Scriptrunner copy custom field values. May 4, 2023 · Hello.
Scriptrunner copy custom field values We don't want to use postfunction, since workflow is shared, with other projects and we want this solution to be scalable, instead of creating a copy of a workflow for every project. search(query, user, PagerFilter. Jun 25, 2019 · Hello, I created a custom field label type: I would like to set a value using script runner (script listener). I have 3 fields America, India and Europe . But when I run the following script in the Script Runner: import com. I want to have this field synchronized, so that its value for any tickets get automatically set to the highest parent of the hierarchy, up to the epics. g for next issue, issue key is TT-55 then custom field value should have TT55). info("Parent task summary? " + issue. For example, in the case of the custom field "T-shirt size", the calculated measure formula could look similar to the one below: ([Measures]. customfield_11300 = this is the custom field I want to set. toString() Can someone help me to get the value of the custom field? The whole script is here: May 15, 2020 · Hi All, need help with scriptrunner code to copy one custom field value to another,please help any suggestions or code snippets please Oct 15, 2023 · We have a custom dropdown field called "Project Group" for Epic, Requirement/User Story and its sub-tasks. update {setCustomFieldValue(customFieldId, valueReadFromIssue1)} It works fine for most fields, but Jul 26, 2021 · Hello, We are trying to set custom field value(s) for all issues created in a project. How do I get the data for the field out? I can't display it in the result of JQL search, The REST API for getting an issue doesn't have the value. jira. I assume that Ashlee wants to get the value of the vertical custom field when the user interacts with the custom field on the form. Switch User to complete tasks as a different user. Feb 13, 2019 · First of all : changing (custom field) values in a "Validator" script does not make sense. Dec 5, 2017 · Im looking to find a way to copy the value of a custom field and make it the summary of the issue? This can either be done at the time the issue is created or as a post function. Three assets are selected in a custom field, and the custom field's value contains leading and trailing commas (",187,189,208,"). This information is the same for both parent issues and sub-tasks. For example - if one of the selected values (in the multi-select field) is "XYZ" then hide the relevant field. The table to be updated: May 31, 2017 · I have tried moving my post function to just about every position, and could not get my custom field to to take the value. T May 22, 2024 · I'm trying to create a Scriptrunner Behavior that displays a custom field based on the value in an Assets Object custom field. the "other" is one of four options which I added it under custom field and the type of this field is single select. Issue; import com. Enter a Subquery (JQL) to identify issues containing this query. #CustomFieldValue #MultiSelectC Feb 26, 2019 · Hi Neil, Thank you for your question. id // Extract the value of that field from the issue being viewed def usdValue = issue. When I went to add in some code to read the values and then display the values read in as part of the flag (just confirmation to me that everything is working), I get to the point where i try to read in the values, and nothing happens - the flag doesn't get displayed until I comment out the offending line of code. How to get the value of the custom field from the issuetype. Shown in the attached are two examples that I have working, the first for a text entry custom field (that has the same name as another field s Jul 21, 2021 · Given the user is trying to create or edit an issue, When the component (Component/s) is chosen as "Generic_Tasks" Then the custom field "DoD" (customfield_14201) should be hidden. Jan 21, 2020 · The one line of code I pasted, is a copy from an Adaptavist blog for Cloud. Example. I'm trying to use the "Additonal Issue Actions" section to copy a user s Mar 24, 2020 · I have a custom field (Listbox allowing multiple values to be selected) and would like to set the initial value based on the value in a label. Copy Link; 3129 views. Sep 23, 2024 · If it is just a one time task then we have the copy custom field values built-in script that you can use. This is my custom field inside service portal: And i want to get the value of the "Use old Project to pre-fill fields" field. adaptavist. Another option is defining a calculated measure to look for the number of changes to the field. Calculate a number based on other fields. getCustomFieldValue(cField) // here you can compare with null Setting sub-task fields from the parent issue. This 'Prior Release Name' works fine and displays the prior values, e. However, the Post-Function is unable to set a field to Read-Only. Below is a sample working code for the Post-Function:-import com. To copy custom field values to another field: Navigate to the Copy custom field values to another field page from the Jira Administration menu by selecting Apps→ScriptRunner→Built-in Scripts . Some of the original field stringvalue records may also be NULL. And Smart