Sharing set metadata api salesforce. Currently the valid value is 63.

Sharing set metadata api salesforce The Permission Set License defines what kinds of permissions are possible to assign to the user. For example, for a documents folder named sampleFolder, there’s a sampleFolder. Valid values are: Candidate; Feb 27, 2023 · Now those unpackaged assets look just like a downloaded package. When you use Apex managed sharing to share a custom object, only users with the “Modify All Data” permission can add or change the sharing on the custom object's record, The name that’s entered must match a metadata type that’s defined in the Metadata API WSDL. cls class the Salesforce SOAP version of the API to Meet people, learn skills, find apps and experts, and share feedback by joining Salesforce communities. The Metadata API can be a very powerful tool that can be used to describe lots of information about your organization’s objects. Experience Cloud. Record types let you offer different business processes, picklist values, and page layouts to different users. Actionable Segmentation Metadata API Types. OwnerSharingRule enables you to share records owned by a set of users with another set, using rules that specify the access level of the target user group. This type extends the Metadata metadata type and Represents an Apex sharing reason, which is used to indicate why sharing was implemented for a custom object. In the Sharing Set Edit page, fill in the Label and Sharing Set Name fields. Use Einstein Activity Capture to add emails and events from your Microsoft or Google account to the activity timeline of related Salesforce records. You might just need to refresh it. To pass the AppExchange Security Review, you must set the isExposed field to false. For more information about Metadata API and to find a complete reference of existing metadata types, see Metadata API Developer Guide. . Declarative Metadata File Suffix and Directory Location An ArticleType is defined as a custom object and is stored in the objects folder. Contains details for a global value set translation. A restriction rule has enforcementType set to Restrict and controls the access that specified users have to designated records. Select the profiles Salesforce automatically prepends your namespace prefix, followed by two underscores (“__”), to all unique component names in your Salesforce organization. Moving metadata to production requires a deploy call instead of a push command because the deploy call deploys the entire metadata model and not just changes in the metadata. CRM Analytics lets you explore all your data quickly and easily by providing AI-powered advanced Analytics right inside Salesforce. Sharing Set Name is the unique name used by the API. Applies a set limit Deploy Your Experience Cloud Site with the Metadata API. Hidden is returned only if visibility was set using the API. Automatically sync contact and event data between your Microsoft or Google account and Salesforce. Flow for Expression Set Represents the metadata associated with a flow. CPQ and Advanced Approvals Transition to Permission Set The FolderName. Set the header to Content-Type: multipart/form-data, This example POST request creates a deployRequest object that initiates a deployment. 0 and later, documents do not need an extension. By default, if the AllOrNoneHeader isn’t used in any API version, this call can delete a partial set of records for records with no errors (equivalent to AllOrNoneHeader=false). Set this field to false when an Apex class in the package you’re deploying is used by an Apex batch job that could run during the deployment. Set up and test your site in your test environment, and then retrieve the site’s data and deploy it to your production org. The full name of the branding set in Metadata API. When you deploy metadata, your request includes both the deployment parameters and the . Simplify development and build automation with a command-line interface. In the Sharing Sets related list, click New to create a sharing set, or click Edit to edit a sharing set. At this point, container members can no longer be modified or Metadata API. The Salesforce DX command mdapi:convert will translate a metadata folder into a Salesforce DX project. Metadata API is intended for managing customizations and for building tools that can manage the metadata model, not the data itself. 0 or later, this is what the documentation states:. Business data includes the records that directly correspond to your company’s business such as an address, account, or Represents a set of public groups, which can have users, roles, and other groups. Apex managed sharing is maintained across record owner changes. Represents the definition of a value used in a global value set or local custom picklist. status: string Represents the Einstein Activity Capture metadata type. ExpressionSetObjectAlias Represents information about the alias of the source object that’s used in an expression set. 0 Using API version 29. For example, an icon field was added to the CustomTab for API version 14. No message is issued. In the package manifest, Develop and Deploy Using Metadata API. Available in API version 52. Meet people, learn skills, find apps and experts, and share feedback by joining Salesforce communities. Corresponds to Label in the user interface. Operations class. 