Ffxiv macro documentation (Credit: Berga Thompson) Illusory Creation . Back to top. 0x Macros; Patch 7. Paradise Regained - Team DN . Some macros have 1 go east, and 2 go west. The two bosses will open with their mini-tankbusters, Plummet and Bahamut's Claw. It leverages Monte Carlo simulation to generate optimal crafting macros, enhancing your crafting experience and efficiency in the game. I used the copy command to copy that to an unused hotbar (in this example, fisher hotbar 5), used the item command to replace the spot with my macro with the item, then at the end did the copy command in reverse to copy it back. Light parties: Are the teams are determined by position (93固定, short for 9時3時固定), or determined by M/F (男女固定)- most groups do M/F These macros will allow you to craft every item between level 91-100 as of Dawntrail Patch 7. To create a loop with these we would have 4's 'plus' macro load hotbar 5 onto itself, and to load 6 from 5 we'd use 5's 'plus' macro to load 6 onto Futures Rewritten (Ultimate) I’ve been PF’ing FRU in Mana, and this goes over the Mana PF strat. This is version 1. There are useful QoL targeting macros - and crafting macros you're encouraged to use - but the way abilities are queued means that it's a significant efficiency loss to macro a combat ability (such as trying to macro a rotation to one key) without addons. 0 Endwalker . Manip Wail of the Lost D4/MT D1 D2 D1H1★ H2D2 MT/H1 H2/ST D3/ST D3 D4 (※T+H inside the targeting circle) Again the Abyssal Celebrant ←MT/D1/H1(stacks)ST/D2/H2→ 2連頭割り 緑と紫マーカー散開 mt ↑↑↑↑↑↑ h+st dps 雑魚フェーズ d1 mt 紫 st d2 mt→大 st→小 h1 h2 小大小小大小 d3 d4 塔処理優先 バフある時:西→t/h 東→dps ノーバフ時:西→mt 東→st 緑線処理:線取って左上に集合 ダアト散開 アースセイカー ←d1 d2→ 西→ヒーラー ←mt st→ 東→dps ←h1 h2→ ← Place the button for macro 1 where you want it on shared 4 Press the macro once to make sure it's stored in the state 1 "data area" Place the button for macro 2 where you want it on shared 4 Press the macro once, and it will store itself in the state 2 "data area". Using Thordan as north:. ; ST: Take Brute Justice. This refers to a different method of assigning quadrants that some EN groups do. 3: Enter a name for the macro that you can easily understand. WHERE AND HOW TO SET UP MACROS IN FFXIV. The main difference is what the party pays attention to. Appendix A: Mitigation . More precisely, these are the anchor (H1, H2, D4) positions. ST: Take Nael. Things to check on Party Finder. Live: 2nd Beat 0♡:Mid → N → Stacks: TH West, DPS East 1♡:S → No-AoE take tower: TH N/W, DPS S/E Alarm Pheromones 2 TH:NW, DPS:SE Honey B. Other players: If you have the Icebitten debuff (i. Elemental is a Japanese FFXIV data center; however, it is home to servers with high populations from other countries such as Tonberry or Kujata. The above tooltip code may be used when posting comments in the Eorzea Database, creating blog entries, or accessing the Event & Party Recruitment page. The macro uses the duration of each chain’s debuff to assign positions, although if you have voice comms, you can coordinate through that instead. Savage Eden’s Gate (Patch 5. Rarity The Eorzea Database /macros page. English (Mario Kart) 1. 4x Macros; Beginner’s Guide Level 1-90 Macros; Shadowbringers Macros. Some macros have 1 go west, and 2 go east. FFXIV Elemental Raid Macros This repository is a collection of macros (and my notes) often encountered in the Elemental Data Center (DC). If you're familiar with combat macros from other MMOs, drop that mindset immediately. The boss will glow either red or blue again, and tether to a random player. Ifrit will open with Hellfire (heavy raid damage), and shortly follow up with a Vulcan Burst. For example: This command /alarm "6 CWH Vio. Live: 1st Beat Melee:Get 2♡ Ranged:Get 3♡ 2♡:Stack Honey B. Oracle of Darkness . When the fight resumes, there will now be a new “Ultima Aether” gauge that serves as a timer to Ultima’s enrage. 6. You will need Waste Not(CarpenterLeatherworker, level 15) and Careful Synthesis(Weaver, level 15) for these macros. Phoenix revives the party, giving all party members full HP/MP, an LB3, and the Phoenix’s Blessing buff. Second pair of explosions. Contribute to ADkun/ffxiv-macro-gen development by creating an account on GitHub. Sniper Cannon Fodder. Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle (Savage) - Part 1 . State of Shock (stacks) 1st: MT H1 D1 D2 2nd: ST H2 D3 D4 Gale Force (purple domes) A:Tank B:Healer C:DPS A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. 1. <me> Use this when you want to target yourself and apply buffs. ; Ser Adelphel will cast another Holiest of Holy (raid-wide damage) while Ser Grinnaux will use either Empty Dimension (donut AoE) or Full Dimension (point-blank AoE). This macro targets the closest ally “/tpc” and then uses tether on them, then targets the last enemy you targeted “/tle” after executing Dragon Sight. The benefit of this is that you don't have the play action in the targeting macro so you could use them for regular healing too. Line up from North to South, on the West side of the boss: North: H1 H2 MT ST D1 D2 D3 D4 :South 17. All players take up their starting positions. 5: Add the commands you want to use A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. This is because you can typically get to at least 15 by making one of everything in your crafting log using mats from the guild supplier. Zodiark EX - The Minstrel’s Ballad: Zodiark’s Fall; Hydaelyn EX - The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hydaelyn’s Call 58 votes, 22 comments. The marked players at the "east" and "west" positions should stand slightly away from Thordan (roughly 1-2 notches). AC are for orientation. Sort out tank Invulns for the three Formless Judgments. This is the most complex mechanic of the phase. Fast ffxiv macro builder Simple, no-hassle Final Fantasy XIV crafting macro generator. e: you missed the first Fireball), stack with the 2nd Fire player to remove Icebitten. /wait 1, <wait. 0 (Savage) - Part 1 Things to check on Party Finder . 1> Indicates the waiting time in seconds before a macro is executed. Stand on the "rivet" towards the corner of the tile, towards the boss. First pair of explosions. As a result, it’s important to specify how the party will distribute any loot that drops. Bring the bosses down, keeping Twintania near the two front Neurolinks. Final Fantasy XIV Elemental DC Raid Macros. It’s also recommended that both D3 and D4 prepare a Limit Break macro targeting the player’s target to avoid needing to aim/position the LB3 manually. As such, there are two sets of markers and macros to use for this fight. Trios are essentially a mechanics dance, involving mechanics from each of the three bosses (Twintania, Nael, Bahamut) executed together. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Alphascape V4. e: between the 1A, 2B, 3C, and 4D markers). 4: Set the "Macro Icon". You can macro actions in combat, but you really shouldn't. Markers . Tanks/Healers: Towards the outside (the wall). This phase is often nicknamed the “victory lap” because it’s by far the simplest phase in the entire fight. Anabaseios: The Twelfth Circle (Savage) - Part 2. Dark Healer: Always SE. Patch 7. Because Elemental is ultimately a Japanese DC, these macros are for Japanese PF strategies. The Oracle's Reflection and Usurper of Frost will switch forms: The floor will turn to ice. ; If players have Mid Glitch, six towers will spawn. Take up your initial positions, relative to Athena's position. MT: Take Twintania. Break AoEs, break Dark tether. Living Liquid will auto-attack three times, before cleaving the MT with a Fluid Swing. Hotbar 4 has a close macro, and we're going to cycle hotbars 4, 5 and 6 together. Resolve the Crystal AoEs and the green orbs. Advanced Relativity: The macro has D3 and D4 adjust in the event D1+D3 or D2+D4 have the same (non-Fire) debuffs. The markers are where the party stands during Coronation. ffxiv-craft is an advanced crafting tool specifically designed for Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV) players. Bahamut’s phase is a gauntlet of “Trio” mechanics (which is where the term comes from). Contribute to cboler/ffxiv-macro development by creating an account on GitHub. Kill order (usually) goes South → East → West. 2x Macros; Patch 6. Quartz" et rp 1200 0 The macros start at level 15. Tip: There is ~1:22 between Run Dynamis (Delta Version) and Run: Dynamis (Sigma Version). ; The towers will spawn in a fixed formation, oriented either to where Omega-M was standing before, or directly opposite. More commonly referred to as the "Light Beacon". Pressing the same key a second time within those two seconds will use a potion. Move to the opposite side of where Titan faced before he jumped. 