Volo competitive edh. This is my Volo deck.
Volo competitive edh Get a large amount of creatures on your board; Get Volo, Guide to Monsters out; Play Echoing Equation Updated Oct 20, 2023 by deathseeker148 using our MTG Deck Builder. Super budget [[Volo, Guide to Monsters]]. That means we’ll need to pick the best specimens Updated Oct 18, 2024 by Redelk22 using our MTG Deck Builder. The aim of this deck is to eventually overwhelm my opponents with a token army using cards such as Hornet Queen, Tendershoot Dryad, Myr Battlesphere etc. I had a lot of blue and green spells I wanted to use, so I made this deck. Explanation for the 5 triggers: "When cast with Volo on the board, Auspicious Starrix triggers X times, X being the number of mutations, the first occurrence which is triggered once, then a second which will trigger 2x and trigger the first occurrence 2x too, for a total of 5 triggers. Food Chain. here are some notes on my build: -overlapping creature types doesn’t present an issue with his trigger. Built as a tough deck building challenge to not repeat any creature types for … Updated Aug 31, 2024 by hungryhippo24 using our MTG Deck Builder. Updated Oct 19, 2023 by Mextli using our MTG Deck Builder. Last updated July 2, 2021. 80% of your deck is the same as mine and there is not a ton of room for improvement. Ramp into playing a ton of creatures all with different creature types to get lots of value out of both … Don't be fooled by the competitive rating! This deck is insane, not to mention fun and combo heavy. (The ability to have a 4/4 haste trampler which grows every turn is good creature advantage) and the ability to sac that same creature after combat for damage and a hella lot card draw is worth it IMO. All Commanders in this list are highly competitive and capable of winning tournaments. The main idea is bringing out Master Chef and Volo, Itinerant Scholar as fast as possible, but delay creature drops until Volo's Journal is on the field. If you th Volo, Guide to Monsters. The [[Roaming Throne]] is a non-bow with your commander. T1. We share deck lists and discuss lesser-known cards with the goal of saving you money. Finally, a couple non-creatures. 762 decks (0. The Possibility Storm S4E8: Game 2, All Will Be One Thoughts on Volo as a competitive commander… I mean he’s Simic so what could go wrong. 69 (1 missing) Volo, Guide to Monsters Commander / EDH* GU (Simic) Mutate. CMC: 4. I think of cEDH as a deck building mindset, and yes without a budget some of the best cards are very expensive, but the terms budget and competitive don't have to be mutually exclusive. Standard Decks; Pioneer Decks ; Welcome to Volo's Cookbook! (currently 46-26 via SpellTable, in-person cEDH play, and tournaments). That's just how it works. , then pump those creatures up and give them trample using cards such as End-Raze Forerunners, Craterhoof Behemoth etc. 15 - 2 Commons. My deck is close to being competitive (tried mutate to start with and that was crap), yet with each change or Updated May 10, 2024 by lewisdegoffau using our MTG Deck Builder. Your list is awesome. High ceiling on this card. The main way of winning. +1/+1 counters plus draw cards and abuse volo’s ability So do you play "High Power / Degenerate EDH" too, or are you strictly a cEDH player? Or do you draw a hard line between cEDH and casual and stay out of the zone between Timmy decks and cEDH proper? I've been playing cEDH for a little over a year, running a Consultation Kess deck that's a bit of a rogue brew. 001%) Rank #3018. Tokens 30 Clones 27 Birthing Pod 17 Keruga Updated Feb 03, 2023 by BlueEyedDarkWolf using our MTG Deck Builder. Yarok may be fringe in the competitive scene, but it’s probably a blast to play. Members Online Volo, Isochron Hero [cEDH] Commander / EDH Azorius (WU) Combo Competitive Control Midrange Stax. Updated Apr 13, 2024 by SithDragon33 using our MTG Deck Builder. 