Blue phantom pleco breeding. Login to create a wish list.
Blue phantom pleco breeding Adults prefer meaty foods. Blue Phantom Pleco has an absolute cobalt blue shade and can grow up to 7. If this is the case for you, simply cut the vegetables and place them somewhere in the tank. 0 Diet - Omnivore. Renowned for its vibrant green coloration and peaceful demeanor, this species can grow up to 8 inches (20 cm) in length, making it a standout addition to larger aquar Dec 5, 2023 · Blue Phantom Plecos. Native to the rivers of South America, particularly in Brazil, this species typically grows to about 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) in length. Jun 17, 2015 · Blue Phantom L128 Temperature? Thread starter mellor21; Start date Jun 21, 2015; Forums. 00. The male guards the eggs and fry for the first few weeks. The two are also found in different parts of the same river system. 00 P&P. 0-7. L128) is being offered for sale in this offering. Because of this, they are a popular pleco option among aquarists. They also come in beautiful colours. You should be able to enjoy great results if you follow the advice above. Currently i have L018 Golden Nugget, L181 Peppermint and L128 Blue phantom. L128, is a stunning and highly prized species among aquarium enthusiasts. The Phantom Plecostomus, often referred to as the phantom, is an exotic, tropical, bottom-dwelling catfish that has recently Aug 31, 2022 · The blue spot phantom pleco, often known as the L128 pleco, is a large-sized member of the armored catfish family, Ancistriniidae (Bristlenose pleco). com/mikefish316Please Like & Subscribe!Instagram: https://instagram. If you purchase more fish or other goods, we will This is an updated version to my previous guide which had audio issues. If you're an aquarium enthusiast with an appreciation for exotic breeds, you're likely to be familiar with the Phantom Pleco. 5 inches . Ideal for medium to large aquariums. Scientifically, they are known as Hemiancistrus subviridis. These fish can be found in pet stores or online; however, it is important to research before buying a pleco blue phantom, as many companies are selling fake or hybrid plecos. Stress Reduction: A pH level between 6. 5-7. Suitable Tank Mates. If you are up to the challenge of caring for this unusual Pleco this article will tell you everything needed for years of success! Breeding phantom plecos, especially the blue phantom variety, is a rewarding experience. 31 votes, 10 comments. In this article, we will explore the importance of properly caring for blue phantom plecos in aquariums and the Dec 7, 2023 · Blue Phantom Pleco (L128 Pleco) Many aquarium owners keep the gorgeous freshwater fish known as the Blue Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus sp. An even darker form, the black phantom pleco, Hemiancistrus species L476, is found in the Rio Vaupes in Colombia but is rare overseas and has not Jul 14, 2020 · Most plecos breed in caves that the male has dug. L128) is a fantastic choice. 5 inches long. In this blog, we’ll explore the Blue phantom plecos are a greenish-blue, medium sized pleco (to 18 cm SL) with bluish white spots. Ericzerosept, CC BY-SA 3. Note that fish bred in captivity can adjust to different water parameters over time. Most male plecos have hairs on the face and or pectoral fins. 00 – $ 40. Baryancistrus: from the Ancient Greek βαρύς (barús), meaning ‘heavy’ and the generic name Ancistrus, in reference to the broad, robust body shape of member species. com/mi Edit: You get best quality & aren't left out of pocket. So please keep that in mind. Oct 10, 2011 #4 If I was choosing I'd probably go with a breeding pair of starlight ancistrus or leopard frog 1. In Conclusion The Green Phantom Pleco is a great choice for hobbyists looking for a small and attractive plecostomus species. The species is found in much of Jul 29, 2016 · Since it’s introduction into the aquarium trade in the 1990’s, Hemiancistrus subviridis has quickly established itself as one of the most popular species of South American loricariid catfish. Photo: Daniel Konn-Vetterlein Convention 2020 logo – Hara mesembrina original artwork by Coral Blue Phantom Pleco L128, Hemiancistrus sp. You can view the fish profile for this species, which includes information on how to maintain them and how to breed them, by clicking here. Approx 2. L128) Blue Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus sp. Females don't normally have hairs but some species the females might have a few, just not as many hairs as the males. The L128 pleco can reach up to 20 cm long in length and live up to 8 years in captivity, but the greatest size has yet to be determined. Blue Phantom Pleco (H. Both species live in the same river system with the Green Phantom Pleco living in the more northern portions of the river and the Blue Phantom Pleco living in the wider, more rocky downstream areas of the Orinoco Breeding. Sep 19, 2023 · Blue Phantom Plecos (L128) grow to an average size of 5 to 7 inches (12 to 18 centimetres) with a max size of 8 inches (20 centimetres) in captivity. One of the key factors to consider when keeping this fish as a pet is its size, as it can have a significant impact on its overall well-being and compatibility Jul 21, 2022 · Blue Eyed Pleco Care. Breeding Bristlenose Catfish - Ancistrus species - How to breed Ancistrus Breeding Whiptails - Information on hot to breed whiptail catfish species. Login to create a wish list. is a beautiful addition to the planted or community aquarium. Most of my guppies died but the neon tetras survived and I still have a few of the original stock in my new 80 gallon Clown Loach tank. In general, they are easy-to-care fish that anyone can keep; as long as their tank has parameters that fall within the range L239 can handle. £20. They are naturally found in areas with fairly high current but can adapt to calmer well L128 BLUE PHANTOM PLECO (Hemiancistrus sp. It is speculated that this fish may be a northern variant of the pleco Hemiancistrus subviridis, L-200. The easiest thing to do is to place the breeding plecos in a breeding tank. ) is a visually stunning freshwater fish celebrated for its striking coloration and effective algae-eating abilities. Siluriformes: Origin Venezuela Habitat Rivers Diet Omnivore, soft wood pH 6. 99. While the Greek, agkistron = hook, is thought to be the root of the term ancistrus, hemiancistrus can be taken to mean that these species have a part (not exactly HALF) of the features of the genus Ancistrus, but not ALL of the Aug 21, 2011 · Also look at the Blue Phantom Pleco L128 as well. If it is well looked after, the blue Phantom Pleco can live for 6-8 years. In Southeast Asia, China, and Thailand, the blue The L128 Blue Phantom Pleco is a beautifully marked medium growing species of Pleco found in the warm, fast-flowing, waters of the Orinoco Skip to content Aqua Imports, 2690 28th St # C, Boulder, CO 80301 Dec 27, 2022 · Blue Phantom Pleco. It has bluish spots and hard, armor-like scales. 99 to $89. If you have any questions, leave them down below. The blue phantom pleco is a wonderful fish to add to any aquarium. (L128) pH 6. They will easily adapt to life in the aquarium. L128 Blue Phantom Pleco 4. Blue Phantom plecos are nocturnal fish that will avoid brightly lit areas of the aquarium during the day, so regular LED lighting is fine for them. The Blue Phantom Pleco like most Pleco species needs driftwood for a balanced diet. Blue phantom pleco- Information on how to keep and care for Blue Phantom Plecos. L183, L260, L134, L46 (cheapest to most expensive). These are some I see that people buy because of how beautiful they are. What’s great is if you do manage to get them to breed, the male green phantom pleco is a devoted parent who looks after the eggs and fry really well. Blue Panaque Pleco care is easy and anyone can keep them. Blue Phantom Pleco L128 Name Lat. They are cave spawners, and it is recommended to provide them with caves or PVC pipes as potential spawning sites. 4 BREEDING PAIRS OF ANCISTRUS PLECOS L032, L107, "RIO TOCANTINS", L032 LIVE FISH The guppies breed upexpectedly like OP's and they eventually overpopuplated and crashed. Nov 28, 2023 · Blue Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus sp. While H. With its overall muted blue coloration and lighter colored polka dots, this visually alluring algae eater makes a great choice for freshwater hobbyists in Breeding Blue phantom pleco . Discover the beauty of the L128 Blue Phantom Pleco, a peaceful algae-eater with striking blue coloration. inspector): Snowball Plecos generally produce around 20-55 babies, depending on the favorable breeding conditions. Bear in mind, however, that like most loricariids H. 892K subscribers in the Aquariums community. 