Prodigy wands. They don't make them like this anymore.

Prodigy wands "A clean, wide blade forged of purified Titan Shards. "Lightweight and trendy for the rogue seeking a positive first impression. One side has pinkish-red a stripes on a light red coloring. TBA "Gold wand made for those with gumption. Its body is indigo with dark purple spots, and its underbelly is lavender. " This wand can be bought in the Pumpkinfest Shop for 45 Candy Corn. I may do a best by elements one later. Some outfits require a membership to wear, even if a wizard Aug 29, 2023 · This is only based on power. It resembles a pale lavender wand with a thin, wire-like handle and a decorated hilt with a small carnation pink gem attached on one side. It has an irregular, jagged shape. The handle is a candy cane (red and white striped) pattern, that ends in a gold stud. The summoning entity of this spell forms a ball of magma levitating over the center enemy, which then releases several balls of fire that fall onto them, dealing lots of damage, then it slams into the battlefield and explodes. Storm Titan Helm Storm The Amber Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. ly/Su The diamond in this wand has not been shaped or cut, leaving its earthly energy untouched. Heatwave is a Fire spell in Prodigy Math Game. This wand looks like bird wings attached to a king rod. There is a green gem near the cross-guard of the sword, embedded in gold above two wing-like structures that make up the cross-guard itself. "This is no ordinary Fungus. " This wand can be obtained by spinning the Lucky Loot after defeating Glacias. Prodigy Game Wiki Log in or register on Fandom to get the keystone experience — there's less ads and more Prodigy Game Wiki community connection! The wand used to end the reign of "Carcus the Terrible", its origins are a mystery. Prodigy Game Wiki Log in or register on Fandom to get the keystone experience — there's less ads and more Prodigy Game Wiki community connection! Jun 5, 2024 · Subscribe!Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www. The Icebird sings a song that is so beautiful it gives you the chills. This shop used to be found on the World Shops button on the hot bar. The following pets has the Hidden Legendary & Powerful Wands 25 that will change your life. Prodigy Game Wiki Log in or register on Fandom to get the keystone experience — there's less ads and more Prodigy Game Wiki community connection! Gold Medalist Wand/Change History was added to Prodigy Math Game's code. Each hexagon is rotated compared to the one on the bottom or top except for the bottom hexagon. There is a yellow eye at the top of the wand, with a black iris shaped like a cat's. It has dark fronts on each of the claws and light pink nails. When the wizard looks at Heatwave in their spellbook, its icon resembles a single flame in a circular ring. It appears to be a wand with a blue circle and orange starfish in the middle. There is a silvery-blue clear blade shaped like a swordfish's head, hence its name, with a round blue eye and its fin going over the quillion. Purged of Shadow, the staff's gem vibrates with Storm energy. The spell ends with a dark blue irregular star pattern. This wand has a long brown handle, and a large pink crystal at the top. A blue wand with a curved top like a scythe, featuring a floating yellow orb in the center of the top gap. The Nightwyrm's Fang is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. Prodigy Game Wiki Log in or register on Fandom to get the keystone experience — there's less ads and more Prodigy Game Wiki community connection! Wands are equipable items that allow Wizards to use Spells. Purple dragon wings are also attached to the top of the staff. The name of this The Steel Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. Puppet Master's Staff is a long wand made of gnarled, grayish wood tipped with a large indigo crystal, with several green leaves sticking out of it. At the top of the rod is a brown sphere attached with two gold shapes in the shape of a snake coming from out of it, one with its head to the left and other right, rising upwards. Our definition? It’s the free online math platform that makes learning fun! With more than 150 million users worldwide and an ambitious mission to help every student in the world love learning, Prodigy is your ultimate source for education that’s anything but boring. A yellow egg-like shape floats between the strands near the head of the wand. The diamonds are a mix of colors, primarily pale pink, purple, and blue. When Starfall is cast, it resembles a yellow flare transforming into a 6-point star that multiplies and travels to each opponent, damaging them. The piece is connected to a simple-looking orange handle piece, with a flat golden piece piece on the bottom. There is a white light shining on the gem. " Gold Medalist Wand is currently unobtainable. It is gold yellow rod with a small four pointed star at the bottom of it. The end of it has a turquoise knob. The older version of the Power Orb had bright and animated green fire coming Physical is one of the nine Elements in Prodigy Math Game. "The Gemini constellation was named after a pair of twin wizards Nov 17, 2024 · Always save gold to buy better wands, gear, and pets. At the bottom of the staff is another smaller amber gem that is about the size of the bug in the main amber gem, there is no bug in the second gem. It tail Please update the article to be accurate to recent events, and remove this template when finished. It shares similar features to the Onyx Staff. The crook keeps the Storm's power at bay from the user. This wand resembles purple-blue scissors with