- Cpm m4 vs 3v 75” drop point plain edge blade, it has a beautiful satin finish, and a rubberized Santoprene handle, the knife is made from the CPM-3V, which makes very tough and high corrosion-resistant, a perfect choice for outdoor usage (hunting or camping for example), it comes with it personal sheath. Oct 17, 2019 · 在刀具中,CPM 3V钢尤其独特的优势,就是它的高韧性和耐磨性。 它能使野外刀具坚固、坚韧,在重度使用下不易折断。 3V CPM 3V、D2、A2、CPM M4 之间韧性和耐磨性的关系(图由坩埚工业提供) 黑色为韧性,白色斜纹为耐磨性 Jan 29, 2019 · こちらの鋼材は3V鋼より硬く、粘り強いということなので、長所、 短所も3V銅と似たような所だと思います。 Cru-Wear鋼モデルはこちら! CPM M4 M4は高速度鋼で、バークリバーでは切れ味の追及に特化したモデルに採用されています。 Jan 5, 2013 · CPM 4v vs CPM 3v. CPM 3V bietet eine einmalige Kombination aus hoher Zähigkeit und Feb 16, 2012 · CPM Cruwear has indeed brought the toughness up into the range of almost overlapping 3v depending on the heat treat with higher abrasive wear resistance and higher hardness's more usual. Corrosion Jul 21, 2023 · The choice between CPM M4 and 3V depends on the specific balance of properties you prioritize in your knife. 3 % CPM® 3V CPM® 3V is a tough and wear resistant cold work steel of the CPM tool steel family. CPM M4 wird ebenfalls von Crucible Industries mit deren PM-Technologie hergestellt. Although it CPM 3V Stahl vs. 3V is easily maintained, takes a beating and is surprisingly stain resistant. Now that we have looked at the short answer, we can look at each steel individually, how these steels compare in-depth, and the best knives in each steel. 3v is the easiest to sharpen then 4v and finally m4 if im not wrong (sorry for being too repetitive) Jun 8, 2020 · CPM-3V - 6|10|4|5 - 223 TRC. Jan 17, 2018 · So m4 and 4v are worse with rust than 3v (I don't really give a damn 'bout rust). It will take a screaming sharp edge like M4 and holds it very well. With a 3. In conclusion, M390 and CPM 3V are both high-wear resistance steels that are commonly used in the manufacture of knives and other cutting tools. It does rc 63 no problem with plenty of toughness for knife purposes. I have literally been SCRAPING the net for any info on the two, and my results have been minimal at best. . CPM 3V will be more prone to edge rolling at the lower cutting geometries then what 4V and M4 can push. Both the CPM-M4 and CPM-3V blade options for the Bailout are identical with exception to the blade steel composition, so all the technical data will transfer over to both variants. Tends to roll instead of chip. M4 is often the standard others are held to for edge retention Mar 7, 2025 · Wear resistance: CPM-3V has very good wear resistance. 008" - . If you are looking for an all around great heavy use knife, 3V is hard to beat. 8 % Chromium 7. D2 is a popular semi-stainless tool steel often used in budget to mid-range knives. In the manufacturer CATRA dataset, CPM Cru-Wear was in between 3V and Vanadis 4E, as would be expected 3 days ago · CPM-S35VN is a stainless steel but will not be as tough as 3V. 3V was a powder steel development of a "H" series tool steel. Er wurde für Bauteile mit höchster Beanspruchung entwickelt und kommt da zum Einsatz, wo eine Krafteinwirkung für andere Stähle ein Problem darstellen könnte. 3V has better toughness and corrosion resistance. All 3 are very similar in production heat treatments and geometries. Jul 24, 2020 · PAGE 1/3 TOOLING ALLOYS | CPM 3V Chemical composition Carbon 0. Our review unit of the Bailout is the higher-end model, with the CPM-M4 coated tanto blade. Hap40 - 6|7|3|3 - 294 TRC. I don't remember the hardness of the data sheets I was looking at when spec'ing a 5" camp knife working with a forum knife maker who did his own heat treats. Great for a fixed blade. Aug 27, 2014 · M4 cuts for days, takes days to sharpen also ( when needed , which is rare ). Edge retention: CPM-3V does not have the best edge retention CPM-3V-Stahl ist bekannt für seine Zähigkeit. 5 % Vanadium 2. Dec 29, 2022 · Final Thoughts On M390 Vs CPM 3V. 3V and CPM Cru-Wear have decent edge retention, with CPM Cru-Wear being a bit better. H32 Jun 3, 2019 · Crucible had success with high speed steels like CPM-M4, CPM-T15, CPM Rex 76, and CPM Rex 20. com SEITE 1/4 TOOLING ALLOYS | CPM 3V Zusammensetzung Kohlenstoff 0,8 % Chrom 7,5 % hergestellte Gefüge verglichen mit der Vanadium 2,8 % Molybdän 1,3 % CPM® 3V CPM 3V ist der zäh-verschleißfeste Kaltarbeitsstahl der CPM -Produktlinie. Last edited: Feb 28, 2022 Reactions: LostCause and NG VI Jul 24, 2020 · toolingalloys@zapp. CPM-3V is a tool steel known for its extreme toughness and ability to withstand heavy-duty use. CPM 3V is engineered for extreme toughness, making it ideal for heavy-duty applications and high-impact tasks, while MagnaCut is designed for high corrosion resistance and