99 From $34. It lives in the upper Amazon River in Ecuador and Brazil. They are beautiful and unique-looking Discus Breeding Pairs (10) Discus Medications (US Shipping Only) (6) Equipment (30) Blue Phantom Pleco L128 $ 20. Jul 21, 2022 · In order to breed these fish, you will need a large group of Blue Phantom Plecos that are mature and at least 3-5 years old. ) and hundreds of other common and exotic freshwater aquarium fish direct from one of the leading aquarium fish breeders in North America since 1970. To breed, you’ll need both male and female fish in the tank. Sold out Quick view. They are tranquil fish with a lovely and distinctive appearance. Understanding Phantom Pleco: A Focus on Blue Phantom Pleco Breeding and Green Phantom Plecos. The Green Phantom Pleco, also known as the Pseudacanthicus leopardus, typically has a lifespan of 12 years. Our complete guide to caring for a Blue Phantom pleco. Cat-eLog Data Sheet; Scientific Name: Hemiancistrus sp. Very few have managed to breed them successfully. The Blue Phantom Pleco will grow to be about 7″ in typical frehsawater aquariums. Nov 14, 2018 · I am rather unfamiliar with pleco breeding, except for I know they tend to like to have a sort of cave to spawn in. uk 01732 243424 Dec 1, 2023 · Im new to pleco breeding but not new to aquariums or fishies Im setting up my breeding room with the plan to put 4 aquariums and if all gos well 6 of them. Can grow up to around 9-10 inches. 5" Regular price $59. The male plecos tend to grow much larger than the females, and females develop a rounder body than males. . Find and save ideas about blue phantom pleco on Pinterest. youtube. Do not keep fresh vegetables like cucumber in the aquarium for more than 6-12 hours as they will start to decay and will make your aquarium dirty. Sep 12, 2023 · Breeding Blue Phantom Plecos can be challenging but rewarding. I was wondering the likelihood of my F0 Peckoltia Brevis, and my blue phantom pleco crossbreeding. Hemiancistrus sp. Always in demand and easy to breed. Different blue phantom plecos grow to different sizes, with the largest growing to about 7. And when the plecos have stress, their color fades. You might notice the similarity between the Green Phantom Pleco (L200) and the Blue Phantom Pleco (L128) and this is for good reason. Demini Leopard Jan 27, 2024 · Blue phantom plecos are a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts due to their striking appearance and unique characteristics. How To Breed Pleco Fish. Breeding. Blue Phantom Plecos are one of the more expensive species of Pleco. Reports on the captive breeding of Blue Phantom Plecostomus are limited. Parameters below are based on research and fish keeping experience. 1 inches. Here are some key points to keep in mind: Male-to-Female Ratio. 'L128' Family Suckermouth Armoured Catfishes: Family lat. Learn about its care needs and features. sp. Nov 25, 2020 · Blue phantom plecos are large size plecos that can grow up to 7 inches. Breeding the Blue Phantom Pleco can be a rewarding yet challenging endeavor. Detailed Product DescriptionOverviewThe L128 Blue Phantom Pleco, scientifically known as Hemiancistrus sp. Sep 15, 2024 · Avoid drastic fluctuations in water quality, as these can cause stress and health issues in plecos. Thanks: 97. The water temperature should be slightly higher (around 82-84°F) to stimulate breeding. Aug 14, 2008 · I have a three in a half inch male blue phantom(I know its a male because he has the long and lots of spines on his sides as well as some on his front fins) and was wondering how I can go about breeding him with another phantom but how can I make sure its a female?wat also should I feed any fry but my main question is there will be a leopard Breeding group of adult blue phantoms, 6 to 7 inchAbout 20 to choose from £50 each Hi there , please find price list below. They have ALWAYS been together on the same log, and are often found just millimeters apart, if even. To minimize aggression during breeding, it is recommended to have one male and multiple female Blue Phantom Plecos in the breeding tank. 99 Sold out. Common name: Blue phantom plec L128. Renowned for its striking appearance and unique characteristics, this pleco can bring both beauty and functionality to your aquatic setup. It only survived a couple days in the tank, it kept fighting with the green phantom for it’s territory and got stressed and developed ich too (looking back at pictures