accessories on its handles. It is a singular blade cut down the middle, making two blades. The parrot is on the top of a wooden perch, which rests on a brown handle. This was made by Big Hex himself! This wand can The Celestial Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. "Summon a strong Ice spell to freeze your foes with this oversized wand. TBA "Puppet Master's new Outfit (Weapon)" PM2 Placeholder Wand is currently unobtainable. Each gives a certain amount of additional hearts, known as the player's heart bonus. "This staff was once paired with another just like it and belonged to twin wizards. The crystal itself is reflecting light, acting as a prism. To be added. The Draconyx is a dark steel rod topped with a large teal crystal orb, being clutched by a scarlet, winged, snake-like dragon. It resembles a triple-stacked ice cream cone. "With an impressive reach, this wand can keep foes at a great distance. Water Titan Mask Water Material in this category have not been released to public, and are flagged with the {{Unreleased}} template. The cross-guard of the blade seems to be made of a purple candy of some sort, with the pommel having a swirl of orange and white candy at the bottom with a black hilt. Dec 3, 2020 · The Snow Globe Sceptre is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. At the top, there is a gold rimmed and plated Aug 13, 2024 · HOW TO GET: https://www. Handmade Sun Mask Rubber Ducky Swimsuit Rubber The Cosmic Sword is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. If the player puts a new wand/relic on and battles directly after, it will cast the spell of the wand/relic the player had on before, instead of the wand the player has on at the moment. The handle seems to be blue, with a diamond-shaped piece. There is a blue triangle at the bottom of the crystal. "The wand used to end the reign of "Carcus the Terrible", its . A chiseled, sky-blue crystal is attached to the top with metal bands and held sturdily in place by four wooden prongs. This wand features a slice of watermelon on a beige popsicle stick. The purple gem looks like an amethyst. "A fork of purified Titan Shard for catching fish or commanding the waves. The tip of the stick is twisted, ending at a small point. " This wand used to be Subscribe!Tsunami 67Channel: www. It appears as a wooden wand with a ragged, vibrant green stone floating on top of it, its shape resembling a leaf. " This wand can be The Fork is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. "Crios once swore that if anyone could beat him in a duel, he'd give them this staff. Its horns are purple which fades into its magenta-colored head, and there is a yellow circle on the forehead. The shop is located in Lamplight Town. Log in daily to get bonus rewards. "Also known as the "Heart of the Dragon", the limits of this staff's power have never been reached. com/@tsunamiplusJoin this channel to get access to perks:https://www. Jul 11, 2017 · A ball of energy from the sun itself. It has a white underbelly and mahogany scales. The handle is light red, with two small bits of bronze on the side of it. Each bottom one is a small part. " This wand used to be obtained through Battle Chests. When the wizard looks at Comet in their spellbook, its icon resembles a light yellow star that has twelve points and a blue outline. Wands can be collected almost anywhere on the map. The golden part twists around the dark brown handle, clutching a large amber gem. Nearly every wand has an AoE spell. It was created to keep fan-made content about Prodigy separate from the canon wiki so that this knowledge base shows only unambiguous facts so as not to confuse readers. It looks similar to the Perching Fire Dragon Lance, as it appears to be a recolor. Prodigy Game Wiki Log in or register on Fandom to get the keystone experience — there's less ads and more Prodigy Game Wiki community connection! Eruption is a Fire spell in Prodigy Math Game. N/A The wizard can learn this spell by equipping the following item: Terradrake's Claw This spell shares the Harness the energy of the most powerful fire-breathers in the galaxy with this powerful wand. "Become the master of wind and clouds. Its yellow eyes appear to be looking down. It has a magenta crystal and a purple handle, which has tiny purple gems in it. This rare wand was made in the deepest parts of Firefly Forest. 💯 Subscribe for more prodigy tutorials on catching rare pets and more -https://bit. " This wand can be obtained by opening the Shadow Crate after the Miniboss in Shiverchill The Gloomdrake's Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. "Wield the full fury of dragonfire with this lance of elemental power Starburst is an Astral spell in Prodigy Math Game. The blade seems to be made of ice, or crystal. It is a white staff with a pale pink and lavender angel's wing at the top. " Swordfish can Prodigy Math Game for kids, often also referred to as Prodigy Math or PMG, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) dedicated to teaching math curriculum, created and published by SMARTEACHER Inc, doing business as Prodigy Education. "Shake up a snowstorm to freeze your opponents. When the wizard looks at Body Slam in their spellbook, its icon resembles a big grayish-teal seven-pointed star in the middle with a circle around it. " This wand used to be obtained by reaching Gold 1 in the Food Fight Arena Season. [1] The player plays as a young wizard prodigy with noticeably great potential to learn magic. This resembles a crystal spear. The dragon that clutches the orb has a yellow flame on its forehead, and its eyes are almost the same color. There is one dark brown claw on each