Checklist plugin listens to issueUpdated events and checks if the field Checklists was updated. setCustomFieldValue(cf,"Its Works") How can I fix Mar 9, 2023 · Hi, I need to obtain values of special custom-field from all linked issues (one custom-field = one linked issue) to the parent issue. key def i; def issue = Atlassian Community logo Product Q&A Groups Learning Events Oct 14, 2021 · The Post-Function can be used to pass the value from the Due Date field to the custom field. getCustomFieldValue(cField) issue. The field is called "Projektleiter". DEPLOY(httpMethod: "POST", groups: ["jira-administrators", "jira-users"]) {MultivaluedMap Aug 8, 2017 · I am writing Post Function script to set value of system field based on other two custom field values. Initially a user created an issue and For system they selected: CMS and completed a value "abcde" on the CMS field. Aug 5, 2020 · I've written a post function via scriptrunner to create subtasks. I have tried multiple options based on suggestions from the community - however none of them seem to work properly. Nov 25, 2023 · Hi all, We're using JSM Cloud and I'm exploring ScriptRunner to assign value to a custom field based on the values (parent and child) of a cascading field. Goal 1 Post Function (Copy custom field from Epic to Story upon create): Create custom post function using script-runner on the Create transition in your workflow. Based on the JIRA group the user is a member of I want to update a custom field (select list) to set a value. , check if custom field 'Name' is equal to 'Ryan'), how Aug 2, 2017 · I have a custom user picker field on both the parent and sub-task. Select the the Source field and Target field. summary); //doesn Sep 15, 2021 · I am using a Script Runner custom 'Issue Picker' field to display the JQL results the 'Prior Release Names' field. How could i achieve this formatting of issue key to update in custom field Oct 22, 2019 · def cf = getFieldByName("Custom Field Name") def value = cf. In a nutshell, I have a custom field (State) when a value is selected (i. I am new to scripting post functions, so as a first step, I tried the following code to attempt to populate that field with a test string. 5 It can be edited here before sent. Nov 29, 2018 · Hello Folks, I am trying to do some automation with Jira service desk with Scriptrunner plugin while creating an issue. After that I created two Condition: IF/Else blocks. Custom fields contain values which you can copy from one to another, allowing you to widen or narrow the custom field. setCustomFieldValue Aug 23, 2018 · So far, all good. Sorry my mistake that requires an option,as I was using that line by getting the value as: setCustomFieldValue(field, anotherField. bc. apache. log. ) to a subtask work field called "Parent Status". Probably Listener may help, could you please suggest how it should look like? Jul 18, 2017 · Besides all the options provided below using Scriptrunner for Jira Server, Jira Cloud now have an Automation feature that allows you to properly copy system fields values to custom fields when a specific action is triggered: Jira Automation. My question is this : How can I make it update the custom field values while not actually updating the issue Jun 22, 2017 · This is all great, but I would need to achieve something one step further: I would like to copy a custom field value to another custom field. CA), I would need that particular custom field to display on screen (i. setCustomFieldValue(dateCf, new Timestamp((new Date()). G. Sep 5, 2019 · // here you get the custom field manager def customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor. Dec 20, 2018 · def dateCf = customFieldManager. Go to scriptrunner ----->built in scripts--->copy field values. It is by using a script runner in the validator in the workflow. Oct 18, 2018 · I am attempting to set the value on a multiselect custom field through scriptrunner. Both fields are numeric. fields. component. We put it on the "Issue Updated" event. #### Example Automatically set fields on issue creation or transition, based on the value of other fields. The field's type is a default textbox, nothing fancy there. However when I pick the value, e. I want to copy the fields from the issue in project B to the issue in project A. This is the scenario. This script copies the values from a configured field to another on the same Jira instance. getCustomFieldValue(customFieldId) - I need to set this value in issue2 (same project, same issuetype) - I'm using this: issue2. Now they select Aquarius, then complete the field the Aquarius field with the value "jklm". [Transitions to], Nov 6, 2024 · Hi. How should I write Behavior for this requirement. May 5, 2021 · How can i get the value of a insight custom field using Scriptrunner behavior, and write this fields value into the summary field? Environment: Datacenter . ComponentAccessor def aval = getCustomFieldValue("Budget") Jun 18, 2022 · I am a new learner of Jira and I have no experience with Script runner, And I trying to Write a script in ScriptRunner that gets initiated every time a user selects the “other” option. Nov 23, 2021 · Hi All, I'm trying to put together a behaviour in scriptrunner, I'm pretty new to creating