Creamy cm 8dpo. 2DPO- Bloating, Tender BB.
Creamy cm 8dpo While it is widely held that it is a sign that you are not fertile at the time it appears, that is particularly subjective since it all depends on when it See more Jan 17, 2018 · CM during ovulation: CM a day or more after ovulation: Stretchy, egg white vaginal mucus. 10dpo: Awful neck pain. Anyone else have experience with this before BFP? I’m debating whether to go get some frer for tomorrow morning which I would be 8dpo I believe. 1dpo - creamy cm, nothing much 2dpo - feel good, high sex drive, appetite up but want healthy food, v v tired, cold. Took a pregnancy test today (mid day) Got a BFN. What's getting me the most is that I always get acne for 1 and half to 2 weeks before af appears, but this month nothing other than one spot on my face! Aug 26, 2018 · Hi everyone I'm about 9dpo and since 5dpo I've been having a lot creamy yellow cm (like yellow lotion) only at 7dpo it was stretchy like snot. TtcNicola. haha okay i asked this question to krissy the other day when we were chatting as i am not much of a cm checker. So at least it's not a bad sign. 10dpo positive digital!!! Cramps pulling pains all day Oct 24, 2011 · 3 dpo - white creamy cm, weird achy feeling off and on in bbs, eating more than usual 4 dpo - very faint achy feeling in bbs, small amount of white creamy CM 5 dpo - gassy, bubbly belly, backache, white creamy cm 6 dpo - felt sickly in the AM, gas pains, very soft stool, white creamy cm, twinges in uterus 7 dpo - sides of bbs are sore, off and Feb 24, 2025 · Just popping in to see if anyone has had these symptoms. 8DPO - white, milky cm? Trying for a baby. Usually I would have creamy thick cm. My best advice is 1. im usually very dry. Of course this isn’t a guarantee but I just noticed this prior to my BFP Feb 28, 2025 · Hi, I am 6 DPO and for the last days at about 9am (after walking to work) I have seen creamy paste like CM in my knickers (sorry if TMI). *tmi alert! forgot to add ive noticed a bit of creamy cm today, more than usual in my knickers* Hi Sarah, I'm finding your thread really useful so thank you. It isnt common. BabyPrayers21 Well-Known Member. Smooth in texture and usually white. Aug 24, 2016 · Ladies okay Im 8dpo. If I'm not pregnant I'm going to be shocked. Since then it's been mostly creamy, but light, with a few sticky/stretchy bogie-sized blobs! Except this morning when there was lots of lotiony CM. I usually had a dull breast tenderness during the tww but this was much more and it hasn't stopped. If you’re not pregnant, you might see: A decrease in cervical mucus compared to your fertile window; 2 days ago · You might have noticed some changes to your cervical mucus recently, but what type of cervical mucus is normal during pregnancy? Read on to find out. 12dpo - still spotting. At first Google told me this was a bad sign but I’m glad I found this thread :) Like. Gassy. Jan 16, 2020 · I'm 10DPO and started to get an increased amount of watery/creamy discharge about 3 days ago. I am currently 7 weeks pregnant and I always get some creamy CM after ovulation and then it tends to dry up. 11dpo - spotting and light twinges. Oh I do hope this is our month. Feb 26, 2017 · So as you can see I'm 8dpo Creamy cm for a few days after o, then very small amounts, now slippery cm. Creamy/watery CM High cervix I can’t actually feel it. hope you've already had breakfast!). I’ll try to post a pic below. Many of you on here say you get 'tons' of creamy lotion Mar 5, 2025 · hi girls mine is the same giraffe , i have none of the white stretchy cm now actually ,i have no cm at all !! im pretty much bone dry - the only time any comes out is when i check my cp and theres the smallest amount of white/creamish lotion like cm. May 2, 2010 · It only happened the once, about 8DPO I think. m. Jun 9, 2017 · 1 to 3 Dpo cramps on left side, Creamy cm 4 Dpo cramps creamy cm, heartburn, sensitive nipples, headache and very gassy 8Dpo still have heartburn, horrible taste in mouth, weepy, no cm, more period cramps, bfn and feel out this month 9Dpo not many symptoms except sore boobs and headache. Don't remember ever having this before! Feb 20, 2025 · TMI CM 8dpo 8dpo and having a lot of creamy CM! After O it got watery and light, as the days went on it got heavier and heavier. Fingers crossed they're both good signs. Thank you x I know it was 4-5yrs ago but Sep 8, 2014 · hi, I had creamy CM that started since 1dpo . Since then (15/16th) its been there but its a creamy white consistency. I googled this type and noticed other women experienced a yellow tinge type also and got a BFP also. AF is due the 11th, but I might test at 8dpo. Thanks 😊 . Watery cervical mucus. Stuffy and runny nose - thought I was catching a cold. Laura x. 9dpo faint bfp on easy@home Cramps, bad dream during nap. Jul 15, 2020 · This is my realest pregnancy scare I'm going crazy. 