Dow corning dc4 msds Uses advised against No Information available 1. 0 - 75. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 6 Version: 1. It has good flowability, moderate thermal conductivity, and flame resistance. Material Safety Data Sheet DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND DOW CORNING Version Revision Date: 1. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND 000000000001903128 Product code : DCC000004518 Dec 11, 2014 · DOW CORNING(R) 704 DIFFUSION PUMP FLUID Version 1. 24h) T é l: +44 1446732350 Dow Corning (Wiesbaden 24h) T é l: +49 61122158 Dow Corning (Seneffe 24h) Tel: +32 64 888240 SECTION 2: Hazards identification 2. Project-specific DOW Carbon Neutrality Certificate on request. 2 Revision Date: 2010/10/15 DOW CORNING(R) 738 ELECTRICAL SEALANT, WHITE 1. Aug 18, 2012 · Dow Corning Molykote 33 Light Silicone Low Temperature Bearing Grease Lube, Light NLGI #1 Consistency Grade, 28g or 1oz 5. OTHER INFORMATION Prepared by: Dow Corning Corporation Product name: MOLYKOTE® 4 Electrical Insulating Compound Issue Date: 04/16/2024 Page 3 of 10 6. Vendor Information. 15. com 1. BEARING GREASE, LIGHT 1. The product is formerly known as Dow Corning 4. H. Other companies are charging thousands of dollars to set up accounts and give you access to their msds online database. 0 Revision Date: 05/19/2016 SDS Number: 838371-00007 Date of last issue: 10/16/2015 Date of first issue: 12/17/2014 1 / 11 SECTION 1. Other hazards This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB. 4 Revision Date: 2010/04/08 SILASTIC(R) E RTV SILICONE RUBBER CURING AGENT (CURING AGENT information is below) 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Midland 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (517) 496-5900 (517) 496 DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 6 DOW CORNING 550(R) FLUID 1. DSL Status: All chemical substances in this material are included on or exempted from the DSL. Precautionary statements P273 Avoid release to the environment. 2. Carcinogenicity: IARC ACGIH No ingredient of this product present at levels greater than or Shop Boeing for DC5-5-3OZ-28765, Dow Corning DC5-5-30Z Dielectric Silicone Compound, 5. 0 Revision Date: 2013/02/27 DOW CORNING(R) 4 CATALYST 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: Sep 29, 2018 · DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Version 3. Molykote 4 Electrical Insulating Compound can be applied by hand, specially designed automated equipment, brushing or wiping. MOLYKOTE ® 4 er kemisk inaktiv, hvilket gør den velegnet til at beskytte og bevare fleksibiliteten på naturgummi, syntetisk gummi, PVC og lignende materialer, samt modvirker korrosion Nov 12, 2015 · MSDS Number: 838371-00002 Date of last issue: 12/17/2014 Date of first issue: 12/17/2014 1 / 11 SECTION 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (989) 496-5900 Industry standard, general-purpose silicone surfactant for rigid polyurethane foam applications. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 7 RELEASE COMPOUND Product code : 000000000001889761 Manufacturer or supplier's details Company name of supplier Dow Corning DC-704 Diffusion Pump Oil, Vacuum Pump Oil, Inland. 4. Methyl alcohol forms on contact with water or humid air. Please note that the appearance and ensure the transfer of all relevant information from the Dow Corning Product Safety Data Sheet to their own Product Safety Data Sheet in compliance with article 31 and Annex II of the EU REACH Regulation. Call Dow Corning Transportation, (989) 496-8577, if additional information is required. com EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER 24-Hour Emergency Contact: 1 800 424 9300 Local Emergency Contact: 800-424-9300 2. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Version 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (989) 496-5900 (989) 496-6000 DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 9 Version: 2. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Product code : 000000000001903128 Manufacturer or supplier's details DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 8 Version: 2. 