it had tiny spots of ick I didn’t Expert facts, care advice, feeding tips and breeding information about the Blue Phantom Plec L128 (Hemiancistrus sp. Aufwuchs is the organic layer, part plant, part animal (small crustaceans, fresh water sponges, small insects and their eggs, plankton), that Scientific name: Hemiancistrus sp. 99 CAD. Aug 3, 2023 · Breeding the green phantom pleco is difficult. You are most welcome to come an Green phantom plecos are some of the most popular plecos in the tropical freshwater aquarium. Nov 8, 2022 · We ordered 6 Blue Phantom Plecos from a Store named Jack Wattley Discus. The Blue phantom pleco belongs to the genus Hemiancistrus and has been assigned the L-number L128. Belonging to the genus Hemiancistrus, this species not yet described by science is known for its dark blue hue and painted pattern. The Pleco’s broad flat head and body shape helps it navigate (or stay put) in very strong currents with minimal effort. Mixing protein diet plecos such as the hypans would not be good in the long term. If you want to try breeding "Stingray pleco", the Pseudogastromyzon cheni is a good beginner's choice. Blue Phantom Pleco is beautiful but has specific care needs. Is there any way it would be possible to cross breed these plecos? i also have some other large 200's. 2K votes, 150 comments. ) for freshwater aquarium fish enthusiasts. One of the key factors to consider when keeping this fish as a pet is its size, as it can have a significant impact on its overall well-being and compatibility High Fin Spotted Plecostomus, also known as the L-128 Blue Phantom Pleco, is a popular choice among fish enthusiasts due to its striking appearance and relatively easy care requirements. The Green Phantom Pleco can be successfully bred in an aquarium environment. They are simple to maintain and will live contentedly in your aquarium. 7. Pleco Forums. Native to South America, this pleco is one of the most magnificent of the fancy pleco variety. Please be aware that the image is for illustration purposes only. Not sure if it’s male or female. Apr 8, 2009 · All assigned numbers: L200 Name: Hemiancistrus subviridis Common Names: L200, Lemon spotted green pleco, green phantom pleco Location: South America: upper Rio Orinoco between Minicia and Rio Ventuari and Rio Ventuari, in the borderregion between Venezuela and Colombia. Blue Phantom Plec L128-Hemiancistrus The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. Got it off classifieds. ). Alligator Pleco - A guide to keeping and caring for Alligator plecos. The male is typically longer and thinner, while the female has a rounder belly. The male will guard the eggs until they hatch, so it’s essential to create a safe environment for this process. 0 – 7. The most distinctive attribute of this pleco is its deep, dark coloring, which shimmers a bluish hue. Eggs take about a week to hatch. Breeding Cat-eLog Data Sheet; Scientific Name: Hemiancistrus sp. Many Plecos you see in aquatics stores are wild-caught. It is expensive, averaging from $30 to Welcome to the very first ever Pleco Profile! In this episode we're gonna take a look at a very beautiful fancy pleco called the Blue Phantom or also know as Aug 31, 2023 · Blue Phantom plecos are primarily bottom-dwellers that like to burrow, so a soft, sandy substrate is the best choice for them, perhaps with a few smooth pebbles mixed in. It can reach a length of 18 cm (just over 7 inches). Select options. They are called Green Phantoms because of their beautiful green body color with yellow spots on it. But did you know there are two different species? Baryancistrus Aug 5, 2024 · Blue Phantom Pleco L128 Large 5"- 6" The Blue Phantom Pleco (L128, Hemiancistrus sp. Jul 21, 2022 · Green Phantom Plecos love to eat fresh vegetables like zucchini and cucumber. Green Phantom Dec 20, 2022 · (Green Phantom Pleco Breeding) Green phantom plecos can be bred in an aquarium, but it is important to note that they are challenging to produce and require special conditions to do so successfully. L128) is an attractive freshwater fish that is owned by many aquarium owners. Predatory Fins is owned by fish fanatics just like you. Common Name - Blue Phantom Pleco Scientific Name - Hemiancistrus sp. A single of these fish will cost you around $26 to $75. If you're searching for a complete guide for the species, this article's for you! Jun 25, 2012 · PREVIOUS VIDEO : THREE BEACON PLECO AQUARIUM FISHhttps://www. Renowned for its striking appearance, mysterious behavior, and relative rarity, the Blue Phantom Pleco offers a unique and intriguing addition to any freshwater aquarium. Aug 11, 2023 · Most Pleco breeds are hard, to impossible to breed, and the Blue Phantom Pleco is unfortunately not a fish to be bred in captivity. Nov 24, 2023 · L239 Pleco Care. Pterygoplichthys ambrosettii the snowking pleco 14 Breeding the blue phantom pleco L128 20 An undescribed Synodontis species 24 Species new to the hobby 27 Research Support Fund 29 10 Cover image: Panaqolus L351. opinions on whether this is Mar 20, 2023 · Proper care ensures that your Blue Phantom Pleco thrives and reaches its maximum potential size! Green Phantom Pleco Lifespan. Breeding Green Phantom Pleco Dec 18, 2022 · Pleco fish price: Blue phantom pleco for sale can range from $30 to $60, depending on the size and quality of the pleco. Learn more about L128 Blue Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus sp. Plecostomus Blue Phantom: Breeding . The Blue Phantom Pleco (Hypancistrus sp. Here’s a table of 20 Pleco species along with their desired pH range: L Number Plecos Tropical fish delivered to your door with a 7 day guarantee! The Trop Company Bourne Valley Fish Farm, Hamptons Road Hadlow, Tonbridge Kent TN11 9RG United Kingdom sales@tropco. Once you confirm you have at least one male and one female in your breeding group, you can start to condition your fish for breeding. This species is sought after by aquarium enthusiasts for its unique coloration and peaceful nature. The male then stands guard at the entrance of the cave to protect the 30 to 45 eggs until they hatch, which usually takes between 3 to 4 days. May 7, 2022 · Breeding plecos has the potential to be very satisfying overall. buymeacoffee. While the Greek, agkistron = hook, is thought to be the root of the term ancistrus, hemiancistrus can be taken to mean that these species have a part (not exactly HALF) of the features of the genus Ancistrus, but not ALL of the Introducing my favourite pleco. L191 Dull Eyed Royal Pleco / Panaque cf. Our purpose is to be able to bring the fish you always wanted into your tank, we import fish from all around the world and sell them anywhere in the US, if you have any questions or concerns about a fish, just contact us at 561-430-7944. Achieving successful Pleco breeding involves simulating their natural habitat and monitoring behavior closely. L239 Plecos have special care needs which include extra attention to diet, tank setup, and water quality. A Buy direct from the breeder — live shipping with 100% safe and healthy arrival guarantee. 5 minimizes stress for Plecos, preventing behaviors like erratic swimming or reduced appetite. Breeding - Very Difficult Orig Mar 5, 2014 · Other tank mates blue phantom plecos, 6 pepper cory, 13 cardinal tetras, 3 bolivian rams, 6 oto catfish, 4 american flagfish, and 2 synodontis petricola dwarf catfish. As far as we know, there are no official reports of the Blue phantom pleco breeding in aquariums. The picture above is only there for illustrative purposes. Blue Phantom Pleco - Information on how to keep and care for blue phantom plecos. L128): Blue Phantom Plecos commonly have around 25-70 offspring, considering typical hatching rates and survival factors. Breeding Plecos is a rewarding challenge, requiring specific conditions and patience. The subreddit for anything related to aquariums! Come here to enjoy pictures… Baryancistrus demantoides WERNEKE, SABAJ PÉREZ, LUJAN & ARMBRUSTER, 2005 Green Phantom Pleco, L200 Etymology. Feb 22, 2020 · Bristlenose plecos - super red, albino longfins, longfin blue eyes. In this detailed Oct 26, 2022 · My first year Journey of breeding Zebra Pleco’s. In order to breed these fish, the best thing is to encourage their natural tendencies. L128) 2-2. The fishes colour and slightly shy personality makes it a majestic fish in our aquaria. They require little attention and are hardy enough to adapt to your tank conditions. By Epiphanaea December 5, 2023 in Fish Breeding. Scientific name: This fish is undescribed and should be considered incertae sedis - taxonomic position uncertain. Feel free to post pictures of yours, ask questions about breeding, care, or feeding, or just general chat about corys. subviridis can become quite belligerent towards any conspecifics and similarly-sized competitors. 