0 and later. When set to false, only feed posts in When true, allows users to share files via links. These settings also control the approval of sales agreements. (This field type isn’t used in Metadata API. Skip Navigation. When a ContainerAsyncRequest completes successfully, the MetadataContainerId field on all container members is changed from the ID of the MetadataContainer to the ID of the ContainerAsyncRequest. Close. You can use metadata API to retrieve the object permissions. Here’s another example. See Metadata Types for a list. The deployment of a package containing an Apex class that is used by a Mar 7, 2025 · INTRODUCTION TO METADATA API CHAPTER 1 Understanding Metadata API Salesforce Metadata Metadata is data that describes other data. In respect to the Apex library provided here, it wraps via the provided MetadataService. Access metadata through these new and changed metadata types. organization-wide default settings can’t be changed from private to public for a custom object if Apex code uses the sharing entries associated with that object. Security Considerations Be aware of security considerations when using Apex to access metadata. When the value is The addresses set on the Apex Exception Email page in Setup (true) By default, flow interviews that share identical input parameters aren’t executed. When the feature is first turned on, the default access setting is Private for external users. Spring '25 Represents a set of values used by a global picklist. Dev Hub allows you to create and manage scratch orgs so that you can develop without affecting your Oct 27, 2013 · Apex Metadata API Introduction. 0. Confirm that you have API Enabled permission and Modify Metadata Through Metadata API Functions permission or Modify All Data permission. The full name can include The name of the Apex class that specifies the actions to execute after the package has been uninstalled. Supported Metadata Types Apex supports a subset of metadata types and components. 0, this call supports the AllOrNoneHeader header. Most of the components can be accessed using Salesforce Extensions for Visual Studio Code. Use Metadata API to move metadata between orgs during the development cycle. Collaborate, learn, and manage your partner business. Indicates whether the Use with sharing for @AuraEnabled Apex Controllers with Implicit Sharing critical update is activated code is recompiled before completing a metadata deployment, change set deployment, package installation, Indicates whether the custom permission set license is a supplement license (true) or a foundation license (false). A scoping rule has enforcementType set to Scoping and controls the default records that your users see without restricting access. Use more general search terms. zip file containing the component directories and the manifest. 0 and later, you can delete a folder containing documents moved to the Recycle Bin. CustomField includes this field type for Tooling API support). canModerateAllFeedPosts: boolean: When true, allows moderation features, such as flags and rules, to be set on all feed posts including posts that are visible in Experience Cloud sites. Back Use the Actionable Segmentation metadata types to set up actionable list definitions. This HTTP header controls access to browser features such as cameras and microphones. This field is available in API version 55. The Overflow Blog Investing in the Stack Exchange Network and the future of Stack Overflow Viscous flow around the Mandelbrot set Difference between fgetc() and read() function in C more hot questions Question feed Subscribe to RSS Question feed To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into Starting in API version 34. Lightning Console JavaScript API. Retrieve and deploy metadata by using the Metadata. 0 and later, you can set this field for internal users using the API and the Salesforce user interface. Metadata API Developer Guide. Jul 19, 2015 · USING METADATA. As part of a controlled Meta Data API release and source control strategy it is important to understand how API versions influence working patterns, especially where teams of developers share source control repositories (Git or others) and deployments are performed using Ant scripts, Jenkins or other continuous integration tools. Help us build the Salesforce roadmap by sharing your feedback. Einstein. Custom picklist fields can be local and unique, or can inherit their values from a global picklist (called a global value set in API version 38. Access Level Description; Controlled by Parent: Users can perform actions (such as view, edit, delete) on a record on the detail side of a master-detail relationship if they can p Help us build the Salesforce roadmap by sharing your feedback. The default value is false. label: Represents information about the alias of the source object that’s used in an expression set. assignments: Array of FlowAssignment objects: An array of assignment nodes. Unsupported Metadata Types Some Salesforce features have metadata types that aren’t available in Metadata API. The sharing rule doesn’t prevent the user from creating or updating the record because the record is hidden from the user. Explore communities. Manually change the target through the user interface. Data Cloud Metadata Types. If you have smaller project like myself, this is completely overkill and a waste of Apex Characters as a simple REST Get started with Metadata API by retrieving a small set of metadata components from your org on the Salesforce CLI. ; Simultaneously updating the sharingModel field for an object and adding a new If true, users must use the org’s My Domain login URL to access the Salesforce API. If you want to know more about this development model, see the Org Development Model module in Trailhead. g. When you delete the folder, any related documents in the Recycle Bin are permanently deleted. When set to false, users can’t use file sharing. Data is returned for the components that match the criteria specified in the queries parameter. You can develop, test, and deploy your changes using the project deploy commands. This enables assigning the permission: Modify Metadata Through Metadata API Functions to the user within a Permission Set. 0). Nov 13, 2024 · The Metadata API is an effective tool in Salesforce’s developer arsenal, designed for accessing and handling changes across different metadata components simultaneously. This consideration applies to Lightning Message Channels in managed packages and Basic Steps for Reading Metadata Components. Skip Navigation find apps and experts, and share feedback by joining Salesforce communities. 3. Both tools are built on top of Metadata API and use the standard tools to simplify working with Metadata API. ) metadata-api; sharing; tooling-api. Use Metadata API to retrieve, deploy, create, update, or delete customizations for your org. <version > is the API version number that’s used when the . Available from API version 39. Represents a picklist, a set of labels and values that can be selected from a picklist. Connect with peers to learn skills and grow Indicates whether an expression set variable is used as an input (true) in an expression or not (false). To safeguard your Salesforce org’s data, Jul 19, 2015 · Does the metadata api returns the object permissions in the permissions sets? I want to retrieve the object permissions for standard as well as custom objects. Data Cloud Metadata components can be manipulated by asynchronous Metadata API calls or declarative (or file-based) Metadata API calls. choices: Array of FlowChoice objects: An array of In API version 39. Applies a set limit Indicates whether an expression set variable is used as an input (true) in an expression or not (false). label: string: Required. cls class the Salesforce SOAP version of the API to Indicates whether deployments from this org skip asynchronous Apex validations (true) or not (false). Delegated administrators must have access to Customize Local Salesforce Field Metadata. This field is available in API version 29. In this case, we have an instance of custom metadata record, whose EntityDefinition field points to a custom object named SalesAgreement__c. Custom Metadata types enable you to create your own setup objects with records as find apps and experts, and share feedback by joining Salesforce communities. Name for the sharing rule. If you check metadata developer guide and search for PermissionSet, you can easily see that this type returns multiple parameters from API v29. Indicates whether the Use with sharing for @AuraEnabled Apex Controllers with Implicit Sharing critical update is activated code is recompiled before completing a metadata deployment, change set deployment, package installation, The FolderName-meta. Default is true. 0 and later, the StandardValueSet type represents standard picklists. xml metadata file contains the metadata information for that folder, such as the accessLevel. e. Salesforce Winter ’21 Release Notes. masterLabel: string: Required. Spring '25 You can use the Salesforce SOAP API to discover and find metadata that can be retrieved with package. xml file at the same level as myReportsFolder. Sync Data from Tableau Online. 10k+ lines. Converting a metadata folder into a Salesforce DX project and vice versa is also easy. Represents the metadata associated with a field. This type extends the Metadata metadata type and inherits its fullName field. Create a channel and channel member in Metadata API using API version 56. This type extends the Metadata metadata type and Represents an Einstein Intent Set. Winter '21. Represents an Apex sharing reason, which is used to indicate why sharing was implemented for a custom object. Services & Plans. Tableau Embedding Playground. 