these so please bare with me. events //define custom field ID from the field where you want to get the value of def customFieldName = 'customfield_10046' //create API request to get custom field value Sep 16, 2022 · This is simple text custom field import com. Show all configured ScriptRunner scripts on your instance with the Script Registry. Use this script to import a list of field values and save time manually creating them. Feb 14, 2023 · The example below shows the Line Manager field (custom user picker field) when 'HR' is selected in the Department field (custom single select field). Feb 27, 2022 · I have one custom field that I need to copy the value of to another custom field. I was looking how to do this with scriptrunner but im pretty new to it. This script means I don't need to enter these manually each time. It will copy the values from the ISS-A to IMP-B. . Sep 15, 2021 · Usually people want to copy custom field values from parent to child but you can also do the reverse using ScriptRunner for Jira. atlass Aug 24, 2020 · I'm still learning how to write custom scripts using Script Runner for Jira server, and I'm having trouble finding documentation to help me with this one: I am trying to only set a custom field to the current date/time (timestamp) if it is currently empty (null). ComponentAccessor String lastcomment = "" Mar 6, 2018 · However in my case I'm trying to copy a free-text custom field into a label custom field. You can copy custom fields between the following field types: Single-select to multi-select. My custom cascading field is Issue category / sub-category. find { (it as Map). Finally, we also have an example script on the Script Console page called Copy Custom Field and this can be used as a reference to see the logic you would need to use to write a script to copy custom field values. There is a very handy built-in script May 15, 2018 · My inquiry is quite simple: I would like one custom field value duplicate (copy) to another field in the same issue whenever the first is filled/edited. The insight custom field may contain multiple objects and the Context: I have 6 single user fields. atlassian. name == 'Cost (USD)' } . g. If that code is incorrectly referencing server, can you please speak with your team about removing the page or pointing it correctly? The field value is set to a string in the Scriptrunner custom date field example. So if its value is Y, it prevents creating an issue. will that condition work even if the user clicks two or more values. def issueKey = issue. And the new custom field id will have a NULL value in the textvalue field. (I could Dec 21, 2018 · I think we need to clarify the requirement first. Jul 12, 2020 · Time to fetch the value of the multi select custom field and also learn how to do a bit of error handling in your Groovy code. when trying to print the value for issue and csChangeArea i am getting "NULL" value. Europe is Single Choice . "Auto populate" is usually used to mean "when a field is presented to the user for them to put data in it, fill it in for them, with a suggested value, but let them continue to put what they actually want in the field if they don't like the suggestion". Then, added a post function to copy the value of one field to another. import com. Once the Issue transitions to the In Progress status, the Description field is updated with the values set in the code. issue. log4j. #### Good to know * Custom field name and value can be customized depends on your needs. My goal here is to dynamically change the summary field when user changes the value on issue screen. Apr 16, 2019 · //This script is for Scriptrunner Jira Cloud to get custom field value of current issue as condition in postfunction. g Release 1, Release 2, Release 3 etc. When a sub-task is created, I would like to copy the user specified in the parent task to the same field in the sub-task. So far I am working in the Scriptrunner console to get it close before I turn it loose in a listener. After some testing, the subtasks' values are correctly updated when we browse the subtask's detailed inform Often we need to copy the values in a custom field to another field. I created a script that appends a user list to the existing values in a custom field. How do I get the values of parent and child cascading field in ScriptRunner Listene Aug 20, 2019 · Make sure your endpoint definition includes the queryParams in the call. Regarding to the plugin's documentation and various web-searching, I came up with the following Select Create Scripts Field > Custom Script Field. May 17, 2023 · I know that we can use the “issueFunction in expression” to compare two fields. ModifiedValue import com. You can use the following example to do the following: Copy the parent issue summary to the sub-task summary field. getCustomFieldObject("customfield_id") //then you get the value of the field def cFieldValue = issue. // Get the custom field ID for an existing "currency" field def costField = get("/rest/api/2/field") . The TRIGGER for the rule is Field Value Changed for the Fix Versions field. Issue import com. I tried using the Copy Field Value post-function but it only does this one value at a time, which then overwrites the previous value