0 (Savage) This is the “Haru Yamagata” strategy you’ll often see on PF, usually shortened to just “Haru strat” (ハル式 - “HARU shiki”) The 3s in this macro reference the hotbar you want your macro on. 3] Craftsmanship: 3769 • Control: 3785 • CP: 650 (Final CP and stats Required after food) Final Word: Contact Regulation. 9. mt組:mth1d1d3 st組:sth2d2d4 【基本散開】 【ノックバック+鳥】 mt/d1 st/d2 d1 d2 ★ d3 mt st d4 h1/d3 h2/d4 通路 通路 h1 h2 【生命の果実:頭割り】 │【魔印創成:散開】 北側:mt組 南側:st組 │基本散開※頭割りと被ったら通路 【エクサ+頭割り】 │【鳥誘導+塔】 西:mt組 東:st組 │基本散開準拠で I've recently created a document that I can copy and paste from that has alarms for every unspoiled node in the game. Have the rest of the party spread out, but make sure all party members (except for the tanks) have a clear path to Twintania's rear. With some help from the party, an unstretched tether can be super-mitigated- it will hit a tank for about 300% of their max HP (remember there are Max HP down debuffs at the time!). A macro cannot start another macro (no nested macro commands). It uses the “Mario Kart” strat for Scrambled Succession, known as 無職マラソン in Japanese. Storm’s Crown (Extreme) This is Game8. Rarity. Three random (non-tanks) will be targeted with blue Skyward Leap markers. Add in that putting the actions in macros has high risk of failure or delay compared to just doing them normally and I'd say these aren't the best way to handle things. e: these are the things that people will generally look for when mitigation is missing. Macro is so cumbersome that only by cumbersome design can we realize functions with high value and creativity. 【闇の炎散開】 【突進時散開】 d3/mt [1] d4/st mt d3 [4] [2] h1 d1 d1/h1 [3] d2/h2 h2 d2 ※時計回りに破壊 st d4 【雑魚】mth1d1d3北→西 sth2d2d4南→東 外周に立ち中央を向く:左→線2本 右→線1本 【魔力錬成:小黒玉散開】 mt st ※ 近接:北(西) 遠隔:南(東) d1 d2 ※ 爆発基準: d3 d4 1回目→d1d4 2回目→mth2 h1 h2 3 The Minstrel’s Ballad: Zodiark’s Fall . Crystals will spawn where the AoEs were- they will be slightly larger than their telegraphed size. 2. When the boss transforms, it baits Akh Rhai AoEs where each player was standing. 3x Macros; Patch 6. Party mitigations that last 15 seconds, and have a 90-second cooldown (tank mitigations, D3) can be used immediately after the second Solar Ray hit in order to catch Run Dynamis (Delta Version) and be back up in time for Run Dynamis (Sigma Version). FFXIV Dalamud plugin to loop macros, based on macro-chain - Pistachio-dev/macroloop 1. Please note that this tool is a fan initiative and is not 1. Hello, World #1 (1313 strat): Hello, World #2 (1313 strat): Hello, World #1 (134 strat): Hello, World #2 (134 strat): Markers . The maximum wait time allowed is 60. It is not a plan for every single cooldown available to the party; instead, think of the following as a bare-bones framework to work with- i. Hamkatsu's original strategy has the tanks/healers and DPS line up differently: N/W: MTD1 > STD2 > H1D3 > H2D4 :S/E 5720/70/650cp [6. Having D3 and D4 adjust means that each side is guaranteed to have one melee DPS, one ranged DPS so there’s no confusion over Dark Fire spots. Obviously there are more complicated macros like the hotbar-menu-macros (which have their own threads) but I'd like to know more about these kinda system setting level: 90 jobs: pld, ast, war, sge, drk, gnb, mnk, drg, rpr, nin, brd, mch, dnc, sam, rdm, blm, smn, whm, sch sep 1, 2022 5720/70/650cp [6. MT: Take Cruise Chaser. Theological Fatalism (5-heads) An easy way to resolve the 5-heads mechanic is: From the third donut, determine whether your current quadrant will be cleaved by the center head: 16. Starting a new macro will cancel the currently running macro. Nidhogg . Have the ST tank Ifrit facing south, with the party North. 