side of the light brown shapes tip. 00, and the Interactive Harry Potter Wand, which starts at $63. There are dark blue shells on the top and bottom of the wand, along with a thin, mustard-colored handle. It used to be obtained by Prodigy Game Wiki: Index/Wands < Prodigy Game Wiki:Index. A stack of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry flavored ice cream scoops is balanced on top of a wafer cone. The rod is a brown-hued metal, and there seems to be a handhold formed by wrapping a leather-like material around the indent in the rod. After speaking to Macha, choose between Helmets or Wands, and view the Epic gear available. Now that the negative energy has been removed, leaves have begun to grow from its roots. It is a wand that has a magenta dragon head on top of it with yellow eyes and yellow-orange wings protruding from either side of the head. c The Puppet Master's Staff is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. The handle has a hole in the middle, and the player can see the rod. If you have enough Old Copper Coins, you can represent all of your favourite Epics by buying all of their gear! Why can’t I rescue a pet in The Water Titan Trident is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. "This was a favorite wand among pirate children!" Toy Parrot can be purchased in Downpourtal is a Water spell in Prodigy Math Game. This is a navy-blue wand shaped like a sword with 4 spikes on its left side. Aug 5, 2024 · This is your complete guide to the Harry Potter wands at Universal Orlando! There are currently two different types of wands to choose from: the regular Harry Potter Wand, which starts at $55. This item was created on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at 5:40:18 PM UTC . TBA "Platinum wand made for those with gumption. " This wand This category is for Shadow element spells in Prodigy Math Game. This wand used to The Icarus Axe is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. It is a dark blue wand with the shape of a lion's head and is covered in either big or small yellow stars that are connected like constellations. Around the eye, there are two purple branches reaching out to wrap around it in a curved direction. Wildfire is a Fire Element spell in Prodigy Math Game. "The wand of the Puppet Master. " This wand can be bought in Sky-High Values for 30 The Virgo Star Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. It is a pale grey wand carved out of steel, with a large circular pommel and a bone-like hilt. At the bottom of the handle, there is a gear. It has dark green wingtips, light orange talons, a black beak and a greenish-yellow tail. Can one wizard handle all this power?" This wand used to be The Glassfire is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. The long orange rod contains a silver rod at the near top. "An ancient magic was trapped in this staff 200 Tenebris is a Shadow Element pet in Prodigy Math Game. The Beetle Blade is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. " This wand can be bought in the Titan Shop for 20 Titan Shards. The information on these pages are subject to change and need to be maintained regularly. gg/zQ9t8SZProdigy Math Game - TOP TEN RAREST WA Nov 5, 2024 · came back to this game after getting all of the… Dec 2, 2024 · What is Prodigy Math? First things first: what exactly is Prodigy Math?. It is a blue wand composed of two intertwining strands, decorated with golden stars. The Amber Wand appears to be dinosaur bone with a feather tied to the end where a dino claw was grasping an amber crytal containg some type of bug. The Sky Staff is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. "Made from the strongest of metals, its beauty is only The Mira's Staff is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. com/channel/UCmk2sVvDCR2JUvbWLd4whKw/joinTsunami 67Channel: www. com/channel/UCmk2sVvDCR2JUvbWLd4whKw/joi The Scissor Saber is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. This wand looks like a bunch of bolts and metal pieced together. This wand can be bought in the Bounty Shop for 285 Gold after reaching 100 Bounty Points The Stardrake's Mace is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. There is a shiny teal crystal at the bottom of the small star. There are two parts which, if you look closely, you'll see two parts of which the wand/lightsaber is light blue and not blue. The wand tapers slightly towards the top. When equipped, there is a metal bar connected to the staff. It appears to have a large, shiny light blue blade with a navy blue handle, similar to a sword. When the wizard looks at Eruption in their spellbook, its icon resembles a yellow and red fire All wands that are associated with a spell of the Earth element. The head has three rounded parts, with a bean-shaped hole in the middle. 