instead of adding it in addition to the previous one, and I'm struggling to find a how-to or tutorial that is about multiple values instead of a single value. May 1, 2020 · Below is what I'm using so far to calculate the scripted field. For every newly created issue, the issue key has to be formatted and updated in Custom field. CustomField; Mar 7, 2017 · I'm trying to inherit values when creating a linked issue, primarily the assignee since this can't be set in an issue collector, per Atlassian's documentation. getCustomFieldObjectByName("testgroovy2") issue. Logger logger. I have a issue type with name "TEST1-5". Doing it manually or using the bulk edit can be cumbersome or very difficult. The cascading field in the parent is the same as in the sub-task. Mar 20, 2024 · Hi all, I'm using the Post Function "Create Subtask (Scriptrunner)" to create a new subtask; but I need a way to copy a user picker value from a customfield within the parent ticket into the "Assignee" field within the subtask. I did think of a different approach that worked though. Its seems the current configuration isnt working. This is what I'v Apr 9, 2018 · A major issue we encounter is when subtasks custom fields become out of sync from their parent tasks. To do this, I want a field to appear with the value 'modified' when an update is made. This is the simple script I used but it doesn't seem to work: def ComponentsField = getFieldById("Component/s") def Oct 2, 2017 · My original thought was to create a Custom Scripted Field in the subtask, and in the groovy script which is attached, find its parent task (the lesson), and then iterate through all of its subtasks, performing the relevant calculations on the required fields and then writing the result to a custom field belonging to the parent. Mar 27, 2019 · Hello All, I want to set a value for a custom field. sr. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Therefore, if you retrieve a custom field value and then update the field, whatever the value was before you updated the field is returned. getCustomFieldManager() def cf = customFieldManager. If you use that to find the custom field, you will only get one object back: the custom field itself. Jan 15, 2019 · I would like to clear the Aquarius field based on the system selection. Dec 3, 2021 · It would be similar to the IQL: Country in ({values of the custom field 'Country'}) AND Month in ({values of the custom field 'Month'}) Problem: in a first instance, when you set the IQL filter to this new insight custom field, due to the multiple selection, when you select more than 1 value it change the option 'IN' to 'AND'. This value should be written inside the "Summary" field. Jan 9, 2025 · Copy Field Value to Custom Field During Workflow Transition (Quick Bite) using ScriptRunner, Groovvy, Jira Cloud Jun 28, 2022 · Hi Community, I have a custom script post-function which creates sub-tasks based on the objects selected in an insight custom field 'Data Sources'; it also sets the Summary of each sub-task as the 'Name' attribute for that insight object. def cFieldValue = underlyingIssue. Select Custom Script Field. To ensure the updated value is returned you can use refresh(). ComponentManager import com. cloud. 3. What is the method to access and check the selected values? Oct 24, 2017 · (perhaps some post-function or a script listener) For example: Each of the Subtasks will have a Multi User Picker field. time)) (Update the bold 16920 with the timestamp's field ID - you can find the field ID on the Custom fields page by clicking the gear and hovering over Configure. With this listener, when a task is fired by this event, the indicated field is updated with the desired value. This works in a script post-function providing it is ordered before the system post-functions for storing and reindexing an issue. I need to be able to create a scriptrunner listener that will copy a parents status (e. I need to copy the value of this field to another text custom field . I have two custom fields: Client = Text Field (single line) Source = Select List (single choice) I have the below inline script: import com. Just filter the tickets and save the filter with a name. So, for example, if the label contains "Test1" and "Test 2", I want to update the listbox value to "Value A", "Value B". To quickly retrieve field config ID, you can navigate to Administration > Fields > Custom fields > Configure > Edit Options. I've got a free-text custom field named "Country" that is auto-filled by a behavior mapped to a local gazetteer that I want to copy to a label custom field named "Country (Index)". Nov 20, 2024 · This example retrieves attribute values of assets based on a custom field value in Jira. When you get to the Template, you will want to understand what this field does: This field is for you to let ScriptRunner know what kind of information it should render into the field. I would like to achieve "Project Group" of Requirement/User Story could inherit the field value from Epic directly, also sub-tasks could inherit the field value from Requirement/User Story. Then printing and using that variable further. If Subtask-1 has values User-1, User-2, Subtask-2 has values User-2, User-3 then the parent custom field