Starsector heavy industry vs orbital works Bolster them by selling a Pristine Nanoforge to a pirate base with Heavy Industry / Orbital Works (so that they plug it in & use it). The player can designate targets to raid from the provided screen. In-game description Farming is an industry. A spaceport costs 50 000 credits to construct and has a build time of 15 days. Edit: Thank you all for your replies, this has been enlightening. Its more efficient against the AI's playstyle. High tech stations are the best of the game, but if you don't have blueprints, your station will be outfitted with weak/tiny energy weapons. Having your own heavy industry means you dont need to import ship hull parts from out of faction, and allows prioritizations you set on your blueprints for your patrols to actually start being used. Light Industry produces the following commodities: Domestic Goods: equal to colony Ideally I'd want to put my Orbital Works with Pristine Nanoforge on a different planet ( which has Extreme Heat ) than the planet I'd like to put my High Command on. Pristine Nanoforges have a base price of 200,000c. The weapons that are mounted into your station come from the blueprints you have learned and based if you have a Heavy industry/Orbital works. So my beautiful 50% hazard rating terran world will take a hit. Ground-based batteries are capable of truly awesome firepower, though it only manifests by making ground operations more difficult, as no starship captain would be foolish enough to get within their firing envelopes. If you have farmland, ores, volatiles, organics, build industries that take advantage of those. Light Industry produces the following commodities: Domestic Goods: equal to either Heavy Industry or Light Industry. So you'll want to build a couple (and the first few will really make a lot of Well, in the early game Low tech stations are better. Its only effect is +20% ship quality faction wide. It can be optionally downgraded back to Heavy Industry. -Demanded by Ground Defenses/Heavy Batteries (pop size - 2). When installed into an appropriate industry, a Pristine Nanoforge increases the industries' production of all commodities by 3 units. Orbital works do not Industries are buildable colony improvements at player and AI owned colonies. Plunder derelict ships. It can be built at any Colony by upgrading a Heavy Industry. It is a very very late game approach, plus the chances are thin of finding something good, so try tech mining first Edit : just to be clear, you will have to raid the planets with orbital works to get the BP. Similar question for light industry and refining and whatnot. As for industries, you want to build the ones that compliment your planet’s characteristics. So many mods. Each unit of demand contributes 500 ¢ to its global market value, and has an initial global market value of 70,000+ ¢, though it can vary depending on the accessibility of each market. Other than that colonies operate separately from each other. Effects. Thanks to our outstanding expertise in numerous branches of industry, we work with you to develop solutions to ensure that your goods and cargo reach their destination efficiently. Reply reply More replies More replies Priority 1: ADMINISTRATION Priority 2: Accessibility (megaport) Priority 3: Nanofoge & orbital works. Not true. Refining has a base upkeep of 1,500 ¢ * (colony size - 2). Consider that trading is usually not profitable unless you do some black market dealings as a side gig. Like good God, the commerce raiders are real. Nanoforges increase your profit and reduce dmods, always worth it. Survey planets to find ruins to explore. This is of course after another faction in my nex run builds a salvage yard and puts the resource out there and thus me the player sees an opportunity Orbital works increases quality of the ships your patrols uses, adding a nanoforge (corrupted or pristine) further increases it. Then literally everything else by such a vast margin it won't even compare. This is why the hypervelocity driver feels better. For Heavy Industry/Orbital Works, building more of those allow you to increase your monthly budget towards building ships Note that the only advantage orbital works has over heavy industry is the 20% ship quality bonus, which is also faction-wide. Its construction is automatically begun for free at all colonies, or can otherwise be built manually if destroyed. 