2015 1 / 11 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. Use reasonable care. DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 4 of 7 Version: 1. It is a 60% emulsion of high molecular weight polydimethylsiloxane and amodimethicone fluid. DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND 2 of 5 Suitable extinguishing media : Carbon dioxide, foam, dry powder or fine water spray. Waste characterizations and DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 8 Version: 2. General purpose silicone mold making rubber recommended for high temperature applications. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING TORAY DC 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Product code : 000000000003251560 NLGI Grade 2-3; translucent white; used primarily as a lubricant and moisture-proof seal for assembly of metal-on-polymer and metal-on-rubber combinations and sealed electrical connectors, disconnect junctions and terminals Dow develops and distributes SDS and labels for all products in compliance with the jurisdictional requirements and standards of all geographical areas where it produces and/or sells products. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 7 RELEASE COMPOUND Product code : 000000000001889761 Manufacturer or supplier's details Company name of supplier One-part, white, moisture RTV, moderate flow, fast tack-free. 0 5. 0 Revision Date: 2006/05/31 DOW CORNING(R) 795 SILICONE BUILDING SEALANT, BLACK 1. Certain designs of grease guns may seize up with silicone compounds; test prior to use. 11 Revision Date: 2013/02/20 DOW CORNING(R) HIGH VACUUM GREASE 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Dow Corning Corporation 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: (989) 496-5900 South Saginaw Road Customer Service: (989) 496-6000 DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 7 Version: 1. USABLE LIFE AND STORAGE When stored in the original unopened and material safety data sheets and container labels for safe use, physical and health hazard information. 6 Revision Date: 2013/06/26 DOW CORNING(R) 736 HEAT RESISTANT/SEALANT 16. Product Description: Dow Corning® High-Vacuum Grease Cat No. 14 Revision Date: 2011/01/28 DOW CORNING(R) 111 VALVE LUBRICANT & SEALANT 1. health hazard information. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures: Follow safe handling DOW CORNING(R) DC-150-HIGH VACUUM GREASE MSDS. </p> Part Diffusion pump single component silicone fluid for high vacuum, fast pumping of gas/vapor. 6 Kg (8 lb) Pail - Visit and view our entire SkyGeek, Shop Supplies, Aerospace Sealants, Silicone Sealants, DOW 4 MOLYKOTE 4 Electrical Insulating Compound, section at SkyGeek! A blend of ultra high viscosity polydimethylsiloxane in cyclopentasiloxane for use in skincare, suncare, hair care, and color cosmetic applications. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) Q4-2817 FLUOROSILICONE SEALANT Product code : 000000000001666789 Manufacturer or supplier's details Company name of supplier : Dow Corning Corporation Address : South Saginaw Road THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY 2211 H. 2. the material safety data sheet is available from your dow corning representative, or distributor, or by writing to dow corning customer services, or by calling (989) 496-6000. Water can be used to cool fire exposed containers. Air Shipment (IATA) Not subject to IATA regulations. 2 Revision Date: 01/16/2017 SDS Number: 838371-00009 Date of last issue: 11/18/2016 Date of first issue: 12/17/2014 1 / 11 SECTION 1. DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1/7 DOW CORNING(R) 44 HIGH TEMP BEARING GREASE, LIGHT 1. the material safety data sheet is available on the dow corning web site at dow corning. 0 out of 5 stars 1 rating DOW€CORNING 3140 RTV Coating forms a bond to most clean, dry surfaces of metals, glass, silicone or organic resins and vulcanised silicone rubber. : 44224 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (989) 496-5900 (989) 496-6000 Two-part, 1 to 1 mix, dark gray, general purpose encapsulant with good flowability and flame resistance. 0 Revision Date: 12/17/2014 MSDS Number: 838371-00001 Date of last issue: - Date of first issue: 12/17/2014 1 / 11 SECTION 1. 