Maplestory recommended quest There are various types of Kerning Tower - As the quest spans over 60 days, the best case is to level up to 200 in the middle of a month, with KT untouched for said month. I would enjoy them much more if it wasn't for how slow the cutscenes move. This page provides an overview of the system and information on the ranks, blocks, artifacts and the best Legion characters based on my own experience reaching [Weekly Quest] Black Heaven Inside: Defeat Alloy Xenoroid DX; Eliminate 300 Alloy Xenoroid DXs. These quests are fantastic for building up your early-game resources, gaining valuable experience, and collecting some impressive rewards to This is a guide on what the 6th job advancement looks like and how to finish the quest line quickly. Dying a lot. You only need to complete 4 quests to receive the 7 grade A cores and the Quest objective: Get 1 SOS Letter and 1 Pure Water and travel to Omega Sector and back and talk to NPCs (Best to do when you have a Ludibrium warp capsule so you can finish the quest quickly). This server is the best because it has the best As far as figuring out what to upgrade. Get 25 StarForce and go to boat ghosts in ludi until 120. Prior to this players had to complete the pocket slot quest by obtaining a Rose Clipping which is detailed below for archive purposes and those interested in the steps to unlock the A quest is a task that players are able to perform for NPCs in exchange for a reward. There are five stories to read: Von Leon (Mountains, Wolf, Body, Claws that rip through Steel) Will; Hilla; Curious Spirit and Gruff Spirit; Arkarium; Reading them all will allow you to claim the following reward: If you're diving into MapleStory Artale and looking to maximize your mesos or snag some rare rewards, quests are the way to go. I actually recently completed every pre-level 200 quest so I can provide some insight. So I accidentally forfeited a few quest from my Angelic Buster questline and now I cant find those back, that questline has completely disappeared from my In-progress and Available quest. After a short cutscene, select the next quest [Visitors] Regarding the Primacy. I just freaking loved ms back then. Some of these requirements include completing other prerequisite quests, player level, amount of fame, or holding a certain item in Depending on which side you choose (Gold Dragon or Red Tiger), you get the medal and chair for the side you chose. Quests/242; Quests/242/A Brother's Parting Words; Quests/242/A Good Person Deep Down 1; Quests/242/A Good Person Deep Down 2; Quests/242/A Hairy Situation; But a safe conversion would probably be to cut the stat reqs in half assuming you atleast have somewhat decent WSE/legion/links/nodes. Quest List; Quests with Fame; Quest with Repeatable; Events; Cygnus Knights; Hero With The Lost Memory; New Hero; Resistance; Maple Island; Level 1-10; Level 11-20; Level 21-30; Level 31-40; Level 41-50; Level 51-65; MapleStory and any related images and content are copyrighted by Nexon. If there are good rewards that is definitely a plus. Progress will update within one hour of completion. This quest primarily revolves around visiting each of the maps in the Temple of Time and killing hundreds of each You must finish your gaming session for the required time and then close your game to complete the quest. One can be easily obtained by killing chaos dwarves in Taverley Dungeon. Are there still ways to do this? Even if the reward sucks it would still be fun I think. You can only use a VIP Booster 10x per day. C. You can't do all the quests on one char, because each class has its own questlines, at least until level 200. The best method to check would be to just go into practice mode and try the boss for yourself though. There are many Jump Quests in MapleStory. The following mobs will count toward the quest: Dark Demon Axeman; Dark Demon Axemaster [Weekly Quest] World Tree: Top Tier - Collect Shields; Obtain 20 Demon Shields from Dark Demon Shieldbearer and Dark Demon Shieldmaster. This quest, starting at the 100th floor of Eos Tower in Ludibrium, involves a series of quests where you’ll gather items and complete various tasks. at 199 do the haven quest for a free level up to 200 its like a 2 minute cutscene ~70-75 alliance quest gives you will of the alliance 75 afterlands if its a main char The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. ADMIN MOD Recommended Quest Thread . https://discord. These quests aren't all the available quests, just the ones I recommend for faster leveling. Grinding. Been meaning to start from henesys in my free time tho. In Progress Roo-D recommended you buy gifts for your friends in Edelstein. Meeting new people. It’s best to do a more in depth look a week or two before an event. Title. Complete High-Reward Quests for Mesos. 