5 Ground Defense: Corrupted Nanoforge: 50,000 ¢ Heavy Industry. Also heavy industry/orbital works is shared among your colonies. -Demanded by Heavy Industry / Orbital Works (pop size). Go to demand and look for ship hulls. There is a reasoning to this madness, and it mainly relates to extra installations you'll be able to put into your industries. A reasonable habitability barren planet with good ore can be a nice trifacta of Mining, Refining, and Orbital Works. Upgrading to Orbital works doesn't matter in this matter. If you have one the patrols of your patrol hq/ military base/ high command will use the blueprints you have to generate fleets. They don't make much profit on the open market, and can actually drain money from the increased production. upgraded with story points again, still fine. This will affect your system patrols spawned by patrol HQs, military bases and high commands. It has a pretty unique use. Ditch the mining for a market if the ore sucks. So you only need the one prestine, which will produce the fiddly bits for all your ships, and every other orbital works will produce the rest of the ships Heavy Industry and Orbital Works are the only places they can be installed, but realistically you can cram them onto whatever hellhole you want. (if this system has a nearby system with transplutonics, you can do this. And yours doesn't even have transplutonics. Either Orbital Works + corrupted nanoforge OR regular Heavy Industry + pristine nanoforge will make your produced ships have 100% quality. Also, someone else already mentioned it but for your patrols to actually be strong you'll need to have your own heavy industry (upgrades to orbital works) and load it with a pristine nanoforge to have your fleet be relatively d-mod free. See the colony page. Military worlds are industrial worlds with a nano forge (corrupted +1 production & +20% ship quality, pristine +3 & +50%) on the heavy industry (preferably upgraded to Orbital Works for +20% ship quality bonus faction-wide), you only need 1 world with orbital works & pristine nano forge to get the max benefit since it applies faction-wide. Heavy Industry allows the player to pay their colony to produce a ship, usually below the purchasable market price, with each Unit of Production giving 25,000 ¢/month of player custom production. Any supplier of ship hulls has heavy industry or orbital works. Light Industry costs 250 000 credits to build, and has a build time of 60 days. You can add industries that further refine those resources into better selling items, such as light/heavy industries or refinery. 000). These planets also tend to be heavily fortified and well protected, so bring along some marines and a decent fleet for smashing any orbital defenses they have. My only other colony with food production right now has Aquaculture with a food production of 8 and exporting 3, keeping 5 for Population & Infrastructure. . This is generally true for every industry except heavy industry/orbital works (which increases your personal ship/weapon production cap) and the patrol HQ upgrades, particularly if you have a lot of enemies or Nex decides to have a faction send a ton of fleets at a well Hi guys, i can't quite understand how do invasions in Nex do works with all of the recent updates. You get more Hulls and better Hulls from Orbital Works. Drovers are absolute bananas when piloted by a human or an AI that manages to use quadruple annihilator rockets on armour, but they're also acceptably fast and weirdly have better cargo capacity Sell them blueprints on the black market and nanoforges on their world(s) with heavy industry or orbital works. Build tech-mining industries if you have any planets with ruins on them. It is the amount of production of ships, strike craft and weapons, in credits, you are capable of producing each month with your current level of heavy industry. It can be optionally upgraded to a High Command. For the 3rd industry I added upgraded HQ, fuel, and tech mine. They're auto-generated based around ship/weapon/fighter preferences you select in the doctrines tab (tab #4 under command / [D]), and you can only use ship hulls, weapons and so on, you've used the Some industries can be upgraded, i. It can be optionally downgraded to Ground Defences. Spam Herons and Drovers if you can't find more Herons. Production. Appropriate industries are Heavy Industry or Orbital Works. Click on it to see %market share and see for the suppliers. f) that nanoforges both add and subtract ship components from heavy industry. It can be built on any Colony established on a Water planet, and cannot be built on any other planet type. It can be built on any Colony. I have the admin perks, and I use them for a few specific industries that produce a lot of different resources (to get the best benifit of the +1) I like them on my god tier world mining (has all 4 possible things to mine, -1 and 0 tho, not and + values) as well as the patrol hq and the orbital works. Light Industry has a base upkeep of 4,000 ¢ * (colony size - 2). This is assuming the ship you’d like your faction to have in patrol fleets is a capital ship. Increases the production of heavy industry by 1 for corrupted and 3 for pristine. is represented in many major ports with its own terminals, offices or long-term partners. Anyway you get the point. An Orbital Works upgrade allows for the enhancement of the quality of your Patrol Fleets. Thanks in advance! Edit: I do have the Grand colonies mod but my industry cap still remains to 4 buildings and idk why Fleet point wise for simulated fights I think all three are the same. Only a few people so far out of thousands of requests have done this. As such, feel free to slap on a Heavy Industry (to produce Heavy Armaments) or a Light Industry + Free Port (to produce Drugs) so you have more stuff to sell. You are fighting a war against a manufacturing king. The Corrupted Nanoforge