5 - Competitive, plays best with T1, slightly outclassed or T1 countermeta, many upsides. Rarity (main - side) 9 - 4 Mythic Rares. Updated Sep 29, 2023 by Archerkn0896 using our MTG Deck Builder. Updated Apr 13, 2024 by PandaFerce using our MTG Deck Builder. " 184 votes, 35 comments. creatures, tokens, creatures, tokens, creatures, tokens, creatures, tokens, creatures, tokens Achieved #1 position in Commander / EDH Goodstuff 1 year ago; Achieved #1 position in Commander / EDH GU (Simic) 3 months ago; Achieved #1 position in Commander / EDH Multiplayer 1 year ago; Date added: 2 years: Last updated: 4 weeks: Exclude colors: WBR: Legality: This deck is Commander / EDH legal. spiciness $781 Other. Volo is the most midrange of midrange piles. Rarity (main - side) 15 - 0 Mythic Rares. Relying on tap/untap shenanigans and draw is a really nice plan and makes the deck plays different enough from a [[Moritte of the Frost]] tribal tribal deck imo. Updated Oct 25, 2023 by Eevee098 using our MTG Deck Builder. [[Keruga the macrosage]] [[Keiga the Tide Star]] [[God-Eternal Rhonas]] are a few that are used frequently, but otherwise avoid legendaries for Volo. 7/12/2024 Now, to address the elephant in the room, why we are playing a Simic Commander set that isn't Thrasios, Triton Hero and a partner, or Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy ? There are multiple rea Volo copies creature spells not permanents so suspend and mutate creature spells are copied on the stack. Jul 2, 2021 · Updated Apr 19, 2024 by Badass using our MTG Deck Builder. We want to play with you! We don’t care if your cards came out of a printer. The goal is to always stay relevant on the board with our extra copy of every creature, and bounce effects to stop board wipes from ruining our day. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Updated Oct 01, 2022 by Ralf1001 using our MTG Deck Builder. Strictly having no copies of creatures with the same creature type. 47 Updated Apr 26, 2024 by zingo using our MTG Deck Builder. Mar 16, 2024 · The Competitive EDH game mode is played in groups of 3 to 5 players, who each use a pre-built deck of cards consisting of exactly 100 cards. Updated Jul 22, 2024 by More404 using our MTG Deck Builder. 570 decks (0. Budget Volo, Guide to Monsters EDH List A competitive Melee focused extension of the reddit Super Smash Brothers community. There are lots of ways to win with this deck. gg/KaBqMqrTPW Now, to address the elephant in the room, why we are playing a Simic Commander set that isn't Thrasios, Triton Hero and a partner, or Kinnan The cards from Foundations will define Magic for the next five years and Michael Celani is here to review the best white ones for Commander. Kiri-Onna. Members Online I'm a former SSBM content producer who worked on things like Last Stock Legends minidocs and event trailers. 11 votes, 48 comments. By Eien Social media 06-May 25%. Volo, Itinerant Scholar // Master Chef (Commander) Volo, Itinerant Scholar // Master Chef. Updated Apr 28, 2024 by dm876875 using our MTG Deck Builder. We have collected the top Volo, Guide to Monsters Commander decks from the latest tournaments. This list is just a ranking of how well id expect them to perform against each other in a tournament setting. There are many power levels in casual, but casual is literally just "not cedh". todo We have collected the top Volo, Itinerant Scholar Commander decks from the latest tournaments. Couple this with a solid combo finish that can completely ignore Rule of Law - Volo has shifted from Updated Dec 17, 2024 by atingtdm using our MTG Deck Builder. Preferably one that only gives your Slivers something because Pure Sliver players will often need to play some of the ones that give love to the whole bored as opposed to just their own board. Fleetfeather Cockatrice - Replaced out Faerie Artisans , which i found didnt always work in this deck. 50 tix Updated Oct 20, 2023 by cooldude145 using our MTG Deck Builder. Commander / EDH $4,977. Plays extraordinarily well into stax, draws an alarming amount of cards, and will absolutely bury opponents under all the value. This deck mainly revolves around Volo, Guide to Monsters doubling creatures for doubling triggers and creating game-ending combos. The only ones viable I would say are Minsc&boo planes walker as a agro, value deck. 32 - 1 Uncommons. Any $ $$$ Tags. Members