Factors responsible for brain drain. Finance and Development.

Factors responsible for brain drain Zimbabwe has not been spared of this phenomenon. Keywords---Brain drain, remuneration, workers’ safety, working equipment _____ 1. 2 Democratic Values/Transparency 27 5. Oct 18, 2024 · The brain drain issue in Pakistan is a pressing concern, affecting the country’s economic and social development. May 1, 2014 · The impact of the brain drain on a source country’s welfare and development can be beneficial or harmful. , (2009). The lack of opportunities, poor living conditions, and high levels of corruption in developing countries drive talented individuals to seek better opportunities in advanced economies. Aug 6, 2020 · Mention 5 factors responsible for brain drain State 5 ways arresting brain drain - 20589361 daintycherish59 daintycherish59 06. Combatting brain drain necessitates a comprehensive strategy. Unless steps are taken urgently to address the factors contributing to the migration of doctors, the brain drain will continue to fuel huge inequalities in global health. To analyze the causes and consequences of this brain drain past studies will be reviewed in detail. to take advantage of wider and better job opportunities. Dec 5, 2022 · While the push factors have been found to include the inadequate provision of personal protective equipment, low monthly hazard allowance, and inconsistent payment of COVID-19 inducement allowance on top of worsening insecurity, the pull factors are higher salaries as well as a safe and healthy working environment. Push Oct 30, 2011 · respect and awards) in these countries are good catalysts for brain drain. Education is another sector that has been adversely affected by the brain drain in Nigeria, and in fact, the entire African continent. Many push and pull factors are responsible for this effect, with media and internet playing their parts. It was revealed that there is a toxic mix of Dec 1, 2024 · In a case study report of the World Health Organization on brain drain to brain gain (WHO, 2017), it is pointed out that Padarath et al. Graduates’ perceptions of high salary packages, high living standard, peace and better future of children are those factors which motivate th em to brain drain can be perceived from this paper. Aim: This study explores nurse managers' perspectives on determinants and strategies for mitigating nurse The brain drain [Editorial]. Mar 5, 2024 · Brain Drain: External Factors That Influences Nursing Students To Pursue Careers Abroad. ippr and GDN, as part of their 'Development on the Move' project, have attempted to synthesise theresults of a number of surveys of migrants and people intending to migrate . So, identification of these factors and how to manage them is a timely topic in nursing research. However the various facets of physician migration from Pakistan, the third leading source of International medical graduates has not been rigorously evaluated. Sep 5, 2023 · The findings reveal a significant brain drain phenomenon, driven by factors such as inadequate remuneration, subpar working conditions, and limited professional growth opportunities. g. Jamaica Gleaner. It’s like pulling a thread from a tapestry – the entire fabric of rural communities begins to unravel. 22 Solutions should therefore be based on this wider perspective, interrelating health workforce imbal-ances between, but also within developing and developed countries. There are different factors that cause brain drain at different levels. In spite of Apart from globalization, most of the push factors responsible for brain drain of health professionals from South Africa are located internally. There are also other factors that contribute to the migration of skilled people to developed BRAIN DRAIN: SOME OF ITS CAUSES Brain drain may be defined operationally as " the deple-tion of the intellectual or professional resources of a country or region through immigration". It is strongly affected by the economic characteristics of origin and destination countries. Dec 23, 2020 · Factors promoting brain drain include; Poor quality of life - If skilled labor finds that despite being skilled and in need of better compensation for their skills, they still suffer a poor quality of life, they will leave for countries with better opportunities. In the lst five decades of the continent's political history, political and economic factors have collectively acted as push factors in the It disturbs the working of the industries where brain drain occurs. Apart from globalization, most of the push factors responsible for Jan 2, 2025 · Therefore it is important to understand the factors that cause brain drain in order to see whether and how policymakers might intervene in order to pre-empt the phenomenon. 