350: 12: Firebrand: The wand that belonged to Crios as a child, he cast it aside as "weak" when he entered the Academy. This wand is an aqua-colored sword with a hot pink hilt and dark blue tip. The wand overall looks to be shiny and it seems to have a little bit of light shining at the end of the staff. When the wizard looks at Glare in their spellbook, its icon resembles a yellow 12-point star with a blue outline. When Skewer is cast, it resembles a spear-like object piercing the target. When Heatwave is cast, it resembles two fireballs sent towards the enemies, hitting them and exploding into black smoke once hit. When the wizard looks at Dark Globe in their spellbook, its icon resembles a purple flame with pink on the inside. Teacher rewards are different items given to players from a teacher account. The icon for the Awards Menu is a small trophy with a blue background. Effects. Sold during Winterfest. One side of the blade is serrated. "It's pretty much as dangerous to the user as it is to the enemy. It has a thin white hilt with a gold pommel, causing the weapon to look more The Big Hex Conductor is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. When the wizard looks at Skewer in their spellbook, its icon resembles a light gray jaw. " Puppet Master's Staff can be obtained by defeating The Puppet The Power Orb is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. On the top, there is a light grey blade attached to a light brown shape with the left and right tips of the shape pointed inwards to the blade. This wand resembles a rod with a metallic orb, on a sturdy staff of wood, with 3 reflective oval-shaped holes with green in them on its exterior surface that is set in what appears to be a white, attractive aura. This wand can be bought Wand of Dreams Whoever possesses this wand will never have a dreamless sleep and when they dream of the future, it always comes true. This item used to be part of a beta test battle rewards system, but The Awards Menu is a menu which displays the player's stats, battle requests, awards (or achievements), view their current bounties and bounty point total, and their earned Badges. These multiple hits may be separately rolled for accuracy if the spell is not guaranteed to land a target. It looks like a sword but is made out of chocolate. Carry it carefully! This wand is currently unobtainable. There is a green sphere gem at the bottom and a purple gem at the top of the grip with four spikes coming out of the purple gem, and smaller ice buds sticking downwards beneath them. The head sits atop a gold rod. 400: 11: Hurricane: To save her village, a wizard once ran into the eye of a storm. Prodigy Game Wiki Log in or register on Fandom to get the keystone experience — there's less ads and more Prodigy Game Wiki community connection! The Ancient Wizard Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. The orb descends from white to darkish teal. This item is rare. It has a dark gray handle and a sage-green blade, giving it its name. It has yellow wings on the sides that appear to hold the crystal in place. The two intertwining strands are attached to a short blue rod with a yellow band around the lower parts of the rod. Huge flames shoot out of the crack to look like an erupting volcano, dealing a significant amount of damage to the opponent. Tech Wizard Laser is a gray and dark teal canister, with one end having a protruded lightsaber, soft mint-cyan in coloration. The following pets have the ability to cast this spell Steel Wand Forged from various metals by blacksmiths, some wizards feel that its the best material for wands. Just holding The Angel Wing is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. When the wizard looks at Starburst in their spellbook, its icon resembles a twelve-pointed light yellow star with a light blue outline. Look at it glow! Tech Dec 2, 2020 · A bunch of information about the item Bubble Wand in the math game Prodigy. When Ice Storm is cast, it resembles ice assembling an icicle in mid air and then aiming its sharp part towards the opponent and when hit it crashes to form a group of icicles from the floor of the opponent. It is a knife with a dark gray handle being curved to the left. To view a complete index of wands, visit this index. It has a large, dark-blue gem in the center. " Beetle Wand Shop is a shop in Prodigy Math Game. The blade is thicker than the handle. The left and right point of the bigger star are the start of a wings perimeter. Wands are special equipment that a wizard can equip to increase the amount of damage that they can produce in a battle. Legend has it the faster it spins, the stronger the wizard. The die next to the star indicates that this spell hits a random opponent. The wings on its sides prevent the gem from breaking loose. gg/37Zy7hnQ58 Subscribe to Derek Frostblade! www. "Also known as the 'Safety Wand', it is used by all academy wizards to reduce injury Wands are the key-parts of Prodigy, use them to customize your wizard, and cast new spells collect all of them to fill up your inventory. The base is light blue, the handle is orange, the connection point is a chain-link that is gray, and the crystal trident top is purple and round. It resembles a rainbow-colored pinwheel with a purple pin. "For the hungriest of wizards. "Some say staffs are more powerful but are also harder to use, making this staff very important for training. "The wand that belonged to Crios as a child, he cast it aside as "weak" when he entered the Academy. The Swordfish has a golden handle with a fish or mermaid's tail on the bottom. The blade of the staff appears to be composed of curly pale pink and purple wings and feathers. When Replenish is cast, it resembles a green beam shooting upwards from under the caster, covering them momentarily while several green plus signs float above it to resemble health being added. It resembles a brown paw with four black claws. Join my discord: https://discord. " Platinum Medalist Wand is currently unobtainable. The Swift Scepter is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. gg/p5BjEWmMhVBest Videos https://www. Above the handle, there is a piece of purple fur Feb 2, 2024 · Discover the ultimate healing wand in Prodigy with this new YouTube video, showcasing its exceptional abilities. Above the wand's handle is a yellow, five-pointed star, surrounded with floating, yellow shards, with what appears to be a glassy texture. The orb is encased in silver metal that ends in a green gem. The following