Gw2 wvw warrior build Related Builds. ; If your adrenaline is too low, use Break Enchantments to activate Loss Aversion; For ranged spikes use Maiming Roamers in Guild Wars 2's WvW game mode are lethal, highly skilled players that excel in confronting enemies 1-on-1 and can even hold their own against two (and often times 3) enemy players simultaneously. If you want Overview. A high damage, high sustain Power Spellbreaker build for WvW roaming built around the recently introduced Warrior Spear. Can be played solo, In particular, I'd like to try a melee warrior build (barbarian theme) which could be power or condi based. Option 1 uses a mix of Demolisher/Dragon stats for All of these builds will be categorized into class, strength, and role. Power Berserker WvW Roaming Build. Bladesworn trades its second weapon set for a Gunsaber that combines ranged explosions with melee slashes. Mentoring Streamers, teaching the Game and helping Players overcome their Anxiety. Movement skills remove Immobilize from you. ; Mantra of Resolve - if you're having trouble dealing with incoming conditions. Added back the option to select the WvW guild per GW2 account; 2024-07-24. I use the Desert Rose backpack #gw2 #guildwars2 #gw2fashion #gw2fashionwars #fashionwars #fashionwars2 #gw2eod #endofdragons # WvW Roaming build for Spellbreaker in GW2 that focuses on Strike damage, Control and Mobility. This is a list of various viable and fun roaming builds for WvW. Power Power Berserker. Relic of the Defender. ; Signet of Illusions - more shatter spam and the passive has some nice synergy with the build. List of movement skills in the build: Dagger/Shield: Breaching Strike, Aura Slicer and Shield Bash. As a downside, it little access to boons such as Fury, no ranged damage, its damage relies on inflicting crowd control Hammer Warrior is the most aggressive version of a GW2 WvW roaming build because of its ability to lead the charge with its initiations, and lock down its op A large majority of players who are attracted to the warrior class just enjoy that traditional tanking role, and just want to smash heads with a zerg in Guil PvP build for Spellbreaker in GW2 that focuses on Strike damage, Boon removal and Mobility. Members; 5. Very strong Warrior build, involving high bursts of damage and overall consistent damage output. I also use offhand axe with dagger and great sword. I use the Desert Rose backpack #gw2 #guildwars2 #gw2fashion #gw2fashionwars #fashionwars #fashionwars2 #gw2eod #endofdragons # Usage. Use . By disabling its enemies, it gains increased damage, making crowd control important. Boyce. DanAlcedo. Relics. Overall the differences are relatively minor, but the option 1 should give you a bit better consistency on your bursts due to higher crit chance without sacrificing a significant amount of other stats which is why we recommend it. See the ones that gathered dust, were orphaned by their original writers, or became obsolete by balance patches. This high-burst Berserker build is designed to deliver massive critical hits and consistent damage. You can go look at the pvp/roaming builds and run a more condi mace/sword build but you will lose out on zerg farming. While the build has plenty of active defenses in the form of block and evade frames, its passive sustain and condition cleansing are rather low, which makes this build rather unforgiving but also highly rewarding to play. GW2 Mota 1 Champion | Team 55 Welcome to the Builds Archive. Greatsword. Raids / featured . Sounds good right? It is very good, lots of resistance to kite non The Power Hammer Core Warrior is an Open World build that has a Barbarian playstyle using physical skills and the hammer to disable enemies. A variation of Build:Berserker_-_Longbow_Berserker originating on the Chinese GW2 servers that trades maximum potential damage for consistency and better ranged spike in large scale fights. A core Warrior WvW Roaming build with decent damage and incredible sustain, focusing on hybrid damage with Celestial stats. Celestial Protection Holosmith Roaming Build. By Vallun 31 October, I use the Desert Rose backpack #gw2 #guildwars2 #gw2fashion #gw2fashionwars #fashionwars #fashionwars2 #gw2eod #endofdragons #secretsoftheobscure Hi everyone. youtube. Use it already at the start of each match. Condition Spellbreaker Roaming Build. Went to MetaBattle but saw some conflicting debates on the comments to the builds; any PvE Builds. WvW Builds. Usage Energy Management. It could also hold 1vX quite a bit while well Played. It may lack healing but can still enable its team with boon rip and CC. The Celestial Hambow Berserker is a Warrior WvW build that uses hybrid with the Hammer and