37+ , please refer to Korean Folk Town Storybooks Guide by Step As of MSEA V1. ) Quests. As well, the list of quests is quite long but, not all quests are required to be completed. Finding the best MapleStory Artale training spots is essential for efficient grinding and fast leveling. Some jobs Not sure about a garden lol. Network About Blog / You can choose to change up to 4 quests once to randomly get other quests before attempting the quests. MapleStory Network By maplers, for maplers. Reply reply. In this training guide, we cover the best training spots at all levels from 1-275. Guides to help figure out the best quests for the best gear/scrolls. Maplestory gear progression is basically an average of all your gear pieces and not focused around individual finished gear. Hey all, I was wondering if someone could tell me all the quests they know that pay out really well. 5b hp. All Quests reward 50,000,000 EXP (50 million EXP) upon completion. Online. Recommended Guides A collection of guides currently recommended by the MapleStory Network team. I tried looking around Showa but found nothing. On GlobalMS, the following NPCs give a Jumping Quest if the character meets the required level: Shumi at Kerning City (3 quests) This quest is best to do at the same time as Nemi's Second Ingredient and Just Another Day at Work since you must go down all the way for both of them. Princess No drops some rare items such as the Kanna Treasure Ring and also the best-in-slot Secondary Weapons. Anything less than hard will not drop the ring. Inner Ability should not be your main concern when starting out and should be perfected once you hit some sort of threshold with your Requirements: Complete precursor quests to reach this point. Jump to navigation Jump to search. I'm currently 60 and most of the equipment slots for my character are Monad Titles [Quest] (No Longer Available) +10 All Stat (STR, DEX, INT, LUK) +15 Weapon Attack +15 Magic Attack +5% Boss Damage; Prior to obtaining the Root Abyss title the Monad titles were the best titles in MapleStory for players to use although this content was removed in November 2022. MapleStory; Best Level 30 quest? Topic Archived; More Topics from this Board. The Seven Day Monster Parker Medal offers 10% IED stat, which will be the Best-in-Slot for a very long time. Whether you're hunting for equipment or looking to make some easy money, these quests will set you on the Note: This quest was recommended by @Amaranthen; Eliminating Aliens (Omega Sector) Level requirment: 40; Quest objective: Kill 5 MT-09; Exp reward: 6,000 exp; Note: The pre-req isn't started on HS for some reason, but you need to do Retrieving the Robotic Parts for this quest to even show up. Whether you're looking for the best surfing spots, seeking recommendations for restaurants, or interested in the latest updates in local politics, /r/orangecounty is your community forum. Training Link Skills can provide valuable assistance in completing quests, which are an important source of experience in MapleStory. Anybody still around from way back in the day? 28 posts, 3/1 2:59PM. Cerebes; huge mob count, and is pretty much the best for any class that isn't Marksman-tier mobbing. Red/gold student takes a minimum of 5 days but less time is needed doing the actual quest) Already tired of LMPQ? Can't find an OPQ party? Bored of GS2/MP3? Waiting for lvl 55 so you can PPQ? Do these underrated quests: The Old Tree(130,500EXP) (Level 35 and above) Accept the quest [Festival Memories] Thale’s Call. Exp reward: 5,000 exp + I’m looking for a list of quest lines and prequests that I should do to build up my main. tv/wispxwatch the first part for more quests: https://youtu. One resource I can recommend is Grandis Library's Level Content Guide. Mar 3, 2025 - Mar 10, 2025 Play MapleStory for 1 hour to receive your reward! Complete this quest and you will receive 25 ARP . There are some temporary totems available that last up to a month by completing the Yu-Garden Quests. Also, there are many quests that repeat, so that while you can do them, they'll be back in your Available or In Progress tab the next day or week. If you're diving into MapleStory Artale and looking to maximize your mesos or snag some rare rewards, quests are the way to go. The best way to avoid this is to fight him in a corner and move to the other side so you can quickly dodge the attack The attack fills as much space as there is on the side you are standing so if there's like space you can quickly move to the other side before you get hit You need to be between Level 51 - 70 to do the party quest (Note: There are no actual stages in this party quest, but for the purpose of this guide, the vast majority of this quest will be placed under 'Stage 1'. A lot of these quests provide valuable scrolls, items, or direct meso rewards: - Focus on Scroll Rewards: Some quests reward scrolls that can sell for high prices. Those were the days. If anyone knows the thread I’m talking about and could link would be much appreciated! Commerci gives a 100% epot scroll at the end and is relatively fast. Some of these requirements include completing other prerequisite quests, player level, amount of fame, or holding a certain item in the inventory. Whether you're hunting for equipment or looking to make some easy money, these quests will set you on the Serving as an important pre-quest to fighting Pink Bean who drops one of the best pocket items in MapleStory. I mean worthwhile quests that with give me good items like icarus's quest that gave the icarus cape, or the alex However, this set has some notable advantages when compared to other sets, it's by far the best set in this section of the guide even before taking Bonus stats into account, it's pre-quest can be completed in a single sitting, it can be transfered/transposed to late-game equipment, and it can be partially used along with other armor sets such The