pets have the ability to cast this spell: Prismtongue from level 31 Regalaxy from level 48 Fay The Gemini Star Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. The Gold Medalist Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. Steel Staff It has a similar name to the Steel Staff Comet is an Astral element spell in Prodigy Math Game. When it abated, all that remained was this wand. Prodigy Game Wiki Log in or register on Fandom to get the keystone experience — there's less ads and more Prodigy Game Wiki community connection! Sep 15, 2023 · Discussion about the strongest wands and swords in Prodigy game. A red and white striped rod is near the bottom like a handle. Science Goggles Science Armor Science Boots Just like several of the rewards from the Arc of Light Arena Season, this item is missing a period in its description. The standard-issue weapon of many an explorer, it's claw is perfect for getting to those hard to reach places. Silver Medalist Wand Platinum Medalist Wand TBA The Silver Medalist Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. There are ice spikes on the top of the gem and purple ice to the side with gold attached to the gem. At the base of the staff, there is a light pink pommel. The snow globe sits atop a golden holder, with mistletoe dangling from it. This item costs 350 gold. "This warrior beetle has decided to lend you its strength. It sells various items for Gold. The head is connected to a red and orange handle on a silver rod. There is a core in the middle, possibly powering the ax. There is a transparent pink glow around the crystal, and several brown chunks surrounding the crystal. Silver Medalist Wand Gold Medalist Wand TBA All wands that are associated with a spell of the Astral element. It has a pale stone handle, with a gray pit lined and light blue painted mini cloud, and a yellow lightning bolt on top, with another white strike through in the shape, making the bolt look three-dimensional. "The diamond in this wand has not been shaped or cut, leaving its earthly energy untouched. 00. This staff appears to have a green handle with spikes up towards the top, and at the top there is a large Titan crystal. You can feel The Ancient's The Dual Blade is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. "A gift from the great wizard Mira Shade. Dark Globe is a Shadow spell in Prodigy Math Game. There is typically one reward for each month, released around the middle of the month. " Silver Medalist Wand is currently unobtainable. Prodigy Game Wiki Log in or register on Fandom to get the keystone experience — there's less ads and more Prodigy Game Wiki community connection! All wands that are associated with a spell of the Physical element. It has a crystalline crescent yellow/golden moon on the top. " This wand can be bought in the Titan Shop for 380 Titan Shards. " This wand used to be obtained The Icebird Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. ly/2QdcfbQ🎉 Join the Prodigy Math Pirate Discord - https://discord. In the bottom middle of the brown shape, there is a The Watermelon On A Stick is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. Raider Helmet Raider Armor Raider Boots It may represent a Prodigy RANDOM WAND CHALLENGE!!! [IMPOSSIBLE]SUB TO CAMDEN PLAYS -https://www. Like other All wands that are associated with a spell of the storm element. The wand is dotted with yellow stars, making the constellation of Virgo. It is a wand that appears similar to a fractured section of one of Mira's robes in her ultimate form. It appears to be a very long, twisted, golden staff, with a gold spherical shaped amber on top. It has been known to block even the most potent of spells. "The great Celestial Wand gathers power by the moonlight to save the world by daylight!" This wand can be bought in the Great The Pin Wheel is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. com/watch?v= The Ice Sickle is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. The following pets have the ability to cast this spell: Luminex from level… Lumibolt from level… Riptide from level 41 Polartide from level 41 The The Diamond Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. However, pets with spells of this element can be found all around the map. This wand features a dark onyx gem at the tip, with a twisted orange-gold piece spiraling down from it. It appears to be a small, snow-covered pine tree encased in a snow globe. A blade that requires skill to use, and because of its size, skill to avoid. During a windy day the Pin Wheel wand spins. Prodigy Game Wiki Log in or register on Fandom to get the keystone experience — there's less ads and more Prodigy Game Wiki community connection! The Draconyx is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. When the wizard looks at Forest Twister in their spellbook, its icon resembles a light green tornado leaning to the left Starfall is an Astral spell in Prodigy Math Game. It is a long, metal staff with a purple dragon clutching a teal orb/pearl/gem. Jul 11, 2017 · Its strength is unsurpassed by any other metal wand. Different wands each have a different amount of damage bonus, and, sometimes, allow the user to cast different spells. com/@tsunami67 Mar 13, 2021 · The Best, Strongest & Rarest Wands in Prodigy 2021, where and how to get itMacha, Mira, Trial Master, and how to increase the damage bonus. They don't make them like this anymore. This item was created on Thursday, September 27, 2018 at 3:18:26 PM UTC. This item costs 300 gold. At the top of the stick appears to be three rings, one yellow, one green, and one blue. The Bubble Wand is member only. This wand is a shiny gold fork with three