Online Updated Dec 31, 2023 by nonick77 using our MTG Deck Builder. Cast the Spark Double first so you can get a non legendary Volo and then cast the impersonator copying the non legendary Volo so you can have 7 of him! Imagine getting 28 mutate triggers from one cast! Competitive EDH Decklist Database Submit a Deck Make a Request About the DDB The submission deadline for the Duskmourn: House of Horror DDB update is October 31st, 2024 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time. Volo copies Sakashima and you get three copies of Volo, making 4 copies of Craterhoof and giving all your creatures +28/+28. Aug 3, 2021 · Volo is here and he is making a guide of every monster as long as its not on the battlefield or in your graveyard. Volo, Itinerant Scholar EDH decklists Fortunately for me, after eliminating all that a lot of the rest of top 100 elves in EDH are clearly for a Tribal deck and not a Volo deck (Priest of Titania, Elvish Archdruid, Imperious Perfect) or don't actually do a whole lot if doubled and don't synergize with what Volo wants to do (Allosaurus Shepherd, Elvish Piper, Elvish Reclaimer). This Commander deck pays homage to the incredible journey of Volo, whose mission is to record and study all the mysterious creatures that cross his path. EDH offers several different avenues to attack. ===accordion|autocollapse Introduction This is a Who’s Who of Competitive Commander. 011%) Rank #1402. I would run [[Evolutionary Leap]] over [[Birthing Pod]]. Non-tribal, tribal. Here is my easy guide to building a 7/10 level Volo deck. The community understands that people want to play competitively but competitive EDH costs $1000s. My decks … Updated Sep 14, 2024 by Clodhi using our MTG Deck Builder. 2-Volo check the creature type during the cast to double it, so Spark double that is a illusion will get copy and on ETB will become what ever you want ( even Volo ) 3-If you cast a creature with mutate for its mutate cost you have a Volo, Guide to Monsters. 19. This is my Volo deck. This is what the entire deck is built around. Delicious in Dungeon theme'd commander deck with a light group huge theme If Volo sticks you're double spelling each turn you cast a creature, if you cast two you're quadruple spelling. Welcome to Volo's Cookbook! (currently 37-21 via SpellTable, in-person cEDH play, and tournaments). 4/21/2024 Discord here: https://discord. This deck is not Commander / EDH legal. If you're not cedh, you're casual. Budget. Updated Oct 14, 2023 by Upgraydde using our MTG Deck Builder. 28 avg: $ 86. Varied meta, I play on spell table and the LGS I go to has all kinds of decks. Volo doubles mana dorks and land grabbing ETB creatures like [[topiary stomper]], [[yavimaya dryad]], and the 3 elves that do it. About me. A flash deck of Volo, with synergy i want to creater a simic where u cant see what will happen I see lots of Volo decks on the internet that don't seem to understand how his mechanics work or how the rules effect some of the cards that are included in these decks. All the creature types all the time cool, but cedh is literally "competitive edh". Volo + Folk Hero Pro-tip, Mutate is crazy with Volo since they get three different triggers, Clones are also crazy, and you should always play at least one Sliver. X. Jimmy's Volo, Guide to Monsters deck played on Extra Turns #17. The current price average is around 546$ . Hey folks, submitted for your approval we have the 21st commander covered in my ongoing Cut-Rate Commander series - Volo, Guide to Monsters. Pod puts them One thing I noticed is on EDHREC the most common Enchantment is actually a nonbo for Volo: [[Guardian Project]] won't work if his triggered ability goes off, because the token enters the battlefield before the nontoken creature, so the only way Guardian Project draws you a card is if Volo isn't on the battlefield or you've already got another Main combo line - Isochron scepter imprint dramatic reversal and draw deck with Volo's ability into a Thassa's Oracle. In general most people don't consider decks that are under 500 to be "cEDH" anymore, which may be partly true, but it depends how you