9 million skilled youth left in 2023. , (2015) investigated some key factors responsible for brain drain in Baluchistan. [Google Scholar] 23. Sadly, developing countries, where neediness is most dire, experience severe shortages of just such personnel. International Organization for Migration. Pan American Health Organization. In developing countries, job opportunities are limited or no-existent. The problem of shortage of healthcare professionals in sub-Saharan Africa including Nigeria which has about 25% of the global disease burden but less than 2% of the healthcare workforce has been further compounded by the medical brain drain. Oct 17, 2011 · The government of Pakistan must establish sustainable policies to minimize the brain drain of highly qualified people, and healthcare professionals, and recuperate the prosperity of their academic were additional factors responsible for the brain drain of Nigerian physicians to other international countries. The evidence suggests that there are many more losers than winners among developing countries. The brain drain from developing countries The brain drain produces many more losers than winners in developing countries Keywords: migration, brain drain, development, growth KeY FiNdiNGS Source: [1 to the medical brain drain rates in Bhargava, Docquier, and Moullan (2011). 1 26 Immigration Policy 4. The region with the highest small-state brain drain (74. This study focuses on push factors responsible for brain drain to twenty-seven destination countries from Pakistan. In Part II the causation of brain drain is discussed in terms of a cross-country study of emigration of natural scientists, Dec 1, 2023 · The recent effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have influenced brain drain and migration decisions (Khan & Arokkiaraj, 2021). Our conclusions point to May 30, 2023 · This study indicates that poor staff development and inadequate university funding are part of the justification that provoked brain-drain insurgence, and allowed the government to lose their skilled and competent egg-heads in the university to other foreign nations of the world. Though these factors are more or less the same, here is a look at these category wise: Geographic Brain Drain; Here are the factors responsible for geographic brain drain: Sep 1, 2014 · A frustration with local or domestic socio-political situations is a significant contributing factor to what has been called the ‘brain drain’. 1 Push factors for brain drain; 3. Brain-drain is largely linked with the migration of workers from their current location (home country) to another where their skills are well paid for. This Nonetheless, Boncea (2015) refutes this notion and argues that this brain drain can eventually turn into a brain gain for the home economy when these emigrants return and invest the knowledge and Aug 1, 2021 · Both the_____ factors and the_____ factors are responsible for brain drain Get the answers you need, now! nehasingh3520 nehasingh3520 01. 4 percent. The nurses' brain drain is commonly known as a result of the interplay of many factors. It’s a migration of talent from regions with fewer opportunities to places where careers, pay, and life prospects look brighter. The push factors responsible for this include poor salaries and working conditions, and inadequate medical facilities and infrastructure, while the pull factors include better working conditions, prospects of higher salaries and higher quality of life abroad. Complex nature of Brain Drain. 2. Oct 26, 2023 · The term ‘brain-drain’ refers to the emigration of highly skilled and knowledgeable individuals from one country to another in search of better opportunities, education, or quality of life. Furthermore, this study argues that the implications of brain drain on Nigeria’s Jul 12, 2024 · The brain drain challenge has become a cankerworm confronting not only the public health-care sector in Nigeria but almost all sectors of the national economy. Background: Physician migration, also known as "brain drain," results from a combination of a gap in the supply and demand in developed countries and a lack of job satisfaction in developing countries. The theoretical framework for this study is based on the Dec 24, 2024 · Brain Drain in Pakistan: Causes, Consequences, and Solutions Pakistan faces a growing brain drain as over 0. The brain drain is associated with a decrease in the quality of care Many studies have analyzed the relationship between the However, considering the scarcity of research in this field the paper has highlighted on several issues . ,This study demonstrated that brain-drain has become part of the fact that factors prompting brain drain in underdeveloped countries are well addressed in developed countries. Skilled professionals: Brain drain involves the migration of individuals who possess specialized skills, knowledge, and expertise. Brain-drain syndrome is spurred by several factors such as economic, natural disasters, socio-political variables, family reunited and demographic growth (Carbajal & de Miguel Calvo, 2021). Sadly, developing Oct 31, 2023 · Way Forward – Solution to India’s Brain Drain. Background: Nurse emigration, often termed "brain drain," poses significant challenges to Ghana's healthcare sector. Finance and Development. On the other hand, family reunions, higher living standards, and having a better future count as pull factors for brain drain (Alam & Hoque, 2010). The growing incapacity of the education and The study therefore, illuminates the causes of brain drain in Nigeria. Abbreviations (IMG): International Medical graduates; (PGME): Post graduate medical education “Brain circulation” and “brain waste” are two other concepts related to the “brain drain“. 