prongs and a decorative piece at the bottom of the handle. Fire element is weak against: Water element spells (Shipwreck Shore) Shadow element spells Fire element spells The Swordfish is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. When the wizard looks at Replenish in their spellbook, its icon resembles a person with three plus signs of different sizes on the right side of the Jan 31, 2022 · 5 *SUPER SECRET* WANDS in PRODIGY!!! [RARE]Welcome to Camden Plays, Camden Bell's Second Prodigy Channel!!SUBSCRIBE!!!Make sure to subscribe for more awesome The Plant Titan Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. Energy can be seen leaking out of the purified Titan shard at the tip. com/@tsunami67Check Out Our *NEW* Discord Server! discord. Tenebris resembles a shadow-element gargoyle with a pink face, light blue forehead, dark purple beak, and rose-colored eyes. The tip of the bird's wings is reddish-orange, and the rest is tan-colored. " Training Staff can be purchased in Firefly Outfitters for 10 Florans. com/stores/camdenbell The Atom Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. This item was created on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at 5:40:17 PM UTC . This wand appears to be a small glass sphere with a light-blue flame inside, which has a smiling face. " Firebrand can be purchased in Hot Hot Threads Apr 16, 2019 · 🔥SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE Prodigy: https://bit. " This wand can be bought in the Titan Shop for 290 The Dragos is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. It is a burnt sienna spear with a tiny patch of ochre on the bottom tip. When Eruption is cast, it resembles a crack in the ground filled with fire that appears underneath the feet of the opponent. " This wand can be obtained by defeating Gerald in Firefly Forest. The wand is colored yellow and gold with a sword-like appearance. com/watch?v=XmDKGvxkT7ISubscribe!Exclusive Videos: www. A pale green glow, resembling flames, surrounds the stone. The handle is a solid, shiny dark blue rod with a spherical butt and a spherical neck that leads to the carved light blue bird. When clicked, a menu will pop-up with the appearance of a board, colored tan with a brown outline. The following pets have the ability to cast this spell: Tyscout from level 8 Sprite from level 5 Serrazig from Prodigy Game Fanon Wiki is our sibling wiki containing Prodigy fanon, such as original characters, fanfictions, roleplays, theories, and more. It has a brown branch as the rod of the staff, and a stone tied on at the base. It sits on a top of a black handle. Switch out pets to keep your whole team strong. This wand can be bought in the Summerfest Shop I go over all of the current leaked and unreleased wands that people have found for Prodigy!What do you think about all of these unreleased wands? Let me kno The Vita is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. Ghastly Hood Phantom The Leo Star Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. The player can obtain this wand by completing the award, 'Golden Seeker All wands that are associated with a spell of the Shadow element. The crystal is attached to the handle by a blue triangle with a triangle magenta gem on top of it. When one item becomes obtainable, the previous item gets removed. TBA "Silver wand made for those with gumption. It is a shiny silver lilac-colored blade of what appears to be made of cleansed titan shards, with a dark purple band around a gold handle. Blizzard Helm Spells that can deal more than one hit of any effect, damage or otherwise, to a target. The Raider's Staff appears to be a blue glass blade embedded within a black stone, placed atop a metal rod wrapped with leather in the center. "Discover the secret to the universe with your Atom Wand" Atom Wand can be purchased in Sky-High Values for 430 Magicoin. The wand's pommel is a rich, emerald green. It looks more like a pickaxe than a sickle. The Training Staff is a wooden stick that's pale brown in color. The Frost Blade has a sharp ice blade with sharp chips of it coming out of the wood grip. A clear crystal sits upon a shiny silver hilt, resembling a short sword. Gold Medalist Wand Platinum Medalist Wand TBA The Platinum Medalist Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. The Ancient Scepter appears to be a wand with a dull bronze gear-shaped head. "Stars are a source of magic, and while most wizards look to the skies, some look to the ocean floor. During Titan battles, the player or the player's team's hats will dip down and cover the player's wizard's eyes. Looks like you did it!" Staff of the Duelist can be purchased The Dragon's Bane is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. When the wizard looks at Ice Storm in their spellbook, its icon resembles a cyan icicle shard pointing diagonally with a circle around it The Keywand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. It has a purple mane that starts from the top of its head to the chest. The Sky Staff will take you to new heights. This wand is a purple trident. This wand has a light blue handle, with a large diamond at the top and a smaller one at the bottom. This wand can be bought in the Summerfest Shop for 35 Sand Dollars. The in-game description is grammatically incorrect as it lacks a period The Blizzard Buster is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. "This wand is powerful, but slightly unstable. It's said to be extremely powerful. PM2 Placeholder Hat PM2 Placeholder Outfit PM2 Placeholder Boots This wand currently has the highest power bonus. 