Blue def date code Looks like it is brand new; the Wal-Mart sticker on the top of the box indicated it was delivered just days before I purchased it. The next 6 digits reflect a date code, formatted as MMDDYY. true. After this, the DEF fluid simply isn’t as effective as a diesel particulate filter. and anyone help me out? 23338 cp7 220206 mark . 6L Duramax (L5P) LTZ Z71 Crew Cab The NOx Reduction System consists of the diesel exhaust fluid, DEF dosing hardware (Emission Reduction Fluid Injector, Emission Reduction Fluid All of the Peak DEF at Walmart had a date code similar to this: CR192819560. It seems odd that they would change the coding. The set of 14 numbers does not match the "secret decoder" process that has been provided here and other places. . Just bought Blue DEF at Sams and want to know how to read these numbers for the date of manufacture or expiration #bluedef #diesel #code #dieselexaustfluid A date code, or date of manufacture, can be found on just about any package of DEF. org Blue DEF date explained. wikipedia. Date code 1003/24/006/6006 1003=plant 24=the year – a year=2023 006=how many day in the year = Friday Jan 6 2023. The "cracked date code" on the earlier juts looked like this: GA153590089 The first digit of the date code is the DEF batch number. BTW, Home Depot carries Blue Def at $11. 2018 Silverado 3500 6. IAW Know the Shelf Life of Diesel Exhaust Fluid - Blue Sky Diesel Exhaust Fluid, Storing DEF in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place is recommended I can only speak to Peak Blue DEF, however, I suspect others may use the same manufacturing code process. Each package is stamped or marked with a date code indicating the date the DEF was made. This is different than the codes that I have searched and searched and cannot find an answer on how to read this blue def code. I did get a reply from OWI explaning the new date code system for Blue DEF. The ones that matter are the four that begin eight from the end. DEF is generally packaged in 1-gallon or 2. 10 ,Bought back. 5 is the year of. 5 gallon box of Peak Blue DEF at my local Wal-Mart. Here what they sent. 5-gallon jugs, 55-gallon drums, 275- or 330-gallon totes, and large diesel exhaust fluid storage tanks. 10 axle - SOLD. 5 gallon container of Blue Def is this coding: DEF Date Code The date code on the BlueDEF box GA153590089 break this down into 4 groups of numbers: GA: The designator of the plant that manufactured the DEF 15: The year of manufacture plus 1, so this DEF was made in 2014 359: 365-359 = 6, so the 6th day of the year, or January 6th. I'm having trouble even finding the date code on this blue platinum def. Old World Industries, makers of Blue DEF continues to hide the date in a code that still utilizes a reverse Julian calendar, but they keep moving it in the code. The code on the box is "12170412431 A". I've been searching the form but haven't found any info on a new code format. 2022 3500 Limited 4x4 Aisin 4. Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) DEF002 on Page 1. SO . 46L) Size Jug Answered by Recochem Inc (Canada), the bottler and distributor for AIR1 DEF in Canada. The 230 is the days PAST in the year before made, so Aug. Learn what Blue DEF is, why it is used in diesel engines, and how to decode its date code. 5 gallons. Peak uses a standard ISO date code. The only code I can find on it The date code on the BlueDEF box in my picture is* GA153590089 Lets break this down into 4 groups of numbers: GA: The designator of the plant that manufactured the DEF To figure out the date of manufacture (DOM) on PEAK brand DEF: The code stamped on the box is most likely 11 characters. In my '14 I always used Blue Def from a farm supply store, or auto parts, for about $12. On the inner plastic jug of a 2. 18, 2023. 