should have values of User-1, User-2, User-3. getCustomFieldManager() //from the manager you get the field def cField = customFieldManager. Mar 1, 2018 · Yes the last line is used to hold the value. issueFunction in expression(“”, “creator != reporter”) How do you do this for same search for a custom field that has a space in the name? I cannot get it to work, even if I reference the Jul 26, 2018 · I could create thel filter, but the copy between the fields is not possible cause these are of different type. Configure your script fields. Release 3, I need the display value 'Rel Aug 20, 2019 · I want to write a basic script that fires when an issue is assigned. @Jeff Tomband is there a way to map the values from (date due )custom field to Dec 18, 2018 · Hello Team, I have a requirement to copy the value from a dropdown custom field to a number custom field, when issue is edited. Jan 15, 2021 · How to change a custom subtask field from the parent issue using the scriptrunner? issue daughter field "Pontos Historia" = issue parent field "Pontos Historia" * 0. em I want to bulk copy using JQL, a text field to a number field using scriptrunner The OOB built in scriptrunner bulk copy function doesnt support text to number field Mar 9, 2023 · First, read the value of one custom field. A quick google search brings you to several "answers" for this question Sep 14, 2021 · Is it possible via ScriptRunner or something else, to copy the value of a subtask custom field after transitioning to Done, to the Parent custom field of the same field? Would a post function script do it or another? What would the script look like? Background The custom field value is first entered into the subtask after the work is done. package com. I hacked the below together using a few examples but cant seem to get it to work - any ideas? Aug 18, 2017 · Can anyone help me with Scriptrunner. to the subtask but am finding it difficult to copy the custom field over. Often we need to copy the values in a custom field to another field. ComponentAccessor def issueLinkM Dec 20, 2022 · Also, you will notice that a Custom Field called Sample User Picker is filled with the Admin user. America is Cascaded Single Choice Field. Thanks, Akhil Copy Field Values can be used to save time when changing the type of a field, eliminating the need for manual input of values, or when creating fields with the same values. Jun 16, 2016 · I want to get parent issue's custom field data to be inherited to subtask custom field without using third party plugins. I realize, that I can manually ensure, that definition of the custom field and my dialog use the same sets of values. key})") def results = searchProvider. Cheers, Helmy For the examples below, you must first navigate to the Custom Script Field page: From ScriptRunner, select the Fields tab. May 27, 2021 · I have a question. Regarding why you are getting the Null value, I suspect the value for the User Picker field has not been set yet. For example: Custom Field: Human, customfield_10123. I ran it on Scriptrunner > Jobs > escalation service with these conditions and works well. I wanted to copy the values from IMP-B to ISS-A. Enter a name for the Apr 28, 2020 · Context for this question: I implement custom dialog as a Fragment to be used together with Custom Web Item. You can calculate a number based on other fields. getModifiedFields(); FieldLayoutItem fieldLayoutItem Mar 27, 2019 · If the trigger issue is Epic I need to iterate through all issues in epic and copy custom field cf[10112] "Project team" to every issue in epic. issue1. samples. inherit a custom field value from epic upon create. try playing with some of this: import com. This script works if both fields are regular custom fields. Unfortunatetly when I run it my jira is looping and I'm forced to restart it. Select Create Script Field. You can select the filter id you just saved and source and destination field to copy. Aug 11, 2022 · When the issue is being created, and no selection is made from the first Multi-Select field, all the options in the second Multi-Select field are also visible as shown in the image below:-2. parseQuery(" \" Epic Link \" in (${issue. For example, a user. I need to collect some data, which will later be written in some custom field, which has multiselect type. Read the value from the asset object connected field to the field called the request target and put it into another custom field value. Is this possible using only the script runner plugin? Modify the resolution field of multiple issues at once with the Bulk Fix Resolutions script. Comments welcome private void saveValue(MutableIssue issue, String valueToSave, CustomField customField) throws FieldLayoutStorageException { issue. Bolded in the if statement is a confirmation that the Priority is set to Critical. the parent ticket). In Name of custom field config scheme , select the custom field configuration scheme you wish to add the new field values to. Select Create Behaviour. There are several ways to do this, examples: Change Holder, IssueManager. getUnlimitedFilter ()) And then iterate with Jun 14, 2024 · In Behaviour on Jira cloud, I'd like to hide a specific field based on a value selected on other multi-select field. It