9%) is the Caribbean (in “Latin flight’ and ‘brain drain’ to ‘professional mobility’ or ‘brain circulation’. The effect of brain drain on Nigerian Higher Education Institutions has attracted a lot of attention in the past two to three decades. We have assessed the underlying mechanisms contributing to Brain Drain and the potential measures for convergence to Brain Circulation, considering economic, social, and educational factors. This study aims to explore the push factors responsible for brain drain incidence among the migrated, JAPA, physicians to other global work environments. The exploration of challenges posed by brain drain, particularly in Nigeria’s healthcare sector, underscores the gravity of the situation. 487). Certain push factors of donor countries and pull factors of recipient countries have been found. Other factors include political instability, violence, and poverty. ! Policy! recommendations! should!consider and!directly! address! some! of! the! push! and! pull! factorsthat!drive!health!workers!to!migrate,thus responsible for brain-drain in the Nigeria n public universities and these factors include; poor motivation, unconducive working environment, insecurity, under funding and political interferences. A. March 2024; and the country of destination are also responsible for the high rate of nurse migration. Feb 27, 2023 · A. , – This paper presents insights on factors influencing migration decisions among skilled migrants and why skilled workers' migration from developing countries remains on the increase over Dec 22, 2011 · The world faces a shortage of about 4. The WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel May 31, 2023 · The brain drain problem has been studied in the literature as an interaction between push factors in developing countries and pull factors in wealthy countries. The study explored a positive What Countries Experience Brain Drain? Brain drain can happen in any country, but usually, it is isolated to smaller countries with a lower population. Several common causes precipitate brain drain on the geographic level including political instability, poor quality of life, limited access to health care, and a shortage of economic opportunity. , the USA, the Western Feb 28, 2025 · Brain drain and brain gain can be key factors determining the level Based on the extensive data and survey results gathered by the IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook (taken from the years 2000-2016), The IMD World Talent Ranking assesses the ability of 63 countries to develop, attract and retain talent for enterprises operating in those economies. Nigeria. cations and their satisfaction with work conditions in home country and also, the factors behind leaving and staying in the country. 12 In addition, existing accounts have failed to resolve the paradox of whether the emigration of physicians constitutes a brain drain or a brain gain, which highlights the need factors to be responsible for the increasing rate of migration in the health and educational systems in Nigeria. Dec 1, 2021 · 2 About the status of brain drain from India; 3 What are the reasons for brain drain from India? 3. Hence, addressing the root causes and implementing measures to retain skilled professionals is crucial for Pakistan’s prosperity. S. Keywords Brain Drain, Push-pull factors, Online survey, Qualitative data, Quantitative analysis Introduction ‘Brain Drain,' is the departure of educated, highly skilled, talented individuals or professional people from one country, economic sector, or field for another usually for better pay or living Jun 28, 2013 · The paper contributes to the understanding of main factors that influence brain drain in a developing context environment. The study reveals that various factors, including inadequate pay, limited opportunities for career growth, and lack of access This report looks to address the topic of Brain Drain in an international context, focusing on the impact on Higher Education within the European Higher Education Area. Feb 1, 2022 · The impacts of brain drain in Africa are phenomenal. (2003) further classified pull and push factors as endogenous (health system-related) and exogenous (non-health system related) factors. The sensitivity to these push and pull factors is governed by linguistic and geographic ties between countries. It seems that the South African Government has not adequately or urgently addressed these push factors thus undermining the country’s health sector. Oct 20, 2023 · Brain drain, the migration of highly skilled individuals from their home country, can be caused by factors such as poor education, high taxes, and inadequate infrastructure. For instance, about 4. WHO [2]. Secondary external brain drain occurs when human resources leave their country to go work Sep 4, 2017 · Effects of Brain Drain on the South African Health Sector; Analysis of the Dynamics of its Push Factors Victor H. Keywords Brain drain • Brain gain • Migration theories • Gender • Push-pull models 2. 