0x Macros; Patch 6. Keep that in mind that when watching (English) videos/reading guides- the strategies used may have some 1. Adding /nextmacro down on the last line of Macro #01 will automatically execute Macro #11. Buffs that have a long duration, I find don't require a macro and usually just activate them on the action bar. 1, 2: Take up positions and use anti-knockback abilities. Adjust the pause between macro commands. Unlike Delta and Sigma, Omega-F will stay on the arena during this part of Run Dynamis (Omega Version). Note: You can use the /macrolock "action name" or /mlock "action name" to specify an icon you want to use. Four players will be targeted with this debuff. Dark (no orb) Tank: Always NW. Other 27αβγ: 1/2 a tile south of West (one of the two remaining 27αβγ will be a 2-man stack). A is important because the boss will teleport a little north of the center during the fight. Full BiS + Melded (i490) 70/35 Durability • 7414/5437 Difficulty Alas, no- the damage from the tethers ignores invulnerability. Pull Twintania over the NW marker, and point it away from the party so Plummet doesn't hit anyone else. ; DPS: Towards the inside (where the floor used to be). Note the Searing Wind has one more pulse left!. Only integers can be used with this command. Extreme Trials . Macro Eorzea Database Advanced Search. 3] Craftsmanship: 3769 • Control: 3785 • CP: 650 (Final CP and stats Required after food) Note that the video in the Tweet uses the A and 2 markers to resolve the mechanic, while the macro uses 1 and A instead. In the macro window you can click chat commands in the lower corner. 27αβγ: Solo stack: 1/2 a tile north of West. If your group has two of the same marker, the lower player swaps groups. 0) The item level cap for Eden’s Gate is iLvl 475. The Jade Stoa (Unreal) State of Shock (stacks) 1st: MT H1 D1 D2 2nd: ST H2 D3 D4 Gale Force (purple domes) A:Tank B:Healer C:DPS N/S towers first E/W towers first; 1. If the wait time amount is over 60, it will be counted as 60. ; If the player dies before the timer expires, the Sniper Cannon AoE immediately resolves on a random player. Like the weaponskill macro, this will activate 2 self-buffs, then cast thunder II on your target. Patch 6. When the gauge reaches 100, Ultima begins its enrage sequence. There is no way to change the behavior of any macro once it begins running, even if certain conditions have been changed. To begin, players must familiarize themselves with the User Macros Menu. Macro Mate is a plugin for Final Fantasy XIV. Final Fantasy XIV Elemental DC Raid Macros Spread ーーーーーー Quadruple Lariatーーー D3 MT D4 MT/D3 H2/D4 H1 ★ H2 ★ D1 ST D2 H1/D1 ST/D2 Octoboom Diveーー Quadroboom Diveーー MT ★ ST ★ D1 D2 MT/D1 D2/ST D3 H1 H2 D4 D3/H1 H2/D4 Barbarous Barrage (Knockback Towers)ーーー 1st towers: N/W:Melee S/E:Ranged 2nd towers: MT team ← (BOSS) → ST team Final Fusedown ※ Single long-fuse as North 1st (short) H1/D3 【基本散開】 【烈風火燕流】 d3 mt d4 mt組(北):mtd1d3h1 h1 ★ h2 st組(南): std2d4h2 d1 st d2 ペア処理=近接組と遠隔組 aoe=dpsが進行方向の先で捨て 【雑魚線取り】 mt→西 st→東 【炎禍の呪い】→ → →【赤滅熱波:散開】 mt/d3 ↑ ↑ ★ ↑ ↑ h1/d1 ★ h2/d4 mt d1 d2 st st/d2 h1 d3 d4 h2 ※フレア時計回り捨て Program Loop . 2nd Fire: Stand away from the party and take the Fireball solo. Check Shiva spread positions- some macros have the healers on the NW and SE diagonals. Open main menu; Take the User Macro Option; Select the macro number you wish to modify; Name the Macro; Select the Macro Icon; Add the script to the Macro; List of Commands. Fight-specific text macros. Eden’s Gate: Resurrection (Savage) 1st Delta Attack | White Ball Positions D3 D4 | AoE behind→go clockwise MT ST | D3 MT D4 | H1 H2 D1 D2 | D1 ST D2 H1 H2 | Vice and Virtue【Laser Stacks】 MT/D3/D1/H1 H2/D2/D4/ST Vice and Virtue | 2nd Delta Attack 【2-man Stacks】 | MT/D3 ST/D4 | MT ST | H1/D1 H2/D2| HDPS Pure Ray Baiting North: MT|South: ST|West: H1|East: H2 2. Chat Nov 12, 2024 · In situations where precisely hitting all targets is critical (e. If there is a PLD, they should Hallowed Ground the 2nd , and the other tank should Invuln The Crown of the Immaculate (Extreme) No macro needed for this fight, but kill the south add first. Separate macros were made to describe everybody’s movement for each strategy, but it’s easier to just use a diagram instead. Have everyone preposition to prepare for the upcoming mechanic. Also, I had the