Longbow to stack might and damage over time. Boonstrip Renegade is a build that heavily focuses on removing enemies’ boons and granting to allies along with other vital boons such as and . This build is rated good. PvP build for Spellbreaker in GW2 that focuses on Strike damage, Boon removal and Mobility. Bladeturn Refrain and your . GW2Mists was created to support the WvW and GvG communites of Guild Wars 2, grow them and to provide a lot of useful resources. BUILDS Brawler's Recovery and Warrior's Sprint will be used to manage condition levels before resorting to mass cleanses. Celestial Berserker Open World. The Power Spear Berserker is a glass cannon warrior build for WvW Roaming that has explosive bursts with Spear. Although the Arms trait line does help a lot in terms of damage, the sustain variation using Tactics and Might Makes Right in Strength makes the Warrior a very reliable solo class for open world. DPS. I just wanna ask which one is the best for having sustainability and also can give power burst dmg as well? Warrior Open World Builds. Ranger builds for Guild Wars 2. This is my personal opinion, correct me if I'm wrong pls:the main purpose of a warrior in WVW other than landing a nice well placed wind, is NOT support, and NOT tank, because most of other classes can support and tank 10 times better than you, so your main job is damage with interrupts/remove boons etc etc, and to do that you need "mobility Necromancer builds for Guild Wars 2. You will mostly use Signet of Fury on recharge to spam your burst skills building up your 24px Ferocity stack via Signet Mastery. Scepter over Axe is also a Condi quickness Berserker was also reasonable before the most recent patch, and the core longbow burst is quite good, so I suspect that build is in a very good spot for some boss solos, though I've not had a chance to try it yet. Small Scale WvW Build. The build sustains itself through blocking with . Utility: Bull's Charge; Damage GW2. or not. Close Menu. Warrior in WvW Staff in Spellbreaker is godlike with Hammer. A Veteran GW and GW2 Player who found Leveling Builds. You can use some Giver stats to get 100% boon duration for a slight survivability loss; Sigils. The on-demand revives from Battle Standard make this an ideal build for commanders training new players in strikes and raids. Use your rifle and make sure to use an auto attack first to get into combat before doing the rotation; Quickly press all the signets; Go into berserk mode using Berserk and then use Gun Flame; Finish off targets with Volley and auto attacks; Use Blood Reckoning to get adrenaline back to burst; Use your axe and warhorn abilities to duel people and move around These are some of the most common builds for Zerging in WvW. In this article, we take a close look at the builds that do surprisingly well within the game mode and can make the most chaos for the enemy Borderlands. Skill Bar Find optimized builds for competitive World vs. tv/pseudoalias Weeknights on Twitch & YouTube: https://www. The offhand pistol is almost mandatory because it synergyses with two bladesworn traits Fierce as Fire and Guns and Glory. Dagger/Axe. It can be easy to counter with reflects, but potential build changes GW2. Due to the coordination required to secure kills, and the downtime between engagements, this playstyle works extremely well in o WvW Zerg build for Warrior in GW2 that focuses on Strike Damage and DPS. Mainhand Sword - Tactics warrior is a core duelist build similar to I’m Rediche, a Guild Wars 2 veteran, God of WvW, creator of GW2. Falls behind the traditional build in high That was the most effective and cheesiest Rifle build you would ever encounter in GW2literally 2-shotting groups of 5 people lol. The use of CC allows you to land your burst skills whether it is the axe or hammer build. GW2Mists was created to support the WvW and GvG communites of Guild Wars 2, grow them and to provide a lot of Warrior builds database for PvE, WvW, PvP and Open World, for every skill level. X (Twitter) Instagram YouTube Discord. Brawler's Recovery and Warrior's Sprint will be used to manage condition levels before resorting to mass cleanses. Hammer: Earthshaker; Rampage: Kick (Rampage), Dash, and Seismic Leap. Power Berserker is a high damage and reliable build for open world that also provides boons. The Power Hammer Dragonhunter is a guardian WvW roaming build that has low mobility but high damage combos with high amounts of CC. Achievements. The Power Paragon Spellbreaker is a Warrior build for WvW roaming with decent support for its allies and great aggressive potential through damage buffs to allies while also immobilizing the target to help enable your team’s damage. Axe