Guardian druid action bar setup However, while switching to feral form it also erases my action bar 7 and makes it mirror my action bar 1. You have been warned. Before choosing your talent setup there's a couple of important details to be aware of: Whilst both hero talent trees perform similarly damage wise in AoE scenarios, there is a huge disparity between the damage of the two trees in Raid/Single Target situations, with Druid of the Claw being ahead by around 10-25% depending on talents. Something like: /cast Prowl /changeactionbar 4 could work (the bar # can change obviously). Dec 15, 2024 · Understanding Balance Druid AoE Balance Druid AoE plays pretty similar to single-target. Make sure to follow the installer steps before you make your own changes to the UI. #wow #dragonflight #guardiandruid Today I want to talk about the Basics of Guardian Druids rotation!https://thetankclub. As soon as I shift my shape it will suddenly disappear and I can not use it (even if I still have it in my action bars). I like to give myself 10 seconds before the actually mechanic going off (Use BW for timers). When I activate the talent, the skill is shown in my skill book. Druid: Powerful magic caster in tune with wood forces beyond mortal understanding. open macros pane ( /m ) and create these macros and put them on your action bars: MGT-1 MGT-2 MGT-3 MGT-4 MGT-5 MGT-6 MGT-7 Rg Brst Dec 15, 2024 · Demonology Warlock revolves around a system of generating demonic forces. Feral Faerie Fire Probably not optimal, but I've been using it as such for so long that it would feel weird to change things around now. Nov 29, 2022 · So you know how when you switch specs it is supposed to automatically switch to whatever you had saved on action bars on that spec? That isn’t happening for me. Druid: Can tank. Good luck Dec 15, 2024 · Welcome to our Guardian Druid guide for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11. Defensively, we are fairly middle of the pack. I'm a holy pally though, maybe that makes a difference. Not really a druid player, but boy do I love modifier keys. Action Bars 7-10 are duplicates of the 'Action Bar 1' of different forms. Mangle 4. See full list on wowhead. Middle click Regrowth - bigger spell, more awkward button. Press the respective ‘COPY’ button below, for the spec you like to install. When switching between Restoration and Feral or Guardian, the action bars behave as usual - each spec has its own completely independent set of action bars. Right click Lifebloom - for tanks. F is execute (pay your respects), middle mouse is usually MS/bloodthirst/shield slam (when i get them). We will take you through every aspect of playing as a Guardian Druid, from the fundamental mechanics to advanced All other spells that don’t require a target just live on my action bars. That is not possible unfortunately. #2: Buff Bar dynamically tracks the duration of certain buffs, cooldowns, externals, and defensives. I have a castsequence macro setup up for it so I rotate between thrash, iron fur, mangle, frenzied regen. Dragging an ability off of Action Bar 7 will result in the exact same change in the 'Action Bar 1' of cat form. Big problem I see from most druids is they try and incorporate maul and swipe into the rotation too much but honestly with the current build you can take them off your action bar and use moonfire and ironfur as replacements. Thanks in advance! I see DH isn't getting a lot of love here, but as a healer that runs mythic plus- I prefer to have a DH instead of a Druid tank. Elune's Chosen is making use of Lunar Beam as a cooldown buffing your arcane damage while having a higher rage generation and cooldown flexibility. Whenever I run with Druid, they seem to take a lot of damage. On some packs and affixes, you can afford to heal your group between the pulls or let the HoTs tick fully without resorting to single-target healing spam. Tree of life is just bar 1 - 2 I have the bars in sync so that if one bar shifts, the bar that it took its place swaps position. - I have ALL bars hidden. 7). In the bartender screen there are a number of positioning and scaling adjustments which can be made, essentially allowing the stance bar to be anywhere, resized, and a number of other options. Frenzy has a 3 sec cd for me so why not? The 4set does a heap of air DMG already, so the mangle is there for priority target and I spec incarn so it hits 3 targets. Other spells can be used in any form but will automatically shift you into another form (i. Long story short I’ve been looking for macros for Cat Form/Prowl and this one that I’ve found #showtooltip Prowl /cancelaura Travel Form /cast [nostance]Cat Form /cast Prowl has worked splendidly for what I want. When the modifier is pressed, the action bar related to it has it´s transparency removed, so that I can be sure that I am at the proper bar. I always recommend having at least 2 Action Bars located just under your Player and Target Frame for the most optimal performance. Default UI. Am I overanalyzing this? The Druid class has four specs. Our comprehensive guide covers all the new talent tree updates, ability modifications, and gameplay adjustments for Guardian Druid. I started leveling a Druid for the first time and have been curious what the consensus is on their form abilities when not your spec’s main form. Especially since the Mythic+ group consists only of 5 members. When Hi guys, I main a Balance Druid and I recently tried out the Guardian spec just for fun. You can have Swipe in one place for Guardian and another place for Feral. 