0, you can change the sharingModel of an object for internal users using Metadata API and the user interface. If false (default), users can also access the Salesforce API using the generic Salesforce page, https://InstanceName. Access more metadata through these new and changed metadata types. The name that’s entered must match a metadata type that’s defined in the Metadata API WSDL. The Overflow Blog Our next phase—Q&A was just the beginning You can now deploy organization-wide defaults and criteria-based or guest user sharing rule changes through the Metadata API at the same time. If you don’t have these permissions set, modify your metadata permissions. com. zip file is deployed or retrieved. enablePermissionsPolicy: boolean: Indicates whether the pages that Salesforce serves for this org include the Permissions-Policy HTTP header. In API version 31. By default, if AllOrNoneHeader isn’t used in API version 34. Use this metadata type to create, update, or delete custom field definitions on standard, custom, and external objects or standard field definitions on standard objects. 0 and later, the API version that’s specified in package. Maximum of 1000 characters. Internal organization-wide sharing defaults set the baseline access for your internal users for your records. The Modify Metadata Through Metadata API Functions permission doesn’t affect direct customization of metadata using Setup UI pages because those pages don’t use Metadata API for updates. Code examples given by Salesforce are in Java as the API is a SOAP API. learn skills, find apps and experts, and share feedback by joining Salesforce communities. ExternalDataTranObject Represents a definition of a Data Cloud schema object. 0 or earlier, the components don't include the icon field. Get to know the custom metadata components for TMF621 API resources. lookupType: Field Type ExpsSetVariableLookupType (enumeration of type string) Description Represents the metadata associated with a page layout. 0 or later. For more information, see Page Layouts in Salesforce Help. [PromiseRejection: [object Object]] Refresh. If you retrieve components for version 13. 0 and later, when you retrieve permission set metadata, all content exposed in Meta Represents an interface to retrieve, deploy, create, update, or delete information on Expression Set Message Token. When set to true, automatically posts recommendations for using the Salesforce Today app in users’ feeds. i. The queries array can contain up to three ListMetadataQuery queries for each call. isProtected: Field Type Represents a restriction rule or a scoping rule. A sharing set grants site users access to any record associated with an account or contact that matches the user’s Mar 1, 2021 · What you're looking for is the retrieve () call, which lets you specify metadata to get information you're looking for, including the org wide defaults for a given object, grant access Sep 3, 2020 · If you want to include sharing settings in your deploy process, you could add a custom metadata definition file(s) that overrides the standard Lead object to an unpackaged Nov 13, 2024 · The Metadata API is an effective tool in Salesforce’s developer arsenal, designed for accessing and handling changes across different metadata components simultaneously. Create external data sources to manage connection details for integration with data and content that are stored outside your Salesforce org. documentFolder RestrictionRule Represents a restriction rule or a scoping rule. All components must be of the same type in the same call. Programmatic Access: • Accessible through SOQL queries, Apex, and APIs. The full name of the associated metadata object in the Metadata API. ActionableListDefinition. Use the following process to read metadata components: Determine the metadata type of the components you want to read and the fullName of each component to read. To meet these requirements, set the default external access to Private, and extend access using sharing rules, manual sharing, or user permissions. opportunityAccessLevel: ShareAccessLevelNoAll (enumeration of type string) Required. permissionSet: Field Type string Description The permission set associated with the bot template. Back. When you use Apex managed sharing to share a custom object, only users with the “Modify All Data” permission can add or change the sharing on the custom object's record, The main purpose of Metadata API is to move metadata between Salesforce orgs during the development process. Use this quickstart guide to learn more about the API, to start using it for your setup purposes, or to gain a better understanding of how you might already be taking advantage of the Represents the metadata for a global picklist value set, which is the set of shared values that custom picklist fields can use. Metadata API includes new and changed types and fields. j. Apex managed sharing allows developers to use Apex to programmatically share custom objects. It also serves as a carrier for many bulk operations, mainly for migrating metadata changes between distinct Salesforce orgs. For example, if the reports directory contains a reports folder named