3, think I’m out Aug 31, 2023 · BFN for me this morning but not a surprise at 8dpo! Quote React Add post Share Report Bookmark Mamalog · 01/09/2023 18:10 My CM has turned a creamy sort of colour and still have quite a lot of it! Along with Feb 17, 2013 · 8DPO- crampy on the right side a little bit, nauseated slightly acne is still here. It's not uncommon to have a surge around 5 DPO. It’s too early for a pregnancy test. A little tired. Take strip test fmu bfn. Creamy CM At 8dpo Good Sign . Hi, I am also 8dpo and being ttc for 2 years Nov 18, 2020 · I am 8dpo and this evening feel as though I have mild period cramps. I noticed my cm wasnt as usual during o. Mar 28, 2017 · I am 8dpo. 5dpo - need to go to the loo way more, jelly like cm, runny nose, bumpy skin on face,hungry, cried at tv show. Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_REFERER in /home/users/2/istage/web/belcantoacademy. Breast changes. FC for you!! Nov 10, 2011 · hi ladies, i have watery creamy lotion like CM and AF is due between tomorrow and sunday/monday (31/33 days cycle). 3DPO- didn't keep track Mar 12, 2019 · Im 9dpo and due 18th March, yesterday at 8dpo I have mild cramps like AF for 15mins but no spotting etc My cm has been normal though but I read that cm won’t change until later in pregnancy? How’re you today Mar 20, 2020 · 8dpo Smelly gas again Creamy/Watery CM 9dpo Tender right breast unable to wear a bra it hurts so much. Some women may experience these symptoms early, Mar 4, 2020 · White milkt cm is non fertile so usual after ovulation and before a period. 4dpo - sharp little stabbing pains in uterus in morning. Jun 25, 2024 · In early pregnancy, cervical mucus may increase in quantity, and it may be watery or runny. Emotional. 5 9dpo - no cm, fatigue, small bit of cramping, bbs feeling fuller and a bit sorer, swollen gum, temp 36. Not like cottage cheese chunky, but a little bit creamy (I guess) with white blobs. This is my first month tracking, so I'm not sure if this is a typical sign of impending AF because I don't know how long my Sep 20, 2020 · 4dpo would be too soon for any kind of pregnancy CM. It is more likely to be clear in color. Posted 12-27-11. cynthia502 - August 3 : I have a first response (and a digital) that I am saving to use if I get a positive on my internet cheapies. When felt between the fingertips, it tends to have the feel and texture of lotion being applied to the Feb 21, 2025 · Therefore, the term 8dpo or eight days post ovulation is commonly used. tokyo/nm5q/ftku. See all replies (1) m. Jun 6, 2012 · It could be an estrogen surge. So i think im 8dpo today and posted this at 7dpo. Feb 18, 2010 · I think increased cm is a good sign. comment. had abundant cm cd 14 - 16. you’re right at the start of this window, but it can vary depending on when during the trip though the fallopian tube the fertilisation happened. 1. Hope those earlier times I had CM was a good thing! Feb 13, 2021 · We're TTC baby number 3. is this unusual or any cause for concern? Or better yet, has anyone experienced this and then had a BFP?? ;) Thanks for your help! :wave: Oct 3, 2012 · Hi Rebecca. Since about 3 or 4dpo I've been very wet down there. The creamy discharge you will notice during your menstrual cycle can mean many different things especially as far as pregnancy is concerned. Cm also varies for different women. Cervix is high Oct 26, 2018 · Lots of creamy cm in my underwear since yesterday. Wet, watery and clear. Good luck I hope you get your positive! Aug 13, 2023 · 8dpo - am bfn easy@home. Nov 18, 2024 · “Even though it might be too early to get a big fat positive (BFP) on a pregnancy test, there are several early telltale signs that you might be pregnant,” says Dr. I’ve had very mild cramping the last 3 days, and I’m so bloated I could pass for being pregnant. 0. (Didn't confirm o as we thought we would just ride out the worst of coronavirus. 11dpo: Still have neck 6 days ago · Today at 9dpo I checked my cm, and it was creamy and yellow. The sharp pain Sep 2, 2018 · had some very pale creamy CM with a pinkish tinge this afternoon, I think I’m 7/8dpo. php(143) : runtime-created function(1) : eval()'d code(156 5 days ago · At 10 DPO, you’re at an important milestone in your cycle. I feel really strongly that something was happening in my uterus on Friday night. Cm isnt a good indicator for anything and most people do not feel implantation or get implantation bleeding. also in work at around 5/6/7 dpo had loads of saliva in my mouth constantly, yuck. I'm still feeling the same symptoms I was having, lots of wet/egg whitish/creamy cm, so so much, I've never known anything like it, sore boobs, tired, bloated and off my food. Last edited 10 Hey Ladies! Looking for thoughts, opinions or any insight I think I'm about 8dpo and have had LOTS (like I mean A LOT, sorry if tmi) of Jan 27, 2024 · At 8 DPO, it’s likely implantation has occurred or is about to occur. 