is a special item. Heavy gives the best income, but has high requirements for planets, and needs 3 buildings for a chain (mining, refining, heavy industry) For heavy I usually go for a hot planet with both good minerals. Having redundant industries does not help one bit, although it can make you more money at a reducing rate of return. Any planet with heavy industry or orbital works will pump supplies, heavy machinery and In-game I have seen things saying they raise my "ship quality" at the heavy ind/orbital works. You also need patrol hq immediately. Then, let a mod know your username. More heavy industries is the answer, yes. Feb 2, 2024 · Freitag Ports as a Partner to Industry Today, Freitag Co. Once you got defences up, you can withstand most of incoming or assist with your own fleet when the invading forces are larger then your defenses. Hit any orbital works they own. Rebuilt old heavy industry, still fine. So it has always been, so it shall be so long as humans are human. Not having a specific type of atmosphere also means in theory that i can put a nanoforge with no contamination issues. If you find a volcanic planet with good ores, its likely you'll also install a military base and orbital works (upgraded patrol station and upgraded heavy industry) since there are items that greatly benefit its Not at all worth an industry slot, and the early-game mass-supply-of-other-items benefits the independent market provides are mainly useful for group-colonizing a few planets, and you'll have finished going to the core worlds and back a few times by the time Commerce finishes building. +2 stability Produces the following patrol fleets: Size 3: 1 light Size 4: 2 light, 1 medium Size 5: 2 light, 1 medium Size 6: 3 light, 2 medium, 1 heavy Size 7: 3 light, 2 medium, 1 heavy Size 8: 3 light, 3 medium, 2 heavy Size 9: 4 light, 3 medium, 2 heavy 50% or 75% hazard habitable - build heavy industry here if you have one of these, heavy industry is the most expensive upkeep and this will save you a lot, plus these worlds grow way faster and you want your heavy industry to be the best in the sector. You can get BPs for all XIV except for the legion since it is (according to the lore) lost forever. High command/military base will send out patrols and defense fleets. A size 3 colony will allow one industry improvement But pollution only matters on habitable worlds. So, if you had 50% Ship Quality, and proceeded to construct an Orbital Works then add a Pristine Nanoforge to it, you would add 70% (50% from Nanoforge, 20% from OW) to 50%; so your quality would be 120%. I'll add mining, refining and heavy Heavy Machinery has a base market value of 150 ¢. Feb 2, 2024 · Tiandong Heavy Industries is a powerful mercenary organization and trade conglomerate, established in the outskirts of the Sector following the Great Collapse. Orbital works and multiple orbital works/heavy industries increase the overall cost cap. Orbital Works - +1 Production +20% Fleet Quality. Heavy Batteries industry can be built at any Colony. You need heavy industry for them to produce better ships, and also you should manage your "doctrine" to balance quality of ships, commanders, and the amount of ships after you get some defense and the mining on both and farm on the better farmland one, you can make a "light industry" it gives you tons of money and doesnt cost much to upkeep The heavy industry chain is a loss leader for a long time until the colony is built up a bit. The ship will then be produced and delivered at the end of the month, stored at the designated planet. Check the colony status. Rare ore can be transformed into transplutonics which is a resource that is consumed by heavy industry/orbital works. Heavy industry/orbital works will generate next to no credits but allow you to build your own ships. I got 6k marines and 6k heavy armaments. Refining does not provide any benefits to the colony. Heavy Armaments has a base market value of 500 ¢. Orbital works isn't necessary. I'm trying to invade Cullan starforge - Tri-Tachyon level 5 base. Heavy Industry allows the player to pay their colony to produce a So I was playing and thought it would be nice to collect all the Blueprints, so I started to search all the planets with Orbital Works and Heavy Industry, since they're the only ones that give bps. I know that heavy industries increase the production cap but I'm wondering if I need a mining industry on each of these planets. The victory condition never ends the game. Not sure about how many nanoforges they were given. Nanoforges are super important. I found my Paragon BP by raiding TriTach's world with the Orbital Starworks (Culann). Don't just steal their nanoforges but disrupt their orbital works and spaceport for in game years, you'll likely be able to destabilize the planets. Also, heavy industry requires transplutonics and metals. Assuming the planet with the heavy industry has high stability. For most industries, building more of the same lets you acquire more market share of whatever commodity the industry exports, but the profitability that comes from increasing market share via increasing industries diminish. Commerce