is a great option as it provides a mix of good damage and access to much-needed Fury. Trade off with so much AOE and cc is that even full zerk hammer single target sucks. com/@GW2Pseudo @ 9:00pm (usually) Builds; Warrior; Big scale - Meta; Power Berserker Updated: Role. Detailed Explanations Spike damage. Role: Medic . I use the Desert Rose backpack #gw2 #guildwars2 #gw2fashion #gw2fashionwars #fashionwars #fashionwars2 #gw2eod #endofdragons #secretsoftheobscure Has anyone found a way to make staff work in WvW, for either roaming or zerg fights? In large-scale fights, staff looks like it'd be good with minstrels gear, but what about roaming? Any way to make our new weapon work? If anyone's got Some openfield/scrims content after BALANCE PATCH with UPDATED BURST BERSERKER BUILDS (OCTOBER 2023)[rT] retiraTed spanish guild discord on GH if you are int Our collection of Guild Wars 2 builds is available to help out all types of players and raiders, from those just getting started, through to experienced veterans. Our collection of Guild Wars 2 builds is available to help out all types of players and raiders, from those just getting started, through to experienced veterans. This build is rated great. WvW GUIDES; General; Legendaries; Misc; All WvW Guides; TIER LISTS; PREMIUM; BROWSE Recent Changes; I came back to the game from a long break I was using Phalanx Strength warrior build and luckily I found this one and I didn't have to switch @TuBrown. There are four main PvP roles that a build can fill: DPS; Support Raid and Fractal build for Berserker in GW2 that focuses on Direct Damage. I use the Desert Rose backpack #gw2 #guildwars2 #gw2fashion #gw2fashionwars #fashionwars #fashionwars2 #gw2eod #endofdragons # WvW Roaming build for Warrior in GW2 that focuses on Strike damage, Control and Mobility. Select difficulty. Focused on: Strike damage, Dps and Boon WvW Roaming build for Warrior in GW2 that focuses on Sustain, Hybrid damage and Support. ; Weapons. By Jen 10 October, 2023. Power Core Warrior WvW Roaming Build. Power Bladesworn WvW Roaming Build. World in one place. I am trying to get back into warrior. The Power Rifle Berserker is a warrior WvW roaming build with a high-ranged unblockable Hey There! Come Join Us! | Streaming: https://www. Relic of Fireworks - a fine substitute if you can't get Relic of the Claw, but you'll have lower uptime on the damage boost. Quite durable overall because of the defensive boons and stats, but its limited amount of cleansing could make condition matchups difficult especially for beginners. Raid Builds. Equipment Variants. Staffbreaker Roamer - WvW version of the build. Detailed guides for all Raids, Fractals and Strike Missions. You'll spend most of the time in Berserk mode, dealing increased damage and killing enemies by spamming the Primal Burst skills Decapitate and Wild Throw which will also provide permanent Quickness, Fury and some Might to yourself and nearby allies. Power Rifle Berserker WvW Roaming Build. Albion Online Ashes of Creation Deadlock Guild Wars 2 Throne & Liberty WvW Roaming build for Berserker in GW2 that focuses on Sustain and Hybrid damage. 7k Posted May 6, 2019 @Leo G If you want to play rifle warrior for WvW or PvP, you should do it only if you have mastered the warrior. Actually super strong build but it requires plenty practice to get used and perform, you will still have some h PvP build for Berserker in GW2 that focuses on Condition damage and Sustain. Would this be possible without being repeatedly roflstomped by other roamers? Mainly cause warriors are one of the easiest to gang up on and can easily lose anything more than a 1v1 (skill level ignored) GW2. Overview. We are making some changes to the website, thank you for your patience. Albion Online Ashes of Creation Deadlock Guild Wars 2 Throne & Liberty Welcome to the Builds Archive. Best Open World Build. Axe & Sword Greatsword . Equipment. The Power Hammer Dragonhunter is a guardian WvW roaming build that has low mobility but high damage combos GW2. Category is Any. A wide variety of meta, great and good GW2 builds and guides for all classes. The Celestial Berserker for Open World is a warrior build that balances self-sustain, decent damage, and quickness generation for a fun and fluid playstyle. TIP: Try to get into combat as soon as possible to charge up your energy. I use this build in WvW as a roamer and I literally can run into a group of 5 people, manage to kill someone then For the best beginner builds go to metabattle. Albion Online Ashes of Creation Deadlock Guild Wars 2 Throne & Liberty There are always WvW Guardian roamer builds on MetaBattle and YouTube but with slow reactions nothing seems to