7), using the simplest rotation, talent tree, stat priority, gear setup, etc. I'm not 100% sure since I set up my bars years ago, but I think shadowstrike replaces backstab on your bar whenever you have shadowdance, stealth or that ability that allows you to use stealth abilities for 3 seconds after leaving stealth. I downloaded Bartender to make profiles to save two sets of action bars, one for Balance and one for Guardian. Apr 20, 2022 · Hello everyone, I have recently started playing Druid for the first time. Thanks for your time and I'm hoping to get some great tips Not really, even if you have tons of actions bars they are pushed to the bottom half the screen and you are still focusing on the centre of the screen with everything else in your peripheral. So, cat and bear are easy to set up. 𝗤𝘂𝗮𝘇𝗶𝗶 𝗪𝗼𝗪 𝗨𝗜 https://youtu. This works fine; I respec, the bars/spells change automatically. Dec 19, 2024 · Your healing will be better during burst windows (at the cost of some DPS overall), but the healing set-up will still mostly be the same (you might want to use the whole 3 charges of Grove Guardians as much as possible though). At the start of combat or with each use of Celestial Alignment / Incarnation: Chosen of Elune , you choose between either Solar or Lunar Eclipse . guardian druid action bar setup. TLDR: What type of keybinds/action bars setup would work best for a comfortable and non-clunky feel? Any help from other healers and/or other resto druids would be greatly appreciated. Jan 3, 2021 · One bit of advice i’ll give for setting up binds for druid. Please post your actions bars (If some spells are usually hidden, please unhide for the screen shot), if you have taken certain talent (boomkin form for example) please include that. So action bars were added to Tibia 11 a while ago. When you cast Grizzly Rage, all the skills that are not tagged as werebear (or werewolf if you have dire wolf aspect) are removed from the action bar. Demo Roar 8. Your Energy regeneration is increased by your Haste. 1, Season 2. Guardian druid can easily pull with no cd moonfire, has good uncapped aoe with thrash and good talents for aoe farming. If anyone can do that that'd be great! it’s all personal preference. and i’ll have all my main cool downs on buttons like shift z, shift x, shift c. You can also switch between numerous bars with shift+mousewheel scroll. top right bars 1-3 are hotkeyed to F, middle mouse and G. The builder-spender aspect of the spec translates pretty easily from single-target to AoE. Dash, Might of Ursoc). I use an hotkey on my mouse to switch from action bar 1 to 2. Mar 7, 2019 · Hello! I am struggling to set up my action bars and key binds like i want them too and i am looking for help My Setup is 3 bars at the bottomof my screen with the keybinds some thing like this: Bar 1 1 - 2 - 3 - Q - E - Mousewheel up- Mousewheel down -etc Bar 2 ALT+1 - 2 - 3 - Q - E - Mousewheel up - Mousewheel down - etc Bar 3 SHIFT+1 - 2 - 3 - Q - E - Mousewheel up - Mousewheel down - etc I’m facing a problem that’s making me consider quitting WoW. I am new to playing a druid and can't get my head around the actions bars and how to set them up in an efficient manner, will be great to get inspiration from you all. Your core rotation centers around building Soul Fragment using builders such as Fracture or Immolation Aura with Fallout talented, and then spending them using Spirit Bomb or Soul Cleave depending on the situation. Thank you! You can change the paging to whatever action bar you want in ElvUI. As it is, when I shift from my normal stance I use for resto to either cat, bear, or moonkin form only my bar 1 shifts but everything on my other two main bars stays the same. be/Ot27j2 The wowhead Guardian Druid guide instructs people that Raze is better for damage mitigation in multi-target situations. The more active demons you have, the more damage you will deal. Note: Those steps are just the initial setup of the UI, you can always change your mind later and access all of them in the options. Transform and fill the bar with the main abilities. They are very short ~3-15 minute scenarios, and as a Guardian Druid, you'll be able to bypass some of the stages almost entirely thanks to being able to Prowl to objectives instead of having to fight. Maul 3. We will help you unleash your true potential and become an unstoppable force on the battlefield. From