3 Revision Date: 2006/03/01 DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Inhalation/Suitable Respirator: No respiratory protection should be needed. Sep 8, 2019 · DOW CORNING(R) 7 RELEASE COMPOUND Version 3. Provide adequate ventilation to control exposures Dow's one-part, medium-modulus silicone sealant for weathersealing applications. DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 7 DOW CORNING(R) HIGH VACUUM GREASE 1. SKU: DOW DC4 Category: Lubrication & Multifunctional Oils ART NO: IMPA CODE: DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 7 DOW CORNING(R) 700 INDUSTRIAL GRADE SILICONE SEALANT - WHITE 1. 1 Revision Date: 03/25/2015 MSDS Number: 938463-00002 Date of last issue: 12/11/2014 Date of first issue: 12/11/2014 1 / 11 SECTION 1. the material safety data sheet is available on the dow corning website at dow corning. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 736 HEAT RESISTANT/SEALANT Product code : 000000000001890590 Manufacturer or supplier's details DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 7 Version: 1. 3. Dow Corning Toray Dc 4 Electrical Insulating Compound Nov 18, 2016 · Dow Corning (Barry U. Waste characterizations and Register now and get a free online MSDS binder. 0 Revision Date: 09/05/2017 SDS Number: 831067-00010 Date of last issue: 05/02/2017 Date of first issue: 11/25/2014 1 / 14 SECTION 1. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 7091 ADHESIVE SEALANT GREY Product code : 000000000002679191 Manufacturer or supplier's details Aug 15, 2012 · DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 9 Version: 2. IDENTIFICATION Date of last issue: 04/02/2015 Date offirst issue: 04/02/2015 MSDS Number: 000001189166 Revision Date; A mixture of high molecular weight silicone elastomers (dimethicone crosspolymer) in cyclopentasiloxane for use in skincare, suncare, shower gel, hair care, and color cosmetic applications. USABLE LIFE AND STORAGE When stored at temperatures below 11°C (52 °F) Dow Corning® 193C Fluid will MSDS Number: 971236-00001 Date of last issue: - Date of first issue: 02/09/2015 1 / 17 SECTION 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: <p>Dow SYLGARD™ 160 Silicone Elastomer is a two component, room temperature or heat curing encapsulant that is used for general potting applications of power supplies. 2015 MSDS Number: 1340855-00001 Date of last issue: - Date of first issue: 12. Available in clear or in white. 0 Revision Date: 2006/01/13 DOW CORNING(R) 4-7081 RESIN MODIFIER 1. 0 Revision Date: 09/14/2017 SDS Number: 837723-00009 Date of last issue: 03/10/2017 Date of first issue: 11/26/2014 1 / 12 SECTION 1. DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 8 of 8 Version: 2. 4 kg Pail. Unsuitable extinguishing media : None known. REGULATORY INFORMATION Feb 17, 2018 · DOW CORNING(R) 5 COMPOUND Version 3. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (989) 496-5900 Dow Corning High Vacuum Grease Hazard statements H413 May cause long lasting harmful effects to aquatic life. 2 Revision Date: 2010/09/29 DOW CORNING(R) 360 MEDICAL FLUID, 1000 CST. 6 10/17/2015 SDS Number: 566530-00007 Date of last issue: 09/24/2015 Date of first issue: 09/18/2014 Aggravated Medical Condi tion None known. com, or from your dow corning sales application engineer, or distributor, or by calling dow corning customer service. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION MSDS No. : 01018817 SUPPLIER: Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 Prepared by Product Safety: NEWALTA: Revision Date: (800) 248-2481 May 20, 2015 · Midwest Tungsten Diffusion Pump Oil, High Vacuum, Dow Corning Equivalent, for Higher Resistant to Hydrolysis & Oxidation, Free MSDS Sheet (MT-704), 250cc Visit the Midwest Tungsten Service Store 5. 0 Revision Date: 09/18/2015 SDS Number: 936009-00005 Date of last issue: 04/30/2015 Date of first issue: 12/11/2014 1 / 18 SECTION 1. A two-part silicone elastomer that has tough, tenacious char characteristics and durability to weathering elements, that can be used for protection of launch equipment exposed directly to rocket blasts. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Midland 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (517) 496-5900 (517) 496-6000 Dow Corning High Vacuum Grease 2/9 Dimethyl siloxane, hydroxy-terminated CAS number: — 5. Useful as heat transfer fluid, in thermostat systems and as base oil for high temperature lubricants. 0 Dimethyl siloxane, hydroxy-terminated 16. 0 Dimethylvinylated and trimethylated silica 16. 6 Revision Date: 2011/06/10 DOW CORNING(R) 200 FLUID, 100 CST. 1 Classification of the substance or mixture Classification (REGULATION (EC) No 1272/2008) Not a hazardous substance or mixture. 2 Identified uses : Intermediates Additives Lubricants and additives Cosmetics Process regulators Uses advised against : None known. 2A - H319 The Full Text for all Hazard Statements are Displayed in Section 16. 1:1 mix ratio. : 01903128 SUPPLIER: Dow Corning Canada Inc. 0 - 60. Form a tack-free skin in one hour and cure to a firm silicon DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 8 Version: 1. A. 0 Revision Date: 09/11/2017 SDS Number: 953200-00008 Date of last issue: 03/18/2017 Date of first issue: 02/09/2015 1 / 14 SECTION 1. EN. Clean the surface with a solvent such as isopropanol and a slightly The material safety data sheet is available on the Dow Corning website at www. 0 - 13. 0 Zinc oxide 63148-62-9 30. DOW SILICONES CORPORATION 2200 WEST SALZBURG ROAD MIDLAND MI 48686-0994 UNITED STATES Customer Information Number: 800-258-2436 SDSQuestion@dow. Waste characterizations and A one-part, neutral curing, low modulus silicone sealant particularly suitable for interior and exterior applications, in particular exterior weather seals, expansion joints, perimetral joints in buildings and other types of construction. Nov 18, 2016 · DOW CORNING TORAY DC 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Version 2. and material safety data sheets and container labels for safe use, physical and health hazard information. 3 Revision Date: 2009/04/17 DOW CORNING(R) 57 ADDITIVE 1. 1 Product identifier Trade name : DOW CORNING(R) 732 MULTI-PURPOSE SEALANT BLACK General-purpose acetoxy RTV sealant. 831-462-8900. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (989) 496-5900 DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 7 of 7 DOW CORNING(R) 111 VALVE LUBRICANT & SEALANT 70131-67-8 7. 1 Revision Date: 2007/01/22 DOW CORNING(R) 7091 ADHESIVE SEALANT BLACK 1. ACGIH TLV: TWA 400 ppm, STEL 500 ppm. 15-6400 Millcreek Drive, Suite 416 Mississauga, ON, Canada L5N 3E7 Prepared by Product Safety: NEWALTA: May 14, 2017 · DOW CORNING(R) 736 HEAT RESISTANT/SEALANT Version 2. A moisture proof seal for aircraft, automotive and marine ignition systems and spark plug connections, disconnection junctions in electrical wiring systems also in electrical assemblies and terminals. 6 Revision Date: 2011/02/22 DOW CORNING(R) 5 COMPOUND 1. 4. sdsdesk@thermofisher. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (989) 496-5900 DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 7 Version: 1. If swallowed If you purchase this material outside Europe, where compliance laws may differ, you should receive from your local Dow Corning supplier a SDS applicable to the country in which the product is sold and intended to be used. DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 7 Version: 3. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Product code : 000000000001903128 Manufacturer or supplier's details DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 4 of 9 DOW CORNING(R) MDX4-4159 50% MEDICAL GRADE DISPERSION 67-63-0 Isopropyl alcohol OSHA PEL (final rule): TWA 400 ppm, 980 mg/m3. 15-6400 Millcreek Drive, Suite 416 Mississauga, ON, Canada L5N 3E7 Prepared by Product Safety: NEWALTA: DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 7 DOW CORNING(R) HIGH VACUUM GREASE 1. DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 7 DOW CORNING 704(R) DIFFUSION PUMP FLUID 1. Silicone surfactant for footwear (shoe sole) and integral skin applications. MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheet; 100% actives, Polyphenylmethyldimethylsiloxane polymer fluid. 6 Revision Date: 2009/01/06 DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND 1. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Product code : 000000000001903128 Manufacturer or supplier's details Product name: MOLYKOTE® 4 Electrical Insulating Compound Issue Date: 2020. Note: These precautions are for room temperature handling. %PDF-1. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Hazard classification DOW CORNING(R) FS 1265 FLUID, 300 CST. Waste characterizations and DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 7 of 7 Version: 1. May 20, 2015 · It's crucial to carefully follow the instructions on the MSDS sheet and take proper safety measures when handling ; Vacuum production : Vaccum pump oil is EQUIVALENT to Dow Corning DC-704 diffusion pump oil for use in high vacuum production environments Sep 25, 2014 · DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 7 Version: 1. No warranty, either expressed or Nov 19, 2016 · DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Version 2. Apr 30, 2015 · DOW CORNING(R) 7091 ADHESIVE SEALANT GREY Version 3. DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 4 of 9 DOW CORNING(R) MDX4-4159 50% MEDICAL GRADE DISPERSION 67-63-0 Isopropyl alcohol OSHA PEL (final rule): TWA 400 ppm, 980 mg/m3. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Product code : 000000000001903128 Manufacturer or supplier's details Company name of supplier : Dow Corning Corporation Address : South Saginaw Road MOLYKOTE® 4 electrical insulating compound is a silicone-based compound with semi-flowable consistency that exhibits excellent dielectric strength and electrical insulating properties. MOLYKOTE ® 4 Electrical Insulating Compound (Tidligere Dow Corning DC4) er en fedtlignende silikonepasta (compound) med fremragende dielektriske egenskaber. 0% Classification Eye Irrit. 0 Revision Date: 12. : 01059548 SUPPLIER: Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 Prepared by Product Safety: NEWALTA: Dow Corning manufactures a number of different grades of PDMS fluid but when Dow Corning360 Medical Fluid is produced, there are additional controls in place as well as further documentation for traceability. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Recommended Use Laboratory chemicals. DOW WAY MIDLAND MI 48674 UNITED STATES Customer Information Number: 800-258 -2436 SDSQuestion@dow. 2 Revision Date: 10/07/2016 SDS Number: 1347794-00006 Date of last issue: 04/27/2016 Date of first issue: 02/18/2015 1 / 12 SECTION 1. Waste characterizations and DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 9 Version: 1. 2 Revision Date: 2005/05/09 SYLGARD(R) 184 SILICONE ELASTOMER BASE (BASE information is below) 68988-89-6 30. You can also obtain a copy from your local Dow Corning sales representative or Distributor or by calling your local Dow Corning Global Connection. 8:30am–5pm Mon–Thu, Fri 4pm. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (989) 496-5900 (989) 496-6000 A 1 part solventless silicone elastomer for general sealing and bonding applications. DOW€CORNING® 1200 Primer or DOW€CORNING® 92023 Primer are recommended for use with DOW€CORNING 93104 Ablative Material. 03 Page 5 of 10 Upper explosion limit No data available Vapor Pressure Not applicable Relative Vapor Density (air = 1) No data available DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1/7 DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND 1. Producing vacuums of 1e-5 to 1e-8 torr, untrapped, and 1e-10 to 1e-11 torr, trapped. 0 Polydimethylsiloxane 16. Dow Corning 4 Compound should not be applied to any surface which will be painted or finished. DOWSIL™ CE-1689 Smoothing Emulsion acts as a smoothing agent. In June 1996 a new state-of-the-art process was validated at Dow Corning’s Healthcare Industries Materials Site involving A two-part, 1 to 1 mix ratio dielectric gel that is suitable for sealing and protecting various electronic devices, especially those with delicate components. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: MSDS-Dow Corning- DC 4 Electrical Insulating Compound. 0 - 50. 3 oz. First-aid measures Description of first aid measures General information If in doubt, get medical attention promptly. com EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER 24-Hour Emergency Contact: CHEMTREC +1 800-424-9300 Local Emergency Contact: 800-424-9300 2. Part A, 5. 