50. Blue Phantom breeding Plecostomus can be quite challenging, as there have been only a few reported instances of success. Everything Pleco, from care to treatment, questions to answers! Jun 23, 2022 · L128 Blue Phantom Pleco Care GuideIf you wish to support: https://www. Blue Phantom Plecos are characterized by their dark blue to black bodies, often highlighted by The Green Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus subviridis) is a captivating freshwater fish that hails from the fast-flowing rivers of Venezuela and Colombia in South America. Breeding you Blue Phantom Pleco fish in captivity is a difficult process. Photos Green Phantom Plecos aren't nearly as common as the Common Pleco, and their rarity often correlates to a higher price tag. 5 to 7. i have bred bristle nose plecos without much problem, and i wanted to go for another species. They are quite sensitive so good water quality is essential along with natural wood for them to graze on. The blue phantom L128 pleco. Shop L128 Blue Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus sp. Jan 8, 2024 · Blue phantom pleco (L128) is a beautiful and relatively rare pleco. We need a female and male Blue Phantom Pleco to co-exist for breeding purposes. Discover their natural habitat, common diseases, and conservation efforts. The fish has an intense blue colour, a very rare colour in Loricariidae but the fish is not very unusual in our aquatic shops. but i think a cros would be unique. They are harder to breed but not impossible. The owner, Gabe, was extremely helpful and made it a personalized experience! This i Blue Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus sp. Share Fish Breeding ; Blue Phantom Plecos IPS Theme by IPSFocus; Theme . L128, is a stunning freshwater fish with a blueish-gray body and bright red eyes. Jan 17, 2022 · Blue Phantom Pleco Breeding. Oct 13, 2024 · Matt Clarke on the Blue phantom plec, a lovely L-number catfish from the Colombia-Venezuela border. Not sure if it’s a male or female. Hobbyists can expect to pay between $50-$100 for a single Green Phantom Pleco. This L-number may be a darker, northern form of the green phantom pleco, Hemiancistrus subviridis. Lighting and Decoration. Blue Phantom Pleco L128 The stunning Blue Phantom Pleco is a great addition to a peaceful, soft water aquarium. L128), also known as the L128 Blue Phantom Pleco, is a captivating and enigmatic species of catfish that has captivated the hearts of aquarium enthusiasts worldwide. 0 Temp: 77-86°F. 5°C) The ideal water temperature for breeding Plecos lies slightly above their normal range, typically between So now that I have a Blue Phantom. It’s best to keep just one male in the tank Jul 5, 2021 · The Blue Phantom Pleco originated in Venezuela, where it is found in the Rio Orinoco River. Apr 3, 2023 · This pleco is also commonly known by hobbyists as the Blue Phantom Pleco, ice blue pleco, or simply the L128. Nonetheless, a few precautions need to be known before placing Blue Phantom Pleco fishes together. "Blue Phantom" Max Size - 8" Care - Moderate Temperature Range - 77-86F pH - 6. Juveniles will eat more plant-based foods. Let’s take a look at the list of supplies you’ll need to start a tank for your Blue Phantom Pleco! For a single Phantom Community Aquarium, you will need: 50 gallon or larger aquarium with stand and cover/hood; Filtration system (canister, HOB or combo) High Fin Spotted Plecostomus, also known as the L-128 Blue Phantom Pleco, is a popular choice among fish enthusiasts due to its striking appearance and relatively easy care requirements. DarkTheme . Aug 24, 2023 · The Blue Phantom Plecostomus originates from the rapids of the Rio Orinoco in Venezuela and even further downstream. Aug 18, 2022 · I bought a large adult blue panaque last year and added it to my 75 gallon tank with my green phantom and royal pleco about the same size. Mar 22, 2023 · If you’ve ever wanted to breed L200 Green Phantoms in your home aquarium but needed help figuring out where to start your green phantom Pleco breeding journey, you’ve come to the right place. com/watch?v=DBFu6G4im7kBeautifully coloured and typically pretty hardy (once settled in) Blue Phantom Pleco Configuration: List of Products and Equipment. However, some blue phantom plecos grow slightly larger, while others may stay on the smaller side. To encourage breeding, provide plenty of hiding spots and caves in the tank where the fish can lay their eggs. , L128) ranges from a light blue to black. Tank Requirements: Start with a minimum 55-gallon tank to give Plecos ample space. These fish, also known as Hemiancistrus sp. Enhanced Breeding Success: Breeding Plecos thrive in their ideal pH range, resulting in higher success rates and healthier offspring. The Blue phantom pleco is a dark blue fish decorated with blueish white spots. L128 Blue Phantom Pleco / Hemiancistrus sp. co. Origin: These were imported from the Colombia-Venezuela border. 