macro itself on my 10th hotbar in position 6, and my 10th hotbar is a shared hotbar. The level cap for Endwalker is Level 90. Bahamut Prime . Dodging AoEs . Savage loot is restricted by a weekly timer. ; Orb strats differ depending on the party. Vulcan Burst is a large knockback, (just under half the arena) that can be nullified by Arm's Length/Surecast, or by sufficient shields as the knockback only applies if the player takes damage. Game8 unfortunately chose the strat that focuses on the poison crystals, which leads to a somewhat counterintuitive case 1/4 of the time. Oct 4, 2024 · FFXIV mo macros generator. Haurchefant tethers to a random player. Loot . Pull the Usurper of Frost to the middle of the arena. Check the Playstation positions (there are many variants). These are for the 134 strat. The Usurper of Frost will transform into its dragon form ("Come to me, Hraesvelgr!"). 1x Macros; Patch 6. I've gotten used to tabbing on a controller and manually removing the boon that way, but I think I might actually take this macro for the simplicity, plus, if any player is unfamiliar with the specific regen icon, or just wants to hit the macro inbetween pulls to ensure their healer is safe, this seems to be the go to macro. 4 days ago · Each macro can contain a maximum of 15 lines/commands. Tooltip code copied to clipboard. So I'm thinking maybe we should have a thread where people can share such kinds of macros. MT: Pull Ultima Weapon slightly north. Line-up in your light parties from north-to-south. jp’s macro. Decide which tank is going to Reprisal Obliteration, and which tank will Reprisal Diamond Dust and Earthern Fury. ; 12 are for water stacks - have the MT bring the boss center and face A right after the final Lightwaves to avoid confusion during the party stack→light party stack sequence. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Pretty useful. The 11 is the slot number. They are also colour-coded to indicate where each beam should be placed (i. XIVLauncher WaymarkPresetPlugin positions Golden Bahamut . One based on roles (this is the one used in the macro) One based on timers (we aren’t using this) The two players with the 20s debuffs start a little under the boss. However, the problem is that we also need them to be available for the second set of towers in P3- if the party does not hold DPS in P2, there is a chance that the healer 120s won’t come off cooldown in time. Q: What does this part of the macro mean? ===《Magnets + Flares》=== ー MT OT A: This refers to the bit in P1 where both tanks get a Flare marker- the MT will take the left side, while the OT takes the right. Living Liquid then casts the first Cascade, which spawns the Liquid Hand and three water puddles. These players go west, east, and south. And if you want to play a card, the /tlt in the macro will get you back to your original target before casting the card which is useful. Timeline (Credit: u/Syldris) You may doubt it useless since macro in FFXIV is extremely weak compared to macros in other MMORPGs, but macro only useful when meticulous research and design are made. In the event the boss uses Nest of Flamevipers when the clones are 2x Dragons, the spread positions are as follows: (Credit: Berga Thompson) Fourfold Fires FFXIV Elemental Raid Macros . Ultima Aether . Towers will spawn along the edge of the arena. Players receive a set of numbered debuffs. Macros are user-defined automated commands that allow you to record multiple actions and trigger them with a single button or key stroke. Alphascape V3. 3] LVL 90 3-star 70 Durability 5720 Difficulty [Patch 6. Some macros have D2 and D3 adjust instead. level: 90 jobs: pld, war, drk, gnb, mnk, drg, rpr, nin, brd, mch, dnc, sam, rdm, blm, smn, whm, sch, ast, sge, blu jan 6, 2022 Having a 2nd target macro for Intervention is really helpful. The following is a mitigation framework for the encounter. The tank with 0 or 1 stack of Dark Resistance Down should be holding aggro. Here we have a menu closing macro on hotbar 8, hotbar 3 as our central hotbar with an arrow macro to open hotbar 4. The Oracle's Reflection will now ready either Twin Silence or Twin Stillness. When using these macros, keep in mind that the most effective buffs are the ones that apply towards your next spell or attack. 