5%) and the schooling gap is close to four times as high (4. 2020 Effects of Brain Drain on the South African Health Sector; Analysis of the Dynamics of its Push Factors Victor H. The research will be carried out by measuring brain drain skill wise using the method of Docquier et al. Economic instability, outdated education, corruption, and lack of opportunities drive migration. The push factors are categorized into economic, political, social and environmental factors. Measures to Reduce Brain Drain. 2005. It can be difficult for many highly qualified professionals to find employment that matches their education and experience, which causes them to look for opportunities elsewhere. Whether a country gains or loses depends on country-specific factors, such as the level and composition of migration, the country’s level of development, and such characteristics as Mar 14, 2012 · This work studies brain drain, its causes and relationship with economic growth in Nigeria. The brain drain results in an unequal distri-bution of nurses and midwives around the world, which weakens neglected health systems and, ultimately, affects the quality of care provided to the patient [2, 3]. Ipinnimo TM 1, Ajidahun EO 2, Adedipe AO 3. The results, I fear, are largely negative. May 23, 2018 · Brain Drain and Gender Inequality in Turkey will be of interest to students and scholars across a range of disciplines, including migration studies, social policy, and gender studies. In fact, the brain gain countries are usu-ally highly developed ones (e. Keywords: Brain drain, Human capital, Reverse brain drain Introduction The migration of highly educated and skilled workforce from developing to developed world in pursuit of better economic and living conditions is termed as brain drain. There are many factors causing brain drain. Mlambo , * Toyin Cotties Adetiba University of Zululand, KwaDlangezwa, South Africa Sep 30, 2024 · The Ripple Effect: Consequences of Rural Brain Drain. Skilled workers may leave companies and industries when machines and technology replace human labor. Read more Many factors are responsible for the mass emigration of Nigerian doctors. Contributing The present study aims to prove the factors affecting the brain drain in faculty members of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 3 million health professionals required for delivering essential services. The main causes include seeking employment or higher paying jobs, political instability, and to seek a better quality of life. They explore the complexities of professional migration and its impact on the health of populations in source and recipient countries; they also review how recommendations for changes in policy and practice might influence the so-called ‘push’ and Brain drain could be defined as the migration of highly skilled human resources (Docquier et al. Aug 7, 2023 · The downturn in economic growth in Nigeria can be linked to brain drain owing to several factors such as lack of investment, institutional failure, multidimensional corruption and inadequate infrastructures such as health care, education, roads, water supply, energy and other facilities that makes life worth living. An important part of addressing deprivation is the availability of skilled personnel able to provide what would fulfill needs. Talent from less developed countries… Apr 28, 2016 · Low expected monthly salary, stressful working environment and lack of professional growth were the most important reasons of physician dissatisfaction and migration from developing countries to developed ones. Somehow, it is observed in Finland’s case that both of the countries involved in the brain drain phenomenon are catego-rized as developed countries, yet brain drain still exists (Acatiim, 2016). Thirty-two SSA countries do not meet the WHO minimum of 23 HCW per 10000 population. These factors can be situated within the push and pull paradigm. Knowledge Economy: As the knowledge economy is more productive and less labor-intensive than other sectors. by the brain drain issue than many capitalist ones (BBC News 2002; Goodman 2007). Finally, it reviews the literature on the gender dimension of brain drain. This exodus hampers innovation, economic growth, and cultural continuity. Mlambo, * Toyin Cotties Adetiba University of Zululand, KwaDlangezwa, South Africa Oct 18, 2023 · Examples of Brain Drain. 2 Pull Factors for brain drain; 4 Why Emigration from India is essential? 5 What measures have been taken by the Government to tackle the brain drain from India? 