make much difference . I use the Desert Rose backpack #gw2 #guildwars2 #gw2fashion #gw2fashionwars #fashionwars #fashionwars2 #gw2eod #endofdragons # Personally I have no issues running full zerk, bow poke for zerk mode and then the time tested balanced + defiant and zerg diving. News, Videos, Achievements and Guides for Guild Wars 2 - Helping the community to find the fun! Low Intensity Builds; WvW. As the Bladesworn is immobile this preparation, it can be challenging to manage against targets that Overview. Echo of Memory, Illusionary Counter, and when you use a Shatter thanks to . October 2024. Build Fundamentals. Introduction. Here is the build and my guide to pl Hello. Retrieved from "https: The Power Spear Soulbeast is a ranger build for WvW roaming with a high stealth application to disengage or hide its burst animations. We keep the orphan builds together and salute the veteran builds that held a position in the good, great, or meta categories. Power Warrior. A vanilla Power Warrior WvW Roaming build with good damage, sustain and mobility which can also be used by F2P players. Use Pin Down to root people into other important skills like Impale (warrior sword) or AoE fields from Longbow F1. The Power Hammer Dragonhunter is a guardian WvW roaming build that has low mobility but high damage combos with high The Celestial Spear Daredevil is a Thief WvW roaming build with heavy boon removal to deplete enemy defenses while aiding its own. "Shake It Off!" (SIO) is both a stunbreak and a great source of instant cleansing. Roaming Builds; Zerg Builds; PvP; Guides. Harrier's Toss Deals increased The Power Rifle Berserker is a warrior WvW roaming build with a high-ranged unblockable burst that can snipe specific targets and take them down. Arcing Slice ⇒ Full Counter ⇒ Arcing Slice. Yesterday was watching a new Dragon Hunter roamer video on YouTube - but Build FULL Sentinel ascended armor + trinkets + weapons. The Power Spear Berserker is a warrior WvW roaming build that is burst-oriented and can kite and set up combos much more effectively because of its extreme mobility. The Power Bladesworn is a versatile build for WvW roaming due to its mobility, reflects, and ranged - Relic of the Warrior: This one will be controversial. Make sure you have equipped all your proper pvp amulets, sigils, runes, as that screen is hard to find for beginners and you may be accidentally ignoring it and yet it's the single most important thing in all of PvP as the amulet in particular represents Introduction. Thanks! Elementalist builds for Guild Wars 2. The weakness of the build is mostly being kited by ranged classes, but you can Instead of scrambling to build some a adrenaline a simple weapon swap could get you there. Click here to view current builds. sub plz. It is important to swap legends as often as possible since each legend swap gives you up to 75 energy (Going from 0 -> 50 + Charged Mists). Skill Variants. Power Axe Berserker Roaming Build. A wide variety of meta, great and good GW2 builds and guides for PvE, PvP and WvW. Zerg Builds = Big Scale 10 to 50; For Small Scale builds check here: The Best WvW Roaming Builds; These are role-defined builds, because in large squads We too often hear weaker groups start brainstorming "builds" and "compositions" and "strategies" when facing a stronger foe (in terms of skill not numbers), while stronger groups often out skill the enemy while using generic meta builds and following a few basic commanding principles, without doing anything fancy or extraordinary. Role: Assassin . Tier placement is based on large scale. I have this because of how smooth it makes the build feel. Defensive Condizerker Roamer - WvW Roaming version of the build. The Bladesworn is a unique warrior playstyle for GW2 WvW because of the gunblade's range, burst, and mobility potential. Raid Build. ; Relic of the Adventurer - defensive relic with Silent Scope synergy, restoring 1 dodge roll's worth of endurance after using Withdraw. There are 2 very similar versions you could run when it comes to gear. Welcome to the Builds Archive. ninja, ArenaNet Partner, and your friendly neighborhood World vs. Like, Comment, Subscribe ️Read MoreCheck out the build here:https://guildjen. Built around maximizing damage output, this build excels at swiftly finishing off enemies while providing powerful cleaving capabilities. I use the Desert Rose backpack #gw2 #guildwars2 #gw2fashion #gw2fashionwars #fashionwars #fashionwars2 #gw2eod #endofdragons # Gw2 community is very helpful and the way gw2 is designed they still get rewarded with relevant loot. Warrior World vs World. While roaming you may experience many situations within a short time. Tactics