define cEDH. You can make any deck you want to, what matters is that you’re having fun. Oh and to add to that, you usually only spin volo when needed, a lot of times after just a draw of 2-3 you get a tutor effect, and with any persist creature or sac outlet in hand one tutor effect can get you to a game winning state, so I usually just try and set up extra protection or wait to win- the deck can win REALLY quickly if you pilot it intelligently. As Commander Volo, Itinerant Scholar Average These are cards that weren't used by any deck in the competitive and brew section on February 11 of 2022, mostly because they weren't printed yet. Members Online Updated Oct 31, 2024 by TAlder3106 using our MTG Deck Builder. Upgraded volo budget deck Updated Nov 24, 2024 by ASwordToFace using our MTG Deck Builder. Submissions after that date will be considered for the following update. Volo EDH Deck Commander / EDH More Casual Feedback More Competitive . I would save yourself the $30-$40 bucks and not run it. Browse > Home / Decks / Commander / Volo, Guide to Monsters Vololo by Scarey98 Report Deck Name Fix Archetype $ 154. I just built Volo, Guide to Monster's and I'm strictly playing only one creature of each type. 597. I am trying to play ETBs as the… Updated Oct 07, 2023 by Dotheflopguy using our MTG Deck Builder. It isn't easy to get a copy of Volo, but [[Double Major]] and [[Irenicus's Vile Duplication]] both do the trick. cEDH GAMEPLAY - VOLO/TAVERN vs TYMNA/HALANA vs CORMELA vs MARNEUS the Gathering EDH/Commander! Members Online. Updated Oct 16, 2023 by 16garrettaustin using our MTG Deck Builder. "Casual" should never be used as a power level. I Its safe to say guide to monsters is better. If you cast a creature as a mutate, volo copies it as a mutate on the same creature, meaning you get double the effect (or more, since the first mutate sees the second) [[Auspicious Starrix]] is absolutely crazy, mutate it onto anything (with volo on the field) and you get 5 permanents out of your deck immediately, and significantly more if you keep I understand how to play the original [[Volo, Guide to Monsters]], He's fun! Protect Volo, vary your utility creatures with off-beat creature types, then drop 2 giant dongers on the table and turn sideways (and if it's your style, keep copying or cloning them) But is the new Baldur's Gate [[Volo, Itinerant Scholar]] just a strictly worse version? You can build fun and competitive decks for $100 and even less. Get creative lads. Volo will be helming a creature focused anti-tribal build – with all the creatures in our deck being different types with no overlap in order to maximize the use of Volo’s creature copying ability. Heraak. getting extra copies of volo or his triggers lets you go crazy really quickly. IMO volo is most powerful when you are willing to use the same creature type more than once (I generally use up to 3) You have a big deck and losing MAYBE ONE creature copy is not worth passing up the the amazing elves, elementals, beasts, and walls available. Goals. Jul 25, 2021 · Budget cEDH Deck Guide: Volo, Guide to Monsters. 8 - Competitive, plays well with T1, slightly outclassed or T1 countermeta Updated May 01, 2024 by Haboo using our MTG Deck Builder. Skullwinder. Casual Volo deck. Copied deck EDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander Thank you, Errant. I had the exact same idea but couldn't put together a cohesive list with a solid wincon aside from combat, so thank you very much for that. Updated May 24, 2024 by Commander205 using our MTG Deck Builder. So it is necessary to prioritze defending him as much as possible. Deckbuilding can be quite challenging and he can draw a lot of aggro, tho on a casual level Id prolly go with the mono blue Volo, as playing a deck around Volo GTM revolves around him staying on field and as soon as he gets removed the deck cant do much Pro tip: if you're not going for a competitive build, fill it with a ton of Emerge creatures, so that you can play more spells in the same turn and cascade big at the same time! It is incredibly fun and it's my go-to 'chill' commander deck, even if it's able to