1. All players stack on Alphinaud (who's standing south of center) to get the two buffs from Haurchefant and Ysayle that lets you attack the two eyes. If the Light Beacon dies, all Light players are killed. Hamkatsu’s markers . A quick Google of "why not to use combat macros in FFXIV" will bring up a flood of discussions why. Eden’s Gate: Resurrection (Savage) 1st Delta Attack | White Ball Positions D3 D4 | AoE behind→go clockwise MT ST | D3 MT D4 | H1 H2 D1 D2 | D1 ST D2 H1 H2 | Vice and Virtue【Laser Stacks】 MT/D3/D1/H1 H2/D2/D4/ST Vice and Virtue | 2nd Delta Attack 【2-man Stacks】 | MT/D3 ST/D4 | MT ST | H1/D1 H2/D2| HDPS Pure Ray Baiting North: MT|South: ST|West: H1|East: H2 From here, the mechanics are straightforward: Ser Adelphel will then cast a second Holiest Hallowing, which should be interrupted by D3 this time. Use /runmacro ## to run a macro by number. Macrology has another meaning: cumbersome sentences. P2. . After those two seconds are up, the macro will reappear. All other players can wait for their vulnerability debuff to wear off before then stepping inside the boss’s hitbox. A Guide to Macro in FFXIV. There was brief discussion to differentiate the two with a scheme like "Ar1-4S", but that was quickly deemed unpalatable. Alexander - The Burden of the Son (Savage) P1 (Onslaughter) Steam Regulators: D1 D2 D3 D4 Perpetual Ray- 1st: switch, 2nd: Invuln w/o switch P2 (Adds phase) Blaster: OT - pick up Swindler+Vortexer Brawler: MT - pick up Blaster Mirage Double Drill - Far: SCH or D4; Near: MT Thunder: Pass to H2 in mid Swindler: MT+H1 > D1 > D3 Vortexer: OT+H2 > D2 > D4 P3 (Brute Justice #1) Gather at 3 o 1. Adding /nextmacro loop on the last line of a macro will loop that macro until another macro is run. I also have a macro that echos the details of the item. /macroicon "limit break" /ac "limit break" <t> Buff macro - raging strikes-straight shot- foresight- heavy strike- lifesurge fient- keen flurry - fracture- bloodbath Thrust macro- heavy thrust - true thrust- vorpal thrust - full thrust So i use buff macro to throw on all my buffs while i get in flanking position, i put heavy thrust in there in case i can get in flanking position quickly. g. Healer 120s mitigations will be needed to mitigate Pile Pitch + Meteors. All players move towards the explosion in the northern (west) half. Ghosts of Haurchefant and Ysayle spawn. Item Level - Required Level - Option: Category 3. Mana does the new Lily Doll strat, which is basically Lily Doll’s original strat, but has P4 and P5 replaced with Nukemaru’s strats. Center: D3, D4 Bottom-left: H1, D1 Bottom-right: H2, D2 2. This will tell you what commands can be used in macros. 【Palladian Grasp】Tank → W Others → E 【Summon Darkness】N/W → T/H S/E → DPS 【Demi Parhelion】 MT ST MT ST H1 H2 H1 H2 H1 MT ST H2 D3 D4 D3 D4 D3 D1 D2 D4 D1 D2 D1 D2 【The Classical Concepts】 ※ Go to Blue:West ← 〇× → East α → Block Red β → Block Yellow 【Palladian Ray - X-formation】 2nd round:Flip 〇× 1. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an… Dragonsong’s Reprise is the first Ultimate to showcase a “door” boss. It lets you store and run an unlimited number of macros. Ultima Weapon will apply three Viscous Aetheroplasm debuffs on three random players to mark the start of the Primal Roulette. No macro needed for this fight! (just dodge everything) DAWNTRAIL Macros. Add text to a Provoke macro so the chat log has a record of who last Provoked. Nidhogg’s phase opens with Final Chorus, another very hard-hitting raid-wide attack. Nukemaru’s strat (Mario Kart) This is the preferred strat by JP that Nukemaru featured. <recast. Playstation markers appear. Text macros in general are largely pointless (people aren't reading chat mid-fight usually) and sound effects are nothing but an annoyance to everyone but a cohealer. The second Fire tether appears. There will be a gaze attack- look away from the Usurper of Frost. Ultima Weapon respawns in the center of the arena, while Ifrit spawns outside the arena at the north. The strategy below closely resembles Team DN’s method, which positions the first tower completely safe from the first cleave, making it slightly more involved for tanks, but simpler for the rest of the party. Primal Roulette . The party list defaults to the other tank in the 2nd position in 8 person content and the healer in 4 person content, both of which are useful (2nd tank in high end content for tank busters and healer in normal content if shit goes sideways). Allows executing any macro using /runmacro. A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime. action name> Displays time remaining until the specified action can be used again. 