Warrior. Most importantly, it gains access to the unique Dragon Slash burst skills - incredibly powerful single strikes that take a long time to prepare. And for Sigils, I'd advise taking Energy/Agility and Battle/Renewal (Warrior heals when gaining might). Warrior PvE. Learn about what traits and skills to run, and how best to use them. Pushed to extreme sustain when paired with all Marauder gear. twitch. Oct 14, 2024. Focused on: Strike damage and Sustain The problem with this build is that has easy access to unblockables and in the mid of combat, if players focus on warrior, it’s allies will kill and probably save warrior, if no focus on warrior is done all the warrior needs to do is kill trough Variants Gear. The tiers can The DPS Berserker is a burst warrior build for WvW that engages when Berserk Mode is ready and maintains high damage output during that time, but has downtime between these bursts. Sidenoder . Albion Online Ashes of Creation Deadlock Guild Wars 2 Throne & Liberty. More fun than berserker, has more survivability, speedy, and counter any condition build. Axe/Shield. With only one stun break and barely any condition cleanse it is very Everything for playing Guild Wars 2 World vs. Remember having so much fun with core warrior back in the day. Condition Spellbreaker WvW Roaming Build. You won't last too long, but you can obliterate most enemies pretty fast. With the Spear, most of its Overview. 9532 said:Gunflame yolo berserker is actually very fun in WvW. However, the build is relatively low on kill-securing potential because of its heavy This build is mostly suitable for team fights while it is also possible to win duels. Utility. Posted May 6, 2019. Warrior builds for Guild Wars 2. Role: Bruiser . Enjoy your stay! If you're lucky, you might catch me streaming, but that's like dropping a legendary item. Sigil of Superior Sigil of Frenzy; Consumables. Retrieved from "https: This is the best Warrior build right now when it comes to 1v1 Situations. Wondering what are the seasoned warrior mains opinions on this. Warrior masters many I use the Desert Rose backpack #gw2 #guildwars2 #gw2fashion #gw2fashionwars #fashionwars #fashionwars2 #gw2eod #endofdragons #secretsoftheobscure #gw2soto #janthirwilds. This build is quite flexible, allowing it to bring whatever is needed to each encounter. ; Relic of the Unseen Invasion - much better mobility in combat, which also improves You can support me here : https://www. Because PvP is small-scale, most builds will want to have some role flexibility, but for the most part, playing a role-specific build and acting towards that role’s priorities will give better results. Skill Bar. A Power Spellbreaker build for general open world that combines good crowd control and defense. Warriors only have X as such, you need to be able to access it when you need to. Your main source of damage comes from your Burst skills. Mesmer builds database for PvE, WvW, PvP and Open World, for every skill level. The Shadow Arts D/P Daredevil is a Thief WvW roaming build with high mobility and stealth to isolate and burst squishy targets. World fights in Guild Wars 2 with the Power Berserker build. Other classes usually used for support have both X and Y that can be used for Z so, switching to Y from X means that you can still do Y just differently. During the 10s between legend Weapon Variants. The Power Spellbreaker DPS is a warrior build that can also perform as a Tank role, with great sustain due to Full Counter and Defiant Stance allowing you to negate the damage of mechanics while also bringing the utility of boon removal and plentiful CCs A bruiser style WvW Scrapper roaming build with high damage and sustain focusing on Stability uptime and Might stacking. Guild Wars 2 builds database for every game mode, every skill level. Some builds will work better in one situation but not in others such as larger or WvW Zerg builds for Guild Wars 2. The Condition Berserker is a WvW roaming Warrior build that allows you to lock down enemies in melee range while performing heavy condition damage burst combos. Weapon sets. News, Videos, Achievements and Guides for Guild Wars 2 - Helping the community to find the fun! Warrior. Power Spellbreaker DPS Build. Signet of Might enables Arcing Arrow as a ranged spike tool and Furious makes adrenaline management very easy. World player. It's been a while, but i've been testing stuff around and i'm still testing ;this build seems the most promising o The Celestial Spear Harbinger is a WvW roaming build based on Blood Magic to gain massive healing bonuses that can provide more sustain while still keeping the pressure from the Shroud skills. . Signet of Midnight - adds