350: 13 In this video, I go over what the current best wands from Prodigy are, now that they all have spells! I do three wands from each element: the best, the secon All wands that are associated with a spell of the fire element. It swims through the air to hit its mark. Enjoy casting magical spells with this Magic Fungus. The bottom of the handle is dark gray with small teal gems. "It's dark stone sparkles, making it look like stars in the night sky. "Legends says this sword dropped out of the sky during a lightning storm. Each end of the diamond piece has a small yellow The Training Staff is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. "This strange orb seems to have a small elemental stuck inside, though it seems happy enough in there. It has a radius around it, representing AoE. What an old and mysterious wand. If you swing this wand around in the dark it looks pretty cool. The rest of the wand narrows down to a point. Cake Topper Cake Attire Cake Boots This was the second Legendary wand available in the game, the first being the Dual Blade. "This sickle was crafted by miners long ago, using the finest and toughest crystals they could find. Beneath each side, there is a ochre yellow wing The Perching Fire Dragon Lance is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. There are two sparks of lavender from off the wand, and there is a short lavender branch The Storm Blade is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. The color is a dull light brown similar to a stick. When the wizard looks at Sever in their spellbook, its icon resembles a deep gray scratch mark. This appears as a singular stem of a fluorescent navy-blue colored fungus and two other tiny mushroom spores. 💯 Subscribe fo All wands that are associated with a spell of the Ice element. Forest Twister is a Plant spell in Prodigy Math Game. The Toy Parrot is a green parrot with an eye patch on its left eye and a red pirate's hat on its head. " This wand can be obtained by opening the Shadow Crate after Replenish is a Neutral spell in Prodigy Math Game. The Beetle Blade is a sharp, curved knife painted bright red with warning yellow and dark crimson details. The Training Wand is a long, narrow, slightly warped stick of wood, exactly like how the player would imagine a regular wand. The following pets have the ability to cast this spell: Pomprikle from The Mightywyrm's Barb is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. "The long and pointy nose of a swordfish makes for an excellent blade. Skewer is a Physical spell in Prodigy Math Game. The Starfish Staff is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. There is a yellow circular piece below the lion's head, appearing to be a glassy texture. A sturdy wooden wand. Energizing whoever holds it, this staff was forged entirely from the Plant by ancient wizards using a method now lost. It resembles a chocolate bar with 4 sections, which gradually get wider, with a bite taken out of the top. It appears to be a red fire dragon, with a tint of bright orange on its edges. "A sword made using alien science. It looks like a key with a shiny turquoise head. Now you can bring the power of a true warrior beetle into battle with you. It has small pink paw pads and a red wrist collar with spikes. When Comet is cast, it resembles a light yellow six-pointed star that zooms at the selected opponent. It has a pink star-shaped jewel embedded between the hilt and the blade. When Sever is cast, it resembles a gray scratch mark appearing on top of the target, slashing them. If your planning to complete the treasure track, rift runs will do! The Prismatic Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. A small wand with the pointer designed to look like an Icebird, a mythical bird with an affinity for the Ice element. There is one Physical element boss in Prodigy, which consists of: Physical Dragon (Dragon Isle) Here are all the Pets in Prodigy Math Game that formerly had the Physical element, categorized alphabetically The Tech Wizard Laser is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. There is currently no area representing this element. Between the gold poles is a light purple amethyst. When the wizard looks at Starfall in their spellbook, its icon resembles three yellow shooting stars together with a blue outline around them. The grip is red in color and the pommel is a small gold band with a second, smaller flame underneath. The blade is not physical, it is a gateway into outer space. Prodigy Game Wiki Log in or register on Fandom to get the keystone experience — there's less ads and more Prodigy Game Wiki community connection! Teacher Rewards are a student-teacher feature in Prodigy Math Game. com/@tsunamiplusJoin this channel to get access to perks:https The Adamantium Staff is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. So far, these rewards have consisted mainly of buddies, but have also included wands, furniture Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Dragon's Wing is member only. When Body Slam is cast, it resembles invisible punches to all parts of the body. "This magical key has been said to unlock almost anything The Raider's Staff is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. "Its strength is unsurpassed by any other metal wand. " This The Chocolate Bar Blade is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. The Galaxy Guardian's Rod is a brown rod inside a tiny golden circular ring at the bottom tip of it and below the ring there is a teal sphere. "When this wand catches the light, it turns it into a beautiful rainbow" This wand used to be obtained by opening the March 2021 Member Box. " This wand can be bought in the Feb 9, 2023 · Where is Machas toy shop in Prodigy 