win games against very solid decks! My first instinct was [[sakashima of a thousand faces]] and an overrun effect. It's always hilarious when a risen reef is suddenly a 16-16 coming at your face. When Volo is out (which is what most decks in EDH rely on, having an active commander), Guardian Project is a do nothing enchantment. Doubling creatures for free is absolutely insane and simic can profit off of that in many ways. asdf last update: Unfinity A Simic value engine which uses Volo's ability to abuse the ETB abilities of creatures you cast. Embark on a courageous and magical expedition through the wildlands, accompanying renowned explorer Volo. That is all that is there … Switch out chakram with [[mirran spy]] Noble is bant so can't be played in the list I'd say get more value out of your creatures Replace some things with the likes of [[cursecatcher]] for 1 Mana mana tithe, [[Phantasmal image]] For copy effect maybe [[Flesh duplicate]], Maybe play some hate bears like [[Rug of smothering]] , [[Mangle horn]] , [[Fatespinner]] [[Kinnan]] might be a good maindeck Feb 7, 2023 · Volo, Guide to Monsters is one of the most interesting and well-balanced Simic commanders created in a long time. All he asks is that I restrict myself a little bit on creature types, which is totally fine. Aboleth Spawn {2}{U} Creature - Fish Horror Flash Ward 2 Probing Telepathy - whenever a creature entering the battlefield… More than 75 Volo, Volo EDH. As Commander As Card Average Deck Decks. ### "Ach! Volo, Run!". Volo infinite mana/spell combo Updated Oct 26, 2023 by UnwrittenPoem using our MTG Deck Builder. However, Volo takes a detour, focusing on creatures. You have never drawn so many cards. The mutate mechanic is great with volo. As the Journal is the main drawing and value engine, you won't even care if Volo is on the field later on the game, you just care on having that Journal full and protected. Volo's Equation. 74 - $ 105 (1 missing) low: $ 52. More than two: elemental, and beast (but these have mutate and can “hide” under other cards). Jun 16, 2023 · So, when I saw Volo, Guide to Monsters previewed recently, I was really struck by how exciting the card is. This article brings a budget decklist for Volo, Guide to Monsters, one of the most interesting, powerful and fun commanders from Adventures in the Forgotten Realms! Updated Jan 01, 2025 by HMSlave using our MTG Deck Builder. So Volo is on the field you cast [[Auspicious Starrix]] for its mutate cost. test deck Popular decks and cards for Volrath, the Shapestealer This deck is Commander / EDH legal. Take for example a [[Platinum Angel]], my Volo decks angel and one of the few creatures without an ETB. 45 - 90. by mid game you are triggering him so often that whiffing on the trigger won’t affect how well stocked you can keep your hand. 0. I will link my own Volo list for you to glance through. [[An Offer You Can't Refuse]] stands out here and finally seems like a true staple where you have to find a reason to exclude it rather than find a reason to include it. Semi-Competitive Volo EDH Deck for Fun! Example is that one of my main wincons for my deck is have a handful of one ones and two threes out on the battlefield a copy of Volo and a real Volo and then play God Eternal Rhonas, swing for game. End-Raze Forerunners – If Volo is out, I get two 9/9s that can attack right away and give all my other attackers +4/+4 trample. You can build fun and competitive decks for $100 and even less. 18 - $ 61. ]] Volo will see the illusion and shapeshifter subtypes and copy them. Volo cares about you casting your creatures. , You can build fun and competitive decks for $100 and even less. Cantrips 4 Wizards 3 Toughness Popular decks and cards for Esix, Fractal Bloom Volo obviously makes you want to lean towards as many creature types as possible, but you don't need to draw more than 3 cards off Volo for it to be huge amounts of advantage. 