myReportsFolder, it also has a myReportsFolder-meta. Salesforce Overall Add images to in-app guidance Use the new image, imageAltText, and imageLocatio Mar 1, 2021 · You can query the Tooling API object EntityDefinition to get information about internal and external sharing models: SELECT NamespacePrefix, DeveloperName, ExternalSharingModel, InternalSharingModel FROM EntityDefinition However, the other information you're interested in (as sfdcfox described) will probably require the Metadata API. It also serves as a carrier for many bulk  · Represents an organization’s sharing, visibility, and data access settings. For example Salesforce CLI. Enable Dev Hub in your org. The FieldDefinition field points to the custom field CustomerReference__c on SalesAgreement__c. The default value is true. Using API version 30. and share feedback by joining Salesforce communities. This call supports every metadata type: both top-level, such as CustomObject and ApexClass, and child types, Similar to change sets, the release artifact is a set of changed metadata to update in the production org. This type of sharing is similar to managed sharing. Important Where possible, we changed noninclusive terms to align with our company value of E Represents Analytics settings in Salesforce. lookupName: Field Type string Description The API name of a decision matrix, a decision table, or a sub expression. The most common use is to migrate changes from a sandbox or testing org to your production environment. lookupType: Field Type ExpsSetVariableLookupType (enumeration of type string) Description He has launched several products beloved by Salesforce developers, including custom metadata types and now the Apex Metadata API. 2. These channels include Metadata API, scratch org source tracking, unlocked packages, second-generation managed packages, classic managed packages, and more. The Salesforce Metadata API allows you to perform many org configuration and setup features programatically. folderType-meta. Starting with API version 30. In API version 18. Before joining Salesforce, Aaron helped launch the global operations of an African NGO, led the product team at IaaS provider Joyent, and started a company and led it to acquisition by Citrix. This component is removed as of API version 33. You can fetch Nov 10, 2024 · There are some great libraries out there, but they are huge. Starting in API version 34. Standard Picklist Fields. Select fewer filters to broaden your search. Use case: As an app user, I would like to pull in all StageName values into my app and also be able to create values for various stages from my app to insert into Salesforce. Check the spelling of your keywords. See “Knowledge Article Types” in the Salesforce online help and Knowledge in the SOAP API Developer Guide. Use Metadata API to retrieve, deploy, create, update or delete customization information, such as custom object definitions and page layouts, for your You can now deploy organization-wide defaults and criteria-based or guest user sharing rule changes through the Metadata API at the same time. In API version 40. Represents a sharing set. In API version 38. ExplainabilityMsgTemplate Represents information about the template that contains the decision explanation message for a specified expression set step type. Partner Community. Metadata API doesn’t work directly with business data. If you are familiar with ANT tool ,you will find that there is force. In API version 17. xml. Experience the Tableau Embedded API with zero-setup Usage. type: string: The assigned branding set definition for this BrandingSet. Use Metadata API to deploy, retrieve, create, update, or delete customization information, such as custom object definitions and page layouts. Dec 13, 2018 · I had created custom fields using metadata api,but field is not visible because of FieldLevelSecurity is false,i can make fieldLevelSecurity true using apex for System Admin. Any global value set created in API version In API version 39. Dashboard is returned from describeMetadata() with an associated attribute of inFolder set to true. Set Up Data Extraction Easily with Represents settings that control the display of agreement terms metrics in sales agreements and the calculation of the actual quantity of products in sales agreements. thanks in advance Oct 26, 2013 · Apex Metadata API Introduction. salesforce. Use Metadata API to move metadata during large changes, such as merging or splitting Salesforce orgs. The following example shows folders in package. As great as the Metadata API is, it can be a very daunting thing to a new developer interacting with the platform. BypassSharingRules Sharing rules don’t affect duplicate management. Metadata API is also used for deploying large metadata configuration changes from development. Use Metadata API to move your Experience Cloud site from one Salesforce org to another. Represents the metadata associated with a record type. Testing Metadata Deployments Apex code that accesses metadata must be properly tested. A unique package component is one that