overarching story quest is gonna be unlocked and available as you level in increments of 5 or 10 levels after 200, but most other story quests are separate or just give you background information about the main questline, usually revolving around the Black Mage. Related MapleStory Fantasy anime Action anime Adventure anime Anime forward back. The Link Skill “Explorer’s Instinct,” for example, grants increased movement speed and jump power, making it easier to navigate through quest areas and complete objectives What are the best ways to gain EXP with Sol Janus? The Sol Janus MapleStory EXP guide is centered on optimizing experience gains. It gives the following stats: All To progress further into the temple of time (and to do 5th job advancement), you need to progress far enough into Luminous storyline quest until you are reunited with Lania (the npc you need to visit for the lost memory quest at temple if time). When you finish the quest a lightbulb should pop over your head and say hey I forgot to give you this and you receive it. Also has a dmg and stat link skill. Mihile (Unless they changed it, it has a sad point where the quests just seem to more-or-less stop. If you plan to do the daily quest on multiple characters it is important to know that Sol Erda Fragments are only given out 1 time to the 1st character that completed the I'm at level 100 currently as Hoyoung, but the only "Seal Fiend" quest I ever got was for the fairy academy (about 70 levels ago), and none other Accepting the quest will allow monsters near your level to drop the VIP Booster. But if you plan to earn MapleStory Artale Mesos or some equipment by completing game quests, we recommend that you choose those quests with rich rewards as much as possible. Focus on stuff like Ursus and Maple Tour, as well as selling Droplets, Nodes, Juniper seeds, etc. If you have any feedback or suggestions feel free to contact me on reddit or preferably discord (StarLines#0001). The best part about this quest is that instead of getting a random scroll, you can directly choose a 60% weapon scroll as a reward. Im a completely newb of maplestory so I dont know how this works. I'd be happy if anyone could help Best. It will ask if you want to skip and then you have to type Skip. You're not gonna make anywhere near 100m+ with regular quests, at best only a few mil off of stuff like theme dungeons and KFT board quests. 200 in two-3 days guaranteed From the MapleStory Wiki, a knowledge base about everything MapleStory < Quests. 123 posts, 2/23 10:33AM [STICKY] Post-Chaos Training Spot Guide. Edsaniti • Additional comment actions. Old-MiIk. Class specific story quests usually last from lvl 1-30, which is an extremely short amount of time by today's standards. Event quests are just for mesos and better equips. I was in the middle of getting exp for the stones and there's no way to forfeit a lot of the maple cinematic questlines (black heaven, masteria through time, heroes of maple) are very well done (relatively). Close to what I do. Mushroom Shrine is long and pretty painful at some points, but gives you a cape that doesn't get replaced until you can afford Abso, Free daily herb and mining materials, and a free teleport to Shrine (and from there, 6path crossway, Hene, & Showa) that you can access anywhere from the lightbulb window. You can use this system to teleport to areas near your level, which can be used to access certain other content, such as bosses. Party quests do not use your vessel energy so provide extra Denaro above your solo voyages. Came back after a few years and I know some quests give them but I shoot seemed like most of them don't show the rewards. Exploring. The rewards, locations, requirements and so forth go on the previous page. Ludi pq and spamming the npc to get in. (aka anything storyline MapleStory; Best payout quests; BloodWolf77 15 years ago #1. I wanted to do maple tour in the burning world to get some mesos to star force and enhance gear but for some reason after I accepted her quest [Maple Tour] Lulu Spinel's Request and talked to her about all the options but for some reason it just tells me to finish the quest [Maple Tour] Lulu Spinel's Request. New comments cannot be posted. Best in slot Ghost ship Exorcist Badge. , There’s a couple more out there to do if you want, but these the main ones that I do Recommended for Lvl. 95, certain scrapyard quests have been revamped and the quests now will tell the player which monster they would need to hunt as seen in the first link image below. The next official server patch is on March 20, MapleStory Fantasy anime Action anime Adventure anime Anime comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. it would be pretty cool to choose, like when making a character you could opt for the current game build or one from before the big bang update. It's not sequential, the cafe quest requires 25 blueprints and the quest OP posted requires you to collect all 25 pieces of furniture in a single collection (minus Old World). Content Available: Recommended [Content here may unlock content or provide meaningful The Reddit community for MapleStory. [Weekly Quest] Black Heaven Inside: Defeat Scrap Xenoroid DX; Eliminate 150 Scrap Xenoroid DXs. Boss equips give charm for pocket slot Condensed power Crystal from Zakum. The music. The Reddit community for MapleStory. MapleStory. d) In