11dpo my cervix are right up there I Feb 19, 2019 · I noticed this CM has more of a yellow tint to it and was thicker over being creamy. Feb 17, 2013 · 1-2 dpo - Some creamy CM and tender boobs as usual. ,CRAMPS , my cm is watery, cp is high, medium and closed. 13dpo - spotting stops and creamy cm comes. You May Also Like. Nov 5, 2016 · I've went through several cycles now ttc and every one I've recorded lots of creamy cm after O up til AF. Crampy feeling in my lower abdomen throughout the day. The "cramping" changes from across by lower abdomen to my lower Dec 5, 2012 · The educational health content on What To Expect is reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts to be up-to-date and in line with the latest evidence-based medical information and accepted health guidelines, including the medically reviewed What to Expect books by Heidi Murkoff. I have definitely noticed a lot more cm that is slippery, stringy, and clear/white/sometimes yellow. Mar 26, 2014 · 8DPO and holy creamy CM! PinkInAHouseOfBlue. CM dried up as per my normal po cm. It was a small amount but the first time I could stretch it at all. It’s so uncomfortable that I can’t sleep on it and the skin feels really tender to touch. 23. Many women also experience breast changes during Aug 3, 2022 · By 8dpo. Quote React Add post Share Aug 10, 2022 · 8dpo Smelly gas again Creamy/Watery CM; 9dpo Tender right breast unable to wear a bra it hurts so much. This is helpful for me lol I’m 7/8DPO and my cm never feels dry but I’m symptom spotting. It wasn't AF just some CM. And today I have a major increase of CM, and its mostly creamy but there is a lot for me! I wonder what this means Jan 27, 2020 · I’m 9 DPO today and my stomach still doesn’t feel quite right but I haven’t thrown up anymore. 9dpo: BFN. 14dpo - Pregnant 2-3 on digi! Nov 7, 2017 · Right nipple twinges. Today I️ checked and got this Feb 8, 2014 · Lots of milky creamy cm. Had cramps today and yesterday and slight pink spotting today. Apr 17, 2014 I'm 9dpo and started having the mild cramping and pulling sensations since 8dpo. Posted 07-06-16. The intenet ones are supposed to be sensitive to 20. 6 dpo- v Just wondering if anyone has experienced yellow thick CM before they got their BFP? I'm 9dpo and have never had CM like this before. 10DPO- Nausea and upset stomach. I did wonder if it was anything to do with implantation, as that evening & next morning I had a few tiny pink chunks in creamy CM. The only slight difference I noticed the month I conceived was that there was some creamy ewcm at my cervix on one occasion. Like. It's thick and feels like lotion when rubbed between the fingers. Dec 5, 2011 · I've also had creamy yellowish cm since 8dpo and a few mild cramps 9dpo. Oct 19, 2024 · Hello, I tested at 9 and 10 dpo and yesterday I noticed abundant creamy and white cm, like lotion. Joined May 19, 2009 Messages 3,260 Jul 25, 2011 · Today is 3 dpo and I had held it to go potty for 5 hours and when I went potty I had a huge glob of creamy cm. Feel like crying at literally everything. Reproductive Health. I had the exact same pains as AF last night which lasted about 3 hours, I was convinced it was about to arrive and then it just went. I was sitting on the couch and can feel definite pains and pinches really low in my uterus on the left-hand side I had it a little bit on Saturday, and have Positive opk evening of CD 14. Dry cm. Jan 26, 2019 · Hi there! 🙋😊 I'm 6/7 dpo, and I have had, what looks like, the same CM. My AF is still in another 6 days. Dry, slightly thick 8 DPO stands for “8 days past ovulation. Keep temping! Oct 17, 2012 · 6 DPO- temp drop, head ache, some cramping, creamy CM, scratchy throat 7 DPO- temp back up, very tired all day 8 DPO- temp rose even higher- my highest temp ever, just woke up but so far stomach Aug 5, 2012 · This morning 8dpo, i checked again and my CP is the same but today it seems like there is creamy white cm around cervix, of course being a POAS addict i had to. Of course, nothing today. 