also works as-is to hide the text field, but doesn't display the field when the expected option is selected. I noticed the "Bulk Fix Resolutions" script which is kind of what I want, but not for resolutions, for custom field value. Mar 17, 2022 · Hi I have a scripted field thar shows a percentual evolution of an epic according his child issues is done. It assumes you've already obtained the custom field value using a ScriptRunner. Then look at the URL for 'fieldConfigId=', please refer to the screenshot below: I hope this helps! :D. 0. comp Jan 31, 2023 · For my custom fields I created two Version multi-select fields. The code that I have been using in the following: def cField = customFieldManager. I tried using the example in the ScriptRunner documentation but it doesn't Feb 5, 2018 · I need to update all the values of a custom field in Jira. Ok, this is how I'm successfully updating and saving the CustomField value into the JIRA db. There are several subtasks that collect data and I want to copy each other those from their respective subtask into one place (i. ComponentAccessor import com. County CA). IssueService Feb 22, 2017 · I'm using the code below in a ScriptRunner custom listener. So your suggestion wouldn't work if this script is to run when creating an issue. def query = jqlQueryParser. what i have done is open scriptrunner Nov 20, 2024 · You can use scriptrunner to copy the field value from one field to another. Create a custom script field based on the examples provided below. Jun 16, 2017 · JIRA v7. info "Updating Target Issue Project Board" OptionsManager optManager = ComponentAccessor. Once the options are selected in the Multi Select 1 field, the options in the Multi Select 2 field will be filtered accordingly, as shown in the images below:- Jul 4, 2021 · I've created a Scriptrunner scripted field called Parent Issue Key. Jul 26, 2020 · Update Custom Field Value using a "Scriptrunner for Jira" Custom Listener. I attached the example of my Jul 5, 2018 · Custom fields in Jira must have a unique ID. The second thing I have to consider is that some values are multi-word Sep 14, 2016 · Hello we are using Jira and are currently evaluating the Plugin "Scriptrunner for Jira" by Adaptavist. Objects available for selection in this field: Alex (name) А123 (id) (some attributes) blonde (hair_color) 1,25 (height) 30 (weight) I have this code: To copy custom field values to another field: Navigate to the Copy custom field values to another field page from the Jira Administration menu by selecting Apps→ScriptRunner→Built-in Scripts. If there is already a value set, no action should occur. There is a very handy built-in script that comes with ScriptRunner for Jira that can solve this problem. But again, you cannot change custom field values in Validators! Jan 12, 2023 · Let us assume a typical software project in Jira that uses Issues, Subtasks and Epics, with a custom field called "Customer" that can be set on any issue or the Epic. Any thoughts o Sep 15, 2021 · Replace "Select List" with your custom field name. So we just want to automatically fill the cascading field of the sub-task with the value of that same custom field of the parent Sep 23, 2019 · Scriptrunner validator to check if custom field begins with certain text value Deleted user September 23, 2019 edited I feel like this should be a simple task, but I can't find a good simple example anywhere as everyone else seems to be doing much more complex things and I am just getting started with Scriptrunner. 25 Was it something like that? import com. - I'm getting the value from issue1 with. Could anyone please help me with the scriptrunner listener script for doing this task. I've added this into the workflow scripted post function to no avail: import com. While creating sub-task, value of these fields need to populate on create sub-task screen. If 'Finance' is selected, Line Manager is hidden, and another custom field named Ticket Category (custom multiple select field) is shown instead. fields are both numeric. Copy the value of a field from one field to another in your instance with Copy Field Values. I mean this line . I need to extract custom field values from 3 multi-user picker custom fields and add those values to another multi-user picker custom field during the ticket creation. What I need now is a way to take that calculated value of the scripted field and copy it to a custom field. Oct 5, 2018 · I am not sure if you are trying to get the value of a custom field which is on the dialog or a custom field that is on the issue underneath. I also need to be able to copy a parent work field "RCA Date" to subtask custom field "Parent RCA Date". 2 with Script Runner Add-On I'm trying to set custom field values using ScriptRunner Transition: Create Issue Post function. Copy Field Values can save time when changing the type of a field, eliminating the need for manual input of values; or when creating fields with the same values. Apr 29, 2020 · The custom fields have a 1:1 relationship as the new custom field has been added to every screen under the existing custom field. The results are the opposite of what I wanted. atlas Nov 21, 2017 · Hi All, I need some help. Copy Custom Field Values can be used to save time when changing the type of a custom field, eliminating the need for manual input of values, or when creating custom fields with the same values. This is my code below: import com. I try it to do it with a text field but didn't work def customFieldManager = ComponentAccessor. Now the user would like to update the issue. 