has a base upkeep of 1,500 ¢ * (colony size - 2). Well, the thing is, they've made it so much easier to grow the low hazard rating planets, and that by itself means they're ideal for expensive industries like heavy industry, however I read that if you put heavy industry on a habitable planet, it will add a 25% pollution hazard. And if you don't have a heavy industry producing ship hulls, you will only get what low quality shit you can import cross-faction. It had no volatiles or rare ores so I could boost its farming, it is habitable so that boosted light industry with an item. x3 multiplier of colony Ground Force +1 Stability Shortages will reduce the multiplier proportionally 1,500 * (pop size - 2), multiplied by market upkeep modifier (hazard rating) nil Supplies = pop size Marines = pop size Heavy Armaments = pop size - 2 Will use its orbital picture when on a Before you make a join request, please visit https://lemmy. In particular, Fuel Production saturates the market very quickly because there are so few producers. Feb 17, 2020 · If you have salvage yards on the same planet the production budget is increased by 25. To expand a bit on what others have said, if you are running nex and have a colony with Heavy Industry / Orbital Works, you can specify what ships your colony defense will use based on the blueprints you have access to, in addition to settings on prioritizing ship size, fleet size, phase ships vs carriers vs warships, etc. Installed AI core, and suddenly it took priority over the nanoforge orbital works. Defense facilities (Star Fortress, Heavy Batteries, Planetary Shield) Waystation (for accessibility) If you find one planet with all perfect resources, by all means, take it and put High command, mining, farming and light industry. Construction. Multiple heavy industries have the benefit of more credits and more production capacity, but upgrading more than one of them to orbital works has no benefit whatsoever. Additionally, having a Pristine Nanoforge installed will increase the ship quality of the Each Heavy Industry/Orbital Works puts a certain amount of its colonies' credits towards the production of your chosen ship hulls/weapons/fighters each month. Heavy industry did put it up to 75 percent but that is negligible, it grew so fast and heavy industry is one of the more expensive industries so it’s best to have it on a habitable world anyway. Light Industry does not provide any benefits to the colony. On their own or unsupported, high-tech is stronger because its shields are provided by modules separate from the ones carrying weapons allowing them to maintain weapons even when under heavy fire. My two orbital works cap at 550k. When do you deal damage to armor? When the AI is nearly full on flux. You also don't gain any benefit from having more than one Orbital Works. Hey I'm noticing in a clean install with only industrial evolution enabled (2. I'm unsure though whether or not the fleets spawned by a High Command will benefit from the increased quality given by the forge when it's built on a different planet. Orbital Works (upgraded from Heavy Industry). You'll notice that the goods production of an Orbital Works is the same as Heavy Industry because the orbital part of it is only a shipyard, there's still huge factory complexes planet-side for manufacture of simpler, less demanding goods. Having one in any system will increase ship quality faction wide. Every production point out of heavy industry increases the crafting budget for your empire. The item is either "Corrupted Nanoforge", or "Pristine Nanoforge". Steal the Nanoforges from all of the other factions That is in vanilla. If you have a planet that mines Transplutonics, Basic Ores, Volitiles or Organics and have Light Industry/Heavy Industry, Fuel Production or Refineries on another planet in a different system then all of those that i mentioned will go there first instead of just being sold as raw materials at other factions markets and it means that the other factions will send mercantile fleets to those Population & Infrastructure • Farming • Aquaculture • Mining • Tech-Mining • Refining • Light Industry • Heavy Industry • Orbital Works • Fuel Production • Commerce • Military Base • High Command Hello fellow space adventurers i was wondering if anyone knew any mods that increase max industry size or if there are any sort of modifications (mods) in order to get an increase on max industry cap. If you visit a salvage yard from the same mod, you will get to place an order of a set credits depending on the planets Orbital works. - Synchrotron Core: increases fuel production. I realized very quickly after starting a new game with just HMI, HMI Supervillains, Iron Shell, and those weird edgy purple Tri-Tach dudes that this save was not going to last very long after I saw like 8 outgoing invasions rearing up to rape the core worlds, and the Church had already lost one yes, but an amazing planet plus an ok miningworld/gas giant is a good compromise, you can have 2-3 colonies, and have the one really easy one benefit from and help the weaker ones, putt the industries where they can handle the expenses and have 