3dpo - Creamy CM and slight spotting/pink tinged CM. Joined Oct 12, 2012 Messages 210 Reaction score 0. currently I've been tracking my cervix position since I ovulated. At 5 DPO I had creamy, white CM. Roll on testing day!! Fx'd for us all x . Apr 1, 2007 · Hey ya'll! I've been noticing some creamy/lotiony CM the past couple days (sorry for TMI. I am 8DPO and have never EVER had EWCM until yesterday. Jan 27, 2018 · Today I woke up with watery/ creamy white CM and uncomfortable amount in that I felt like I peed a little and wanted to change my underwear (TMI sorry) lol . Joined Sep 13, 2013 Messages 5,824 Reaction score 0. Sep 28, 2016 · Yes I had that last cycle. After ovulation it dropped low and I had creamy white cm to 5dpo it went slowly up creamy cm stopped at 6dpo by 8dpo my cervix were high but could still feel it 10dpo had a sudden wet feeling checked and had clear cm yellow on toilet paper with a tiny streak of blood like I mean tiny. 11 DPO: BFN. Hey Ladies! I had EWCM 5 days ago, it lasted a day and then I had hardly any cm, though what I did have was creamy. I Mar 9, 2014 · As for cm a couple of days ago there was a fair amount of creamy cm. It never really got dry, just kept on increasing. 2. Feb 25, 2014 #2 Im also 3dpo & noticed creamy cm in underwear. Last night I had hubby "check" my cm levels because I thought maybe I'm going crazy Oct 24, 2020 · Ooh hopefully this is our lucky cycle :) Been googling and it says how CM should dry up after ovulation but some mention the progesterone can cause creamy CM, but lots of the sites say creamy CM can be a first sign of pregnancy so I’m curious how many have get it even without being pregnant! Jun 19, 2024 · I am 8dpo today too! I got a very upset stomach and wave of nausea today around 7pm. This type of CM tends to be very thick, and as such, it may prevent sperm from swimming into the cervix, where it is needed for fertilization purposes. After ovulation it went from EWCM to creamy and stayed that way until the day before AF arrived. Glow; Glow Nurture; Glow Baby; Eve by Glow; Guides. But Oct 2, 2024 · I'm 8dpo and had creamy cm and light brown spotting when I wiped?? Clutching at straws here 😂 your experiences would be so helpful to put my mind at ease while I wait out and do a pregnancy test In a couple of days. Other than that, I've had very sore nipples and my lower back is very crampy and achey. If you do not Symptoms at 8dpo can vary from woman to woman, but some common signs may include breast tenderness and swelling, mild abdominal cramping, fatigue, and increased urination. Slightly yellow, stringy, & slightly stretchy. 8dpo: Very stretchy CM. But I'm only 8DPO so I didn't have much hope for a positive. 7 KB · Views: 113 Mom2sam Well-Known Member. although a lot of women have had good early (9 Sep 20, 2011 · I got my positive test at 4 weeks, but can't say i noticed the extra discharge until 2/3 weeks later. Looking back, at around 8-9DPO I had thick, white lotion CM. cm is watery milky creamy if that makes sense. Hi Ladies. Reply . mama0927. 5 days ago · 8 DPO refers to 8 days past ovulation. Tender boobs, bloated. Attachments. However, many women do not experience these symptoms exactly eight days after ovulation. Although I took another test today and got BFN again so I don’t know I’m feeling out. but nothing like it was last cycle. Good luck! a. That'd explain the fertile (watery CM) and the temp dip. m. Its so uncomfortable that i cant sleep on it and the skin feels really tender to touch. Ive read that its not reliable to monitor CM after O as its so random and cant really predict anything but i hope its a good sign for me and you xx An increase in creamy, white discharge; Sticky or tacky cervical mucus; No significant change in cervical mucus (for some women). T. madalynjane. so really its not of any importance right now as Mar 6, 2025 · Glow Premium; CuboAI; Oura Ring; Owlet; Tempdrop; Apps. good luck :-)x Im 8dpo and am yet to have a bfp. During this time, your body is preparing for the possibility of pregnancy, regardless of whether fertilization Aug 25, 2023 · Next in your cycle you may notice creamy cervical mucus, which is considered non-fertile because it greatly restricts the movement of sperm. Watery discharge after ovulation, is a cervical mucus that is no longer clear and stretchy like a few days ago when your body was gearing up to release an egg. Posted 11-26-18. 8 DPO cervical mucus if not pregnant. Also starting to feel the urge to pee Nov 11, 2019 · @Peanutty86 I’m sure I ovulated last week . Any help/advice is much appreciated. Felt very light period type cramps today - towards the back instead of just focussed at the front and not as Dec 24, 2017 · 3. im reallyyy crampy, and cervix is high up and soft. My CM is now like a chunky creamy CM. Resembles raw egg whites. I_heart. Then watery for several days, and still (10 DPO today and got a BFP). I wouldn't say that no dischargr mrans no pregnancy, i think everyone is so individual, that all these signs/symptons are really juat generalizations. I don't know. 10dpo - light cramping and backache, positive digi. image. 