-host as well, so focusing our limited time on other things is probably more effective. It allows you to forward emails to your SimpleLogin is an open-source email alias solution designed to safeguard your email address. and use 20 as priority instead of 10 4 days ago · Here is a discussion about Should you self-host a rustdesk server? Basic Setup. Once you have your own SimpleLogin instance running, you can change the API URL in SimpleLogin's Chrome/Firefox extension, Android/iOS app to your server. 6. We did use Amazon for SimpleLogin first version but decided to leave the platform in February 2020. 5 days ago · Authentik: Single Sign-On for Your Self-Hosted Apps (Forward Auth and OAuth2) Mar 5, 2025 · You can add your domain into SimpleLogin and create aliases like hi@your-domain. It offers a secure way to create and manage email aliases, allowing users to protect their Dec 3, 2024 · Open source email alias solution to protect your email address. com, etc. Comes with browser extensions and mobile apps. Setup WG-Easy and have your own VPN tunnel using a VPS. I also joined the sub reddit. I naively believed that would work as AWS is after all a VPS hosting service and everything can be run on EC2. SimpleLogin acts as a firewall for to protect your personal email inbox. It allows you to create quickly a random email address (aka alias). SimpleLogin depends on your support to keep the service running and SimpleLogin is a privacy-focused email aliasing service that helps you protect your identity by generating unique email aliases for different purposes. Jan 20, 2022 · SimpleLogin# SimpleLogin 是一個可以保護自己信箱不外露的一個免洗信箱的服務,他的特色有很多,像是可以一鍵退訂郵件(他會把設定的轉寄給停用),等到你需要了再打開,也可以建立自己想要的信箱帳號,我現在用的信箱[email protected] 就是用這個服務轉送的,他還支援回信的功能,讓你不再收信人 Mar 6, 2024 · At this point, SimpleLogin is now running on the server at port 7777. With SimpleLogin, you can now secure your online accounts with 2FA and private email forwarding. js 输出结果,并且在生产环境开启压缩和优化。 通常,你的项目还需要继续扩展此能力,为此你可以在项目根目录下创建一个 webpack. SimpleLogin is an *open-source* email alias solution that allows you to quickly create an email alias. Please make sure to replace sub. It offers a secure way to create and manage email aliases, allowing users to protect their primary email address from spam, phishing, and data breaches. Compatibility: this image has been tested in a production environment with SimpleLogin 4. From a privacy perspective, I’m not a huge fan of AnonAddy’s username-based approach, where all of your standard aliases can be trivially linked based on the alias subdomain. Stories about our journey to build an open-source tool to protect your privacy, what we've learnt and tips to take control of your privacy. Thanks to our email aliasing service, SimpleLogin helps you keep your inbox free of unwanted emails. May 31, 2024 · authentik makes it really easy to self-host your application. Community. Right out of the gates, they provide a Docker Compose example and a Kubernetes example. - Open-source and easy to self-host. No more phishing, or spam. g. for "Value", 10 for Priority. We do not use your data, track you or show you ads. In addition, no one can spoof SimpleLogin emails thanks to SPF, Dkim and Dmarc protection. The Examples shown throughout the docs will generally have all ports suggested to be Jan 1, 2024 · In 2022, SimpleLogin joined forces with Proton, allowing us to benefit from Proton’s infrastructure, deliverability, and anti-abuse expertise to make SimpleLogin better. co. And please do not put SimpleLogin emails into Spam, as this is harmful to our email delivery reputation. What distinguishes SimpleLogin: - Aug 6, 2024 · Download SimpleLogin: Open-source Email Protection for Firefox. Self Host SimpleLogin. - Open-source and easy to self-host Jul 11, 2023 · I originally chose SimpleLogin because it was a bit easier to self-host, although I ended up switching to their hosted version eventually. This repository suppports issuing wildcard certificates for any number of subdomains using This README contains instructions on how to self host SimpleLogin. This README contains instructions on how to self host SimpleLogin. Ensure data privacy, meet compliance standards, and enjoy complete flexibility and customization. 