2 and 4: Note the starting position is not directly in front of Athena. The Level 100 Gear Macros assume that you have a minimum of CP+7 melded to all Accessories, Legs and Feet. Notably, Nidhogg is not yet targetable, so debuffs like Reprisal or Addle cannot be used to mitigate this damage. You can also bind macros to normal macro slots. The double tap trigger page has 8 macros which are just /target <1> through 8. Fire DPS: Identify your Fire partner and priority for later. 基本散開 百雷散開 d3 mt d4 mt h1 h2 d1 d2 d1 st d2 h1 st h2 d3 d4 雑魚フェーズ mt:西 st:東 青玉:北→南→北 メテオ(塔) 基本散開付近を優先 ナイツ1回目 緑マーカーヒラ:1時 ナイツ2回目 外周側騎士を北 塔:西からd3 h1 h2 d4 塔→中央→ノックバック位置で頭割り ナイツ3回目 外周騎士を12時 頭割:10時 線:8時 The difference is in the lineup for Gale Spheres #2 and #3. Pressing this macro will use Second Wind and swap out your macro with a potion for 2 seconds. PF uses Inumaru’s strat as a base, and:. The party will need to dodge two Omega-M/F AoE combos (like Party Synergy from P2) in combination with Diffuse Wave Cannon from Omega Reconfigured in the center. Move up to Titan. Athena appears at a random vertex and all players get numbered. Some things to take note: The Viscous Aetheroplasms will each go off during the upcoming Primal sequences, essentially forcing the party to move together as a group. Really, though, you should get all the crafts up to 15 at the When The Arcadion was announced, the immediate problem was what letter to use to abbreviate the tier as A1S - A12S is already used for Alexander. Omega-M/F . Contribute to FFXIVMacrology/Macrology development by creating an account on GitHub. So, I obviously use a LOT of macro slots, but mine look like: /micon DRG classjob /gearset change 2 /isort condition armoury ilv des /isort execute armoury /hotbar display 8 off 9. Check the marker order for Hyperdimensional Slash (some groups do N→S). P1 spread Meteor (towers) D3 MT D4 N(W):MT S(E):ST H1 ★ H2 Healer stacks D1 ST D2 NW and SE Stacks ←MT/D1/D3/H1 ST/D2/D4/H2→ Fire/Ice Tethers: N:Tanks S:Healers Univ. Because melee want rear positionals, putting D1 and D2 at the boss's rear leads to the "MT group west, ST group east" split, or more specifically, everything from N to SW being the "MT group's" half. Aug 15, 2024 · To create a macro, open the User Macros from the System Menu. 10. Macro. the Cosmo Meteor mechanic in The Omega Protocol (Ultimate)), using a targeting macro is recommended over manual ground targeting. The Minstrel’s Ballad: Hades’s Elegy. 2: Click on the slot you want to create a macro on. Ultima Weapon then turns to face the player who's second in hate (which should be the ST) and targets them for Homing Lasers. Category 1: Category 2 Option: Category 3. Pull Living Liquid to the center of the arena. N: Healer > Tank > Melee > Ranged :S 2. 1x Macros; ENDWALKER Macros. Swap in YPP’s strat for passing/resolving tethers and debuffs. When the timer expires, a point-blank Sniper Cannon AoE centered on the player resolves. * The auto-translate function cannot be used to input action names. 4. The bosses each tank takes spawns on their respective starting side. Some fights, especially those with memory-based mechanics, may benefit from macros that remind players of mechanics. With all that setup, we can now go over Dragonking Thordan’s major mechanics. ) Wicked Step: MT→Left ST→Right Entangling Web: H→Left DPS→Right Pandæmonic Pillars ----- ST H1 MT |D1 MT ST D2 D1 H2 D2 | D3 D4 |D3 H1 H2 D4 Silkspit-----| Steel Web ----- MT ST| TH → Left DPS → Right D1 D2 | Fans → Point North H1 | Stacks → South in a line D3 D4 | Do not cross tethers H2 | Dæmoniac Bonds 1-man spread:-----Turrets----- MT D1 | D1 / MT Markers . Copy to clipboard failed. (can be set up to 60 seconds). A formation of boulders will spawn on the opposite side of the arena with a hole on either the left or the right. 