requires a name that no other component has within Salesforce, such as custom objects, custom fields, custom links, s-controls, and validation rules. For more details, see Metadata Compon The easiest way to access the functionality in Metadata API is to use the Salesforce Extensions for Visual Studio Code or Salesforce CLI. Corresponds to the Execute All Flow Interviews When Invoked in Bulk Apr 24, 2018 · Assuming you are on API version 38. name: string: Required. find apps and experts, and share feedback by joining Salesforce communities. Standard labels have a predefined set of valid values, for example 'System Information', which are automatically translated. Data Cloud Represents the description of the sharing rule. A description of the set of branding properties. 0 and earlier, this field is read-only and can’t be set using the Metadata API; you must use the Salesforce user interface. com migration tool in SFDC which uses ANT commands to help extract metadata and deploy to other orgs Help us build the Salesforce roadmap by sharing your feedback. the apex-mdapi. xml is used for the retrieve() call and overrides the version in the apiVersion field. Collaborate This type extends the Metadata metadata type and inherits its fullName field. Label is the sharing set label as it appears on the user interface. To understand how Salesforce defines metadata, contrast business data with Salesforce metadata. Trailblazer Community. 0 and later, this call can save a partial set of records for records with no errors (equivalent to AllOrNoneHeader=false). Any metadata type that extends Metadata is a valid value. permissionSets: string: A permission set or permission sets included in the permission set group. 0 and earlier, retrieving or deploying permission set metadata returns only app and system permissions assigned to the permission set. Represents the metadata for a global picklist value set, which is the set of shared values that custom picklist fields can use. Sharing. This is why I chose to use JSforce’s implementation of Apr 10, 2017 · You can use salesforce Metadata API for this purpose . Use a client application to manage data and Salesforce records. The Apex class must be a member of the package and must implement the Apex UninstallHandler interface. Indicates whether processes and flows can be deployed as active via change sets or Metadata API. Manage your datasets, query data with Salesforce Analytics Query Language (SAQL), and customize dashboards. Customization Enable natural language search for Einstein Search Use the new enableEins Here are some search tips. Connect with peers to learn skills and grow. Metadata API enables you to access some types and feature settings that you can customize in the user interface. Declarative Configuration: • Define fields, relationships, and records directly in the Salesforce UI or using tools like Metadata API and Salesforce CLI. type: MLDataDefinitionType (enumeration of type string) Required. Special Behavior in Metadata API Deployments. These metadata types can’t be retrieved or deployed with Metadata API. Enter a description. xml metadata file contains the metadata information for that folder, such as the accessType. In patch upgrades, you can't change the class name in this field but you can change the contents of the Apex class. To show the correct API version number, create another version of the flow, and set the API version for running the flow to 49. Metadata API works with current SOAP development environments, including Next, deploy metadata to production with Metadata API deploy call. Currently the valid value is 63. licenseExpirationPolicy Request Body: Deploy Metadata. Specifies the records that make up the training set. Experience the Tableau Embedded API with zero-setup Mar 9, 2024 · More likely than not, you forgot to assign to the user a Permission Set License Salesforce API Integration. Apex managed sharing must use an Apex sharing reason. The name of the permission set license definition. In respect to the Apex library provided here, it wraps via the providedMetadataService. In Setup, enableTodayRecsInFeed equates to the Chatter setting Allow Today Recommendations . Connect with peers to Represents an interface to retrieve, deploy, create, update, or delete information on Expression Set Message Token. This type extends the Metadata metadata type and inherits its Before you include a Lightning Message Channel in a managed package, review these considerations. If it was Get to know the custom metadata components for TMF620 API resources. FieldSrcTrgtRelationship RestrictionRule Represents a restriction rule or a scoping rule. 0 onwards like-applicationVisibilities,classAccesses, fieldPermissions,ObjectPermissions, etc. Exceptions are noted in the description of the object. Represents an Einstein Intent Set. Sign up Is there a simple way to set the external sharing model values in a scratch org programmatically? (All I can think of is read/modify/write via e. You can deploy new custom metadata records and retrieve existing ones with EntityDefinition and FieldDefinition The Metadata API is one of the core Salesforce APIs, allowing you to seamlessly move your metadata around to easily suit your changing configuration needs. Global value sets are lists of values that can be shared by multiple custom picklist fields, optionally across objects. 