another Showa quest, NPC Faito asks you to collect 100 duck eggs and 1 Frying Pan (dropped by Blue Boogie). Party Quests provide players with EXP and rewards, including special equipment that count toward the Party Quest Set. I believe this requirement needs to be changed because this quest is flat out impossible for many EST Golden Maple Leaf Emblem. But all are required for your daily missions. Do them all to complete 3 daily missions. As for the other classes you mentioned, I wouldn’t make a Kanna because they’re weak and require a The Reddit community for MapleStory. Scrolling Adventures in MapleStory Artale: A Journey to Epic Battle Gear; MapleStory Artale: Scrolls, Equipment, and Grinding Your Way to Success; Speeding Through Party Quests in Artale: A Dragon Knight’s Guide to Efficiency; Maximizing Your Farming Efficiency in MapleStory Artale; MapleStory Artale: My Journey to Level Class Beginner only Level 10+ Activation requirements None Location Talk to the job instructor of whichever town you chose. Dying. r/MapleSEA. It's coming. Top. Then highest StarForce maps and then twilight perion and dark forest and one eye quests. The daily quest when completed gives 600 Sol Erda Energy and 12 Sol Erda Fragments. This category has the following 17 subcategories, out of 17 total. I am looking for quest to do from like Lvl 30-250, anything that is worth doing for rewards and stuff. Open Legion, click Artifact Missions, click Special Tab, click All Completed; Go to Artifacts on the top left corner of the Legion UI. There’s 6 quests. There are many quests available to players, each having certain requirements that the players must meet before being able to take on the quest. Some give fame, mesos, or unlocks new areas, while others are missable/hidden. So, after accepting a daily quest, this quest jump to in progress tab. ), Leveling any cygnus class (Cygnus Blessing doesnt get mentioned often but its a lot of early damage. However, hunting 43 votes, 29 comments. It also includes JQs, so if you suck at them. Dimension Invasion gives exp and loot boxes that gives AB but takes a lot of time to clear 3. The Land of Wild Boar is a classic training spot that holds a special place in the hearts of MapleStory players. Quests: Masteria through time/red tiger or gold dragon student:Medal. Begin the "Hero's Mark" quest by entering Kumo's House in Leafre and talking to Kumo. The Romeo & Juliet Party Quest is a fantastic throwback to classic MapleStory and offers great rewards, including a lot of Artale Mesos and the sought-after Eye of Fros Necklace. So in this guide I have selected quests that have a good EXP/time balance: quests that give good amounts of EXP for the time you invest in them. Magnus quests: unlocks Normal and Hard Magnus fights for access to the Crystal Ventus Badge (BIS) drop. A small addition i made today is a countdown for ursus golden time since people often ask when ursus golden time is. Job advancements are well, um. . Can anyone recommend quests that give some equips like pendant, shoulder, necklace etc. About to be the best day or the worst day in my Maplestory career so far. Share your experiences, ask questions, and connect with both locals and visitors alike. The PQ's I remember playing the most were Kerning PQ, Ludi PQ, and eventually, Monster Carnival PQ came out which was a lot of fun. (There was also huge input from ??? and Introduction: Quests can reward you with essential goodies that can help you on your journey. Debatably Best in Slot depends Cubes from all bosses. Question Hey, so I've been trying to complete this quest for the tv chair but I have no idea where to find Pipopa's case notes. Do you know if we can group daily quests for easier look up without having to scroll through the list of in progress quests? Sengoku High too. You can use this guide for both Reboot and regular servers. (Masters through time is slightly better but requires more time to do. So far I’ve made a list of all I could think about, but is there anything missing that I should really know There is a cheatsheet on Strategywiki. This pre-quest will take around 30 minutes to complete. [Weekly Quest] World Tree: Top Tier Follow these Best Quests in MapleStory Artale to get essential items and scrolls at your disposal. You go to the daily quest tab. Explore Discover Design Digits Develop. The quest line will take you longer then just grinding and no character less then level 200 should be reasonably expected to solo a boss with 10. level 170 characters in kritias ->190, then future perion ->199, then a new home in the quest light bulb for a free level 199->200 you can make lvl 200/210 characters earlier if you want the higher tier link/legion block. Boss prequests are for leveling, end game equips for mesos, and end game equips to use I suppose. When To Work On Your Inner Ability. You’ll find Party Quests that work, the ability to travel like in the original game, a 100% Cash Shop, and a lot more. We'll learn more as people progress and try out currently locked blueprints! Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. Below is a list of Party Quests which are available, sorted in ascending order by Level requirements. Monster Park Medal and EXP. Good thing it's listed above in this guide so you All Training Quests Boss/Expeditions Classes Etc. It is available at Level 140. It works for all regional quests, Reverse City, Chu Chu, Yum Yum, etc. Levels 30-40: Land of Wild Boar & Burnt Land 2 Land of Wild Boar. Carcion Main Quests (5 P) Due to recent game changes you can now complete symbol quests for % daily exp! I recommend finishing up daily's to gain free % exp. Honour from bosses. be/6acRvZku_uc0:00 intro0:24 quest 11:27 quest 22:21 quest The Reddit community for MapleStory. tv/wispxwatch the 2nd part for more quests: https://youtu. My favorite was korean folk town, but other quests were either kill x amount of monsters or pick up x amount of materials. You can transpose sw monocle/pendant/tattoo** for more stats. ) You usually have a pretty long questline that will help you level fast. Amorian Challenge (GlobalMS only) (Level 40 - 300) Filtering the quests by clicking the "My Level Range" button on the bottom right is recommended. Rewards will be applied automatically. First time traveling to ludi. The exp scales with level. Afterlands Totems [Quest] +20 to a single stat (STR, DEX, INT, LUK) +7 Weapon Attack +7 Magic Attack; 3 Set Effect of +10 Weapon and Magic Attack; This set will be the best totem option for most players as they are easy to acquire through the MapleStory Afterlands quest which takes approximately an hour. This guide walks you through the Best Quests in MapleStory Artale that offer the most value, from mesos to exclusive items. Artale introduces new and unique leveling areas, making it crucial to know where to focus your efforts. It will take 5 days minimum to get these rewards, assuming you do the daily boss everyday and don't die. As soon as you complete your job tutorial, you should be level 10. Saw a post before several months back, he bought a 2x quest card and got himself from 150-200ish in a week just from Sengokuing daily + ticket from CS too. You can view quests by level, so this is a good place to start. These gives you the most exp for the time put in. You might hit level 60 before finishing Rienna - just finish the questline anyway, the exp it gives is still really good and should level you up once Only recommended for those pushing past 70k stat. Whether you're hunting for equipment or looking to make some easy money, these quests will set you on the If you're diving into MapleStory Artale and looking to maximize your mesos or snag some rare rewards, quests are the way to go. Then desert until 83 then scarabs until 86 and then birds until 100. The latter does indeed drop the Frying Pan as an equip, so I suspect this revamped Showa Town and its quests should be 3. Speak to Gob and select the quest [Visitors] Gob's Request. Make sure to pick up the masks and boss drops. 6th Job Short Version. 237 patch). Man. The best pocket slot is dropped from defeating Hard Will Boss but that is quite far away. There are 4 totems available in the The best Inner Ability for every class is Boss Damage %, Attack Speed +1, or Passive Skills +1 for your prime line. I did multiple test-runs with 2-4 characters to ensure the best possible way to Afterlands for totems, The Takeda quests in Sengoku for kanna’s treasure and the other equips, Event quests, Prequests for bosses, Silent Crusade, Yu Garden, Temple of Time quests, Vanishing Journey, Reverse City, etc. 2. daily dungeon gives ok exp. I don’t know much about them, but I’ve heard good things. Pre bb. Old Pocket Slot Quest (Retired) The “Excessively Charming” quest line has automatically completed once players reach level 30 charm since November 2022 (Ignition v. Speak to Kelly and accept the quest [Visitors] The Primacy's Mostly boss prequests, your job advancements, and event quests. On GlobalMS, the following NPCs give a Jump Quest if the character meets the required level: Shumi at Kerning City (3 quests) John at Lith Harbor (3 quests) Sabitrama at Sleepywood (2 quests) Assistant Cheng at Ludibrium Toy Factory (1 This guide details the best MapleStory shoulders available and how to get them for smooth character progression and increase your damage potential. Whether you're hunting for equipment or looking to make some easy money, these quests will set you on the Founded in 2013, Cloud9 has grown to become one of the most recognizable esports organizations in the world. A mithril bar is needed for this quest. It also contains new features such as the Cross World Boss Content system and various quality of life improvements. And then there are event quests, of which there have been many that will never return. This tab has 999 lines of event quests and we have to scroll all the way down to find the dailies. Check the maple guide UI and see if it has a Recommended Quest. Some of these requirements include being a certain level, having a mininum amount of fame, holding a certain item, etc. Level 33+: Stellar Detectives (quest EXP scales to your level); Masteria Through Time (Blockbuster; EXP is kind of low, but has some decent rewards, including a close-to-BiS medal); Monad (Blockbuster; not recommended at this level due to how strong the monsters can be; if anything I'd put it off to about 140+, though the EXP rewarded Level 201 - 210; Level 211 - 220; Level 221 - 230; Level 231 - 240; Level 241 - 250; Level 251 - 260; Level 261 - 270; Level 271 - 280; Level 281 - 290 [Weekly Quest] World Tree: Middle Tier - Eliminate the Axemen; Eliminate 200 Axemen. The Japan town quests until 140 and then dragons until 150. Level 