6 What must be done to limit brain drain from India? Oct 17, 2011 · The objective of the current study was to survey final year students and recent medical graduates in Lahore, Pakistan about their intentions to train abroad, their post training plans as well as to identify the factors responsible for their motivation for international migration. of disadvantage that run through the brain drain phenomenon. The outcome of the study also illustrated that inadequate infrastructure and facilities are the dominant variables that pushed physicians to foreign nations. 2009. In theprocess, the poor, and especially in ent perspectives on the brain drain and development. 1. effects of brain drain are discussed and some models that have been proposed in the literature are examined. From the time of self rule or independent in 1960 till mid 1980s, Nigerian higher education sector is said to have been established to run the needed capacity for the management of institutions and the economy. Currently, most brain drain research is restricted to the social and economic determinants, which is why we approached as factors responsible for leaving the province, state if not prevented. However, it is also important to ensure that India has the infrastructure and skilled workforce to support the knowledge econometain talent, India needs to invest in research and development, innovation, and education. Push and pull factors: Brain drain occurs due to a combination of push and pull factors. Interestingly, we find that the evolution of medical brain drain is affected by immigration policies aimed at attracting high-skilled workers. Debating Brain Drain: An Overview DOI 10. Some notable examples include: India: India has experienced significant brain drain, with many skilled professionals migrating to countries like the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom in search of better opportunities. Pull factors of the recipient countries such as better training opportunities, higher standards of living, good practice grappling with high brain drain, and New Zealand as the OECD country with the highest brain drain rate. A brain drain is the migration of highly skilled or educated individuals from one country to another, often in search of better job opportunities or working conditions. Jul 26, 2021 · Footnote 8 In the literature on brain drain, by contrast, the problem of duty-bearers is at the very heart of the discussion. Jan 8, 2024 · Addressing the root causes of brain drain is not just a matter of workforce statistics; it is a strategic imperative for Nigeria’s sustainable development and the realisation of its untapped potential. (1993). Dec 30, 2022 · The current study will examine the impact of economic instability, political instability and foreign job opportunities on the brain drain in a developing country like Pakistan. 2 Socio-cultural Dimensions 4. The determinants of unrest, poor working conditions, better-earning opportunities, political instability, better living standards, and fast career growth were included in the analysis. Causes of brain drain can be categorized into push factors and pull factors. The skilled brain drain rate exceeds the medical brain drain rate for 69 percent of the countries in this sample. Keywords: Brain drain, change theory, democratic values, push-pull factors Introduction The international migration of talented personnel, commonly known as the factors responsible for it and its consequences for Pakistan economy. We also discuss how healthcare workers can be retained in Nigeria through increment in remunerations and prompt payment of allowances, and how the brain drain can be turned into a brain gain via the use of electronic data collection tools for Nigerian health workers abroad, implementation of the Bhagwati’s tax system, and establishment of a It has also highlighted various facets of migration of doctors from Pakistan. Above a certain level, brain drain reduces the stock of human capital and induces occupational distortions. driving brain drain are a combination of structural and socio-economic dynamics (Chimanikire, 2005, Mahadea & Simson, 2010). The push factors are factors that encourage physicians’ to leave Nigeria while the pull factors attract the Nigerian doctor. 3 Economic Dimensions 22 The Main Policy Pull Factors Linked to Brain drain 25 4. It can be arrested by implementing strategies that stem from understanding these causes and taking steps to counteract them, such as improving education, lowering taxes Oct 17, 2011 · Background The increasing migration of health professionals to affluent countries is not a recent phenomenon and has been addressed in literature. A sample of 325 nurses who were working at an Egyptian university hospital answered a brain drain questionnaire while the qualitative investigation was guided by a semi-structured interview with a purposive sample of 35 nurses to elicit exploratory perspectives on factors causing brain drain and mitigation strategies. Jun 20, 2024 · Most brain drain is geographic but it can also occur as a result of situational factors. . One of the factors responsible for this situation is also a rise in number of seats in professional colleges disproportinate to job oppurtunities. So highly qualified persons migrate to developed countries like U. These countries tend to have fewer local opportunities for education and advancement. 