2023? Macha can be found in Lamplight Town, to the left of the Wand Shop. When Starburst is cast, it resembles a light yellow six-pointed star speeding toward its target. "It is said the The Toy Parrot is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. It is the weakest wand in the game. Glare is an Astral spell in Prodigy Math Game. " This wand The Magic Fungus is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. There is a light blue splash at the bottom of the water, making it seem as if a lot of pressure is applied to the enemy. The bolts are in a diagonal pattern. When the wizard looks at Downpourtal in their Ice Storm is an Ice spell in Prodigy Math Game. When Dark Globe is cast, it resembles a large sphere of shadowy purple flame that flies towards the target and bursts into a cloud of shadowy motes of energy. . On top of the length is a red ribbon. There's a crown-shaped crystal on the bottom of the handle. Slightly above The Training Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. " Raider's Staff can be purchased in Snowday Sales for 470 Magicoin. The sphere is sitting on a twisted light-gray handle. The Diamond Wand is not member only. Adamantium Staff This wand has a similar name and it shares the Sever is a Physical spell in Prodigy Math Game. The Clawed Staff is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. The top of the shiny white piece had an outward curve, ending at half of the blade with an inward curve. The blade also has a flame-like wave that is pink and black with white speckles. When equipped, this wand appears much smaller than most other wands. The blade is gray with a shiny white piece attached along the right side perimeter. Serrazeg from level 8 The Wizard can learn The SageEdge is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. Refreshing during the warm summer days! Sold during Summerfest. This wand has a narrow shaft made of dark wood or metal, topped by a scythe-esque metal or gemstone attachment. Its inner wings are The PM2 Placeholder Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. Be careful how you hold it and absolutely never run with The Ice Cream Stack is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. When Downpourtal is cast, it resembles a spiral of teal water going down, as if it were begin dumped onto the enemy. The wing of the wand is ombré, so the color descends into light purple color. This item is common. "Forged in the sheer cold of a The Staff of the Duelist is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. It meters in the center of the ax and small gems in the gap right down below. It is topped with a cherry and a wafer straw stuck into the highest scoop the strawberry The Titan Mage Staff is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. It is a brown wand with a golden coloured spot near the bottom tip. View source History Talk (0) Icon Name Rarity Power Bonus Spell Stats Availability ID Enchanted Stick Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Sunburst Wand is not member only. The top of The Ancient Scepter is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. "This powerful axe was once held by The Outfits are items that can be worn by Wizards. com/c/CamdenPlays Buy My Merch Now!! - teespring. "Forged from various metals by blacksmiths, some wizards feel that it is the best material for wands. The Firebrand has a yellow-orange flame at the very end, resting on the orange-gold tip of the wand. The Frost Blade is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. Prior to its release, the player couldn't go into The Onyx Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. The Firebrand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. The Galaxy Guardian's Rod is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. Its horns are a brownish-tan color. This wand used to be obtained Subscribe!Exclusive Videos: www. It resembles a blue-colored sickle with a light blue ice crystal blade and a cobalt-blue handle. There is a bigger shiny yellow four pointed star at the top tip of the rod. There are bits of glowing green and teal-cyan sections engraved in it. Prodigy Game Wiki Log in or register on Fandom to get the keystone experience — there's less ads and more Prodigy Game Wiki community connection! The Adamantium Wand is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. When Forest Twister is cast, it resembles a green leafy tornado appearing in the middle of the enemy team, it violently spins on the spot for a bit before disappearing, this is when all enemies in the team take damage. Noot, the wizard's fairy guide from the Academy The Storm Titan Glaive is a wand in Prodigy Math Game. youtube. The sharp cutters are made out of blue ice with a black holder and a mini icicle handle with a black pebble with a white heart on the other handle. Training Cap Training Garb Training Wand Body Slam is a Physical spell in Prodigy Math Game. This item was created on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at 5:40:18 PM UTC. It is holding a green orb near its tail. The Staff of the Duelist is a silver rod with twisted gold poles at the top. All wands that are associated with a Neutral spell. The bottom of the wand contains an unknown object of bronze. Prodigy Game Wiki Log in or register on Fandom to get the keystone experience — there's less ads and more Prodigy Game Wiki community connection! All wands that are associated with a spell of the water element. When Glare is cast, it resembles a yellow flare transforming into a 6-point star, that multiplies and travels to each opponent, damaging them. zsm hnfj szsd phnh uetmay ejoobawl vzesf gwubyeq uzhcb lqt