30 - 60: Do Ellinel Fairy Academy, Gold Beach, and then Rienna Straight (try to do Rienna last). watch me stream artale https://twitch. If you don’t want to think too much and just want the best start and setup this is what you should do. In general, if you just do quests around your level you will level up; there's an abundance of quests. Best. You can even get Monster Cards and even Before proceeding on average, slow, and very slow quests, make sure you turn in all fast and very fast quests and check if you have more quests available. In order to complete the quest and receive a chair reward (as well as progress towards the 'Behind Friendstory' achievement), you are required to do the same for 30 days in a row. Start your quest with [Temple of Time] Path to the Past and end with [Pink Bean] The Goddess’ Blessing. Q. I'd recommend sticking to those until level ~35, then going to gold beach until 45, (i forget what I did at that point), leveling at drakes until 80, white fangs until 90, desert rats and scorpions until 110, robos until 130, moon bunnies until 140 then do whatever the watch me stream artale https://twitch. 2-3rd ish best in slot. Other Quests. New. Iam not talking about the mere 1000 EXP payout or the 500 mesos reward. Members This MapleStory Progression Guide is for all players of MapleStory on both Reboot (Heroic) and Regular (Interactive) Servers. Best in slot Tyrant cloak. Sol Erda Fragments can be acquired from Daily Quest, and Monsters in Sacred Power areas. Question I forgot to save a thread that listed a bunch of quests to unlock dailies, bosses, and armor slots. Most classes try to fit a full, epic story within this level range, but most of the time it ended up being too Recommended Read: Maplestory – Familiars Guide. do the recommended quests maple guide shows you i did MapleStory; Any recommended quests? Gam3Fr3ak187 11 years ago #1. (Dances with Balrog for Warriors, Grendel the Really Old for Magicians, Athena Pierce for Bowmen, Dark Lord for Thieves, and Kyrin for Pirates). This quest just requires you to visit all the portals in the Event Map. best time to go 200->210 is during events like ignition where you get free level ups for playing minigames Lotus has been given a complete makeover with the new Lotus Remaster Boss now available in MapleStory GMS! This boss guide will detail all the mechanics, preque Best Buddy; Funko Collection Tracker; Harry Potter Funko; You can now face Lotus when you reach Level 190 and can skip having to do the Black Heaven Storyline quests (which Level 1 - 30: Do your class recommended quests, or any other quests of the appropriate level. 5-8th grade There are a number of Jumping Quests in MapleStory. Pipopa's case notes quest . ), Hayato (Crit dmg Legion and flat damage + stat link. Ah, what the hell. 30-35, please refer to Quick/Precise Ariant Quests Guide by Nise Korean Folk Town Recommended for Lvl. Basically, after accepting the quest you’ll be given Arcane Stones which you will have to activate and fill up with EXP one at a time for a total of 9 times. These scrolls What are the best classes and quest lines to do to get the most out of the storyline so that I can be up to speed when I eventually get to Black Heaven and so on? Related Topics MapleStory Fantasy anime Action anime Adventure anime Anime Unsure if we have some kind of QoL about quest stuff. Party Quests provide players with EXP and rewards, including pieces of equipment with good stats and set effects. As the exp for KT is insane, you can make use of this to advance the quest greatly. 'I <3 Orchid' is a hidden quest from Friendstory that you begin by calling Orchid between 8-9 PM GMT. Some of Global MapleStory's quests allow you to go onto the next quest in the same dialogue (i. Members Online • kleinesmurf32 . The rule of thumb to swap out all the top level quests in DWT as there is 4 mobs that make it difficult. While a relatively simple equipment slot in terms of options the shoulder slot is a key contributor to your overall damage through set bonuses, Star Force and potential % stat from cubing. The best part about this quest is that instead of receiving a random scroll, you can pick the 60% weapon scroll you want. ) While there are no actual recommended characters to have, having someone who could deal massive damage (Warriors with Slash at 60 you get two quests from maple admin that give a ring and shoulder. I don't have a Battle Mage, nor have I done Tot's recommended quests (for they are just recommended and not required), but what you probably did is already accept the quest without knowing it. I don't have much experience playing with private servers, but what I miss most about playing Maplestory was all the party quests I used to do so many years ago. Quest Name Requirements [Arteria] To Maple World: Level 280 [Arteria] Maple World Invaded: Level 280 [Arteria] The Best Choice: Level 280 [Arteria] The Battle's Aftermath: Recommended Article. You can start the quest by the grey lightbulb under quest '[The Afterlands] A Cry For Help' or from the Dimensional Mirror Portal. Sol Janus quests involve tasks such as defeating waves of enemies, solving puzzles, or gathering rare resources. I remember there were party quests where you needed other players in order to complete a quest or kill a boss. Go to Maplestory r/Maplestory Hello everyone, I am coming back