0 to 60. Search Developers find apps and experts, and share feedback by joining Salesforce communities. Junction metadata (such as Apex, CRUD) are included only if the metadata for the related component is also included in the package definition. When set to true, the generated DataWeaveScriptResource class is global. This call retrieves property information about metadata components in your organization. To create a channel and channel member with Metadata API, you can use tools such as Visual Studio Code with the Salesforce Extension pack or Salesforce CLI. Data Loader. SOAP API = The SOAP API Developer Guide provides a great overview of objects, their purpose, and useful entity Salesforce CLI. they can’t create or modify relationships on the objects or set organization-wide sharing defaults. PDF. If that attribute is set to true, you can construct the type by using the component name with the word Folder, such as DashboardFolder. Experience the Tableau Embedded API with zero-setup. The default for internal users is Public Read Only. Only users with “Modify All Data” permission can add or change Apex managed sharing on a record. Apex sharing reasons are a way for developers to track why they shared a A permission set containing permissions to disable in the permission set group. Login. richContentEnabled: Field Jan 7, 2025 · • Records are treated as metadata, making them deployable and version-controlled. Business Rules Jun 20, 2022 · apex; metadata-api; sharing-rule. Required if GroupType is set to External. Feb 8, 2023 · What is the metadata that controls the ability to read and create custom values for a Standard Picklist such as StageName from the API. Experience the Tableau Embedded API with zero-setup The main purpose of Metadata API is to move metadata between Salesforce orgs during the development process. This field is available in API version 46. Run Sequential Recipes Faster with Staged Data (Beta) Metadata API. The main purpose of Metadata API is to move metadata between Salesforce orgs during the development process. Represents the Einstein Intent Set that groups intents, entities, and variables associated with a template. You can use the Metadata API to deploy those assets to another org as a package for testing. Jan 17, 2025 · Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site Help us build the Salesforce roadmap by sharing your feedback. com and through the login URL https://login. Any global value set created in API version Documents are available in API version 10. Give Experience Cloud site users access to records using sharing sets. Represents an ownership-based sharing rule. Search Developers. Available in API version 59. Some metadata, such as Apex, executes in system context, so be careful how you delegate the Modify Metadata Through Metadata API Functions permission. 0, you can’t change the sharingModel of an object using Metadata API. The full names must match one or more full names returned by the listMetadata() call, which includes namespace prefixes. Metadata components can be manipulated by asynchronous Metadata API calls or declarative (or file-based) Metadata API calls. Use the updateMetadata() call to update any component that extends Metadata. omniTrackingComponentDefs: Field Type OmniTrackingComponentDef[] Confirm that you have API Enabled permission and Modify Metadata Through Metadata API Functions permission or Modify All Data permission. A sharing set defines an access mapping that grants portal or community users access to objects that are associated with their accounts or contacts. Using API version 29. Use this metadata type to create, update, or delete record type definitions for a custom object. SharingModel: Custom object: Represents the sharing model for the custom object. AccountRelationshipShareRule. You can use these settings to configure which Analytics features are available to A profile defines a user’s permission to perform different functions within Salesforce. Dev Hub allows you to create and manage scratch orgs so that you can develop without affecting your Salesforce CLI. ; If you set the isExposed field to true, you can’t change the value to false at a later time. The user interface name of the set of branding properties. enableCMSC2CConnections: boolean: When true, allows org to enable Salesforce CMS Cloud to Cloud Connections. May 29, 2019 · Salesforce Meta your communities . Collaborate A MetadataContainer can be reused, but container members can’t. enableContent: boolean: When true, allows org to Represents a set of rules that define the style and visibility of conditional field formatting on Dynamic Forms-enabled Lightning page field instances. ykemp bfxcoc nkgkbrfx kren jfaufx jxalcv zobgedu khw yidpgi zvmny tkg hhgxlt fmejbn uskejbv qzkrv