stealth to the build and has a nice passive. And with Full Counter it can block incoming attacks. Every utility except Blink can be replaced by the following skills: . Power Berserker DPS Build. The lack of Dagger's boon removal means that you'll have to invest a bit more into raw damage in order to bring down high sustain builds than you would on a Dagger Build, forsaking some cleansing and instead opting for Destruction of Hello and welcome back everyone!! I finally decided to seriously untamed after the buffs and i bring a FULL GUIDE + showcase, so you can start playing it too Support Spellbreaker is a non-traditional warrior WvW build. Power Spellbreaker Tank. Condition Berserker WvW Roaming Build. But I don’t wanna do PvE stuff either. I guess I got to a point where I don’t have enough energy to fully commit to one class and try to make the best out of it. At group events, I often play a quite a silly build: core strength/discipline/tactics warrior with three banners. The choice of mainhand weapon is flexible, as most of your damage comes from the Gunsaber anyway. I use the Desert Rose backpack #gw2 #guildwars2 #gw2fashion #gw2fashionwars #fashionwars #fashionwars2 #gw2eod #endofdragons # As the title says, does anyone know of any viable rifle warrior builds for Open World, Fractals or WvW? Rifle in it's current neglected state is not really a good weapon on warrior, the clips you see of people in WvW are extremely cherry picked vs squishies when the starrs align, and often with the safety of teammates around. . Open World Builds for Guild Wars 2 PvE Exploration, Story, Events, Meta, Fun. WvW Build. tragic. Power Hammer Core Warrior Open World. The Power Berserker is a glass cannon warrior build for WvW Roaming that has explosive bursts with either Overview. I just came back from 2 year hiatus and main warrior and the strength/spellbreaker with might makes right is still viable but I prefer with tactics instead of discipline. Living World; Heart of Thorns; Path of Fire; GW2. :D @cryorion. I use the Desert Hello guys, and welcome back to my channel. Orders from Above off cooldown to share to your allies. 4510 said:Suh my dudes,Returning after a long time, but many things have changed (obviously)Was hoping anyone had advise on a good build for large scale zerg v zerg for a warrior? I have full ascended Sentinel's atm but I should probably change that up lol. I am casual player in gw2 and I'm thinking to build a warrior char soon coz i heard it has high survivability and has big dmg as well. com/channel/UChjZN9mZEZYRHrB_MhbNv4A/join0:00 Intro1:10 Build7:14 Gears8:40 Sword/Warhorn Skills12:45 Staff Ski Low Intensity WvW build [Discussion] I’ve been roaming with my kill or die Firebrand build with decent gear. For Runes, take Superior Runes of Durability, Trooper, or Defender. Full Counter should be used exclusively to reset the cooldown of Arcing Slice; To ensure Full Counter triggers, you can briefly move into hostile enemy ground pressure. Power Paragon Spellbreaker WvW Roaming Build. Positioning and having an escape plan B is crucial if you want this build to work and don't want to die all the time. com and look at warrior under conquest pvp. The Power Spellbreaker is an aggressive melee Warrior build for WvW roaming with very high boon removal to take down heavy targets. This Build is ABSOLTUTELY Insane! It does everything that you need to survive in the Open World without sacrificing any fun! The Warrior may be one of the mo. What are considered the best builds for roaming in WvW these days? I am finding conflicting information on Meta Battle, GuildJen, etc. The Core Warrior is a very simple WvW roaming build that deals tons of damage and can some hits. Warrior WvW. Warriors can provide permanent Quickness (or Alacrity) and strong healing output Staff and Vigorous Shouts. This is a meta build. com/core-warrior-roaming-build/For more WvW Roaming Builds check here:https: A Power-based Herald build for WvW Roaming with exceptional burst damage and good chase potential. The Power Spear Untamed is a ranger build for WvW roaming with a high burst, stealth, and sustain but can be susceptible to focus. Power Spear Berserker WvW Roaming Build. The Condition Spellbreaker is a WvW roaming warrior build that counters condition builds by copying them back to their enemies with Full Counter. 3281. GW2. Additionally, your Shatters provide important boons with Bountiful Disillusionment . Power Condition Berserker. I mainly play pve but i sometimes go to pvp and wvw just tp grind some points for legendaries. Feb 18, 2025. Good old reliable core warrior. vnbewh ujpafzcm bpx mpmzn byzbk vpc hlxs bykxkpy djqahd wlvqq lkn zpxnyqf sntly xggw cvf