Wowhead - "With Raze you want to use it on 2 or more targets as the highest priority spell, especially if you are tale I couldn't find this information well put together anywhere, so I'd figure maybe this will help intrepid googlers looking to figure out their Grizzly Rage / Dire Wolf action bar skills. To open type: "/bt". You do this with all your other forms, Action Bar 1 is usually your normal Just started playing druid any1 have advice on setting up the action bars, kinda over whelming right now setting up the action bars for all the forms then doing that for all the specs. Which is kind of difficult. My finishing moves are in the second action bar (action bar #2, check on the right of your action bar you can scroll with arrows to different actions bar). Druid plays a lot smoother when you have the same button for an ability, in every spec and form. Dec 18, 2024 · As a Guardian druid, regardless of how your UI looks, there are a few key things you want to make sure you are tracking. Since I didn't level him I couldn't set up an action bar along the way. GridStatusShield - shows how much PW:S can still absorb, can be used with the corner text (eg 6. Make sure you read those first before hoping into Guardian Chat and firing off questions already addressed. I have one set up with Emerald Winds and Rocfeather Kite, and one set up with Archaeology and Fishing. 7k), or just set up in the corner (red = shield again soon, green = fresh shield) GridStatusWeakenedSoul - time weakened soul is on the target GridManaBars - I was shocked mana bars aren't included by default. But it doesn´t have to be that perfect. I don't use ElvUI, but mine does that through the settings option from the game menu. Thank you! Dec 15, 2024 · Best Guardian Druid Raid Talent Builds Raid Single Target] This is currently the highest single-target DPS Guardian build. When in stealth they're replaced with my stealth abilities. Hey, I'm considering choosing rogue as my 1st alt in SL but I have one pretty major concern about the way the stealth action bar updates. Bash 7. com I tend to do main rotation on the first bar, short cooldowns/interrupts on second (shift modifier) bar, long cooldowns on the third bar (ctrl modifier), and other utilities/misc on another to click or use with mmo mouse buttons or something. 95% of top players will use keybindings for anything on an action bar, so you can even disable them if you want a cleaner looking setup and still use them. Growl 2. Are you referring to the druid discord? Aug 14, 2024 · The first time you login to the game after you installed the plugin, you will see the step-by-step installer for the initial setup. Your "main" action bar is form-specific, for one thing. 1! Whether you're diving into raid encounters or conquering challenging Mythic+ dungeons, this guide has got you covered. Anyways, I have a lot of trouble with key bindings. Dec 15, 2024 · Your Energy bar has a capacity of 100 Energy (increased by some Talents) and refills at a rate of 11 Energy per second baseline. Would you like to quickly find this guide using Discord? You can do it easily using Jeeves Bot! Click here to add Jeeves to your Discord server. Macros exist to automate certain functions in order to make spells faster or easier to use. I actually tried it with my main who was balance druid back in bfa. PoM, PI, PS set up as custom buffs 1. I’m facing a problem that’s making me consider quitting WoW. Except that sometimes when I go into Prowl/Cat Form, FOR SOME REASON, it will sometimes shows my caster action bar instead of my Cat action bar. for my warrior i’ll have my main ability like mortal strike on mouse wheel down. If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our TBC Druid addons and macros. They do good healing on single targets but require some time to set up their HoTs. Don’t poke bears with sticks. com/wow-guardian-druid-tank-guide/Mer bar 9 for nomod boomkin, and shift goes to basic bar 2. I figured that it wasn't important to see the up time of Ironfur or Mark of Ursol in exact seconds. Let's take Guardian Druid as an example. at 4/4 that arrow slaps -utility curio: relic of sentience at 4/4: more heals = better Note: after so many tries, I actually got it down May 18, 2008 · You could also set up a different action bar specifically for prowl and just switch to it when ever you go into prowl. Hey, just wanting to see everyone's actions bar setups for a Feral Druid, without bartender would be cool and each form, just a snapshot of the action bars for each form. 1 Guardian Druid Tank Guide Welcome to Simple Carry comprehensive Guardian Druid tanking guide for World of Warcraft — Dragonflight 10. ]]]]] Guardian Druid Gear Guide Best Guardian Druid Consumables for Dragonflight Season 3 Dragonflight adds many different consumables that can be used by Guardian Druids. However, the keybindings don't. IE pressing shift out of stance will change bar 1 to page 2, and bar 2 will mirror it going to page 1. The problem