63 Replies. and lasted till 40w pregnant lol. Took a pregnancy test & BFN (not too worried though, AF is due for another 8 days). “Since the implantation can occur anywhere between 6–10 days after ovulation, it can be hard to tell if the symptoms you are experiencing are Mar 31, 2016 · Ive had loads of creamy but sticky CM everyday since ovulation appart from when it was wet (sorry tmi) and watery lotion like 1+2 dpo. does this mean Sep 14, 2024 · 幻龙博主 Creamy Spot Creamyspot, 视频播放量 3106、弹幕量 0、点赞数 15、投硬币枚数 9、收藏人数 11、转发人数 0, 视频作者 九月大司兴星, 作者简介 ,相关视频:幻龙杀手,工厂日常生产的边角废 Oh yea, I'll be around tomorrow - I have to get my hair done (my roots look BLACK lol!) and my nails fixed (I broke one trying to get Natalia out of the bathtub last night) and get my car's maintanence done, so I'll be in and out, but definently on by the evening - so if I do grow some b___s, buy a test and actualy use it, I'll be sure to post the results, good or bad, before I go. "Just before ovulation, the amount of mucus made by the cervix noticeably increases, and the mucus becomes Sep 21, 2013 · 1-7dpo: tons of creamy cm!! Always feeling "wet" 8dpo: creamy yellowish cm and the boob pain started. ive also been super tired. That's how I knew something was different for me this time around. This morning when i wiped I had a clump of ewcm mixed with creamy cm. But I've also read CM is not the best indicator for early pregnancy because it can vary cycle to cycle. Caz B(26) 30/09/2016 at 7:19 pm. Dont know if it's worked thoughFC! Pacosmam - the sharp pain and cramps around 7-8DPO sound like they could be a good sign, they say implantation can occur at 9DPO, plus or minus 3 days, so anytime between 6-12DPO really. Creamy, sticky CM. Cycle day 11-14: Near ovulation time – cervical mucus will start to become One of the key moments to look for is 8 days past ovulation (8dpo), as this is when certain symptoms may start to appear. My @home test was negative this morning which doesn’t surprise me. I also had some twinges/pulling in middle pelvis/abdomen area, I am going to keep testing everyday. Advertisement | page continues below. Like Nov 4, 2023 · sticky CM* 8DPO - (didn’t take temp as drank alcohol) very faint tingling and ache in boobs* sticky CM* constipated* 9DPO - BBT very raised electric shock feeling in boob/side of body x2 night sweats Lots of watery/creamy CM* 14DPO - Aug 25, 2023 · Creamy cervical mucus can be a pearly white or creamy yellow. I had white/with a yellow tint creamy cm yesterday 7 dpo. The type or texture of your cervical mucus will depend on what stage of your menstrual cycle you’re in. Sep 2, 2013 · I've had lots of creamy CM so far, and by lots I mean I have to go out and get panty liners because its getting obnoxious. I tested today and it was a bfn. I didn't do it on the toilet, it was a finger check, so it wasn't urine. I attached 2 photos (one with cm and one with the tests). Could this be implantation or does implantation feel different? My breasts feel heavier and fuller and I can see blue visible veins on my chests, breasts Oct 27, 2024 · Either leading up to their BFP or those who are also 8dpo and anxiously awaiting test day?I’m a little crampy, have a lot of creamy white cm that has been around since 3dpo, tired, and suddenly nauseous. However I don't get it for the rest of the day. 8dpo and so hungry lately with a bit of nausea that comes and goes. jpg. Joined May 30, 2013 Messages 94 Reaction score 0. Feb 7, 2014 · I took EPO this month for the first time, from CD3 to CD12 as it's supposed to help the quality of the CM. Chrystie22 Original Poster. ) Bd on cd 15. A yellow or whitish thick, Aug 3, 2022 · What symptoms can you expect at 8dpo? Will a pregnancy test give you an accurate result yet? Find out everything you need to know about what to expect at eight days post ovulation. 3dpo- tired, hungry. On & off cramps, little bits of nausea, noticed urine is a lot Nov 21, 2004 · 2dpo: Mild cramps, creamy CM. Oct 18, 2012 · I had very creamy CM and some days it did appear a little tinted, could be a good sign!! Special_K TTC #1. Since its been thick and creamy tho. Andrei Marhol, General practitioner and medical advisor. Jan 13, 2025 · But keep in mind that creamy CM is not necessarily a sign that you are pg. Posted 09-30-16. 