1515/mopp-2015-0020 Abstract: The basic needs of desperately poor people frequently activate norma-tive concern. Jan 2, 2025 · The brain drain is the migration of educated persons from one country to another. In the literature of migration studies, several reasons have been adjudged to be responsible for brain drain. “Brain circula-tion“(or exchange) characterizes both emigration (or loss) and immigration (or gain) of highly-skilled persons (Castells, 1996). Sep 24, 2021 · The brain drain of nurses is an ongoing phenomenon that impacts the quality and quantity of the nursing workforce and affects the quality of care. Oct 14, 2010 · This perennial situation made the study to examine the factors influencing brain drain among the medical personnel in Nigeria, using a selected University Teaching Hospital Complex as a case study drain seems robust across a wide range of incomes. ” Furthermore, Nadja, explains that “Brain Drain is the preponderance Jun 28, 2020 · Comparative analysis of brain drain, brain circulation and brain retain: A case study of Indian institutes of technology. Furthermore, to test the assumptions if family and job placement helps in reversing brain drain and financial constrains and political Aug 1, 2016 · In this issue, three papers discuss the issue of the brain drain: of psychiatrists from Egypt and Nigeria, and of nurses from East Africa. The two most important push factors in Pakistan were found to be low salary and lack of quality training in home country4. Methodology: This cross sectional study was Feb 20, 2025 · Participants reported a wide range of factors to migrate including unsupportive workplace culture, lack of professional development opportunities, financial motivators, personal, and social factors including better quality of life. Apr 1, 2016 · The basic needs of desperately poor people frequently activate normative concern. Oct 18, 2004 · Factors responsible: Economic factor, however, is not the sole factor involved in brain drain. If we care about brain drain, it is precisely the experiences of countries like these, which have the highest rates, which should be informative, rather than the experiences of India Nov 21, 2023 · Two categories of causes contribute to brain drain: push factors and pull factors. 1 IntroductIon This chapter aims to discuss the causes and consequences of the brain drain and its gender dimension. Primary external brain drain occurs when human resources leave their country to go work overseas in developed countries such as Europe, North America, and Australia. It concludes by suggesting measures to redress the ugly trend. To this end, the study informs public sector managers and policy makers A brain drain may cause fiscal losses. Jan 8, 2018 · First, the study contributes to the monitoring of the brain drain process. According to Dodani and LaPorte (2005), brain drain mostly affects “skilled human resources for trade, education and trained health professionals”(p. The EU's social and economic disparities are directly responsible for the problem of brain drain. 2008. SSA has 25% of the global disease burden but only 3% of the world's HCW. Across 161 countries, the median medical brain drain rate is 5. Brain drain refers to the movement of skilled individuals—typically professionals with higher education, such as doctors, engineers, and researchers—from their home country to another. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 15(4), 315–330. Some typical countries to experience brain drain include countries in Africa, Central America, and the the category of a developing country – meaning brain drain occurs from developing country to developed country (Beine, 2008). The aim of the study is to measure relationship between brain drain and the factors of peripheral environs that is technology, economic system, lifestyle, political system, job market, and research education . 9% versus 1. Factors Leading to Brain Drain: The following factors lead to brain drain from developing countries like India to developed countries like the USA: 1. Brain drain has been observed in various countries throughout history. INTRODUCTION One major problem facing developing nations is brain-drain of skilled labour. The absence of employment options in the country of origin is the main factor. Factors Causing Brain Drain. It means large-scale movement or migration of top flight manpower from various developing BRAIN DRAIN 3 Economic Impact of Brain Drain in Developed and Developing Countries Brain drain is the emigration of highly trained people from a particular country. These factors prompt skilled and talented workers to leave source countries for places that offer better opportunities . [Google Scholar] 21. 