5 Behavior Nocturnal, peaceful Keeping Individual, pair, group Care Level Moderate Reproduction Cave spawner Breeding Blue Panaque L239 Baryancistrus beggini L200 Green Phantom Pleco Baryancistrus demantoides Previous Price: $59. L128 Blue Phantom Pleco (Ancistrinae Hemiancistrus SP)-L128 Blue Phantom L128 BLUE PHANTOM PLECO (Hemiancistrus sp. Approx 5 inches long £60 Please bring a suitable bag Mar 10, 2023 · The Green Phantom Pleco, also known as L200 Green Phantom Pleco, is a very beautiful fish that originates from the Orinoco river stretching from Colombia to Venezuela. May 29, 2011 · The Blue Phantom is the name often used for this pleco. Edited. Breeding Bristlenose Catfish - Ancistrus species- How to breed Ancistrus Breeding Whiptails- Information on hot to breed whiptail catfish species. It is a member of the Loricariidae family of South American suckermouth catfishes and is closely related to the more common gold nugget pleco (L018). ) Breeding Blue phantom pleco . During the breeding process, the male will seduce the female into his cave, where the eggs are laid and fertilized. Pleco Chat Aug 28, 2024 · The Blue Phantom Pleco: A Stunning Addition to Your AquariumIf you’re looking to add a touch of elegance and color to your freshwater aquarium, the Blue Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus sp. They also can change their colors when hiding! Jan 20, 2024 · The blue phantom pleco, also known as Hemiancistrus sp. Anything not answered in the video please leave a comment and we will rely as quick as possible! Enjoy! Preferably chose species that like fast moving water. Gold Nugget pleco: 11/08/24: Yes: Queen fine spot Gold nugget Pleco. I had a 29 gallon tall tank that was set up for 16 years. Aug 15, 2022 · Blue Panaque Pleco Care. 0. Unit price / per . Open to offers, please drop me a message if you are interested. L128 Blue Phantom Pleco Hemiancistrus SP 3-4" £36. Hillstream Loaches have been successfully bred in captivity but captive bred specimens are still rare in the aquarium trade. Breeding Pair Snowball Pleco (H. L128). Not recommended if you intend to breed them down the road. They are algae-eaters but need some meaty foods in their diet as well. When selecting tank mates for Green Phantom Plecos, avoid other bottom-dwelling species like other plecos or catfish, as this can lead to territorial disputes. Breeding Blue Phantom Plecos can be a rewarding experience for aquarium enthusiasts. Members Online After waiting for two years, it finally happened !! Blue Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus) 73-82°F (23-27. $34. SNOW WHITE BREEDING PAIR ANCISTRUS PLECO BRISTLENOSE Tropical fish RARE LG PLECO. Its vibrant colors draw the eye, but it's their interesting breeding habits that really catch the attention of aquarists. 2" belowAdd a splash of color to your aquarium with the L128 Blue Phantom Pleco, a stunning fish known for its vibrant blue hues and captivating presence. When breeding these freshwater fish, it is crucial to provide them with a well-oxygenated separate breeding tank with plenty of hiding spots. com Nov 24, 2023 · Blue Phantom Pleco Breeding This species, in particular is not known for being easy to breed. Feb 7, 2023 · The fabulous Blue Phantom Pleco is a midsize suckermouth catfish with stunning markings that’s ideal for community aquariums 50-gallons and up! Breeding; Health Aug 1, 2023 · Blue Phantom Pleco Breeding. Known commonly as the Green Phantom Catfish, this handsome fish sports an unusual olive-green shade to its body, accented with numerous fine yellow spots along the forebody, making it a stately AngelHub Aquatics offers L128 Blue Phantom Pleco 2” at $42. (L128) , 1993: Common Names: L128, Blue Phantom Pleco Blå Fantom-sugemalle ()Etymology: Greek, hemi = the half. Mixing Blue Phantom and Bristlenose should be fine since