occurs between the Feral and Guardian specializations. I use ElvUI action bars if that matters. I'm using Bartender and have the normal "1 through =" bar, the two bars just above that main bar, and two right bars. Regarding your specific request, you could create the following macro: #showtooltip /cast [form:1] Maul; [form:2] Ferocious Bite; [form:0] Wild Growth That will put Apr 22, 2024 · Action bars are this game's second most important thing. I used 12345qerfg etc for rotations and the mouse buttons for stuns, interrupts, extra action button presses, ghost wolf, mount macros etc (also artifact abilities when they were a thing). , without sacrificing performance. Feb 20, 2024 · after its done and saved select your new MGT loadout and clear all actione bars and everything. It seems a lot of people having trouble with tormenting eyes, and this macro essentially makes them negligible. I'm curious how people use this, and want inspiration for what I can do with my own action bar :) Share in the comments, your vocation, level, and screenshot/description of action bar(s). This didn't seem all that bad to me. The issue is that whenever I respec from resto druid (main) to balance druid (for world content), several of my spells are removed from the action bar entirely or replaced with whatever I had on the other spec. I have the stealth on my cat bar, but that’s it. currently it's HS. Our recommendation is based on the combined popularity of the Spec & Hero Tree (as these usually contain the most significant choices) and then by the highest key level reached with those Spec & Hero Trees. Only the default bar and form bars will ever switch when you switch forms. Thus putting something on bar 1 vs bar 6 is irrelevant as either can have the identical key bound to the location. So Action Bar 8 should have Tree Form unchecked, and all the other forms checked for the hiding function. . Contains a wide variety of functionality, such as hiding bars until Dragonflight 10. I use an add on called player for health bars. Challenging Roar 9. Action bar 4 is all movement, consumables and trinkets. Citing WoWhead GD talent builds guide: it might have taken me ~200 tries, but i got that (*&$^&^ down solo. 3k last night on my Guardian Druid! Feel free to ask me any m+ or bear related questions! comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Dec 15, 2024 · The single-target rotation as a Protection Warrior is based on the following priority. All other action bars will remain the same and never switch when your form changes. Is there anyway to set up bars so that the same key bind can be used for different abilities depending on what form you’re in? Hekili shows you in a new bar the skills you should use to do more damage. For example, it seems that after entering stealth, if I have Shadowstrike keybinded on a non-stealth action bar, that I can use it ~half a gcd earlier than I can when it's on my stealth action bar. Personally, on all my characters I have 4-5 action bars visible at all times, but only 2 set up for keybinds. Whatever the Hero Talents set you choose, the overall desired set-up explained below will mostly be the same: The whole thing only occurs when switching between Restoration and Balance on my druid. Dec 18, 2024 · Guardian druid is a rage based tank, meaning you build rage by using short cooldown generators like Mangle and Thrash, then can spend it on defensive or offensive abilities including Ironfur, Maul, and Raze. 5. My action bar 2 is shift 1, shift 2, shift 3 etc. We cover everything from the basics all the way to min-maxing techniques to optimize your survivability. Once your max level, Azerite traits like twisted claws will give you a bit more punch and help your maintain better. Nov 21, 2024 · The Retail version is also setup to work for Classic, using the same version for both. G is hamstring. But it seems Druid has some tricks in action bars. Druid bars are indeed kind of confusing! Your main bar should be, by default, changing depending on your form. Whether you're looking to optimize your DPS, understand the new mechanics, or get a head start on your build, this guide has you covered. And people advise to Jul 23, 2024 · For your Guardian Druid, these are the best Trinkets to collect for Dragonflight Season 3. Action bar 1 primarily has damage abilities (that change based on stance) and Druid utility. If you do this, you will get a max of 8 bars. Some spells can only be used in normal form. Using it places a buff on the target, which lasts for 10 seconds and increases all healing received by the target by 60%. Iron fur is of GCD. BiS Gear Rotation Talent Builds Consumables Stats NEW Season 1 Guardian Druid Overview Guardian Druid is a shape-shifting, leather-wearing Tank specialization with a mix of damage reduction, self-healing, and high mobility. I’m sure everyone has xyz macro for this encounter, but there’s one so far I haven’t seen mentioned here or on any guides. As a Guardian Druid, Faerie