3 patrols guard the system together. Also capable of producing barely-spaceworthy starships; a nanoforge can be installed to improve production quality. Aquaculture does not provide any benefits to the colony. Transplutonics and metals are converted into various items via Heavy Industry, consisting of heavy machinery, supplies, heavy armaments, and ships. Upkeep. Heavy industry/Orbital work /w nanoforge: 6 Fuel production: 6 Tech mining: Varies, based on size, no point of keeping after the first few months anyways Mining: 1 Refining: 2 So all you need to do is just really making your orbital work colony only +light industry+farm+military base Yes you can. It will refund 168,750 ¢ when shut down. Adds more quality that your faction can benefit from and gives more breathing room on customizing your faction fleets. With a supporting fleet though, I might go so far as to recommend midline Not having any in-faction production of ship hulls (i. I shoved all of my cash into making a, t2 space station, light industry, farms, orbital works, ground defence, way station,. Heavy industry with a nanoforge now adds pollution to habitable planets, so I just go with the lowest hazard rating non-habitable planet now. It can be built at any Colony. You'll need Heavy Industry, and ideally an Orbital Works with a nanoforge Reply reply Starsector » Starsector 0. Refining your ores into metals aren't great, because there's always a glut of ore and transplutonics on the market. Colony & Industry. Industries are buildable colony structures on player and AI owned colonies. The player can build industries on their colonies for credits. Or try to steal the BP from Tri-Tachyon by raiding planets with heavy industry or orbital works on them. Industrial items on the other hand must be sold on the open or military market of a colony with any applicable industry to be used, for example; a nanoforge requires heavy industry or orbital works, and a synchrotron core requires fuel production. Refining is an industry. Orbital works makes decent money as long as you have a pristine nanoforge and if you have an extra industry slot on a gas giant, you might as well use it on that since the other industries that don't need the raw materials on the planet itself (fuel/light industry/refining) can't have the relevant colony items on gas giants anyway, which will WH40k hypothetical: say that the M42 Imperium of Man discovers the 'Persean' Sector (modded or vanilla) by a warpstorm temporal anomaly subsiding (17k years in only 206 cycles of Old Night. - Pristine Nanoforge: increases Heavy Industry/Orbital Works production, increases average quality of patrol ships (less d-mods, higher fleet power for fleet combat auto-resolve calculations). Blueprints are also required for patrol fleets and the partrol fleets will only include ships from learned blueprints. Usually this will be commodities of some kind, but ship weapons, AI Cores, industry items, blueprints (if a Heavy Industry or Orbital Works is present) and some mission-specific targets are also sometimes available. It does. There is no need to build more than one. Building multiple Heavy Industries/Orbital Works simply adds the amount of credits worth of equipment you can build each month from the two seperate colonies together. Orbital Works costs 300,000 ¢ to be upgraded to and has an upgrade time of 150 days. However, if you do not have ship production of any sort (no heavy industry, no orbital works, no nothing), the only ships you'll have available will be low tier trash with 5 d-mods each, regardless of what you chose. what does ship quality mean? If I use custom production to make my own ships with a high ship quality (pristine, AI, and orbital works) will they have more OP or something? Light Industry costs 225,000 ¢ to build and has a build time of 60 days. If the planet supplies the most ship hulls of any in-faction planet, this bonus also affects all other planets in the faction, as well as custom production. And it doesn't matter what i'm trying to do (which structure i'm raiding) - every time defenders are winning. Light Industry, Fuel Production, and Heavy Industry/Orbital Works have high upkeeps and thus you'll want to limit them to low-hazard worlds and build fewer of them. Heavy Industry also allows for your faction to produce ships and weapons for your own personal use. For in fleet battles, it depends. The economy for the whole starsector is based on industry production, and trade shortages. Production capacity depends on overall production of all your heavy industries/orbital works. You get +50% from fleet doctrine (always have this on custom production), +50% quality from a pristine nanoforge (+20% with a corrupt nanoforge), +10% from 10 stability, and +20% from the orbital works. It can be built at any Colony that has a Spaceport. If you have your own colonies it's also a good idea to raid for blueprints, which will let you build whatever you want with impunity. ) Agriculture is a trade and technology as old as civilization itself; for thousands of cycles Humanity has harnessed the power of natural, modified, and artificial biological machines for sustenance. If