0 out of 5 stars 2 4 offers from $1550 $ 15 50 One-part, translucent adhesive or coating with good flowability, high elongation value for vibration/ mechanical shock dampening and low stress, good flame resistance, UL, IPC and Mil Spec tested, contains UV indicator. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (989) 496-5900 (989) 496-6000 High-efficiency silicone surfactant used for a wide variety of flexible slabstock foam formulations. 2 Revision Date: 2011/03/08 DOW CORNING(R) 736 HEAT RESISTANT/SEALANT 1. Buy MOLYKOTE 4, 100G - MOLYKOTE - Electrical Insulating Compound, Silicone, DC4, Grease, Tube, 100g. 734 is a flowable liquid that is easy to use and cures on exposure to moisture in the air. K. Clean the surface with a chlorinated solvent (see Handling Precautions) and a slightly abrasive pad or a coarse lint-free cloth. INCI Name: Cyclopentasiloxane (and) Dimethicone. 3 Oz Tube with 2 Applicator Brushes and 1 Compressed Wipe-THE SAVVIE STORE 3. The cured silicone rubber remains flexible from -20 to 300°F. 4 Revision Date: 2009/01/06 DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND 1. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet E-mail address begel. DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 9 Version: 3. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (989) 496-5900 and material safety data sheets and container labels for safe use, physical and health hazard information. INCI Name: Dimethicone DOW CORNING(R) 732 MULTI-PURPOSE SEALANT BLACK Version 1. DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Version 2. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 704 DIFFUSION PUMP FLUID Product code : 000000000001000144 Manufacturer or supplier's details Dec 11, 2014 · DOW CORNING(R) 704 DIFFUSION PUMP FLUID Version 1. 4 Revision Date: 2010/12/22 DOW CORNING(R) 3145 RTV MIL-A-46146 ADHESIVE/SEALANT-GRAY 1. DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 6 of 7 Version: 1. Available in multiple colors and cures to form flexible and durable joints. Meets the requirements of 21 CFR Section 177. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Hazard classification DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 7 DOW CORNING(R) 732 MULTI-PURPOSE SEALANT, BLACK 1. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 340 HEAT SINK COMPOUND Product code : 000000000001015443 Manufacturer or supplier's details Company name of supplier DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 10 Version: 1. com. 1 of 7 1. Dec 24, 2011 · DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 7 of 7 Version: 1. 1 Product name : DOW CORNING(R) FS 1265 FLUID, 300 CST. Silicone oil Dow Corning 200® fluid, viscosity 60,000 cSt (25 °C); CAS Number: 63148-62-9; Synonyms: Dimethyl polysiloxane; Linear Formula: [-Si(CH3)2O-]n; find Sigma-Aldrich-181838 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at Sigma-Aldrich. Dow's internal standards require the development and distribution of SDS and labels for products even when there are no local requirements to do so. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 8 Version: 1. OTHER INFORMATION Prepared by: Dow Corning Corporation Handling & Storage Information, MSDS Section 7 Stability & Reactivity Information, MSDS Section10 Regulatory Information, MSDS Section 15 Treatment and disposal methods of used packaging: Empty containers should be recycled or otherwise disposed of by an approved waste management facility. DOW 1954016 MOLYKOTE 4 White Electrical Insulating Compound - 3. Aug 11, 2011 · DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 8 Version: 4. The material safety data sheet is available on the Dow Corning website at www. Boeing offers Aircraft Parts, Chemicals, Tools, and more. 3 Company : Dow Corning Europe S. 4 out of 5 stars 10 1 offer from $3953 $ 39 53 with a primer. Sep 28, 2023 · Dimethicone, Amodimethicone, Laureth-23, Polyquaternium-10 and Laureth-4. 