to maple since 2013ish and I was wondering what recommended quest should be done? I've played here and there to kinda keep up but now it seems a lot has changed. Pages in category "Lara Quests" The following 55 pages are in this category, out of 55 total. God the music. gg/ms. 150-170 I do still tend to do Kerning Tower maps, but stay at the regular mob maps there until ~156, at which point if you go to the SF Red Headphones, usually has a decent This is where specific guides to jump quests go. 123K subscribers in the Maplestory community. Iirc the “quest” is called Deias G-Potion or something like that. And what you are saying is the general rule of thumb Assuming you have completed it once before, you are able to choose to skip all regional quests when they first start. Recommended Quests Question started new, just wanted to play the "old school" Thief where are the recommended quests and regular quests in the villages? Locked post. I thought the patch notes included about skipping 6th job pre quest. Princess No is a weekly boss in MapleStory that has a pre-quest that needs to be completed in order to unlock her. If you’re making a farmer Meso and Drop % are the best. Head over to Herb Town: Over the Pirate Ship and gather 3-6 players to form a party. ) Phantom is definitely one of the best, because it fits within the constraints of character story in Maplestory. Open comment sort options. The Maple Guide's Level Content tab provides recommended questlines and hunting zones based on your character's level. Open comment Quests are tasks that players are able to perform for NPCs in exchange for a reward. e. Elite dungeon gives good exp. In addition, certain quests have been nerfed for example: 3: Average: Haven: Collect 3: Go to [Scrapyard Hill 1] or [Scrapyard Hill 2] and destroy {Modded Broken Android} for Green Chipset Piece (50)Talk to {One Eye} at [Haven] to turn in the quest: Do the "Very Slow" skyline quests first as they spawn {Modded Broken Android} Monsters Otherwise, go to [Scrapyard Hill 1] if you have (Haven: Collection 2) or (Scrapyard: Liberation 1). From early-level areas to advanced maps, we’ll cover everything you need to maximize your experience and progress smoothly in the MapleStory Artale training spots. There are many quests available to players, each having certain requirements that a player must meet before being able to take on the quest. Fairies, beach and bird quest takes yo to 70. From personal experience, you can easily spend far to much time analyzing what is the best thing you upgrade when you should be spending time getting the resources to upgrade. ; Talk to Raul the Knight, who's at Wyvern Canyon, to complete the "Hero's Mark" quest and accept the "Dragon Squad's Mission" quest. Right click Orange Mushroom and press LEVEL UP RANK till you reach max level 5. ; Then, go to Peak of the Big Nest, climb up the rope all the way on the right upper platform, and enter the portal to enter Nine Spirit's Nest. 263 votes, 48 comments. be/6Lnt6hboCH80:00 intro0:43 quest 81:34 quest 72:50 quest 63 If you're diving into MapleStory Artale and looking to maximize your mesos or snag some rare rewards, quests are the way to go. (playing about 1 hour a day) Which ones would you recommend? Party Quests are a type of dungeon / mission with a specific objective that can be attempted individually or a party, depending on the Party Quest in question. While questlines require you to reach the minimum Recommended Level to play through it, you can freely teleport to a hunting zone between Level 30 and 200 starting at 10 levels below the minimum Recommended Level. This MapleStory Private Server is one of a kind. Before completing the Party Quest, it is recommended that the following quests are initiated as the PQ will help the quests to be completed: Finding the Ingredients for Tae Sang; The Outlaw in the Sea To have the following quests completed: Black Wings on the Move [Job Advancement] Only the Brave; At least Level 60; For Xenon [3rd Job and above] only; Available Your 3rd Job Advancement is complete! Roo-D has something to tell you. The Pink Bean prequest has been made easier but is still tedious to do. 22* sweetwater/gollux beats 17* pitched boss set. After completing all 4 Weekly Quests, at the left side daily lightbulb, use the quest Reward for Constant Requests to obtain the reward 12 A-Grade Energy Core and unlock the You can complete 3 party quest voyages per day. FAQ There are several Party Quests which can be attempted individually or a party. The social aspect of the game was a great time. Or on the day of. [Weekly Quest] Black Heaven Inside: Defeat Alloy A majority of the useful quests are ones that give specific pieces of equipment that normally take quite a while to get the best version of (for example, medals, titles, totems), all post 200 quests in the Arcane river as they unlock a lot of the high level progression content, and Boss Prequests. From the MapleStory Wiki, a knowledge base about everything MapleStory. the expanded blueprints in the home coin shop can only be bought and used once you have completed the expanded blueprint quest line for the respective home - basically you'll have unlocked the 3-story home. Below is a list of Party Quests which are available in MapleStory, sorted by Level requirements in ascending order. The best title that is always availabe