7 10dpo - with fmu and a frer test, fatigue, swollen gum, temp dropped to 36. Mar 5, 2019 · I’m 7dpo and I usually have little to no cm before AF. Im curriently 8DPO, and ive been experiencing the above, plus really gassy. Exactly the same thing! Had loads of creamy cm from about 1-2dpo and now it seems to have almost completely dried up :(. today its thick white and creamy, also had a weird blob of jelly. Fingers crossed for a BFP! Baby Dust to all!! Like. . Yesterday and today I have not noticed much at all, though. Reproductive Health; Health and wellness Dec 11, 2012 · 8dpo (3DAI) - loads of symptoms today! Still getting the stretching and tugging feeling, but now its all around my uterus. Feeling deflated. I’m just wondering what cm looks like in early pregnancy I had this with my first DD, milky white discharge alternating between that and so creamy it’s almost water that I feel like I’ve peed myself. 8DPO - again another very restless night. Very very very mild crampy/heavy feeling in uterus too. Tired and sad. But I definitely know too that I do get this watery cm a couple hours or up to a day before af, not this long! Guess we shall May 7, 2022 · hey! I am feeling the same. First time I think it was different, dryer. I get watery 1-2 days before and get AF full on heavy, every now and then ill spot brown the day before but its old blood and its actual spotting where i need a tampon or something. I'm having horrendous stomach cramps (not period cramps) feels like my stomach is full of gas. I think first response is like 25. but she said creamy means unfertileeither impending ovulation or that you have alread ovulated and are no longer fertile and since you are 8dpo i would definitly say its the latter. Feb 2, 2019 · This is when I started being very gassy and smelt bad too 6DPO: Cramps, headache, backache, slight bloating, insomnia, sticky creamy eggwhite type of CM, still gassy 7DPO: Cramps, backache, fatigue, insomnia, slight diarrhea, still gassy, light creamy CM 8DPO: Cramps, nausea, backache, fatigue, slight diarrhea, still gassy but better, no CM . I’m extremely bloated, and still feeling pressure in my lower abdomen and some creamy cm today as well. This morning I woke up and it really seemed to be dry tmi sorry lol. 9DPO- feel fine today. Yellow ewcm 8dpo!! Advice needed!!! Trying for a baby. Tired and slight nausea. This may be a result of hormonal changes in the body. Mar 3, 2012 · Last cycle I too had lots of creamy CM after ovulation, right up until AF So it wasn't a good sign for me. A person might be able to feel specific implantation symptoms, but these symptoms are also common PMS symptoms. I used opks which gave me a peak result on 28/03 with my app predicting ovulation 29/03. As your most fertile time approaches, you may notice your cervical mucus becomes clear. Neck pain. 8dpo spotting was a little worse (5p size on a pad), pinchy cramps continued, felt pregnant byt this point so spotting upset me more than it 1 day ago · 8dpo - small bit of creamy cm and cramping, bbs feel fuller but not that sore, temp rose again to 36. I got completely dry on the 17th. It can be completely normal just depends on the individual. Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml Jul 20, 2012 · 2 DPO- Creamy cm, fatigue, gassy, heartburn, dizziness 8dpo - very watery cm, nausea, stabbing shooting pain in boobs, sore throat, headache, stuffy nose, sore legs, tiredness, am very clumsy today too! Tested with FMU BFN. and it was BFN (of course, silly to test). Ewwwy. ASimms. It’s important to note that these symptoms can also Jan 23, 2012 · I usually have a lot of creamy days which quite often had me thinking I was preggers! lol Doesn't necessarily mean I'll be getting a bfp though. 9dpo- Faint bfp, some light cramping and backache. Jun 7, 2016 · Im curriently 8DPO, and ive been experiencing the above, plus really gassy. feeling slightly nauseated and a touch of fatigue nothing serious other than uncomfortable cramps. have no other symptoms though so dont know whether its a good thing or not ! Oct 18, 2018 · 2DPO - creamy CM, cramps on and off all day mainly in the right side, slight headache when woke up and sore breasts. Sometimes watery but not much. 2DPO- Bloating, Tender BB. Clear with with white bits. FX it leads to good news In the coming days for us all! 6 days ago · Cycle day 8-10: Before ovulation – mucus may be creamy, wet, slightly stretchy or a combination as you near the start of your fertile window. Creamy CM. Nov 15, 2012 #8 I had the same EXACT stuff you are talking about! Nov 6, 2020 · A I haven’t had any symptoms really apart from having a strong metallic taste in my mouth 3dpo and 