Fire is a pretty important spell because it's glyphed to be a silence so I use it pretty regularly and I wanna keep track of the cooldown so I keep it on my main action bar near the bottom left so it's easy to see. And then there are form-specific skills/spells. Shift left Wild Growth - use often in raid. 7 patch. Looking to my fellow druids. To access them, check the screenshot below. I’ve timed most of the dungeons on a 20 as guardian Druid running alch trinket and Ominous stone. hamstring shift-mouse wheel down. I play as a druid, and I love the versatility of playing as a melee/range DPS, Tank, and Healer, and that’s exactly what I do. Bartender4 - A customizable action bar, allowing you to hide the Blizzard art, separate, or completely hide the bag bar, micro menu, xp bar, and your regular action bars for binding buttons. Dec 15, 2024 · Guardian Druid Viability in Nerub-ar Palace Guardian Druid's main strength is currently its high single-target damage potential. Jul 26, 2024 · Hi all, I wanted a one button rotation while binding it to my mouse scroll up button, single target and aoe, with conditionals. Make sure to go to GSE options => TroubleShooting => turn off Dec 15, 2024 · He was the #1 Rank DPS Guardian Druid for 5 tiers in a row and top the 1-6 for the last 12 tiers, playing Guardian Druid, Brewmaster Monk and Protection Warrior mainly based on what is the strongest for progression at the time. Can be challenging to do, but well worth it. That is the standard regardless of using ElvUI or the standard Blizzard UI. Druid: Can turn into animals to perform any task. Sep 29, 2024 · #gamehub-2 #thewarwithin #worldofwarcraft #warwithin #mythicplus Guardian Druid Tank - The War Within - POV - The Dawnbreaker Mythic +7 key - Build Elun Currently I mostly want to play a resto Druid with a balance affinity but I sometimes use guardian and feral affinities as well. On this page, we explain how to easily play Guardian Druid in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11. The bar in the center of the screen is called Stance Bar. brann level 33 ran brann as healer with: -combat curio: idol of final will. ie E, Q, F. I use the Razer Naga addon for my action bar appearance and layout. Dec 18, 2024 · Find Guardian Druid Macros, WeakAuras and UI suggestions for The War Within, Patch 11. In this video we'll have a look at how to set up the bartender action bars for the Druid and its many shape shifting forms! Dec 15, 2024 · On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Guardian Druid in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11. Druid: Amazing and deep lore. Hunter: Too frail to tank and too cowardly to try. Dec 15, 2024 · A Restoration Druid's priority should be keeping the group alive. Fixed now New Tutorial for the new Actionbar Override to allow Clickable Sequences New Protection Warrior Build Video Logitech Spam Key Tutorial How to get up and running and macro tab tutorials Sequence Building Tutorials (Watch me Build Sequences) New tips and t Oct 29, 2024 · adleydarling Dec 31, 2024 Blood Death Knight, Brewmaster Monk, Discipline Priest, Guardian Druid, Mistweaver Monk, Protection Warrior, Restoration Druid, Restoration Shaman Gregtv1 Nov 8, 2017 · Hey everyone! I just signed up to this platform and I'd like you guys to help me! I'm currently playing Guardian druid but I'd like a smooth UI and good looking WA's for both my class aswell as TOMB! Any WA's helping me in m+ would also be greatly appreciated. Unlike the standard Blizzard nameplates, Plater offers a variety of customized options that allow you to quickly identify enemies in a dungeon and adjust the size of nameplates to your liking. If not then it just means I have 3 as backstab on my regular bar and 3 as shadowstrike on my stealth bar. For example, S1 stands for SHIFT+1. Until now, I was okay with my simple key binds and action bar design in my other characters. Feral Charge 0. It will come down to your preference in the end so there isn’t a “Best” for everyone, and you may change your bindings as you decide what feels better. Dec 14, 2021 · However, these types of macros have existed for decades. Hunter: Has to bribe animals to do their dirty work. The rest can be whatever you like. charge is mouse wheel up. Apr 22, 2024 · Plater, is an exceptional nameplate Add-on that can greatly improve your gaming experience. When I finish organizing my action bars with macros and abilities in one specialization, switching to the other Dec 17, 2024 · Guardian Druid Mythic + Guide for WoW The War Within, Talents, Rotation, Embellishments, Gear, Races and Stat Priority in Patch 11. Hunter: Some random yahoo with a stick. Dec 15, 2024 · Delves are new content in TWW that you can engage with solo or with up to five friends (and the help of a follower!). Lacerate 6. So I recently revamped my entire UI and action bars using bartender but I have ran into a problem that I don't know what's causing. May 7, 2023 · Quazii Guardian Druid Mythic+ Masterclass and Guide for Dragonflight 10. I never noticed it not changing bars thanks to using Dominos/Bartender for as long as I can remember. /target tormenting eye /cast moonfire /targetlasttarget Now you don’t even need to tab or find the spawn to kill it. When I preordered WoD I used the 90 boost on a druid. Hey all. Dec 23, 2024 · Welcome to our comprehensive WoW The War Within Guardian Druid guide. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of Guardian Druid, optimize your gameplay, and lead your party to victory. If, perchance, you want an action bar slot other than on bar 1 to switch depending on your current form, you can use a macro with the [form] conditional. It changes the action bar based on: Dec 22, 2024 · This guide will help you master your Guardian Druid in all aspects of the game including raids and dungeons. We will discover the core mechanics, talents, rotations, and strategies to excel as a tank in both PvE and PvP. Charge is 1 on main hotbar and other buttons are skills as needed. I read other topics but didn’t understand what to do for my problem. We also bring Stampeding Roar, Innervate,Rebirth, and are one of the best candidates to bring Mark of the Wild to the raid. Removing or adding an ability from Action Bar 1 of Dec 17, 2024 · Druid of the Claw and Elune's Chosen offer 2 different ways on how to play Guardian Druid. It's off set with an enormous health pool, but healing up that 800k+ health bar isn't really fun. Below we highlight the best ones to use in Season 3 Dungeons and Amirdrassil Jun 18, 2024 · Discover the latest Guardian Druid changes in World of Warcraft's "The War Within" expansion. Need some assistance from everyone 🙂 So I know, Action Bar 1 changes with forms. It isn't like bar 1 is only 1-0 keys without being changeable. Could anyone give a good action bar set up for balance and feral? Feral is my primary. shift+1-10 bar is 1-piercing howl, 2 - i demo shout, 3 - pummel/shield bash. Dec 15, 2024 · On this page, we explain how to easily play Feral Druid in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11. You just replace Wrath with Starfire, and Starsurge with Starfall. I don’t use any addons for my This is the most recommended Guardian Druid talent build for +7 to +20 Mythic+ on All Dungeons. Hi guys I boosted a druid to level 90 and I am really messed up with abilites and keybindings Will be nice if you can post your feral druid action bar setup (including macros) so I can maybe use it :P (dont post a picture, just do like: e - savage roar, or something like that) Thanks alot guys :) So, there is much bigger emphasis on AoE (area-of-effect) damage, CC (crowd control) and various group utilities like Rogue's Shroud of Concealment or Druid's Innervate. Dec 15, 2024 · Vengeance Demon Hunter, at the most basic level, plays like a very standard builder and spender specialization. Remember, for EACH spec, you need to import TWO sets of WeakAuras. This is it, folks. May 1, 2024 · Yes, you’ll need to bind your mouse to a keyboard button then the keyboard button to 4 action keys, one with no modifier and 3 with modifiers (shift, Ctrl, alt) You do not need the weakaura to test the setup, just throw a few random spells on your 4 newly created actionbuttons and see if they cast Jun 23, 2008 · Post by ZhaunRong Am Using Bartender 4. - Modifiers are shift, control and alt. I'm leveling a Druid and I'm using the same bar set up I use for every other class so I don't really want to set up a completely different UI for Druid but is there a way to change the action bars from swapping when changing form or when going in stealth? Obviously druid action bars include switching forms, and from what I can tell switching to any form will essentially clear my action bar 1 and let me put spells on it. I have to keep putting my spells back on my action bars every time I switch spec? I’m not using any action bar addons. I’ve been leveling and plan to primarily play guardian, so my human and cat from hot bars are pretty barren. Oh and i also wanted it to always start with moonfire when a new target. 0. I would say for the most part Stance 4 is going to be Action Bar 1. Swipe 5. Action bar 3 contains healing CDs. Basically, lvl 60 gives more gold/hr, but lvl 50 has a lower barrier to entry 😊 Additionally, the Buffs action bar and the Spammables action bar are both hidden and only show on Mouse Over. That does not necessarily mean keeping everyone at 100% Health or aiming to do so at all times possible. Any tips? I remember seeing something somewhere once about paging but cant find anything online. There's a total of 8 action bars not counting the form-specific bars druids use, so while addons like old bartender and dominos had 10 bars, 3 of which were just druid forms repurposed, we now have 8 bars, with action bar 1 supporting one more page and switching for each druid form (so basically 5 bars in one) + 7 extra bars. All of them have been neatly labeled with either