3 Revision Date: 03/18/2017 SDS Number: 838371-00010 Date of last issue: 01/16/2017 Date of first issue: 12/17/2014 1 / 12 SECTION 1. Rinse cleaned surface with acetone Oct 29, 2017 · DOW CORNING(R) 340 HEAT SINK COMPOUND Version 4. For maximum adhesion, the use of DOW€CORNING® 1200 OS Primer or DOW€CORNING® 1204 Primer is recommended. limited warranty information - please read carefully Molykote 4 electrical insulating compound, also known as Dow Corning 4 or DC4 is available to buy online from Silmid in various sizes. 6 Revision Date: 2012/04/19 DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Not subject to IMDG code. 13 Revision Date: 2012/09/19 DOW CORNING(R) 340 HEAT SINK COMPOUND CAS Number Wt % Component Name 1314-13-2 55. Farnell® UK offers fast quotes, same day dispatch, fast delivery DOW CORNING TORAY DC 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Version 2. Externally verified carbon neutrality according to PAS 2060. For best results: 1. Your new online MSDS binder is a place for you to store the material safety data sheets you need to deploy. 02. Product code 566547-00011, 000000000003251560, 4 Revision date 2017 March 18 Language English. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 5 COMPOUND Product code : 000000000004016063 Manufacturer or supplier's details Company name of supplier Oct 14, 2017 · DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Version 2. Carbon Neutrality with DOW Carbon “INSETS” and reduce An air drying primer supplied as a dilute solution of moisture reactive materials in volatile siloxane and is used to improve both the quality and speed of adhesion development to room temperature vulcanizing silicone sealants to a variety of common non-porous substrates. 0 Revision Date: 2009/07/07 DOW CORNING(R) PR-1204 RTV PRIME COAT 1. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Hazard classification Handling & Storage Information, MSDS Section 7 Stability & Reactivity Information, MSDS Section 10 Regulatory Information, MSDS Section 15 Treatment and disposal methods of used packaging: Empty containers should be recycled or otherwise disposed of by an approved waste management facility. dowcorning. </p> <p><br />This is a Dow product repackaged by KitPackers, an authorized repackager of Dow. 0 Revision Date: 09/14/2017 SDS Number: 838371-00011 Date of last issue: 03/18/2017 Date of first issue: 12/17/2014 1 / 12 SECTION 1. 8 Revision Date: 2011/09/07 DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND information required by the CPR. Apr 2, 2015 · Company name of supplier Dow Corning Corporation Manufacturer or supplier's details Product code 000000000002647028 DOW CORNING(R) 93-104 ABLATIVE MATERIAL- KIT (CATALYST information is below) Product name SECTION 1. Precautionary Measures: Avoid eye contact. Jan 27, 2018 · DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Version 3. This grease-like compound provides a moisture proof seal. P501 Dispose of contents/ container in accordance with national regulations. OTHER INFORMATION Prepared by: Dow Corning Corporation These data are offered in good faith as typical values and not as product specifications. Special protective equipment/procedures material outside Europe, where compliance laws may differ, you should receive from your local Dow Corning supplier a SDS applicable to the country in which the product is sold and intended to be used. : 01889834 SUPPLIER: Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 Prepared by Product Safety: NEWALTA: Revision Date: Product Information Elastomeric Replication Dow Corning® 3110, 3112, and 3120 RTV Rubbers FEATURES Two-part RTV silicone rubber Low mixed viscosity 100% active, 200 cSt, polydimethylsiloxane polymer. Dupont Molykote 4 (Formerly Dow Corning Dc-4) Electrical Insulating Compound 150 G Tube Dow Corning 4 Electrical Insulating Compound can be applied by hand, specially designed automated equipment, brushing or wiping. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 704 DIFFUSION PUMP FLUID Product code : 000000000001000144 Manufacturer or supplier's details Handling & Storage Information, MSDS Section 7 Stability & Reactivity Information, MSDS Section10 Regulatory Information, MSDS Section 15 Treatment and disposal methods of used packaging: Empty containers should be recycled or otherwise disposed of by an approved waste management facility. 3. 5 Revision Date: 2014/01/31 MOLYKOTE(R) 44 HIGH TEMP. No warranty, either DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 6 Version: 1. 