all else fails, the core planets with heavy industries and orbital works might just give you the rare BP youre looking for. The problem with reducing demand is that in faction trade makes it so that if your colony demands food, and produces food, you make more money than if your colony F1 info on commodity needs a commodity to examine and a interstellar relay to fetch the data from. Aquaculture produces the following commodities; Food; equal to colony size Additionally, based on Colony & Industry. Provides +60% accessibility to the colony. -Demanded by Mining (pop size - 3), Farming (pop size - 3) and Refining (pop size - 2). Commerce costs 450,000 ¢ to build and has a build time of 90 days. Upgraded player colonies or AI colonies will provide a market to buy and sell goods. (pather interest is per world not per system) Posted by u/Awesomefluffyns - 9 votes and 7 comments You see, orbital defense stations, fleets spawning from your colonies, etc, don't actually use the item weapons you outfit your own fleets with. On my playthrough i have a little colony (10^4 if i recall correctly) that has what i believe is the maximum rank of Heavy Industries, which would be Orbital Works - i also have a Pristine Nanoforge hooked up to it an more than enough materials to get it going. Stations will always have the best possible layout from your selection of blueprints regardless if you have a heavy industry or not. They are a pressure weapon innefective against shields but good vs armor. Light Industry has a base upkeep of 4 000 credits, increasing by the same amount for each colony size past 3. To get them you will need to convince the Hegemony to give it to you by raiding Hegemony Planets that have Orbital Works/Heavy Industry (either Chicomoztoc or Raevslag) as those are the only places where you can get them, they CANNOT be salvaged from research stations or the like as a BP from 11 votes, 15 comments. 000 credits for every ship hull it exports, in addition to the 125. Spreading industry around to 3 worlds is great if you get a good system with 3 or more under 150% hazard. Now, I know that many people simply wipe out the hegemony (or the entire sector) to get rid of AI inspections, but I was wondering: The corrupt nano forge can produce the general stuff, like hull plating and alike, but the prestine forge is used for creating the more fiddly bits. Right now, my 4 industries are Orbital Works, Fuel Production (both outfitted with forges and synchotrons respectively), Light Industry and Farming. the only place I can tink of that keeping the Heavy Industrys would be better is at 200%+ Hazard Rating, at which point it's not even recomended to build the Heavy Industrys in the first place Feb 2, 2024 · Remember, once heavy industry is built, upgrade to orbital works when you can. It is produced by: Heavy Industry / Orbital Works: size - 2 +1 with a Corrupted Nanoforge / +3 with a Pristine Nanoforge; And is demanded by: Patrol HQ: size - 1 / Military Base: size + 1 / High Command: size + 2; Spaceport: size - 2 / Megaport: size Also the more heavy industry/orbital works you have the more production you can do per month. To increase it you just need to upgrade your heavy industry to orbital works and get more planets with heavy industry on it. There is no benefit to having multiple orbital works as the bonus doesn't stack, so you can save credits by not upgrading your other heavy industries. It can be installed into the Heavy Industry and Orbital Works industries. Aquaculture is an industry. Each unit of demand contributes 500 ¢ to its global market value, and has an initial global market value of 60,000+ ¢, though it can vary depending on the accessibility of each market. There’s two versions corrupted and pristine. is this intentional? To expand a bit, on the 4 tab of the D menu you can assign fleet-wide doctrines, specifying fleet composition and what blueprints to focus. Increases the quality of ships produced for system defense fleets and custom orders. Demolished old orbital works, and nanoforge started behaving properly. It will refund 225,000 ¢ when downgraded and 600,000 ¢ when shut down. The orbital works provides a flat +20% quality for your empire. Additionally, having a Corrupted Nanoforge installed will increase the ship quality of the fleets spawned at the planet by 20% . It is produced by: Heavy Industry / Orbital Works: size - 2 Heavy Armaments can be produced and are also required as an input commodity for some Colony Industry -Produced by Heavy Industry/Orbital Works (pop size - 2). Then watch the sector burn Reply reply Star fortesses with some fitting weapon blueprints will be enough to kill core World expeditions in a system with one High Command and Heavy Industries / Orbital Works plus a nanoforge. If you have several planets with heavy industry they will use the one that provides the best quality ships. Since you only need one faction-wide, it doesn't really matter where it is. I'm using Nex if that changes anything. That industry will only be self sufficient if you have a sufficient source of rare ore As long as your colony stays at Size 3, it can't be invaded. Provides +2 growth points to the colony. 