5beta * if a TLS certificate cannot be automatically generated when starting the container SimpleLogin is an *open-source* email alias solution that allows you to quickly create an email alias. Jul 1, 2024 · Why SimpleLogin? When you give away your personal email online, there is a good chance that your email address would end up with a spammer or a hacker. Kami tidak menggunakan data Anda, melacak Anda, atau menampilkan iklan kepada Anda. Best Open Source Tools Categories Licenses. co domains. Longer explanation: The emails are proxied through a server, so the ability to find the original email is dependent on if the traffic can be traced beyond the Jun 17, 2022 · Feature name Custom API Url for simplelogin (maybe also for other disposable email generator services) Feature function Allow a user to specify the app url of the simplelogin API key. Aug 6, 2024 · SimpleLogin acts as a firewall for to protect your personal email inbox. Don't forget to click on to save the change. For these reasons, we decide to run our MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) on EC2 directly. I Mar 5, 2025 · 85% of all emails are Spam. Adding a NameCheap subdomain to SimpleLogin is similar to adding a NameCheap domain. Jun 10, 2024 · SimpleLogin seems a better approach than e. Follow their code on GitHub. Personally, I would really love to see this succeed as Aug 6, 2024 · SimpleLogin acts as a firewall for to protect your personal email inbox. When you use the same email address everywhere, you can be easily tracked. SimpleLogin is a great solution for protecting your personal email address and reducing the amount of unwanted spam in your inbox. com, you can make up an alias like mcdonald@my-sub. As it turns out, we ended up spending way too much time Jan 30, 2025 · SimpleLogin の収益は、透明性と持続可能なモデルに基づいており、これによりプライバシー最優先でトラッカーのない製品を実現できます。 ネイティブ アプリ、Windows アプリなどをサポートする SDK をリリースする予定はありますか? Mar 7, 2025 · Take full control of your authentication with FusionAuth’s self-hosted solution. Yeah, I also spotted: Mar 4, 2025 · About Proton . by mx2. In this page, we'll show how to add sub. Stories about our No official Postfix image, tailor-made for SimpleLogin, currently exists. js 文件,webpack 会自动使用它。 May 19, 2023 · SimpleLogin protects your real-world email addresses using custom, random, and on-the-fly disposable addresses. I confirmed a subdomain can be created as a standalone SimpleLogin subdomain, or as a subdomain of a custom domain I own. Protect your privacy. In the days before the Cloud, we used LDAP and Active Directory to solve these problems, but by Feb 7, 2022 · The next step is to follow our detailed guide to self-host it. ProtonPass is a competing product Why SimpleLogin? When you give away your personal email online, there is a good chance that your email address would end up with a spammer or a hacker. io to selfhosted? Hi! Does anyone know what the best order of opperations is in terms of changing DNS entries, setting up the server, etc? It works very well, but if you want to selfhost the newest one you can use the manual here: https: Feb 24, 2025 · Construida desde cero, SimpleLogin intenta tener la mejor experiencia para desarrolladores. Jul 28, 2023 · You may want to use builtin facility within SimpleLogin to achieve the same results. SimpleLogin comes with browser extensions and mobile apps, providing convenient access to its features across various . Feature-wise, it outstrips most of the competition. Most enterprises already have a username and password database and don’t want to manage the complexity of syncing all those user identities and credentials for all the online services they make use of. Abilitare catch-all sul tuo dominio ti permette di usare QUALSIASI_COSA@mio-dominio. Create a different email for each website to hide your real email. This repository suppports issuing wildcard certificates for any number of subdomains using Feb 3, 2020 · Better integration with existing email infrastructure for people who want to self-host SimpleLogin; You can also find a public roadmap to their plans on Trello. Share. com, contact@your-domain. com into SimpleLogin. Jan 14, 2025 · Single Sign On is widely considered to be an enterprise feature. Oct 6, 2024 · I created an Ansible role to set-up self-hosted SimpleLogin service for my email aliases. Mar 5, 2025 · SimpleLogin fonctionne sur les principales plateformes : extensions Chrome, Firefox et Safari pour les ordinateurs de bureau, applications iOS et Android pour les smartphones. This article will give you a detailed description of the steps involved in self-hosting a website in the simplest possible way. Oct 1, 2023 · Simple File Server Using Caddy and Filebrowser. config. simplelogin. Jan 22, 2024 · SimpleLogin, one of the most popular email alias tool stops support for free send email feature (old accounts (before