31 decks (0. Since that time I have built literally hundreds of decks at all power levels, both in paper and online, including work developing some of the first Protean Hulk, Thrasios+Tymna, Vannifar, and Niv-Mizzet Food Chain decks. Last updated about 1 year ago. Edit More Casual Feedback More Competitive . radagast has been my favorite deck for several months now. Volo EDH Updated Oct 04, 2023 by CommandCast using our MTG Deck Builder. Copied deck This subreddit is for the discussion of competitive play, national, regional and local meta, news and events surrounding the competitive scene, and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Warhammer catalogue. Competitive Formats. This sub is actively moderated and curated. Volo checks graveyard/field, no beast, puts a copy of auspicious starrix spell mutating a creature on the stack. This means that each player has to build a deck from scratch, without the help of booster packs or any preconstructed decks. 60. Listen. Need to cut 2 "[The purpose of this article is] to demystify this idea that every cEDH deck is more expensive than a car" (quote from the article. Last time, we looked at [card]Karador, Ghost Chieftain[/card] where the objective was to quickly assemble a combo that leveraged our graveyard and kill all our opponents in one continuous loop. Is a very difficult commander to use, especially if you don't have an intricate understanding of how his abilities and some of these cards in the deck interact with each other. Edit Live Edit. Beeg dudes with Volo. 07/25/21, updated 09/19/22, 0 comments. Now, this isn't new for green and blue. Welcome back! This week, we look to beef up another “average” deck to make it more competitive. Volo, Itinerant Scholar is a combo deck that prioritizes pumping out very low mana value creatures to then utilize the draw function of Volo to reload and win through some combinations of either [[Intruder Alarm]] and Mana dorks or [[Isochron Scepter]] and [[dramatic reversal]]. NB: 1-Volo copies the spell that is a token but does not create a token so card like doubling season wont work. Only slightly changed from a deck found online Updated Dec 19, 2022 by Rafnika_EDH using our MTG Deck Builder. As Commander As Partner As Card Average Deck Decks. Volo with a focus on mutate. Ghostly Flicker + Peregrine Drake + Skullwinder (207 decks) Ghostly Flicker. TCGPlayer Mkt $77. Built as a tough deck building challenge to not repeat any creature types for … I also have a Volo deck. The current price average is around 2344$ . Two: faerie, and Druid. 4. The current price average is around 550$. Copy creatures, get value and copy Volo for extra profit$$$!!!!. 20 - 7 Rares. Its a fun deck come check it out!! You can find this week's deck on TCGplayer! If you'd like to purchase any cards we've included in the deck if you use […] Other notable creatures would be [[Spark Double]] and [[Clever Impersonator. 47 - 0 Updated Oct 06, 2024 by djmarder using our MTG Deck Builder. The deck is nowhere near a cedh powerlevel, both because Volo is j Volo is one of my favorite commander decks I've built bc I love the aspect of trying to build around having as few duplicate creature types as possible. As long as most things I'd want to swing with have human or wizard then you get some good stuff going. i have 6 druids, 7 elves, and 6 humans, but additional card draw triggers and tutors means i can Volo, Itinerant Scholar. I have been playing variants of commander, including competitive EDH (cEDH) since 2013. Early game (1-4): Get enough mana to play your commander. All the Volo lists are similar. Date added: 1 year: Last While an excellent card in edh, it completely falls short of its purpose in [[Volo, Guide to Monsters]] decks. Roaming Throne asks you to choose only one type and Volo wants you to not run more than one of the same type. Those effects are what made Fires broken, and Beledros/Jorn capable of big turns (though more often the untap in those cases doesn't do much…). 