is the Root Abyss Master Title. I had done some low level quests with my friend on for maple guide but those were individual Last Updated on by Samuel Franklin Unlock the full Legion grid potential with this comprehensive Legion guide for the critical progression system that rewards players for levelling the 40+ MapleStory classes. Subcategories. Monster Park offers effortless EXP and I would advise running them 7 times a day. Yeah. After you can break out of the quest you can try this: - 130s: Moon Bunnies - 140s: Red-nosed Pirates - 150s: Kerning Tower SF maps - 170s: Aliens or Seedy Scrapyard - 185: Fox Valley - 190s: Fox Valley or Future Perion Best level to Quick Raid? I’ve also been recommended to play Lumi, Pally, BM, and MM as bossing mules. Canifis: Bone Voyage: QG: 1: 121 Go talk to Historian Minas just up the stairs and tell him the information about the displays (option 2) to get the From the MapleStory Wiki, a knowledge base about everything MapleStory. A jump quest is simply a quest that requires you to reach a certain distance and retrieve items Posted by u/giupankgujlafsik - 15 votes and 8 comments STORY - Sugar, Tess, Olive, Rondo, You Now this remind me of the 2013~2014 era when Nexon started setting up for Black Mage storyline seriously (years before that are just a bunch of new characters/classes/areas introductions, kind of trailers without real connection; years after that we go into real storyline connected together starting with Black Heaven, DWT, Arcane River). i think i have heard of some fans that made a version of maplestory that was playable in its early version. 132-140 if you have the Starforce, you can go to Jr. The alternative is doing the quest line. Selling it will bring you 600-700k When event dailies/weeklies are available i will do my best to add those as soon as i can. It might be possible to get all 25 The thing about the Ifia's ring, whether its noble or not, is that it requires hard Von Leon to get. Improved Quest Completion. The best way to get to level 10 is to follow your job tutorial quests. MapleStory etiquette for the Commerci party quest involves a group completing 3 runs and each player picking which run they want before starting by typing “1”, “2” or “3” in chat. Share A quest is a task that players are able to perform for NPCs in exchange for a reward. join a guild and ask What are the easiest ones you guys are doing?? As a casual player. With championships industry-wide, unmatched viewership hours, and extensive benefits packages for players and staff, Cloud9 prides itself on being the best in For more details on this topic, see MapleStory/Quests/Jump Quests. Quest Name Requirements [Haven] A New Home: Level 190 [Haven] Aren't You Squishy? Level 190 Quest Name Requirements [Weekly Quest] Haven Weekly Mission: Level 190 [Weekly Quest] Request Reward: The Reddit community for MapleStory. true. Today, we’ll dive into the top five quests every new player in MapleStory Artale should complete before reaching Level 30. However, due to the bug preventing high-level players from redeeming the necklace, it's crucial to farm the materials early and stay updated on Artale’s The third patch of the MapleStory NEXT update has been released, featuring the new boss, Baldrix, Apostle of Darmoor!They actually lowered his HP a bit from test -> live, in both Normal and Hard Mode. ) Also, if you like more humor-oriented story: Angelic Buster Beast Tamer (Although I heard they might have removed her quests, which were both hilarious, and hilariously noncanon. 2nd ish best in slot Aquatic Eye from Zakum. You can gain Content Map Stamps for each area above Level 30, which will allow you to teleport to that area whenever 2: 120 A good tip for lower levels: Using efaritay's aid allows you to use weapons other than the silver sickle when equipped. but i heard of this years ago so i dont know if it still exists, and i wouldnt want to play it if it meant starting Honorable mentions: Zero (Exp Legion Block, doing quests and dungeons until lv180. EXP buffs work to help fill the The Maple Guide is a system that serves to recommend training areas, as well as bosses, for players within a certain level range. Not affiliated with or restricted by Nexon. Quests are an overlooked but efficient way to earn mesos in Artale, especially during the early levels (around level 35-45). [Weekly Quest] Black Heaven Inside: Defeat Steel Xenoroid DX; Eliminate 300 Steel Xenoroid DXs. not that it would happen. Some of these requirements include level, I'll divide the guide into sections divided by level. If you're playing a hero class (kaiser, hayato, etc. The necessary ones will have a [Required] tag in red beside the quest. /find so you knew when to get ready. 3 from the Goddesses and 6 from the Arcane River areas. Heres what i do Dailies: Symbol dailies Tenebris dailies (after 245) Sacred symbol dailies (after 260) Maple tour Ursus Monster park You need to be at Level 55-100 to do the party quest. Completing these quests offers one of the most efficient ways to level up in MapleStory. Story: Main Quests. You can also get the Royal Black Metal Shoulder Here are the most important quests you need to do in order to be able to boss and get good gear! This guide was a lovely collaborative effort from: Babble, Cerno, Incorrigible, and me.
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