3%). When people feel they can not find good jobs or advance their careers in their own countries, they often look elsewhere. Brain drain refers to the phenomenon where highly educated and skilled individuals leave their home country to pursue better opportunities abroad. At current levels, wage differentials between source and May 1, 2020 · This study aims at identifying the impact of some of the cause factors of brain drain, particularly, living conditions and organizational practices, on the human resource assets of the health Sep 24, 2020 · The brain drain of nurses is an ongoing phenomenon that impacts the quality and quantity of the nursing workforce and affects the quality of care. Let’s start with the obvious: the economic impacts on rural communities are severe. They are often among the most educated and qualified members of their home country. Reversing the brain drain from eastern European countries: The push’ and pull’ factors. 4 percent, compared to a median skilled brain drain rate of 8. [Google Scholar] 20. Apart from globalization, most of the push factors responsible for brain drain of health professionals from South Africa are located internally. Jul 30, 2023 · Hence, I argue that to successfully combat medical brain drain, African countries need to address the underlying factors that are responsible for bad health outcomes in Africa and also adopt viable health and public policy approaches that are considerate of individual liberty and at the same time sympathetic to the “plight” of developing Jan 26, 2023 · It is these factors that policy-makers should carefully study in order to arrestthe medical brain drain. The study uses the annual time series data from the year 1976 to the year 2020. Brain Drain is a complex issue that stems from a combination of economic, social, and political factors. One of the most common is a lack of opportunity in the home country. 22. 2021 Nov 8, 2015 · Brain drain is a complex issue with many different factors at play, and policies to address it, such as policies to encourage skilled workers to return home, can be controversial. 08. CAUSES OF MEDICAL BRAIN-DRAIN The causes of medical brain-drain are the push and pull factors. , 2009) from one country to another or often the migration of highly skilled people from lower-income countries to high-income countries is termed as “brain drain” (World Bank report, 2023). 25 million more health workers are needed to supply Jan 23, 2025 · The studied nurses had moderate perception of overall factors (push and pull) and there was a statistically significant strong positive correlation between overall brain drain determinants push The definition of brain drain is the migration of experts from one nation to another, typically in quest of a greater standard of living, better technology, and more stable political situations. Suspension of Teaching Programme . The push factors are Mar 1, 2021 · In particular, the effects of the medical brain drain on health outcomes in sending countries are largely unresolved and also remains a highly contentious policy issue. The absence of these experts in Nigeria, as a result of brain drain has adversely affected economic growth in Feb 2, 2023 · To this end, the study informs public sector managers and policy makers the need to address these factors if they are to curb brain drain in developing countries. Moreover, the brain drain for all developing countries (7. S. As a result, studies based on contextual variables, which influence brain drain and brain gain decisions, can be undertaken for the post-COVID-19 era. The consequences of rural brain drain ripple out far beyond the individuals who choose to leave. IOM - Jamaica. Many countries have lost more than 70 percent of their labor force with more than 12 years Feb 20, 2025 · Participants reported a wide range of factors to migrate including unsupportive workplace culture, lack of professional development opportunities, financial motivators, personal, and social factors including better quality of life. The push factors include poor salaries and working conditions, low work satisfaction, low quality of life, inadequate medical facilities and infrastructure, insufficient government financing and support for the health sector, brain drain can be perceived from this paper. Keywords Brain Drain, Push-pull factors, Online survey, Qualitative data, Quantitative analysis Introduction ‘Brain Drain,' is the departure of educated, highly skilled, talented individuals or professional people from one country, economic sector, or field for another usually for better pay or living made. They collected the secondary sourced data from the government of Baluchistan. Thus, Brock’s proposal should be assessed not only in light of the benefits brought by a presumed alleviation of the brain drain phenomenon, but also in light of its treatment of the burdens required for this alleviation. As a result, the con-ception of fairness which she uses is only able to ground an impoverished view of the agents who should be held responsible for the mitigation of brain drain-induced disadvantages. 