4dpo and one gum is sore 4-7 dp0 my teeth have become very sensitive and I noticed at 8dpo my cm was really thick creamy/lotiony and wet usually I’m bone dry after ovulation Just felt like I had AF early as I felt very wet - went to the loo and there was lots of thick white cm of a very creamy consistency (not sticky or stretchy). Nov 6, 2017 · Yes! That’s a good sign that you are pregnant. Did lots of bd this month around fertile and o time. I’ve been wondering the same thing. Jan 11, 2014 · Mine was like lotion this most recenttime - quite a lot of white creamy wet cm, which left a slightly beige tinged mark on my panty liner (sorry TMI!). Didn't write much today. I had creamy CM from 8DPO. Show 8 Previous Comments. So ladies any thoughts? What on earth is the yellow stuff about, never had before, anyone else had it at 8dpo n ended up preggo? Mar 13, 2014 · Didnt want to read and run, sorry i cant help you but am also hoping this is a good sign! I am also trying again afetr my MC in Jan, i had yellow 6DPO then today (7DPO) its creamy. 3DPO - Breasts still very sore all over convincing myself that my nipples are tender but could literally be convincing! ! Aug 7, 2010 · Yeah, I have had creamy cm yesterday and today, 4-5 dpo. I also had ridiculously sore boobs at 8dpo, which was my first obvious symptom. Noticeable creamy cm with most days from about 8dpo with yellow cm and different stages through our day. I'm 8dpo. anyone else get symptoms like these that resulted in a BFP!!? x. Very tired. Feb 15, 2013 · 7 DPO - 37 C, tender and swollen breasts, feeling hot, nausea before lunch (got better with lunch), heartburn, creamy CM, headache, painful neck ~~~ 8DPO- CM came back, milky, & watery. i. im 5DPO and current symptoms are- Yesterday i had watery cm. ” You’re now well into the second half of your menstrual cycle, known as the luteal phase. Some Ladies say their cm is very creamy during pregnancy but mine is always creamy after ovulation until af. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. had anyone had something that looks similar and it was implantation bleeding? And if so how long after did you get BFP? i have never had anything like this before in any cycle pregnant or otherwise! just curious how many Jan 23, 2013 · Yeah I posted something similar to this yesterday but didn't really get much response. Yellow tinged. 8dpo and positive opk? Trying for a baby. 10dpo (Today) Painful right breast and nipple very sore and some shooting pains earlier. In many cases, the CM will be creamy yellow or pearl white in color. Learn more about what to expect at 10 DPO and early pregnancy symptoms with Flo. Report as Inappropriate. The day of missed AF I actually ran to the restroom with a pad and a prego test because I thought it was AF. 3dpo: Moderate cramps, mild fatigue, moderate bloating, egg white CM (weird, negative OV test) Creamy CM. Your mucus generally starts as dry or pasty before moving to a creamier texture. It is the time when a fertilized egg can get implanted into the uterus. Opks domt confirm ovulation. Mar 24, 2014 · I didn't have any symptoms until 8dpo. 9DPO- a. 11dpo: BFP! 12dpo: BFP! Nausea 13dpo: BFP! Very excited! Mar 29, 2024 · Glob of creamy cm 8dpo? Thread starter rustyswife828; Start date Jul 9, 2012; Forums New posts rustyswife828 TTC 2nd miracle baby. Creamy/watery CM High cervix I cant actually feel it. I had the coil out end of September and not had a period since being on it so I have no idea about my cycles or anything 😫 I know I ovulated 13th September because I went for a vaginal ultrasound to find my coil and she told me I had just ovulated then , and then I ovulated 12th October because I did a clear blue and it told Apr 16, 2014 · My boobs aren't sore and I don't have a ton of cmso just shows it doesn't take many symptoms!! B. 9 Comments. No symptoms really and I feel like I'm out. That started last night. Only temping confirms it. Think that's normal and unfortunately could be either bfp or af hard isn't it this waiting. Keeping my fingers crossed this is a good sign. Slippery, stretchy and slimy. Original poster's comments (2) 0. I'm afraid I don't think CM is a good indicator of pregnancy. Just rhat your body is trying to to ovulate it may still not happen. we have a 5 year old and 7 month old. On & off cramps, little bits of nausea, VERY VIVID DREAM 9DPO- LOTS of CM, very watery. What you may see now is a cloudy and rather thick discharge. 4dpo - Creamy CM, tender boobs, moment of nausea on waking but gone before I got out of bed, bloated, Gassy and the start of a UTI which i attacked with cranberry juice and lots of water! 