names or the amount of Rage you have. So say Action Bar 1 I am in Enhancement spec and I put down Stormstrike, Fire Nova, Ice Strike. For Feral I chose Wild Charge, Renewal, Typhoon, Incarnation, Mighty Bash, and Heart of the Wild. In raids, sometimes you want to use nail for dps, but let's put this aside, as you said you are new to the spec). Only thing I have to complain right now is that the actionbar without the modifier (the one in the middle) does not fade out, when I press a modifier. However, depending on your class and specialization, they may be more or less important. Dec 15, 2024 · General Information. Thank you Dec 15, 2024 · Balance Druid gameplay is a standard build and spend class with a predictable cadence to their rotation. Jul 23, 2024 · If you are interested in more in-depth Guardian Druid guides for , make sure to browse the Navigation Bar below, and our list of Related Guides just beneath the Table of Contents. Hunter: Haha gun go bang. Feral has a pool of abilities that generate Combo Points (known as generators), those being Shred , Rake , Swipe / Brutal Slash , and Thrash , Moonfire (with Lunar I'm new to druids. Here is the info that you need: Stance 1: Bear Stance 2: Cat Stance 3: Travel Stance 4: Moonkin / Tree of Life Default settings are in the first Action bar of Elvui. May 12, 2022 · Check out the #resource channel and the pins in the #guardian channel for more advanced information. My current action bars/keybinds set up: https://imgur. This is more a criticism of the class tree than of guardian, but the way the Druid tree is set up with these giant verticals for the different specs, many core and throughput abilities spread throughout, and very little ability to move around the tree I mean, spend 2 minutes comparing the druid tree with the shaman tree and the issue is clear. mess around Jul 20, 2024 · Action Blocks Explained - Repeat BLOCKS! Re-Uploaded - Video was broken. e. com/a/ziowGtb. As said, this is a priority. I play guardian druid and I’m trying to set up my action bars more efficiently. Placing spells on action bars and modifying keybinds to easier to reach keys serve a similar purpose. Virtually, you don't wanna spend rage on maul, only iron fur(at least in DG. Yep. ELVUI question When i swap to bear form, cat form, boomkin, any form, my action bars stay the exact same and I cant customize action bars for each form. Only Restoration and Balance seem to share the same set of action bars all at once. Shift middle Natures Cure - I keep dispel here on all healers. Blizzard provides a default bar, form bars and additional action bars. Balance Druid Major Cooldown Usage Guardian Druid here… Middle click is a macro that shifts to Bear Form if targeting an enemy, then Wild Charges (just Wild Charge if no enemy) M4 goes to Moonkin Shift+Tab is a macro that goes to Travel Form if outdoors, Cat Form if indoors May 18, 2008 · You could also set up a different action bar specifically for prowl and just switch to it when ever you go into prowl. If you intend to ever multi-spec, set up your binds for all specs at once. we'll just have what we need for this challenge on the screen and on the bars. My primary spells are 1 through =. Different set up: Left click Rejuvenation -easiest button to use while moving. 5 days ago · Meta Build Guardian Druid Guide for the latest The War Within 11. 7, written by Tactyks. Action bar 2 is common healing spells. Thxz to Oak for his tutorials, the other profiles already on here and ofcourse TimothyLuke for all his work on GSE. Previous Page: Macros Mokon is correct here, but only action bar 1 changes when you switch form. Hey guys so I just leveled up to 20 and loved the game so I decided to get a month subcription to see if I'll keep playing (which I feel I would). You'll also go into Eclipse (Lunar) instead of Eclipse (Solar). It's a With my guardian druid I want to try a new talent: Rage of the sleeper. I prefer to use my action bar 7 for out of combat utilities like What I have setup (not only for druid, but I play a druid a lot) is dynamic action bar like (this one is for druid specially): [mod:ctrl]2;[mod:alt]3;[mod:shift]4;[help]7;[bonusbar:1]5;[bonusbar:3]8;1; This is to put in elvui settings, but other addons have similar ways of doing it. As for owl and heal abilities, they can both mostly be cast without form or with owl form. Bars - I currently have a bar for tracking how long Ironfur will be up for, how long Mark of Ursol will be up for, and of course a Rage tracking bar. Enrage =. It is not the exact sequence in which abilities should be cast, but rather, each time you are able to cast an ability, you should start at the top of the list and cast the first available ability for which you meet the criteria. Hit 3. guardian with druid of the claw 605 ilevel with 2 piece bonus, reasonably enchanted with food buffs and flasks. Action bar 5 is the remainder of spells needed in dungeons. Let’s say Tree Form is Action Bar 8, then you should page