their diets are close enough. Based on their natural habitat, they are presumed to be cave spawners, with the male typically assuming the responsibility of safeguarding the eggs. subviridis can be kept as single specimens in a community of other loricariids, the most rewarding way to enjoy this fish is to maintain a breeding group. (The Blue phantom pleco is known to tolerate slower conditions, so fast moving water is not mandatory. L-number: "L128" Origin: South America / Venezuela ~ Colombia / Puerto Ayacucho ~ Puerto Carreno Jun 1, 2011 · i have some large blue phantoms and what i think is a large male green phantom. Regular price Sale price $59. Even though this fish can adapt to an aquarium environment, its ideal to match your tank to its natural habitat as much as possible. This ensures that they can focus on breeding, and you’ll be more likely to see the eggs hatch without encountering problems. Alligator Pleco - A guide to keeping and caring for Bushy Nose Plecos. Gets on with other l333 plecos. But that's provided they breed blue. it got me thinking once they’re old enough start breeding them and make some side cash since apparently they’re… Apr 9, 2024 · The Blue Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus sp. Aquarium 174 Decoration 59 Backgrounds 17 Breeding equipment 28 Breeding caves 14 Slate hotels 5 Nature products 19 Dimensions of the Blue Phantom pleco plush are Breeding Blue Phantom Plecos can be a rewarding experience for aquarium enthusiasts. nigrolineatus It may or may not be Hemiancistrus subviridis, also known as the green phantom plec (L200), which it resembles very closely in morphology. All specimens are fed prepared and frozen foods. Dec 22, 2020 · Re: When can I tell the sex of my blue phantom im getting tomorrow Post by KirstensFishyFriends » Wed Jan 06, 2021 3:09 am Hey all, he or she is only around 2. It’s an omnivore species from South America popular in home aquariums due to its striking coloration and Unsure of gender. 1K subscribers in the pleco community. £40 Please bring a suitable bag/container to collect. Jul 7, 2023 · Learn about the appearance, care, breeding, and tankmate compatibility of Blue Phantom Plecos. By creating a suitable breeding environment, understanding their courtship and mating rituals, and providing proper care for the eggs and fry, you can increase your chances of successfully breeding these beautiful plecos. When it is together with other species of fish, the Blue Phantom Pleco is a tranquil, calm fish. From my memory of alleles and punnet squares, the blue colouration may not breed true from x2 blue parents. This fish prefers at least some water current with the water pH just on the acid side of neutral. 5-5" Wild Caught - Live Fish Fast Shipping Collectible. We are unable to 100 % guarantee the Aug 17, 2009 · Sexing and Breeding: Males have longer odontodes behind the gill covers and on the pectoral-fin spine Diet: A look at the mouth of the Blue Phantom Pleco reveals that this species is an "Aufwuchs" eater. Omnivore. See full list on vivofish. 12 bids. The Golden Nuggets are already setup in one of the Tanks and the rest will be filled with water in the upcoming week. They are native to Venezuela: Rio Orinoco: Puerto Ayacucho and downstream Orinoco. L128, are native to the Amazon River basin in South America. Breeding the Blue Phantom Pleco in captivity can be challenging. Blue Phantom pleco: 11/08/24: Yes: Blue Phantom Pleco. The Blue Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus sp. Blue Eyed Pleco care is easy and simple, however, you might need to make a few tweaks to your tank so this species can happily live in the tank. 5 inches long, I am new to plecos, i had some in the past and they died, my fault, but I now know, I did the most research I could leading up to today, got him or her proper foods, got The Blue Phantom Pleco (Hemiancistrus sp. We know that it isn’t impossible to breed these fish, as there have been a few reports of successful attempts, but the underwhelming number of instances proves that it’s difficult to achieve. Also Read: Pleco Fish Tank Mates. They are fast growers and require a moderate amount of care. Loricariidae: Order Catfishes: Order lat. ), see beautiful images, care and tank info. It is adaptable but does not do well with abrupt temperature and water conditions changes. kbnuf qxojqtbw nehd auwa zugdp kavypd blxl nfmo gnml tiyq