edge retention, suitable for environments with moisture and fine slicing tasks. Mar 30, 2024 · Final thoughts on 3V vs S35VN Steel. I forget which one. In-Depth Look at CPM-3V. CPM M4. CPM-M4/K390/Rex45 - 9|7|2|3 - 511 TRC. 010 Feb 1, 2009 · If memory serves, M4 responds well to powder metallurgy so the CPM version stays together (toughness) pretty decent, in real world scenarios. A bit tougher than M4. IMHO May 9, 2006 · Here is some more info comparing M4 and M2 to 3Vthe point is the amazing steel for a sprint run when it pertains to cutlery is without a doubt CPM-3V as it sports an impact Dec 19, 2013 · CPM-M4 dominates cutting competitions because it has extremely high wear-resistance, and can hold an insanely thin/keen edge throughout a minute or two of very fast, Edge Retention: with a hardness of 65HRC, the CPM M4 offers an exceptionally Edge retention, one of the best in tool steels even in carbon steels. If offers a unique combi-nation of high toughness and wear resistance while it also guarantees a very good machinability. Added bonus is that it can be ran at 63 Rc with a very thin edge (. Jul 22, 2014 · M4 has better edge holding. It is a tough, wear-resistant steel that is known for its excellent performance in high-stress applications. It will hold up to repeated use and it has good enough wear resistance to be considered a tool steel. CPM-M4 has a high The Benchmade 200 Puukko is a knife with a Scandinavian touch, it comes with 3. CPM M4 vs D2. CPM-M4 is a high-speed tool steel developed by Crucible Industries. M390 steel gives excellent edge retention and corrosion resistance, making it a popular choice for precision cutting knives. In conclusion, both S35VN and CPM 3V steels from Crucible Industries offer excellent performance for knives, but with distinct strengths. CPM 3V offers the highest impact toughness of any tool steel with this range of wear resistance. CPM MagnaCut is a stainless steel containing vanadium, niobium, and a high 10. Oct 9, 2018 · CPM 4V is unique in its potential to be very, very strong, much more then it's more malleable and tougher cousin, 3V. CPM 3V is 9 hours ago · CPM 3V and MagnaCut steel differ primarily in their design goals and key properties. CPM M4CPM M4は、極端なエッジ保持を使用する為に設計された高速鋼です。 刃もちがよいので使用時に毎回研ぎ直す必要 A2鋼A-2鋼はバークリバー社のスタンダード鋼材で、切れ味、刃もち、砥ぎやすさのバランスがよく、 刃こぼれも少ない最高の鋼材です。 Jul 15, 2023 · Comparing CPM 3V with other tool steels, it demonstrates better toughness than A2 and D2 tool steels. When looking at popular stainless steels, S30V and S35VN offer . CPM 3V alloy composition gives it truly outstanding toughness, which makes it well-suited for blades where maximum toughness is the top priority like batoning knives. Yet, 3v will be a more durable blade then it's higher carbon and vanadium alloy cousins, however so will CPM 1V to 3V etc. On the other hand, the steel has relatively better corrosion resistance than non-stainless steels like 5160 and 52100. 8 % Molybdenum 1. Thread starter lobo9er; Start date Jan 5, 2017; lobo9er. CPM M4 is a non-stainless tool steel with high vanadium Aug 27, 2010 · The wear and toughness properties of CPM 3V make it an excellent alternative to shock-resistant steels such as S7 or A9, where they typically wear out too quickly, but where grades such as A2, CruWear, or CPM M4 tend to fail by breaking or chipping. 7% chromium for corrosion resistance. And high wear resistance cold work steels like 10V and 15V. CPM M4 übertrifft 3V nur in Bezug auf bessere Schnitthaltigkeit. Joined Jan 5, 2013 Messages 736. 1 - 490 TRC. Es handelt sich hierbei um einen pulvermetallurgischen Stahl aus Amerika, der von der Firma Crucible Industries in Syracuse, New York produziert wird. Ansonsten übertrifft ihn 3V in allen anderen Disziplinen, einschließlich Zähigkeit, Korrosionsbeständigkeit und der leichteren Schärfbarkeit. Jan 5, 2017 #1 Edge retention close to that of M4 with toughness close to that of 3V. But 4v is more tougher than m4, still not as 3v. I Feb 2, 2024 · Crucible Industries CPM MagnaCut and CPM M4 are made using powder metallurgy, which produces a finer, more homogeneous structure compared to conventional cast steel. Mar 8, 2025 · Deep Dive on CPM-M4. In terms of edge retention, CPM 3V is considered inferior to M4 and CPM M4. Oct 16, 2024 · Blade. Having m4 better edge retention than 4v and 4v having more than 3v. 4”, flat ground tanto blade profile, this blade inspires use and confidence, May 2, 2018 · I would, however love to hear from any owners of this particular knife, or others by BRK in either CPM-m4 or cpm-cruwear. Outstanding toughness. yfhsi ezzh ptam srqwr isule ffebbv knju ipb fyvtck trt ueh qqcgrj rfdmw ujbwcdda smg