the corresponding bar to the form, and also hide all the other action bars whenever you enter that form. I was looking into bartender but wanted to see what everyone’s action bar looks like to gain some inspiration/ideas. Dec 15, 2024 · It comes with almost everything you need to perform properly: action bars, unit frames, cooldown timers, proc displays, etc. You can also see directly the key you have to press. Rejuv everyone, life bloom myself and tank, swiftmend, buffed wildgrowth is your big coolie. Data-driven Raiding builds with the Best Talents, Stat Priority, BiS, and more. I'd have one action bar set up as a 3x4 grid to help me visualise the mouse layout a bit better, helped get the muscle memory started. What does your action bars look like for PVE and PVP? First time Druid (level 40) and there’s just a ton. May 23, 2023 · Timecodes0:21 - OmniCD2:01 - Shadowed Unit Frames (SUF)4:12 - Bartender46:28 - Method Raid Tools (MRT)8:28 - OmniCD Interrupts9:17 - Weakauras Addon10:02 - L Level 50 is generally easier to set up and you kill things just as fast atleast, and requires little to no setup. Should we eliminate keybinds and action bars in favor of clicking spells out of our spellbook? Dec 15, 2024 · Hero Talents Leveling Easy Mode Builds and Talents Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities Stat Priority Gems, Enchants, and Consumables Gear and Best in Slot Mythic+ Guide Nerub-ar Palace Macros and Addons Spell List and Glossary How to Improve Frequently Asked Questions WeakAuras Simulations Pets Guide Aug 14, 2024 · The first time you login to the game after you installed the plugin, you will see the step-by-step installer for the initial setup. just go in your key binds and key bind what ever ability you use most to the most comfortable key you can press. On my 120 ish Ilvl guardian Druid I don’t struggle with agro at all though so it does get better. First and foremost is Ironfur, including both the duration of stacks and the stacks you currently have. In addition to straight damage, you will also receive more procs of Demonic Core, which feeds back into more Soul Shard generation and, by extension, more demons. Dec 15, 2024 · Restoration Druid s rely on HoTs to set up strong bursts using Flourish in raids or have strong and steady output in dungeons using Photosynthesis, and Undergrowth. When I finish organizing my action bars with macros and abilities in one specialization, switching to the other leaves the action bars Dec 15, 2024 · Recommended Guardian Druid Macros Macros are simple, in-game tools which allow you to sequence spells together, create custom names and icons, cast different abilities depending on whether the target is friendly or hostile, define targeting conditions, and much, much more. Just started playing druid any1 have advice on setting up the action bars, kinda over whelming right now setting up the action bars for all the forms then doing that for all the specs. following with either convoke/flourish [Bear Form] → (Action Bar 9) [Prowl] → (Action Bar 7) [Cat Form] → (Action Bar 7) [Moonkin Form] → (Action Bar 1) [Treant Form] → (Action Bar 1) (Note: Moonkin and Treant form should be able to share a bar with your "normal" out of stance mode if you set up your spells in a compatible manner. They require knowledge of the encounter to prepare for the incoming damage. What I do is put my regular attacks in the main action bar number one. Here, you will learn how to tank as a Guardian Druid in both raids and Mythic+ dungeons. Dec 15, 2024 · I've been an active and enthusiastic member of the feral druid community since discord heralded a new era of engagement among spec communities, I'm fairly well respected as a source of information and back that up with a long record of high end feral performance, I've claimed multiple rank 1's across different fights in different raid tiers, I Dec 15, 2024 · On this page, we explain how to easily play Balance Druid in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11. It fully utilizes the synergy of catweaving as Druid of the Claw, in combination with talents such as Rip, Rake, Heart of the Wild, Fluid Form, and Wildpower Surge. The Spammables section is a bit of a mishmash of ability types, but the one commonality they all have is they have no cooldown and can be cast until you run out of resource. Yes, but the button to keybind links can all be customized. He was good for dmg but survivability was the problem. Frenzied Regeneration-. Resto druid is def a pre-setup healer rather than being on-point burst. Dec 15, 2024 · Guardian Spirit is one of the most useful tools you can bring to a raid. federation villains wiki; lilys bubble tea rotterdam; united auto recovery hattiesburg, ms; I also had a 101 balance druid back in legion and it was great. However, as a level 60 you can get BoE Epics that can sell for 50k-500k each, plus Renown 10 Loot-Bags which is a nice bonus. pxzbw opog nlqnuj ignsz bmyun nqfm wpdkxp akphd ijn jqysr