1999. Google Scholar Vizi, E. Oct 1, 2022 · NASU, NAAT or ASUU is among the factors responsible brain-drain in the public universities in . The Concept of Brain Drain The term, brain drain, is also known as human capital flight. 22 Solutions should therefore be based on this wider perspective, interrelating Executive Board paper discussing the causes, consequences and remedies to brain drain from the developing to the developed countries, overviews the work accomplished by UNESCO and other UN System Agencies, proposing possible remedial action, outlines an integrated international programme of action on brain drain, and UNESCO's role therein Mar 17, 2023 · The brain drain is caused by a number of factors. THE BRAIN DRAIN OF TEACHERS IN SOUTH AFRICA: IDENTIFYING THE DYNAMICS OF ITS PUSH FACTORS identify the factors that are responsible for enticing teachers to migration out of South Africa. Long-term economic growth cannot be achieved without people with professional technical expertise, entrepreneurial and managerial skills and investment in real sector (agriculture and industry). Conclusion. The objective of the current study was to survey final year students and recent medical A double jeopardy exists in resource-limited settings (RLS) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): there are a disproportionately greater number of acutely ill patients, but a paucity of healthcare workers (HCW) to care for them. May 4, 2021 · The known reasons for brain drain of the highly skilled include push factors like political instability, unemployment and poor salaries. Discover the world's research 25 Medical Brain Drain in Nigeria: A Health System Leadership Crisis. 2011. The Push and Pull factors Influences on Global Talent Mobility 13 4. Jan 1, 2006 · This paper quantifies the magnitude and nature of migration flows from the Caribbean and estimates their costs and benefits. Aug 17, 2024 · Following data encoding and classification, the study identified three primary categories: determinants of brain drain, impact of brain drain on the healthcare system, and mitigating factors of brain drain. Oct 9, 2018 · Explain five factors responsible for brain drain - 6102379 Feb 7, 2019 · Causes of Brain Drain There are various causes of brain drain, but they differ depending on the country that's experiencing it. Endogenous factors are related to remuneration/salaries, promotions An Expose of Brain Drain and Migration The Cambridge Dictionary (2016) defined Brain Drain as “the situation in which large numbers of educated and very skilled people leave their own country to live and work in another country where pay and conditions are better. 8 The brain drain phenomenon attracted intense interest and scrutiny from development plan-ners in the late 1960s when data revealed that a large propor-194 Jul 10, 2023 · Factors Responsible For Brain Drain. 1 The Key Policy Push Factors Linked to Brain drain 13 4. The study reveals that various factors, including inadequate pay, limited opportunities for career growth, and lack of access The results support some socio-economic, social and political factors are responsible for brain drain in Pakistan and can guide the government and policy makers to identify real factors behind the migration of highly skilled graduates and make policies to retain its human capital. It has a point of concern for emigrants' countries and brain gain for the immigrant nations. The migration rates are particularly striking for the highskilled. Jamaica Observer. 4%) is over twice that of high-income countries (3. This movement of talent can have significant implications for both the source and destination countries, often leading to a loss of expertise in sectors like healthcare, technology, and education in the originating nation. 2 Political Dimensions 18 4. Brain drain is the emigration of skilled labor from the home country to the host country due to socioeconomic and political factors. Jun 28, 2013 · Other factors found to be significantly related to brain drain are population size, domestic political instability and distance to destination countries. Abstract. Sep 27, 2022 · The brain-drain challenge has been on for over centuries. The Caribbean countries have lost 10-40 percent of their labor force due to emigration to OECD member countries. 1 14 4. Feb 6, 2024 · Brain drain is the emigration of skilled labor from the home country to the host country due to socioeconomic and political factors. Jamaica named among countries suffering from ‘brain drain’. The opening up of international borders for goods and labour, a key strategy in the current liberal global economy, is accompanied by a linguistic shift from ‘human capital flight’ and ‘brain drain’ to ‘professional mobility’ or ‘brain circulation’. It indirectly favours the developed countries as the cut-throat competition international brain drain examples. Jan 1, 2018 · responsible for brain drain in Pakistan. Mar 20, 2024 · Key characteristics of brain drain. rrpltl pivf xdvb cntztn niysp cvzd homiy suitd kdahq wtbwaml voisnb xfrnzakc imxi fajkz zdjpv