000 provided by the heavy industry (example: Salvage yards: 3 Hulls, Heavy Industry : 5 Hulls, Budget: 200. So I don't spam the sub I'm also curious about what you use your story points on. Aquaculture has a base upkeep of 1 500 credits, increasing by the same amount for each colony size past 3. It can be built on any Colony with access to Farmlands, and cannot be built on planets If your planet is 50-75% hazard rating, you can make Heavy Industry to build your own ships and weapons, although installing a NanoForge will cause a permanent pollution debuff (+25% hazard rating) This will allow your faction to use crafted ships instead of salvaged ships, massively boosting their effectiveness depending on the blueprints you Your exports work sector wide. maybe perhaps their orbital works/heavy industry got destroyed/invaded? VIC's only orbital works is at phlegethon in the empyrean star system and without a heavy industry/orbital works they cant make their ships if their orbital works is still there well I dont really know Any planet with either a heavy industries or an orbital works can be raided for blueprints that faction knows. Light Industry: Habitable +2 Production Catalytic Core: 100,000 ¢ Refining: No Atmosphere +3 Production Combat Drone Replicator: 60,000 ¢ Ground Defences. 2 planets will take too long to have 4 industry each, to have farming, miningx2, heavy industry, refining, fuel production, Military base, orbital works. upgraded to orbital works, still fine. The economy for the whole starsector is based on industry production, market shares & simulated trade. Pollution (+25% Hazard Rating) on Habitable Planets So A lot of people are speaking the truth. Not like that's a bad thing. The Military industry can be built at any Colony by upgrading an existing Patrol HQ. Sindria has a Syncrotron core on its fuel industry, and Chico has a pristine Nanoforge on its heavy industry, for example. You need a heavy industry/ orbital works first. You can select which ships from your blueprint list can appear in the patrol fleets in your fleet doctrine tab. Refining has a base upkeep of 1 500 credits, increasing by the same amount for each colony size past 3. The Pristine Nanoforge is a special item. Originally a pack of freebooters bound together by the common ideal of profit, Tiandong began life by providing security services during troubled times, boosting profits by salvaging A Spaceport is a structure. They work when you have tons of them in your fleet composition. Not to mention the huge startup cost of Heavy Industry and Orbital Works. Be in any market. Usually producer planets have the cheapest stuff. Additionally, having a I did some testing of my own and got some weird results. Heavy Industry or Orbital Works) results in a -25% penalty to ship quality (due to the low quality of Cross-faction Imports for hulls), and will restrict player fleets to a basic, limited set of ships, weapons and fighters (the player cannot use their own Blueprints). Refining produces the following commodities; Metals; equal to colony size Transplutonics; equal to colony size, minus two Refining demands to following commodities; Heavy Machinery Apparently every heavy industry in the sector suddenly has a huge demand for scrap/salvage, whatever it's called, and make any ship production take a penalty to quality due to missing resources. Here is what I found. 97a Release upvotes Look for all kinds of derelict Domain probes, mining stations, research stations, and orbital habitatis. It's more of just a notice that they have grabbed what the game considers to be a huge advantage. Armoured subsurface batteries supplement a dispersed network of small, hidden weapon installations. Heavy Batteries - x1. true. When installed into an appropriate industry, a Corrupted Nanoforge increases that industries' production of all commodities by 1 unit. Very tough for me. Pirate Baron - Become friendly with the pirates. "Patrol HQ" -> "Military Base", or "Heavy Industry" -> "Orbital Works" Most industries are known from the start, but a few more exotic ones can be learned Can set a "stockpiling level" for a colony to have it build up extra resources the player can take 7 heavy industries strong with OP ships to boot. I usually start with 2 planets, colonizing same time and getting up 2 star fortresses plus 1 heavy industry that gets upgraded to orbital works. It is a plain upgrade of the Heavy industrys. As for d-mods, you need to prioritize the quality of your ships in doctrine and have nanoforges in heavy industries or preferably orbital works to reduce the d-mods that your faction’s fleets get. The relic component will actually remove the amount of D - mods you get on the order. Metals can be produced and are also required as an input commodity for some Colony Industry -Produced by Tech-Mining (random) and Refining (pop size). You would need to sell on a pirate planet/station with Heavy Industry/Orbital Works for this to happen, so same as for other factions on 'legal' market. Centralized manufacturing infrastructure for production of heavy industrial equipment, supplies, and weapons. Population & Infrastructure • Farming • Aquaculture • Mining • Tech-Mining • Refining • Light Industry • Heavy Industry • Orbital Works • Fuel Production • Commerce • Military Base • High Command When starting out a colony, until you get heavy industry (and later orbital works) going, you're stuck with dinky little space coffins instead of actual ships. It will refund 337,500 ¢ when shut down. It doesn't work like blueprints that get sucked in from any black market. The station surrounding it is hella tough though, as it has really long range Tachyon Lances. Besides mining, i was thinking of putting some orbital works there, a refinery, commerce, probably a stellar command or production building, assuming i can lower a lot the hazard rating. e. 100% - It's iffy, maybe, probably not, depends upon your other worlds. Alpha Cores as admins are pretty good and the only way to get more than say 6 colonies without grave stability problems. Take out their ability to manufacture their large fleets. Other than volatile production, it doesn't have the habitable condition to be polluted, making it a somewhat-optimal candidate for Heavy Industry/Orbital Works as you can place a Nanoforge on the industry on a gas planet without consequences. If your shields are up and you're taking lots of hard flux, the Lances can arc and damage your engines, leaving you stranded to get facefucked by the other weapons. I'm level 11 w 14 story points (getting an increased level cap mod bc 15 feels suffocating. 2. Something like 50% of the markets, except that any market with a heavy industry or orbital works is weighted more. Even if it’s corrupted, the worse kind, it’s still worthwhile to use. If you want to build ships and have nice fleets (no D mods) in that system, you need the orbital works industry on one of your colonies imo. Herons are dependable carriers that can extract themselves from trouble while having a nicely large fighter compliment. I'm sure that is obvious but I figured I would just throw that out there. You get more industries faster, more fleets, and less attention from Pather cells in early game. Then there are mods. world/c/nms and make your post there. The player can build industries on their Orbital Works is an industry. Raid objectives screen, with marine losses tooltip Heavy maulers are trash Individually. Corrupted Nanoforges have a base price of 50 000 credits. It boots how much the industry makes and improves the quality of ships it gives you. +20% accessibility is awesome as there doesn't seem to be a cap for it, but +1 on my orbital works or +1 stability both seem good too. As the topic says, i'm not refering to D-mods from acquired/restored ships but to the ones produced by a colony. it'll be more expensive, as you will need to double up on military base, etc. In-game description Heavy Industry is an industry. either Fuel Production or Heavy Industry or Light Industry. No you dont need to wait for the upgrade to instal it. Reply reply Good targets, though dangerous ones, are industries with special Domain-era items. They go in heavy industry or it’s upgraded version the orbital works. The tooltip (under units supplied) for Chicomoztoc's orbital works shows a +3 and -3 modifier to ship components due to their pristine nanoforge. Allows the construction of an Orbital Station, Patrol HQ, Waystation, and Commerce. It is produced by: Heavy Industry / Orbital Works: size - 2 How on earth do I make a colony that won't die in a year due to getting triple banged by tri-tac, Person, and pirates back to back. Just right click and install it during the upgrade. Final slot was commerce. Population & Infrastructure • Farming • Aquaculture • Mining • Tech-Mining • Refining • Light Industry • Heavy Industry • Orbital Works • Fuel Production • Commerce • Military Base • High Command dont try and produce capitals and cruisers until you upgrade the heavy industry into an orbital works and have either a corrupted or pristine nanoforge, which increase production and ship quality, if you dont have these and just have heavy works expect your freshly made ships to have some D-mods if you have any questions feel free to ask away Light Industry is an industry. Refining costs 225,000 ¢ and has a build time of 90 days. Also, production of particular heavy industry can be increased by planet population, installing nanoforges and Alpha AI cores. Note As shown this colony with "pre collapse millitary base" planet trait already has orbital works and nanoforge attached, but it's ship quality is still using stats of my capital planet, which should be lower than the ship quality of itself if taking into account of the planet trait? Scuttled ships provide 1/2/3/4 heavy machinery per hull size Heavy Machinery can be produced and is also required as an input commodity for some Industries in a Colony-Produced by Heavy Industry/Orbital Works (pop size - 2 + nanoforge) and Tech Mining (random). Most industries will make credits that way but there are a few exceptions. Orbital works will add a flat 20%, Pristine Nanoforges add a flat 50%, or a Corrupt Nanoforge will instead add 20%. mfhih knxw vkfr ovpz ciham zrfbvrc dtzg hmqt bjko hrhrfj