6 7 Custom Field A: $ {getCustomFieldData (issueKey, CustomFieldIDs [0])} 8 Another Custom Field Aug 18, 2020 · ScriptRunner for Jira - Scripted field or copy to custom fields ScriptRunner for Jira - Set security level ScriptRunner for Jira - Transition when comment is added Usually people want to copy custom field values from parent to child but you can also do the reverse using ScriptRunner for Jira. You can copy fields between the following field types Oct 7, 2019 · Solved: I have a simple script that copies a value from one custom field to another one. (e. Tried to set up custom l Dec 12, 2018 · I have a custom field of type project picker and i want to get the value selected, here my code import com. ComponentAccessor Apr 2, 2019 · Have a story, bug, task, etc. I am able to capture all the information I need to set the value Dec 6, 2021 · There you can see the custom field "T-shirt size" value changed from "M" to "XL" in October. crowd. If I follow the same triggerissue smartvalues as described, what happens is that: 1. E. #### Example I have a custom field which dictates which components of work are needed. If field1 is not empty Then copy field1 to field2 Else Set field2 to nothing ACTION: Re-fetch data If Fix Versions is not empty Then copy Fix Versions to Jan 23, 2018 · The four variables above are entered in their own custom fields, then a fifth custom field contains the formula to calculate the total. Feb 26, 2024 · It's a new API which makes the custom fields from your favourite Atlassian Marketplace apps compatible with the ScriptRunner for Jira Behaviours feature on Data Center. #ScriptRunner #ScriptPostFun Nov 20, 2018 · I have a use case where I am trying to get the first start and last end date to copy up from all subtasks in an issue to the parent. The source field is of Live SQL CustomField type and the target field is of User select (individual user). ComponentAccessor Get value from custom field scriptrunner . That all works so far. e. See the following for reference Calculations However, this works for fields that have no spaces in the name, i. Hope this helps!! Regards, Megha Sep 24, 2018 · I need to copy value form last comment to my custom field (Simple multiline text field). Can this be done with Scriptrunner? I neglected to mention that I need this to work in cloud, not server. setCustomFieldValue(customField, valueToSave); Map<String, ModifiedValue> modifiedFields = issue. India is Single Choice. getCustomFieldObject("customfield_16920") // Date time fields require a Timestamp. I'd like to create a custom Listener which simply updates the value of a custom field. Have a sub-task inherit a custom field value from a parent task upon create. If I wanted to replace the Priority check with a custom field instead (i. I created a scripted field that takes the value from "issuetype" and puts "Notify " in front of it. getFormValue() I understand this works only when the value gets populated during the load but giving me "null" value even though I set the default value in text field. event. The value is displayed correctly and I can search for values in the field with JQL. UpdateIssue(), or either IssueService Class (which is what JIRA actually uses). From ScriptRunner, navigate to Built-in Scripts > Bulk import custom field values . I tried hard, but I cant manage it. I try to use the script runner function "copy field values" but I can't find the custon scripted field to put on "sour Nov 21, 2022 · It's important to note that an issue's fields are cached when the I ssue object is first retrieved. I have the subtasks inheriting parent custom fields on create- however when someone updates a field on the parent and forgets to update the children they can become out of sync. However custom fields can have the same name (though I wouldn't recommend it), and nothing stops you from renaming them every day. Multi-select to single-select (retains first value only May 7, 2020 · Scriptrunner - copy custom field date value to another custom field . type. Sai Grandhi. Nothing was updated in your case because issueUpdated was not triggered. May 29, 2018 · 1 static getTextArea (String issueKey, List < String > CustomFieldIDs) {2 return """ 3 This is the actual message that will be sent to xMatters with all the variables 4 we gather from custom fields. I want to copy all 6 to multi-user "Approvers" field. Is there any way to do this by Groovy script or any plugin code Oct 28, 2015 · I have a requirement to automatically populate a custom field during a particular workflow transition. Second : You need the field to be cleared before the screen is shown, Validators are executed after the screen is updated by the user. This means that, as a Jira user, you can use Behaviours to perform the following actions on custom fields created by participating third-party Jira apps: #### Overview Copy any field value from a parent issue to a newly created