implementation date) will not (as they claims) be affected). SimpleLogin is described as 'Open source solution to protect your personal email address. domain. Ports required for RustDesk Server self-hosting depends largely on your environment and what you want to do with RustDesk. El autohospedaje se basa en Docker y podría ejecutarse Mar 22, 2021 · Not only does it positively impact their cash flow by directly promoting and marketing SimpleLogin as a product, this will indirectly lead more 1P users to check out Proton as a result. The hosting instruction is Mar 4, 2025 · SimpleLogin is the most advanced email alias solution and is in active development. If you don't have a domain, you can buy a domain on a domain registrar like NameCheap, Aug 6, 2024 · SimpleLogin acts as a firewall for to protect your personal email inbox. Later on, you can simply block an email alias if it's too spammy. aleeas. Create the site file for your SimpleLogin instance: sudo nano / etc / nginx / sites-available / simplelogin. This repository suppports issuing wildcard certificates for any number of subdomains using Letsencrypt DNS-01 challenge using acme. - Open-source and easy to self-host Mar 4, 2025 · To mark SimpleLogin as a safe sender, please create a filter for emails sent from simplelogin. Since it is possible to self host those apps (at least Simplelogin and Anonaddy) it would be great to be able to specify the app url by along with the apikey in the clients. Emails sent to those aliases will then be forwarded to your inbox, while you stay anonymous (relatively - if you self-host you still have to use some of your domains). If you want to self-host in an easy, hands free way, need an external SimpleLogin is an *open-source* email alias solution that allows you to quickly create an email alias. it come alias, con qualunque parola al posto di QUALSIASI_COSA. Safest way is to self-host the open-sourced code. Mar 5, 2025 · SimpleLogin のエイリアスは、temp-mail. What Do You Need To Host A Website? SimpleLogin is an open-source email alias solution designed to safeguard your email address. On New Custom Alias page, you can now see your domain listed. The hosting instruction is on our SimpleLogin is an *open-source* email alias solution that allows you to quickly create an email alias. 19 May 2023. Proton is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. SimpleLogin has 21 repositories available. AGPL-3. you don't have to open SimpleLogin app to create a new alias. Open source email alias solution to protect your email address. Built upon open source technology, all SimpleLogin components are also open source. Mar 5, 2025 · SimpleLogin is an open source email aliasing service that allows you to receive and send emails anonymously. Trashmail, whose front-facing domains seem to be widely known and filtered, and it's not smooth to reply from them. Let's do the same step but this time replace mx1. sh DNS integration. It is cloud agnostic and can be run anywhere, either on a small home server for people who want self host or on a powerful dedicated server. Getting authentik running took me about 10 minutes using the Mar 5, 2025 · How to add a NameCheap subdomain to SimpleLogin. - Open-source and easy to self-host Mar 5, 2025 · Built from the ground up, SimpleLogin strikes to have the best experiences for developers. Apr 13, 2022 · TL;DR: Yes, your address will remain hidden, unless the service itself cannot be trusted and is running malicious code (that is always a risk when using third-parties). Besides, for privacy-oriented folks who self-host open-source software, it feels like being a hypocrite when we use big-tech and closed-source services/apps. orgやなどのサービスで作成される一時的な電子メール アドレスとは異なり、永続的です。 また、SimpleLogin は電子メールを保存せず、メールボックスに保存します。 Oct 6, 2024 · I created an Ansible role to set-up self-hosted SimpleLogin service for my email aliases. Mar 5, 2025 · Manage your domain. To access it, you need to pass its outgoing connection through an SSL reverse proxy. The main diffrence is you need to replace @ by sub for most DNS Thank you! Your answer was what I was looking for. e. The hosting instruction is Protect your email address with email ALIAS. SimpleLogin est la seule solution de transfert automatique des messages qui peut être auto-hébergée, c'est-à-dire que vous pouvez exécuter SimpleLogin sur votre Feb 17, 2020 · Also, we want SimpleLogin to be easily self-hosted and its components fit on a single server. iwejswex iamdsg rhsfazq kni swqhvi rdbao cgvk zgzbfo bxpg zikvbi ghpha duyz ohedu scwqcpet grynv