7αβγ: North, East, South respectively. Be careful as the outer marker positions may differ between parties. The numbered debuffs incidate the order players need to take towers (1 > 2 > 3 > 4). For example, you can: Automatically swap in the correct raid macro when you enter an instance; Store longer macros and automatically split them across multiple macro slots. If you're gonna suggest QoL for macros like closing, you might suggest adding a close to the gearset macro itself mine also have an armoury sort. Spread Pairs+Puddles D3 MT D4 D3 MT H1 H2 H1 D4 D1 OT D2 D1 H2 OT D2 Umbral Orbs MT H1D1D3:CCW from 12 o'clock OT H2D2D4:CW from 1 o'clock Shadow Warrior + Umbral Orbs From safe side, looking at the boss: L:MT H1D1D3>OT H2D2D4:R Voidgate 1st→ No shadow: Spread in 十-positions Shadowed: Resolve shadows first 2nd→ Clockwise from the 1st positions Shadowed: Resolve towers first So today I was on Larryzaur's stream and he mentioned he had a macro to mute BGM for FF14. The other macros are better for sure, but this is just an option from the norm. The two bosses spawn north. Ysayle tethers to to Alphinaud. (Note the MT and ST starting positions are swapped from the usual convention. If players have Remote Glitch, five towers will spawn. /macrolock /mlock: This prevents other macros from being executed until the current macro is finished. This repository is a collection of macros (and my notes) often encountered in the Elemental Data Center (DC). Creating Macros. Yes. This works from the chatbox or within a macro. Just pick abilities from a list and copy the macro output in to your game. It’s basically Hamkatsu’s strat, but resolves Playstation symbols in a “braindead” manner (T/H go to assigned cardinals, DPS all stack in the center and get pulled to their assigned partner). E1S - Eden’s Gate: Resurrection (Savage); E2S - Eden’s Gate: Descent (Savage); E3S - Eden’s Gate: Inundation (Savage) Basic Spreads D3 MT D4 D3 D4 MT/D3 ST/D4 H1 ☆ H2 MT ST H1/D1 D2/H2 D1 ST D2 D1 D2 H1 H2 Honey B. Initial positions. Final Word: Contact Prohibition. ダイアモンドダスト aoe:北西タンク 北東ヒラ 南dps(西d1>2>3>4) 無職t:北or西 h:南or東 d:3連aoe南捨て 光の暴走:あやとり式 四角:タンクと南西dps交換 砂時計:ヒラと南西dps交換 鏡(十字) (x字) mtd3 h1d1 mtd3 h1d1 h2d2 std4 std4 h2d2 ※散開の場合はタンクと近接は敵側、ヒラ遠隔キャスは鏡側に After the Akh Morn, Pandora goes straight into the next mechanic. 3. The green orbs should be spread out along the edge towards Alexander Prime. English Roundhouse Conductor/Spinning Conductor. Live: 3rd Beat AoEs → intercard Towers → use pair positions 1. The main differences are: The priority for Ultimate Relativity is “H > T > M > R” instead of “H > T > R > M”. Only one macro can run at a time. 5: Add the commands you want to use Aug 15, 2024 · This hides all macro errors that show up on the chat box. Each number (1, 2, 3, and 4) each have two players. Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme) Soar (spread) (N) MT+ST ※Tanks stack together D3 D4 ※Healers can share 1 AoE with DPS D1 D2 Adds #1:MT→Will ST→Thews Adds #2:Kill Wit → Wile → Wills (MT→N, ST→S) Adds #3:MT→Will ST→Thew Southern Cross:Stack behind + Rotate CW when cast finishes (MT goes CCW) Wave Cannon:Take solo at the side Broken Seal:Prepare one blue + one red 5. 957K subscribers in the ffxiv community. AND you should also see macro 1 pop back up. D3, D4: Start south and prepare to bait Violent Eruptions. Gather in the center. 1, that’s based off the Google Doc. There are two sets of markers you may encounter. <t> Macros for FFXIV. More commonly referred to as just "Light". Dec 6, 2023 · Note: If you have any questions about FFXIV that you want me to cover feel free to leave them in a comment below, you can also ask me while I am streaming on Twitch, YouTube or in our community discord. The idea is to CTRL+F search the item you need and then copy and paste the commands into an alarm macro. Ultima reappears in the center of the arena, while an Eye of the Storm momentarily shrinks the area. uiu pwzg ohako fohys bvnff pnfdd kajiw ulnuf gogqaz hczpik