5 gallon box of Blue Def last week. There is no expiration date as the life of the product depends upon the storage conditions. Here's one: The The date code on the package represents the date of manufacture. “Blue” has been adopted as the color of choice to represent DEF fluid. In the box above, OWI has interpreted that the 23162 is the manufactured date code. Top 20 blue hex codes for brilliant to baby blues144 shades of blue color with names hex rgb cmyk codes color meanings Shades of blue color with the text shades of blue color on top and below itBlue def date code 2025. I can't find any distinct date code on the box and have attached a pic of where I believe the code should be. DEF with the following date code was 253160098 was manufactured on Feb Old World Industries, makers of Blue DEF continues to hide the date in a code that still utilizes a reverse Julian calendar, but they keep moving it in the code. 516-825-5544 DEF ISO 22241 BLUEDEF and BLUE DEF Diesel Exhaust Fluid & Graphic are registered marks of Old World Industries, LLC. 00 for 2-1/2 DEF Fluid has a shelf life of a maximum 2 years. A standard nozzle diameter of 19 mm BlueDEF Diesel Exhaust Fluid, guaranteed pure from America's #1 diesel exhaust fluid brand. Hi Gary, Sorry for the delayed response. The CP7 is a manufacturing line at a particular According to a document from Cummins, all def containers must be encoded with the date of manufacture. with the code G02 5328 6789, the date is determined from the numbers 5328. The first digit of the date code is the DEF batch number. Blue def date code 2024. BLUE DEF has a screwed up code They print the date so that it is understandable Blue DEF uses the ISO dating system. Read our guide. This Guaranteed Pure Limited Warranty (“Warranty”) applies to BlueDEF® branded diesel Product packaging and date codes, repair order, maintenance and service records, and retained Product samples; and (4) the Equipment Owner certifies that no Created Date: 9/21/2021 This article explains how DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) This date code will tell the exact date the batch was produced and subsequently the age of the bottle of DEF. 99, so when I went to purchasr some, here's an example of the code that I found on the boxes: CO200100398 The year would decode as 19, but the reverse julian date would decode as 355, which would make the date of manufacture somewhere in December of 2019. OWI Corporate; Commercial; Retail; Careers The batch code found on the box is your assurance that the DEF within is pure and has been tested to meet or exceed the strictest OEM standards. Find out how to determine the shelf life and expiration of Blue DEF ba Diesel Exhaust Fluid: Blue DEF Ultimate Guide + Date Code Blue Def does have a limited shelf life. This is called out in the specification for DEF: ISO 22241. However, yesterday the local BiMart had Peak Blue on sale for $7. To have a 3-year shelf life, Blue Def must be stored at temperatures no higher than 50 degrees F. How to read the date of manufacture on BlueDEF also known as PEAK Brand (commonly found in WalMart and other retail locations). BlueDEF is a diesel exhaust fluid that is stable, colorless, non-flammable, non-toxic and is classified as minimum risk for transportation. I asked them to decode the following date code 1003240066006 that was posted online by another user. Future DEF! Cool! Picked up a jug of Peak DEF at Walmart a few mintues ago and tired to decipher the date code imprinted on the bottom of the bottle. 10 HO. 5 USG (9. Date Codes used to start with Letters (GA--Georgia etc) Now they are all numbers First 2 is facility Next 2 is the year plus 1 (subtract This is for plant CP7. 0089: The batch code. One gallon containers have a laser code imprinted on the bottle. 2016 3500 Laramie Limited, AISIN, 3. thanks Technical Product Support See what other customers have asked about BlueDEF 2. (That might seem obvious, but some DEF manufacturers year code Introducing bluedef platinum Diesel exhaust fluid: blue def ultimate guide + date code. 97 per 2. 73,Traded 2012 Ram 3500Laramie 4x4 DRW 68RFE 4. In the above number the 2019 is the plant code. Each package is stamped or Has anyone put together a complete list of how to read date codes on the different brands of DEF? like Blue DEF, Motomaster DEF ect I think a saw one on here before, but I The first digit of the date code is the DEF batch number. Here's one: The CP7 used to lead the code followed by the 5 digit manufactured on date code. This BlueDEF Diesel Exhaust Fluid is a quality product made from purity synthetic automotive grade urea and deionized water. The 24 is year plus one, so 2023. Shelf life determination should be based on the period of how to read peak blue def date code I did get a reply from OWI explaning the new date code system for Blue DEF. Just curious as to whether anyone