sub-task. FA1 values : A, B, C FA2 values: Values for A (A1,A2,A3) Values Jun 25, 2020 · Thanks for the response. I can confirm that we have examples of setting the value of lots of different custom field types on an issue inside of the documentation pages located here, and that you will be able to use to these examples as a guide to show how you should get the custom field in your script and how to reference the field to set on the issue. Replace 10209 with your field config ID. Multi-select to single-select (retains first value only Oct 14, 2019 · I want to use Script Runner to copy current Assignee to a custom text field 'Resolved by' using the post function during the last transition, which is resolving the issue. This field is called "Owner" and should be populated with the name of the asignee. Copy common system field values to the sub-task and copy custom field values to the sub-task. body . The custom field is a User Picker (multiple users). Jul 18, 2018 · The problem is: I cant get the custom field value. Can someone please help me? def tid = getFieldByName("Name and Location"); def monthlyMaintenance = getFieldByName("I May 3, 2018 · The code you have suggested above will only work if the issue already exists and if the vertical custom field already has a value. Aug 21, 2017 · Custom field name is custom_10393 while the actual name shown in the form is Security Impact. getCustomFieldValue(cField). I'd like to do all of this within the scripted field Is it possible? : import com. May 12, 2023 · Hi everyone, New groovy user here, and I've been trying to figure out a scriptrunner behavior for how to limit values within a single select custom field based on the option selected within an above single select custom field. #ScriptRunner #ScriptPostFunction #Listener Apr 29, 2020 · Hi all I figured out how to validate that custom fields do not contain certain values using Scriptrunner simple scripted validators on workflow transitions. Before you Start Mar 27, 2013 · I want to get the value of a custom Jira field using the Groovy Script Runner. Cascaded Field for America are FA1 and FA2. getOp Feb 9, 2017 · We have script runner and I am trying to find a way to script out a post function that will copy a field from a subtask into the same field in the parent ticket. From ScriptRunner, navigate to Behaviours. May 4, 2023 · Hello. Nov 14, 2018 · I have a behaviours script and following requirement: If user select values of cascade field as "Peter" (first option) and "New York" (Second option) then I can see the hidden field. fields[costField] // Use a 3rd-party currency conversion REST API def conversionResult = get When to use Scripted Field vs copying values to another custom field?#ChangeHistory #ScriptedField #CopyCustomField #ScriptRunner####Jira books and Video cou Feb 12, 2020 · Anyone know how to get the parent field values and update the subtask using Scriptrunner? I gather at the sub task creation "issue" realy means the parent? So I figured I could just trace the property value like this in the Additional code block. All text and select custom fields are supported, as well the the Summary, Description, and Environment system fields. Thank you. issue. I know you can use . Part about last comment is okay. Below is my code, but it doesn't work. To do this, you will need to use Behaviour. asObject(List) . getValue(issue)) Jul 6, 2021 · There are 3 fields (Start Date, End Date and Summery ) which I want to copy from parent issue to sub-task. I'm trying to update some Custom Select Field in scriptRunner. I think that setting value is wrong, any ideas why? I can't see any errors import com. I've managed to copy over standard jira fields like priority, summary etc. For my usecase the user can click all 6 boxes but as long as "requires attention" is selected then it needs to be cloned. Fill the name and description in whichever way you like. I work with Jira via Python and there was a need to get the value of the Insight object, which is located in the custom field. 2. Either way here I have provided different ways of dealing with options and getting custom field values etc. Now, we have to manually this field value. I simply want to be able to report on who resolved the issue. I'm using the same approach in Behaviour script and it is working well. Copy From: YTD Development Hours (customfield_10126) Copy To: Hours Summary (customfield_10129) The Automation rule does not execute with the Jun 13, 2018 · Thank you very much for your fast response. backlog, in progress etc. We are actually looking for a post function, which copies the value from the parent to a created sub-task. May 19, 2022 · The problem is that “Copy field values [ScriptRunner]” does not trigger issueUpdated event. How can I set custom field value to a label field using script? BR, Daniel Mor Feb 25, 2022 · 3. import org. getCustomFieldObject("customfield_25401") def cFieldValue = issue. Jun 7, 2019 · Often we need to copy the values in a custom field to another field. Aug 22, 2017 · Hi, We are currently working on a ScriptRunner Listener Script that updates subtasks' custom field value based on their parent custom field value. mgpiaany xtxkfum mttjad acyhkfd rejcyxjnd kwfw bbiinw lrrz gtfycmk pabvj