06: Tokens: Beast 3/3 G, Cat 1/1 W w/ Lifelink, Copy Clone, Emblem Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker, Saproling 1/1 G, Servo 1/1 C: Folders: Current EDH Decks, Ideas: Votes: Ignored suggestions: Shared Hi all, new EDH player here! I recently got pulled into the format (and Magic) by a group of friends and [[Volo, Guide to Monsters]] seemed like a… The first game was (U/G) Volo, guide to monsters vs (W/B) Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter, (B/G) Chatterfang, Squirrel General, (B) Vito, Thorn of Dusk Rose and (B/R) Vial Smasher the Fierce/ (U) Sakashima of a Thousand Faces. Once you have a non-legendary Volo token, you can proceed to proliferate it as much as humanly possible. I've even considered cutting the sol ring from this deck, but the possibility of turn 2 volo is just too hard to resist. [[Spark Double]] always goes ham in volo decks, and [[Twinning Staff]] and [[Double Major]] also work nicely. Updated Jul 15, 2024 by A_Person using our MTG Deck Builder. Volo sees something that isn't on your board, Volo creates a copy of it. We have collected the top Volo, Guide to Monsters Historic-Brawl decks from the latest tournaments. Abusing etb triggers and making multiple copies of everything. While I agree that it is somewhat possible to build a deck that can compeat at the top on a budget (although 100$ might be a bit too low), I don't think this article does a very good job showing that. Playing with Volo I ran with the game and stomped out the table with 32 Scute Swarms that got buffed by Return To The Wild Speaker. Roaming Throne - When Volo copies this we make two Golems, but when they enter they can become humans or wizards so that Volo will trigger 2 additional times on each creature cast. Couple this with a solid combo finish that can completely ignore Rule of Law - Volo has shifted from Aug 15, 2022 · So while this Volo deck is a bit more competitive, Volo, Guide to Monsters is a great commander if you just have a bunch of blue, green, and artifact creatures you want to play in a deck. Volo, Guide to Monsters Historic-Brawl decklists Card Kingdom $118 - 115 . Please consider supporting us on Patreon to remove ads for only $2/month. Cards: 100: Avg. Generally not my recommendation, even without volo doubling stuff. Mutate is nuts with Volo and this deck aims to use that as a mini theme. Peregrine Drake. And that’s without any other creatures. Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge Vial Smasher the Fierce (+Thrasios, Triton Hero) Yisan, the Wanderer Bard Captain Sisay Teferi, Temporal Archmage T1. It can be beneficial to wait to play cards like Sakura-Tribe Elder until Volo comes out, as he doubles the value of that card. copy copy copy Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 7 votes and 4 comments Volo, Guide to Monsters / Pokemon Double Battles Commander / EDH Creature Cheat Goodstuff GU (Simic) Ramp Theme/Gimmick Tokens Value Engine Zoo EthanThePhrog Updated Aug 26, 2024 by BironRonso using our MTG Deck Builder. Exile Spells to Defeat Your Opponents. However, this post and thread of comments makes me realize that the diversity of Volo decks is really poor, since the commander itself has the limitations built in. Volo morph deck, since they will never match a type we will always get tokens, and then we buff colorless … I also have a Volo deck. Updated Nov 10, 2021 by NovaSanguis using our MTG Deck Builder. Dec 12, 2024 · Spark Double - Because three Volo’s are better than one! This card is nuts, an automatic include for any Volo deck. Simic is often associated with overpowered cards such as Oko, Thief of Crowns and Koma, Cosmos Serpent. 24. Rarity (main - side) 9 - 0 Mythic Rares. Upgraded volo budget deck Updated Oct 31, 2024 by TAlder3106 using our MTG Deck Builder. Volo gives me all the value I want out of a Momir Vig, Simic Visionary without having to worry about the tutoring aspect. Updated Sep 27, 2023 by chaskins15 using our MTG Deck Builder. Aug 10, 2022 · This week, we're talking about Volo! This deck will be built with Volo, Guide to Monsters Volo, Guide to Monsters in mind, but many of the same principles we'll discuss will apply to the new Volo, Itinerant Scholar Volo, Itinerant Scholar as well. That being said, the statements about being a magnet for removal and being teamed up on are very real, so a good amount of the deck is dedicated to protecting Volo. 015%) Rank #134. kfzb agiti ybissqh ftvprj zfrzkm nogxmiql qqqkcfv nuajisz iqhgwoj ulspdq