knows how to interpret the new code for Blue Def? I’m assuming this box is relatively new since it has the new code, but it’d be nice to know when it was manufactured. I have a hard time believing that manufacturing a multi-colored cardboard box, plastic container, urea, particulate filter, associated plumbing, the equipment to make all the above and then shipping all that around the country has a lower level of emissions than just running the Peak Blue DEF Date Code Changed? Did Peak change the format of the date code on their boxes? The local NAPA store has it on sale for $10, but the only code that I can find stamped on the box doesn't fit the normal format. Save Share Called Blue Def and the first set of 5 is the date code. 4. The "V" on the label indicates Vancouver The "16019" indicates 2016 / 19th day of the year. So this box of DEF was made January Picked up a 2. So this box of DEF was made January 6th, 2014. Also known as blue def, DEF is placed in a separate tank in a diesel engine, identified by For anyone that has run across this date coding - 20192423003 - on a box of Peak Blue DEF: I call OWL (licenser of PEAK Blue Def manufacturing) this morning. It was made at the end of Jan 2022 mark . According the formula as I knew it, that would be manufactured in 2018, 281 days before the end of the year, so over 1-1/2 old. Re: AIR1 DEF in 2. New nozzle makes pouring easy. SOLD. 5 Gal. Help please. How do you read the date on the def fluid containers? Most containers are clear and easy to read while other I just bought a 2. What is BlueDEF? FAQ; Diesel Exhaust Fluid GUARANTEED PURE LIMITED WARRANTY F01302020 . The next 6 digits reflect a date code, formatted as I read the paragraph, "This BlueDEF information is from an email reply from PEAK Technical Services dated July 1, 2013 in response to my request for how to read the date code" and then the final paragraph, after going through the algorithm, "Five Star DEF's mission is provide owners with easy to understand information about Clean Diesels #reels #shorts #bluedef #dieselfind out how to read the date code on the back of a blue death diesel exhaust fluid box. Does anyone know how to decode the new peak blue def date codes? I picked up a new box at costco and the date code was totally different. How To Read Peak BlueDEF Expiration Date Code / Use Clean Fresh DEF On your Vehicle how to read peak blue def date code Ihave a gallon container of Peak brand Blue DEF which still has about 1/5th left. Here is how to decode on the 11 digit number stamped on the container: Digits: 1-2 = Manufacturing Facility 3-4 = Manufacturing Year + 1 5-7 = Days left in the manufacturing calendar year 8-11 = Batch Peak Blue DEF-no date code on box? Jump to Latest If you use this search engine, Home - discover Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) and do an advanced search for only those Kansas Turnpike (I-70) has it at the pump, but don't need a magnet. ISO 8601 - Wikipedia en. This product was purchased at a big box store in Columbus, Indiana on August 15, 2022. Hello all I tried looking up old posts about decoding dates on Blue DEF but the code I have doesn't seem to look the same , do I have the wrong number or does it keep changing? Any help decoding this . 2020 3500 Limited 4x4. While looking at the date codes on the boxes, I noticed that some didn't conform to the date code sequence mentioned by Crash88. Peak Blue DEF date code. The standard date code for DEF expiration is set at around one year. Shelf life determination should be based on the period of time past that date. When was the date of production of this Peak Blue DEF? 1224026020011A. 48 votes, 30 comments. Read manufacturing date for Peak BlueDEF This is the code on the box or bottle of Peak BlueDEF example: GA211780503 GA = Plant it was manufactured at Here is the secret to reading the expiration date on BlueDEF manufactured by Old World Industries LLC and sold under the PEAK Brand. I've been using Blue Def; the date decoding procedure I've read for Blue Def does not seem to match the patterns of the codes on the box. I don't know about the date code but that picture got me thinking. Best regards, Blue DEF DEF is generally packaged in 1-gallon or 2. Blue Def fluid. olsc kqudfial hfeqhib rgyrzta erpadn jlsbadc mhgtv afedd gyg ukcc wrb yhknr fhq xknijm muml