5dpo - Bloated, tender boobs Feb 17, 2013 · 1DPO - creamy CM, noticed tender breasts in the evening. Renita White, obstetrician and gynecologist, Georgia Obstetrics and Gynecology, Georgia, US explains, “The pregnancy hormones are not high enough yet to Experiencing cervical mucus is quite common among women. tmi, sorry. my body loves to be radical and randomly change things on me sometimes. Nothing since then. Dec 14, 2016 · Ok so this is a weird one. Cervix high closed hard. Hmm. I think it's too early to be a preg symptom, but I've seen women who went on to get bfp's list this as a symptom at 4-5 dpo. I have had some creamy cm the last couple of days -- I am 5dpo. Breasts still tender to touch. It can be difficult to tell apart from the discharge people get during ovulation, which Mar 6, 2025 · But, the truth is that 8 DPO is generally too early because, as Dr. 8dpo - burning in right breast, itchy nipples. Boobs are back to normal. Can you what you think? Thank you in advance! May 24, 2018 · This is unusual for me bc im normally creamy right after O and until AF. ETA: Had sex with HB earlier and it felt really really weird down there, even he commented on how different it felt. Lots of tossing & turning. But for some reason this cycle is different. by 5 dpo also had tummy cramps and very sore boobs. Feeling pretty hopeful but my negative fmu frer this morning has put a bit of a dampner on my mood - it wouldn't be the first time I completely imagined symptoms My regular cycle my creamy CM usually starts 3 dpo and ends anywhere from a week to a couple days before AF. Original poster's comments (2) 1. Reply. It has seemed to increase more each day, I'm now 8dpo and have 6 days left until af. FXd it is for you and that you get your BFP! Hi Lilylu, I'm 8dpo today and still the same with the back ache and cm also feeling hungrier than usual. 1 day ago · Is white creamy discharge typical? From what causes creamy white discharge to how to treat it, here’s everything you need to know. 8DPO- AF cramps were pretty intense today (period not due until 16DPO so this is not normal. They're sore all over 2DPO - creamy CM in the morning. I’m around 7dpo and my cm is different then usual. I have been reading online that this a really really good sign, but wanted to know everyone's thoughts May 26, 2011 · Creamy CM. Posted 03-26-14. Tired and moody. 8DPO with wet creamy discharge and slight cramps. This is the day I woke up feeling pregnant. This is what I still currently have most of the time. My symotoms: 1DPO - CM. It seems to be thin but pretty constant this afternoon/evening was when it was really Sep 30, 2016 · 8dpo is way too early xx. I would say that is your best bet. You Nov 17, 2010 · 6dpo - stuffy nose evening creamy cm 7dpo - creamy cm (sparse) dizzy spell 8dpo - Af type cramps, fatigue, stuffy nose, creamy cm 9dpo - dizzy spell, stuffy nose, crampy, bfn 10dpo - so tired, crampy, twinges, creamy cm, bfn 11dpo - weird pulling, poking, sort of tugging behind belly button in evening Bfn (am) Dec 18, 2024 · Creamy like yogurt. I didn't test until 14dpo (AF Jun 20, 2021 · Also throughout the 2WW, have noticed a little of cm on my undies, almost a combination of wet and creamy cm. Usually have 31 day cycles. Apparently cervical position isn't either, though you'd expect it to be high, it could Nov 10, 2012 · Been emotional over past 2 days (normal af sign) and lots of wet cm but today has been a lot of creamy white (sorry tmi) to the point ive had to wear a liner. I had ewcm around time of predicted ovulation before it went white and creamy, making me around 8dpo. Oldest First Jun 28, 2018 · Cycle #3 of ttc when I received a BFP (ended in a chemical) I had creamy CM from 11dpo to 15dpo. Had to rush to toilet, Diarrhea am. I am due for af either the 4 or the 6th, hoping she DOESN'T SHOW. If AF is on her way you can get more watery CM as the corpus outrun disintegrates but thick, creamy mucous is a sign of pregnancy as the mucous plug forms in the cervix to protect the pregnancy from infection. Also no smell or itchiness so I'm certain it's not an infection. Some women may notice an increase in cervical mucus that is thick, sticky, or creamy in consistency. As women get a few DPO (days past ovulation), they usually find this yellow cervical mucus and suspect it to be an early pregnancy symptom. Inactive. You may experience signs of early pregnancy. I had really good feeling a few days ago thinking yep this is the month! Iv had loads of creamy cm but that's about it Sent from my Dec 20, 2012 · I am only 7-8dpo. Tmi time. adky ricxy zyvphaw ykdvo keatvk actltii rcjd ldhji jjwa aeqqr rvpxww ora gdprw tpauw imwn