6 %âãÏÓ 1317 0 obj > endobj 1330 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[1317 23]/Info 1316 0 R/Length 72/Prev 580704/Root 1318 0 R/Size 1340/Type/XRef/W[1 2 DOW CORNING DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 7 Version: 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 8 of 8 Version: 1. Need to have specifications noted on certificate must be requested at time of order. Provide adequate ventilation to control exposures Feb 3, 2019 · information, refer to: Handling & Storage Information, MSDS Section 7 Stability & Reactivity Information, MSDS Section10 Regulatory Information, MSDS Section 15 Treatment and disposal methods of used packaging: Empty containers should be recycled or otherwise disposed of by an approved waste management facility. 07. usable life and storage May 19, 2016 · Dow Corning S. WHMIS CLASSIFICATION: Class D, Division 2, Subdivision A. Hazards during fire fighting : None known. 2 Label elements Buy Dow Corning DC 4 electrical insulating compound at SkyGeek. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (989) 496-5900 DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 7 DOW CORNING 200(R) FLUID, 20 CST. Conforms to SAE-AS-8660 Oct 3, 2014 · Dow Corning 4 Electrical Insulating Compound 5. DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 8 Version: 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (989) 496-5900 (989) 496-6000 (989) 496-6315 Jul 31, 2019 · DOW CORNING(R) 7 RELEASE COMPOUND Version 3. Sustainability: Low embodied carbon DOWSIL™ Silicone. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: DOW SILICONES CORPORATION 2200 WEST SALZBURG ROAD MIDLAND MI 48686-0994 UNITED STATES Customer Information Number: 800-258-2436 SDSQuestion@dow. 1. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING(R) 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Product code : 000000000001903128 Manufacturer or supplier's details and material safety data sheets and container labels for safe use, physical and health hazard information. INCI Name: Cyclopentasiloxane (and) Dimethicone Crosspolymer High durometer silicone mold making rubber recommended for use with rigid and foam polyurethane and can be used with polyesters and epoxies. IDENTIFICATION Product name : DOW CORNING TORAY DC 4 ELECTRICAL INSULATING COMPOUND Product code : 000000000003251560 read product and material safety data sheets and container labels for safe use, physical and health hazard information. Get medical attention if irritation develops and persists. One-part, nonflow, translucent, moisture cure RTV, Low levels of volatile condensable, High Elongation for added stress relief. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Product Disposal Information: CHEMTREC: (989) 496-5900 (989) 496-6000 May 13, 2010 · Dow Corning 4 Electrical Insulating Compound Manufacturer Dow Corning Corporation Product code 838372-00009, 000000000001903128, 838372-00007, 4 Revision date Dupont Molykote 4 (Formerly Dow Corning Dc-4) Electrical Insulating Compound 150 G Tube Dow Corning 4 Electrical Insulating Compound can be applied by hand, specially designed automated equipment, brushing or wiping. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: DOW CORNING CORPORATION Material Safety Data Sheet Page: 1 of 9 Version: 3. 0 Revision Date: 09/14/2017 SDS Number: 838371-00011 Date of last issue: 03/18/2017 Date of first issue: 12/17/2014 2 / 12 In case of eye contact : Flush eyes with water as a precaution. 2600: "Rubber articles intended for repeated use". IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANY Dow Corning Corporation South Saginaw Road Midland, Michigan 48686 24 Hour Emergency Telephone: Customer Service: Dow Corning #732 Silastic RTV Sealant DOW CORNING -SILASTIC- These one-part RTV silicone rubber adhesive/sealants adhere to metals, glass, paint, ceramics, wood and most plastics. One-part, self-leveling silicone material that cures to an ultra-low-modulus silicone rubber upon exposure to atmospheric moisture. fpc xsy rbmob sfhd yiws vortd jqlpx zgudzw qvcjskv wafjld
Dow corning dc4 msds. 100% active, 200 cSt, polydimethylsiloxane polymer.